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Analog and D-Pad 05.10

December 22, 2017 by Tim

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7 years ago

ooooh, so that’s what the errand was
dude is still feeling shitty after all this time in spite of what he said before
well, that’s good, if he wasn’t he’d just be another asshole

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago

Hello, future supervillain.

I mean, come on, you don’t just fall into a truck full of chemicals and survive only to just live crippled for the rest of your life and eat Jello. Not in SuperHeroesburg. Ethan, I know you feel cruddy about it, but ten to one he’s going to develop some crazy superpower and jet around the city like a demigod. He might even thank you for it.

It’s like your own personal Joker.

7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Tbh if the town got so many superheroes and villains you would expect there was some sort of contingency to avoid these things.

7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

well, joker actually doesn’t have superpower … hes just both insane and criminal genius

troll on other hand … dunno if deformed slightly insane internet troll is new thing

4 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

New thing? I thought that was just nerdy neckbeards and incels thing.

7 years ago

Unless the guy in the bed who fell was really just a robot designed to look like him. And the real guy is still out there.

7 years ago
Reply to  WhoAmI?

want a tinfoil hat with that comment?

Padraic O'Leary
Padraic O'Leary
7 years ago

I get feeling sorry for the guy, but he tried to kill 3 people and actually killed one person! I think Ethan’s guilt is a bit misplaced. And, going back, the guy looked like ‘he’ let go… I agree with Eldest Gruff, I have a feeling this guy is going to be Ethan’s “Joker”. And if his back story is anything to go on, it’s going to be bad….

7 years ago

it’s not misplaced, a life is a life, no matter how fucked up the person was

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago

It’s possible that he let go, but unlikely, I think – that’s a really tall height, and the Troll was neither looking down or aiming himself – plus, the truck seemed to be moving at the time. Pretty stupid to let go unless you either have a death wish or have it all planned out. Though honestly, yeah, maybe he did let go – not as a bid for immortality, but as an attempted suicide. He was essentially caught and beat, admitted to one murder and had attempted three more. What would drive a person to such lengths? I don’t… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Ugh, wish I could edit posts. The bit about “bid for immortality” should’a been something more along the lines of “attempt to get powers.”

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

the fact he wasn’t looking or aiming doesn’t matter really. He might well have thought he was dropping to his death and that by having a superhero kill him he was making the ultimate troll move.

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
7 years ago

Kind of hard not to make the Joker connection here. I mean, come on – the guy set up an elaborate death trap “for the lols.” Textbook Joker behavior. And now he’s been deformed by chemicals. Plus, he went by The Troll. Already got some ideas what’s under those bandages. Also, imagine he’s going to wake up and still be a jackass, getting Ethan mad again. Then it’s just a matter of whether or not he yells loud enough to get the cops standing guard outside (guy’s a criminal; standard procedure) to come in, or he restrains himself and leaves.… Read more »

The Aussie Bloke
The Aussie Bloke
7 years ago

What we don’t see: the three times he fell down and went splat trying to climb up there 😛

7 years ago


7 years ago

“Octuple or nothing!”

7 years ago

You’re all missing what I think is the obvious motivation for a character named Troll to let go – to make Analog feel guilty by making him think he’d killed Troll. What could be more trollish?