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A Competitive Offer

August 26, 2022 by Tim

I love Discord as an LFG tool for when I can’t wrangle my friends for a game. In fact, some of my favorite people to game with are ones I originally met through LFG chat rooms for certain games.

But, I’ve seen the LFG sections go a little off the rails, too, in terms of what prerequisites people impose. Some of them I get, 18+, be casual or be sweaty, English or whatever; you want to let people know what sort of vibe you’re looking for.

At some point I feel like it it starts getting silly though, like setting entry points in “number of hours played”, as if that means anything.

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2 years ago

From experience, I know that even so-called “veterans” can still be as dumb as bricks, and obnoxious to boot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jared
2 years ago

going for an entry level job interview…

2 years ago

Only god tier need apply since I’m a total noob and need you to carry me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Risky

Thanks for translating 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Risky

that is 100% what i assume when i see people require more hours/gear etc then they themselves have

2 years ago
Reply to  Risky

I literally saw that in SC2 co-op chat a lot. “Looking for teammate for Brutal Mutation, carry only”

2 years ago

Maybe this is a language thing, but what sort of requirement is “be sweaty”? I don’t get that reference at all. I can’t imagine it’s about people literally sweating. The only other reference I can find is that they might be a hard worker? But that also doesn’t really fit with a game LFG.

2 years ago
Reply to  Blackclaws

apparantly it’s the opposite of casual. I think when I was young (truth be told I’m 37) the word was “hardcore”.

Dingle Bloopynoop
Dingle Bloopynoop
2 years ago
Reply to  Blackclaws

it means you take the game as seriously as possible and play like your life depends on it most of the time

2 years ago
Reply to  Blackclaws

You had the idea with hard worker. Casual players may not take the game seriously, not give it as much focus, and they sit back having fun. “Sweats” give it their entire focus, lean forward in their seat, and may actually sweat while playing. Another differentiator, at least in some games, is whether a person might give the opposing team more of a chance to score. In rocket league when the score is like 16 to 3, the casual players who is winning might intentionally stop playing as well to allow the score to even. Sweats will continue destroying the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Blackclaws

similar term ive seen used, shitbucket. basically they dont do anything but the game to the point they better be using a bucket for a seat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Blackclaws

I dunno – but “be casual or be sweaty” would make a great update for “be there or be square”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Blackclaws

Being sweaty is the same as being a tryhard. It is actually a reference that you are trying to win so hard that you are physically sweating(though you are right, they probably are not literally sweating). The context is usually that you are trying so hard to win, you are not having fun and perhaps even ruining the game for others. However, that isn’t actually true either. Often times people use sweaty or tryhard as an insult against people who are simply better than them. In that context it is like saying, “I would of won but I am just… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Blackclaws

It’s a newfangled way of calling someone a neckbeard.

Last edited 2 years ago by Awesome
2 years ago

I sit afk or tabbed out in games all the time, so my playtime gets inflated way beyond what I’ve actually played. Something like 20-40% of playtime is idle while I do other things but don’t exit the game.

Wesley Riot
Wesley Riot
2 years ago

This is the equivalent of destiny lfg “must have 200 raid clears and KWTD and Kd 50+ And understand advanced thermodynamics and have 2-6 cats but no dogs”

2 years ago

Do I want to know what “sweaty” means in this context?

2 years ago
Reply to  Daemone

It means try-harding. Min-maxing, complicated strategies, shot-calling/strict adherence to shots called, stuff like that. It’s the difference between Poké Floats with items and Fox only Final Destination.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Glaedien

You have given such a vivid, perfect description that I not only understand and can visualize, but can even *smell* what you mean.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Ha, I’m not sure if I should thank you for the praise, or apologize for the phantom… “fragrance”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Glaedien
2 years ago
Reply to  Glaedien

Ah memories of SSBM parties with far too many unwashed males in far too small and undercooled spaces

2 years ago

It’s a minefield for shore. ? ?

2 years ago

I don’t have many memories of LFG chat rooms tbh. I’ve mostly either played with a very tiny circle of friends and their friends, or by myself and (sometimes) found chill people to play with in a game.

I need more friends… ?

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago

One of many reasons I don’t bother with multiplayer games anymore. One of the two major ones, in fact. The other being that I refuse to pay Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo for the “privilege” of using the internet connection I already pay an ISP too much for. All three of them can gargle gonads. They aren’t even providing any value for the money they charge, like dedicated servers or helping their development partners with good netcode. It’s nothing more than a greedy paywall to use the internet. Also, I’m just going to try and forget that I heard the term… Read more »

2 years ago

It really depends on the game. Some games have amazing multiple community and others are extremely toxic.

william scott
william scott
2 years ago
Reply to  Lily

sadly SoT is like WoW in hpow toxic they both are.

2 years ago

Must have an Intuitive knowledge of game mechanics,and how each and every item in the game helps you or hinders you in any situation.

2 years ago

*Runs the ship into the nearest black cliff that looks like an ass.
‘Up! Yours!’
*Disbands group.

2 years ago

Sounds pretty much like my first job interview back in the days.
Asked for 5 years of experience in windows 7… when it was out for a month.

2 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

When HR makes requirements about things they know nothing about. Still fighting that battle today, as our HR department cant seem to figure it out and we have 6 positions unfilled.

2 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

As if you need years of experience using an operating system (unless you’re a sysadmin)…

2 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

at least with the windows 7 bit, it could very well have been a poor Find & Replace All run on the job listings to update them. Still stupid and unproffesional to do something like that, but for completely different reasons (also still a huge red flag for a company)

2 years ago

I played WoW for years. This seems par, if not a little lax, for LFG requirements.

Bernie Margolis
Bernie Margolis
2 years ago
Reply to  CombatMagi

And the irony of it all is that these same people turn around and complain that the game is too easy. They disparage random group finders (like the one that Blizzard cut out of their “Classic WotLK” release to promote “socialization”) when recruiting people to do typical content, and then they complain that when everything just melts in the face of the sweaty tryhards that they insist on doing everything with. The game is always “too easy” for these people, and it’s caused MMO difficulty to increasingly rise to the point where most of these games aren’t even fun anymore.

2 years ago

Can confirm: I have lots of hours in Rocket League and I’m still a scrub.

2 years ago

So what I’m hearing is I need to leave the game running while I’m at work so I can accrue hours “played”…..

2 years ago
Reply to  Verdiekus

No no no, you need to *quit* your job and go full-time gaming. /s

2 years ago

…and that is exactly one of the reasons why I will always prefer singleplayer games.

2 years ago

The best pirate games were made by Sid Meier,l yes the civilization guy.

william scott
william scott
2 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

amen. pirates gold is always top tier.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago

Sometimes, I do wonder why these huge online multiplayer experiences become so dang popular, when literally all I ever hear about them is how terrible they are. I dunno. Maybe when you really enjoy something, the areas where it doesn’t measure up feel that much worse. Personally…. I haven’t really had this experience, of having to go find a group of people to work with since… oh, 2002. And it was high school. For a group project. I’ll do single player or couch co-op or even something like Splatoon, where I’m matched with randoms against randoms and nobody talks. But… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

over the years the programmers took out every thing that casual players liked about it.
it seems they catered the good content to the uber raider types so your casual gamer has almost nothing to do that isn’t super easy but step into an instance raid zone with out good gear( that you can only get in the raids) and you die in seconds

they were fun games early on but maybe i’m biased since the early guilds i was in were mostly already my real life friends anyway. and they slowly game up the MMO games.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

The bigger game producers chose this because singleplayer games have almost no capacity to encourage microtransactions and the like. Then, they have the marketing muscle to entice players into it, which closes the circuit

william scott
william scott
2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

i honestly think no one LIKES MP games. they just like the universe its built on and play it to get more of that. like with wow i would bet my life savings if we had a SP skyrim like game made for it everyone would leave the MMO in a heartbeat.

2 years ago

This is definitely the LFG in the official discord haha. Say hi to me in Tavern sometime, Tim.

Last edited 2 years ago by PersonalC0ffee
2 years ago

when i see requirements like that its not people wanting to be with someone of their level, they want carried. back in wow id see it all the time especially when i was trying to get into a raid on my warlock. oh youre not cookie cutter destro? we cant have such low dps on trash backs! boss fight later with me on the top of the damage charts and they shut up about my affliction build. i might need a ride to the boss, but that boss will be suffering for it.

i miss those days

2 years ago

This looks an awful lot like some of the Raid LFGs I’ve seen for Division 2 on FB and Discord.

“Requirements are X number of hours played, minimum SHD Level of X, must have American Flag backpack trophy and all Hunter masks and be able to solo District Union Arena on Legendary while getting a colonoscopy.”

2 years ago

In my experience this is all public multiplayer. It’s why I just don’t bother.

2 years ago

So in summary, single player for the win, or an easy-going community for that social interaction I keep hearing about?
If I’m to spend my precious gaming time interacting with people, I demand a minimum level of silliness in said community. It’s mandatory.

2 years ago

A couple of these Sea of Thieves LFG’s can be made up of griefers too. On one occasion I joined a LFG party that was full of 10 people. They immediately started coming at me with homophobic slurs. I’ve heard of it happening to other people too. Sea of Thieves may be a beautiful game but it does attract a crappy element.

william scott
william scott
2 years ago

SoT is so toxic it may as well be a rockstar game. there is a reason that i refuse to play despite loving the pirate genre.

2 years ago

Same happened in WoW back in the day, to get a highish level piece of armor from an LFG raid, they were requiring you had much higher gear. I mean… why?