Castle Crashers

August 26, 2008 by Tim

So Castle Crashers finally hits XBLA tomorrow. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this game for years.

Since it’s got four-player co-op, I thought it might be fun to offer three spots to readers for a bit of a Castle Crashers marathon tomorrow afternoon starting at 4pm EST and running until… whenever.

I’m planning on playing the Green Knight, which means that I am going to need a Red Knight, Blue Knight and Orange Knight. If you’re interested in some Castle Crashing with me and two other CAD fans, all you need to do is send an email to cad.castlecrash (at) gmail (dot) com, with a short paragraph (500 words or less) on why you would be the best Orange/Red/Blue Knight (choose one) for my group.

I’ll read them and choose the most amusing/entertaining entry for each color. If they all suck, I’ll choose one at random. I’ll take entries for the rest of today, and make choices tonight after midnight. Winners will be notified by email, after which I’ll make sure you’re on my friends list.

If you submit an entry, please be sure that you can have the full game purchased tomorrow, and ready to play at 4pm EST. You must be starting with a fresh, level 1 character.

I’ll also be clearing some space on my XBL friends list tomorrow, if you want to send me an invite. In the event that one of the Knights has to leave, I’ll try and find someone on my friends list to fill the spot.

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