Christian DeReimer Trust and CNL

March 25, 2011 by Tim

Christian DeReimer is a buddy of mine. I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about him in the past. I met him at the very first Digital Overload back in 2006, and we’ve stayed in touch ever since. A couple of years ago you guys helped Christian and his family win a great vacation that they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford.

Christian has a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy that has certainly provided him and his family their fair share of hardships. Hardships that I have seen them regularly overcome and persevere through. Christian has remained an inspiration to me over the five years I’ve known him.

But they don’t do it alone. His condition requires constant care, and a trust has been set up in his name to help with the medical and nursing costs. If any of you are in a particularly generous mood, or just interested in reading a little about this extraordinary guy, I’d ask you to just swing by their website and see what they’re about. And if you live in the PA area, look into the CNL event that they run to help raise money. A few dollars from a lot of people really makes a difference, trust me.

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