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Analog and D-Pad 05.20

January 15, 2018 by Tim

Apologies this page is up late; I thought I’d scheduled it already.

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James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago

Here’s to see how good the EMP is now.

7 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

I can’t wait for the next strip… or 2.

7 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Hopefully good enough to take out at least the guys on him. Hopefully not good enough to take out the whole shipment of phones…

7 years ago
Reply to  Deadly-Bagel

I had the same idea about the phones, but then, they are in metal containers aka Faraday Cage … so … unless physics is being bend.

oh wait there is a guy flying on yellow arrows. I guess all is possible.

7 years ago

Bet I know what he plays most in Overwatch.

Thats right … Junkrat.

7 years ago

I’m surprised Zeke is using shurikens and not mini homing missiles…then again, they probably couldn’t get efficient ones in time.
That “Just hold still” line was beautiful though XD

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

He did mention not to injure them in the last strip. I feel like homing missiles would accomplish just that, a lot of injuries.

7 years ago
Reply to  Chris

That’s because Analog can respawn. Your only counter for a respawning opponent is to pin them down without hurting them. I don’t think Zeke cares about hurting either of them.

Alex Bukowski
Alex Bukowski
7 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Does Zeke know Analog can respawn though?

7 years ago
Reply to  Chris

He only mentioned to not injure Ethan, I assume because he doesn’t want him respawning.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

You can fit a lot more throwing stars in an arm than you can missiles, miniature or no.

7 years ago

I feel like using an arrow to deflect the projectiles would have been less strenuous on his already damaged body. 😐

7 years ago
Reply to  schnozzberries

I’m surprised he doesn’t make himself Arrow Armor to defend himself. While this probably requires a lot of effort, he could probably just make it out of 6 arrows around his body and then just have small slits for his eyes.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

Not even really nessicary to go for 6 unless you are doing the flying box approach. 2, one to stand on and 1 to put between you and the AA fire should prety much nosell someone trying to shoot him down unless the shots can punch through his arrows. 3 would be safer if he can pull it off as you can make one corner of a box with that and point it down blocking any fire from below. I’m not actualy sure how many he can control at once. Most we’ve seen is 5, once in the may 5… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  merendel

It seems as though he can perfectly make 3 (His standard is riding one and hurling two), and does alright with 4 but struggles after that. Which makes sense; there are only 4 directional buttons on a D-Pad. So while he could presumably make as many as he wants, after 4 he loses fine control and after I’d say 6 he can only fling them in the direction they were spawned in. After 10? They just sit there

7 years ago

Wonder if the phones will be ok after they detonate an EMP on top of them. Ah well, sometimes you have to ruin a shipment of phones in order to save the IDEA of a shipment of phones.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ishmael

This has already been covered. See previous comment sections..

Brian Higgins
Brian Higgins
7 years ago

I’m kinda thinking the EMP is a short-sighted solution. Wouldn’t it potentially damage the phones?

7 years ago
Reply to  Brian Higgins

This has already been covered. See previous comment sections.

Itsa Me
Itsa Me
7 years ago

I’m thinking BOOM!

7 years ago

on a scale of 1 to 9001, how bad of a joke would it be if he shouted allau ackbar before pressing the button?

Commentary Ver.2.72
Commentary Ver.2.72
7 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Worse than a 9001 joke.

7 years ago

What I think will happen: The RRoD have already fried the phones before the heroes got there, so they will take the blame for the EMP.

It’s not totally unreasonable that whoever is behind the RRoD would anticipate them using one….. and the reporter just happening to be there, will see what looks like Analog and D-Pad destroying an entire shipment of phones, on purpose.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
Reply to  Jon

I doubt that Evil Zeke would anticipate that they would ask a reporter to come, especially as Monroe and the Red Ring Clan haven’t encountered each other yet. In addition, there’s no way she could clearly see what Ethan’s doing with his hands, especially with all of the other action. As the audience, OUR attention is on Ethan’s hand because we know what’s in the backpack. To a reporter, she’d be observing the fight, the bystanders, the words being said and the specific actions. There’s twenty different distractions going on that would grab someone’s attention before noticing that the guy… Read more »

7 years ago

I just had a thought – wouldn’t it be sucky if the EMP knocked out their powers, since they are kind of video game based, and video games actually need electricity to run? True, it’s unlikely, but considering the luck of these two…

7 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Interesting idea, none the less.

3 years ago

Scott could’ve at least made the detonator look like a wii nunchuck or something