Alteil Horizons

September 19, 2013 by Tim

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a tactics/CCG hybrid on Kickstarter, called Alteil Horizons. Not only does it look like a really cool game, but backers get access to some exclusive alternate versions of cards in the game… one of which is mine!

I drew a new version of the ‘Efreet’, a fiery goat-demon thing. You get a copy (or multiple copies) of the card to use in your decks at every backer level over $20. There are also a ton of other exclusive cards that won’t be available after the Kickstarter, from artists like Pete Abrams!

Alteil is actually an existing Japanese card game that is now being remade/improved for release in the rest of the world. It drops a lot of the standard CCG elements, and combines them with a turn-based tactics game. On top of a unique day/night mechanic, the game looks incredibly deep.

Check out the Kickstarter here, and you can also vote for it on Steam Greenlight!

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