
April 8, 2013 by Tim

Britanny and I would like to thank everyone that has emailed, tweeted, or posted in the forums with words of support and condolences over the past week in regards to Simon. While the many of you that have lost pets yourselves know that words can’t lessen the pain, we did find comfort in the community, and reassurance.

This has been one of the most difficult experiences of our lives so far. Simon was so little, and relied on us so much with all of his health problems, and was such a big part of our lives. Speaking personally, I’ve never lost a pet before. There were times when I would try to imagine what it would be like when Simon or Kaylee left me, after seeing a dog die in a movie, or reading it in a book. I would have to immediately scoop them up and snuggle them. It was unbearable to think of then, and the reality of it is much worse.

The shock and disbelief of his passing is starting to fade away now. I’m beginning to accept that he is in fact gone. I do still catch myself glancing at some of his favorite spots expecting him to be there… or thinking he’ll come running when I call for the other dogs to go outside. I feel like I’m walking around with a piece missing. I know it’s going to feel that way for a long, long time.

For those of you that have pets, please give them hugs and kisses. Remember to appreciate the moments you have with them. Focus on these from time to time. Commit them to memory in as much detail as you can. Of all the kisses and snuggles your pet will give you over their lifetime, pick a few in the moment and burn them into your mind. Take pictures and videos, lots of them. So much of life can become a blur and blend together, and it’s important to remember the little things.

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