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Analog and D-Pad 05.13

December 29, 2017 by Tim

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7 years ago

Iā€™ve been reading CAD since day 1. I loved the first group and was sad when it ended. Iā€™ve LOVED the Console Wars. The WoW jokes from way back I still have saved on my computer. The team up you did with Applegeeks several years ago was cool too, as I loved that comic as well. Overall, I just want to say keep up the good work, Tim, and thank you. Iā€™m really enjoying 2.0 as well. On a side note, back when Winter-een-mas was first created here, I thought it was an awesome idea, and started talking about it… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m really enjoying these stories so far, but I have to ask, is the naming conventions for the guardians purposely reminiscent of the names of Transformers, or is that just coincidence? It doesn’t really bother me, just found it amusing with “Optimus Prime” and “Vector Sigma” both being around since the 80’s.

Liam Rogers
Liam Rogers
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

When is Winter-een-mas this year?

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

generation 2 kind of sucked compared imo robots that dont transform ? ok robots that transform into weird humanoid things ? ok and more weirdness

A Wild Gamer in his Natural Habitat
A Wild Gamer in his Natural Habitat
4 years ago
Reply to  Skorpeyon

“Are you username Ladiesman217?”

richard m
richard m
7 years ago

omnitropolis….. noooooooooo…..

7 years ago

Well, he’s got the whole Batman “vanishing thing” down perfectly……..
Now only if he had Bat’s intelligence and crimefighting skills.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ro'Wan

If he did, Ethan would probably have built himself a supersuit and then linked it up to himself so as to create an auto-reviving suit that would allow him to unleash untold power.
Untold power not yet canon due to being untold.

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
7 years ago
Reply to  Ro'Wan

Cut to Ethan trembling under the bed!

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
7 years ago

Holy Shit he pullled a batman off ! /e waits for ethan to fall from the ceiling or burst out of the closet 5 minutes later

7 years ago
Reply to  aaron Smith

Maybe he’s under the bed? Though it’s also possible he just jumped out the window, to re-spawn… wherever. Hmm. Would he re-spawn in the hospital room, or at home? Can he control where he pops up again?

7 years ago
Reply to  Mithramuse

….aaaaand I should really read all the comments before posting. Sigh.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago

Total respect for Ethan here. I saw him responding a number of different ways ā€“ but not this, actually. Having the wisdom and restraint to just leave? Bravo. And I am loving the greater, wider world here as we slowly learn more. Superheroes are assigned their positions from the government? And ā€˜Captainā€™ isnā€™t just a part of a name, but an actual designation? Really cool. And I love how the fact that other non-government sanctioned superheroes are viewed with suspicion, and have been known to use their masks to get away with crime. In this context, I can completely agree… Read more »

7 years ago

Was I the only one half-expecting Ethan to drop an “I’ve had enough of your snide insinuations” ME1 reporter-punch?

7 years ago

“Quick where’d he go?
I don’t know, I lost track of him!”
-A line I need to use someday.

7 years ago

Tim, Have you heard of the RPG “Mutants and Masterminds”? with the general themes of CAD since the reboot, I think it would be right up your street.

Vice Versa
Vice Versa
7 years ago

He just jumped out the window to his death didn’t he

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

This is my immediate thought the moment he “seemingly” does something cool: jumps out a window.

Man of the West
Man of the West
7 years ago

I look forward to seeing DeathBlood

7 years ago

He probably wears all black with the exception of a series of red lines that run across his outfit, which represent the blood. The blood is scattered in a manner so that it matches a person being shot in the heart, knifed in the jugular, or their arms slit. Or maybe he wears all red with an exception of black in that same pattern.
Actually, as intriguing as that would be, I am slightly mortified that I came up with that.

James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago

Very interesting. So all government Heroes are called Captains (probably also their police/military rank I guess) while other non-government heroes are vigilantes covered by vigilante law that basically tells them “you’re on your own”. Also we hear now about Captain Sigma and Deathblood, another vigilante who kills people for being criminals. Makes me wonder if super villains or monsters are having a threat range kinda like earthquakes, like in One-Punch Man where the government agents quickly try to assign threat levels to monsters so that the fitting hero can show up and fight said monster/villain.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

There’s a few Captains I’d like to see now.


7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Captain Captain, from the Department of Redundancy Department!

7 years ago
Reply to  Mithramuse

How about Captain Ain? The person responsible for writing the birth certificate needed glasses but never bothered.
I’m taking that.
You’ll see eventually.

7 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

I’d recommend you either read Evil Plan (a webcomic) or play AntiVillain (an obscure flash game). Pretty similar concept.

Justin J.
Justin J.
7 years ago

…did Ethan just pull a Batman? Ethan. Pulled a Batman.

7 years ago
Reply to  Justin J.

Protip: If you pull a Batman and your Batman ends with you screaming in pain, it isn’t a Batman.

7 years ago

I just realized this, after thinking about 1.0. WHERES THE PENGUIN??? New master Villain? Zeke’s actual partner?…..

7 years ago
Reply to  Brian/Tomonia

He always hated Ethan….

7 years ago
Reply to  Brian/Tomonia

Well, he isn’t connected to Scott. His name is Ted by the way. Anyways, I assume what occurred was something along the lines of: 1.0: Scott sees E&L’s ad for a roomate. A few days before he moves in, he is invited to a raid/protest at a laboratory that has Microsoft funding. There he accidentally gets inside and takes Ted. After he settles in with E&L, he discovers Ted’s true nature and schemes alongside him. 2.0: Scott sees E&L’s ad for a roomate. A few days before he moves in, he is invited to a raid/protest at a laboratory that… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

I’m not sure if I should get out more or if I should get out less…

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

Nah, pretty much everything you said is a lot of stuff I’ve been pondering. Though I don’t think that cause/effect carries over between universes. For example, just because Barry owned the store first in the first CAD doesn’t necessarily mean he’s connected to the store here. It’s not like the timeliness of either closely resembled each other. In other words, I think it’s a little more like Majora’s Mask and a little less like Chrono Trigger. They’re different people in a different world, not the same people made different by circumstance. Though I’ve been wondering if we’d see Christian. He… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

It feels more like Christian would be a pawn used by a true evil. He’s too stupidly arrogant to be Lex Luthor; he lets his arrogance blind his judgement and to restrict his skills. He does have sterling buisness acumen though, which is interesting because at least it means he isn’t *just* inheriting a company and not killing it (he may have inherited it, but he’s implied to have made it larger).

7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Wait a minute…so what Christian is…

He…he IS the true evil! Don’t you get it?
He owns the post offic- er, MegaGame!
Not that it would ever be a relevant topic without making an especially convoluted plot, but it would make sense.

Liam Rogers
Liam Rogers
7 years ago

I think the troll will come back and kinda be a important villain, you know what happens when people fall into trucks contains radioactive stuff…

I think he fell into a truck with radioactive stuff… right?

Commentary Ver.2.72
Commentary Ver.2.72
7 years ago
Reply to  Liam Rogers

They get cancer and die painfully later?

7 years ago

Most of them yeah. Others become supervillains, then threaten a ninja, then die because of cancer.
Except for that one Cancer that had Sickle Cell, but we don’t talk about that one around here.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

The lucky ones are given mercy by aforementioned doctor and get a comprehensive ninja-chemotherapy regimen.

7 years ago

I love how Ethan did the Batman thing, but knowing Ethan he probably just flung himself out the window to pull it off :3
Seriously though man, I love your work. I really liked the original comics and Iā€™m digging this series so far. Keep up the good work, and thank you šŸ™‚

7 years ago

Or, as Ethan would say it nine (9) years ago:
“Itsh New Yeeears Eve!”
But it is not 9 AM.

5 years ago

As far as I’m concerned The Troll got off easy. He was willing to kill people for his own twisted enjoyment, and for lulz and that’s it. He’s a perfect example of the waste of skin that his title exemplifies who has no purpose other to make the world worse and the world would be a better place if there was less of his kind in general. I’d happily have dropped him onto concrete or broken glass and not afforded him a second thought.