Caching, part 2

April 15, 2017 by Tim

This is the latest I’ve received from Ryan at ScreenWave regarding the front page caching:

We believe the issue is resolved. We made a change to the server caching first and we’re seeing the front page cache clear when you are posting comics. A few days later we made a change to invalidate users local browser caches in the same process. That was tested with every device we have. The only people left are the people who the last time they visited the site was when the problem existed, and not again with a refresh. Those people will get hit at the natural cache expiration which may have already happened.

We really want to get this issue ironed out, but it’s difficult because it’s affecting a very small percentage of readers, and we can only really see if changes were effective when I post a new comic, every 2-3 days.
If this problem does still persist for any of you, it’s helpful for you to provide as much information regarding your browser type and version as possible, and whether you have tried forcing your cache clear. You can either do this with Ctrl+F5 or CMD+F5, or barring that, manually clearing them via the settings menu of your browser.

I do appreciate your patience while we work out this kink.

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7 years ago

Still having the issue. Ctrl+F5 worked the for the last update. When today’s update came out, I still had the old comic. Ctrl+F5 brought up the new page again.

Here is my browser info:

Version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)

Google Chrome is up to date.

Running on Windows 10.

7 years ago

What I can tell you is that this blog post suffered the same problem (it isn’t visible on the cached front page to me). I use Chrome 57 on windows 7 & 10, across 3 devices, and I’m experiencing the problem 100% across all 3 devices, which are on 2 different ISPs. To me that says that the problem might be with cloudflare. I have also noticed a string of 404s and lookup fails in the network tab. If your people would like more from that, I can get it for them. To help, I have tested both with and… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Brian

This is now working for me across all 3 devices.

7 years ago

I do not know what you did to clear user agent caches, but whatever it is, it is not what I would have recommended. The general way of controlling caching is through the HTTP response headers ‘Expires’ and/or ‘Cache-Control’. I can see that neither of those headers are included in the response when visiting the front page. I recommend that you and your developers look into the subject of HTTP headers and figure out what would be a good cache policy for each resource on the site.

Jest Phulin
Jest Phulin
7 years ago

Just happened to me, running Chrome Version 48.0.2564.116 under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Yeah, old computer, I know. It had been on Barrel Awareness, now it is freezing on This Will Be the One. Also, the latest news defaults to Caching, not “Caching, Part 2.”

Jest Phulin
Jest Phulin
7 years ago
Reply to  Jest Phulin

Manually clearing cache (images and files) did fix it, for now.

7 years ago

Still have issues with the caching. Opera on Windows 10

7 years ago

Chrome 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit) on Windows 10. Visiting the URL

Loaded the comic from April 12th, This will be the one. Forced refresh resolved the issue as expected.

7 years ago

Clearing the cache worked fine for me. Windows 10, PaleMoon latest, and Windows 7, Firefox latest.

7 years ago

Oddly enough I didn’t have this issue until a recent update. Had me back on your JRPG comic instead. Clearing cache worked out fine, I’m using Chrome Version 57.0.2987.133 on Win 7.

7 years ago

Today I was greeted by the latest update without issue for the first time. Firefox 49.0.2 Windows 7

7 years ago

still not updating. version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit) chrome, win 7 64bit

Scott S.
Scott S.
7 years ago

i normally just stop in to read the comic glad i explored the site a little. i was starting to wonder if something bad had happened. tried the ctrl+f5 thing today and it let me see everything i’ve missed since the pubg comic. curious what’ll happen next time i log in currently using opera version 43.0.2442.1144 (PGO) for my browser

Scott S.
Scott S.
7 years ago
Reply to  Scott S.

confirmed updating normally again!

7 years ago

Still happening to me. CTRL+F5 works though.

Browser: Version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)
OS: Windows 10 Pro,1703, 64-Bit

7 years ago
Reply to  Sio

Edit: Browser is Chrome 🙂

Robert Billen
Robert Billen
7 years ago

Chrome 57.0.2987.133
Windows 7

CTRL+F5 got the latest comic up but I can’t view any archives and I can’t use the “previous”, “Next”, “First”, “Last”, etc links, nothing happens so I can’t see what I’ve missed.

Robert Billen
Robert Billen
7 years ago
Reply to  Robert Billen

I just want to update that the daily comic works fine this the above comment but I still can’t click previous, first, last etc. Can’t view anything in the archives either.

7 years ago

Just for info.

Windows 7, Chrome 57.0.2987.133 still had the console wars comic today.
CTRL + F5 cleared it to the new one.

7 years ago

I still have to use ctrl+F5 each time to see the latest comic. Windows 7 with Chrome 51.0.2704.79, behind a corporate firewall.