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Analog and D-Pad 06.08

December 27, 2019 by Tim

I hope everyone had a great holiday (or just a generally chill week if you don’t celebrate anything).

If you’re still in the Christmas mood and looking for more presents, you could always gift yourself a few extra Ctrl+Alt+Del comics each month by signing up for one of our Patreon campaigns (*wink wink, nudge nudge*). Right now all Patrons at the CAD campaign get an extra Ethan and Lucas comic each month, regardless of tier, as well as pages of Doomfall, our new dungeon delving RPG comic. And over at the Starcaster Patreon, we’ve finished issue seven and are just about to start issue eight this month!

I try not to post reminders about the Patreon thing more than I need to, but it is a large part of how the site is supported. Especially right now; we’re coming up on what I like to call “shitty ad season,” the few months after Christmas were advertisers have blown their budgets on the holidays and ad revenue goes into hibernation for a while.

Hence the friendly nod towards the more direct (and better) ways you can support the site if you like what I do here.

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5 years ago

Well, at least we now know Scott has a nice taste in music.

5 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I love Led Zeppelin!

5 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

Really, no one got the Spiderman reference?

5 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

People doing Gunplas are always people of good tastes

5 years ago

Don’t leave out the important info, Tim:
Did the paint job get ruined in his surprised reaction?

5 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

Well looking at the shape of the leg he was painting in the first pictures and the last, it did get ruined because he snapped it in half from the reaction.

5 years ago
Reply to  Khaisz

Good thing he has a 3D printer and can make a replacement lol
Trying to figure out what MS that goes to, I see what is either Tallgeese II or Tallgeese III, and what looks like a MG Hizack on the shelf but I could be wrong (that is Zeon green though I know that much)

5 years ago
Reply to  Kenju22

That’s not a Tallgeese. Looks more like a GN-0000 00 Gundam. Check (one of) the “Twin GN Drive(s)b on the closest shoulder. Just less blue (not finished painting?), and maybe some custom bits. Can’t remember any other Twin GN drive Gundams. But these could all be “random bits” to not be ‘official’ for reasons.

5 years ago
Reply to  Logan

The one on the right is the 00 Diver from Gundam Build Divers, just with a custom/unfinished paint job. The one on the left is hard to make out, but the lower leg and foot resemble those found on the Enact, Union Flag, and Masuro from Gundam 00. As for the one he’s working on, based on size and detail, I’d say it’s probably the lower leg of the RG 1/144 Nu Gundam.

5 years ago
Reply to  Timothy

I have the MG Nu Gundam model and can assure you that it is in fact black and white not blue and white.

Tom Thumb
Tom Thumb
5 years ago

That’s Queen you heathens! For shame!

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom Thumb

Dodgy was referencing Spider-Man: Far From Home, wherein the title character misidentifies Happy’s choice of music.

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

Merry red Christmas, Scott!!!

5 years ago

Well, guess Scott’s losing his deposit. Bloodstains have to be kind of a pain to clean off windows.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nono

Not necessarily. That blood’s on the outside in a city where supers fighting supers is a regular occurence. There’s likely some sort of clause in the apartment contract covering Scott in this case. It’s only once Lucas is bleeding inside the apartment that Scott might become liable

5 years ago
Reply to  Nono

most things wash off glass fairly well. Only hard part is doing it several stories up. Good thing he knows a guy with instant platforms to do the washing… assuming he survives making said bloodstains.

5 years ago

so I can recognize the gundam 00 on the shelf
given the green paint job, next to it is probably a zaku
and that leg being painted is probably from the unicorn? (because of the hip piece)

5 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I think that is supposed to be the Nu Ver. Ka. Painted in Hi Nu colors. The side of the leg is throwing me off, it’s a bit too angular, but the rest of that leg is totally Nu, even the panel lines.

5 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Nice to have a professional in the comments =)
I initially thought he was working on some kind of a controllerang. Boy, do I have egg on my face…

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
5 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Hand painting is probably overkill for something that’ll get thrown at people.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rex Vivat

I suppose there is some truth to that. Then again – this IS a city that’s full of supers, where identity is everything. Lag behind and no one will recognize you.
Ethan could through literal boomerangs at goons but only Analog would have them controller-shaped.

5 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Too thick and too angular to be a Zaku, look at the shape of the feet and shins, I think it’s a Hizack.

The leg I *think* is from the Freedom Gundam as that looks a lot like a Xiphas Railgun on the hip, though it could also be the Hi Nu Gundam given that light shade of blue (most Federation models are a much darker shade)

5 years ago
Reply to  Kenju22

Hizack is basically a slightly beefed up Zaku II. Whatever that is, is far to streamlined for either. Closer in design to a Kshatriya but put on a major diet!, without the wings. Or even one of the mass-produced from IBO, a Gera Doga, or one of the Zaku iI’s from Seed.

But these could all be random “custom” designs, made up for legal reasons, too. The 00 is a little *off* from either version that actually has the shoulder mounted Twin GN drive system.

5 years ago

Seriously? Listening to Queens?

5 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Yeah, I don’t get it either. I also never really like that queen song.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

He’s in a wheelchair, and traditional bicycle design is denied to him.

5 years ago
Reply to  Leon

one of the best band ever, yeah.

5 years ago

Tim, Will we still see Starcaster here or has it moved over to just being on Petreon?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Thanks! Feel like it’s been a minute since i saw one so I wasn’t sure. Love the comics!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Ah, good. Some of us, much as we’d like to support your pay wall, have all we can do to cover the monthly bills and groceries.

5 years ago

“I want to ride my D-Pad Star
I want to ride my star…”

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

Reading this page, I suddenly find myself wondering how Lucas’ powers work, and if there’s a reason he didn’t just summon another arrow- either to point at the window, or to smash the window, or even just increase the size of what he’s riding so he can ride stably on a large “magic carpet” rather than cling onto a “kickboard.”

Did he not have the strength to smash a window? Is it tied to his vitality? Emotional level? Does he only have so much per day and have to recharge?

5 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Think the problem is that it’s his friend window for goodness sake. Why break it if banging on it makes enough noise in the end. Windows ARE expensive to replace for goodness sake.

D Harshman
D Harshman
5 years ago
Reply to  davethwave

The question of floating a smaller arrow in front of Scott to alert him visually is a valid one still. One that he summoned on the other side of the window, so it didn’t have to break.

I assume it’s just a situation that Lucas is panicked and injured, so he isn’t thinking clearly or cleverly. Or (ooc) it was just a better punchline this way. But, it would be interesting to know if some limit to his power contributed…

5 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

It’s difficult to say due to his fatigue and injuries affecting his concentration but I am wondering if he would have been able to conjure an arrow inside Scott’s room. He has direct vision of the room, is that enough or does his power actually have to travel from him to its destination?

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
5 years ago

personally i would have just broke the window one small arrow b4 he even got there

5 years ago

The guy in the wheel chair singing “Bicycle Race” from Queen. That’s dark… I like it! 😀

5 years ago

Damn, this got dark.

5 years ago

Well, good taste in Gundam, that’s a 00 he’s got on his desk.

5 years ago

I see Tallgeese III! 😀