At least Ethan can try to talk with Zeke. If the yellow eyes are a emotion of fear, Zeke was showing this emotion when he had seen Ethan in Deposited, p15 after breaking his neck.
2 years ago
I thought Scott unilaterally kept it active? Lucas was for it before he was against it, sure. But Scott lied to him.
I think you could argue that Scott shoulders a larger share of the blame, but “I only lied to you for a little while” doesn’t exactly mean Lucas is off the hook.
Thank you for the offer, but I plan to voice it in a language other than English, so we won’t be able to collaborate. but I wouldn’t mind the sound effects.What is the name of your channel?
Not off the hook, but Lucas was lied to by Scott *almost* as much as Ethan. Lucas also really came around and felt bad about the original position, which means he made a mistake and attempted to correct it.
What always confused me is that if Zeke picked up on the Master lying, why didn’t he pick up on *Scott* lying? Scott’s the guy who outwitted the lying guy through tricks of his own.
As George says, you probably need to have enough data to establish a baseline before you can detect any anomalies.
But even if we assumed Zeke could detect a lie in Scott’s voice… Scott never claimed to disable the failsafe in front of Zeke. Zeke was catatonic when he discussed it with Ethan, and once Zeke was conscious, it was Ethan that explained Scott had disabled it. Scott didn’t make that claim himself.
My personal (assumed) explanation for that is he spent a lot of time with the Master, and thus had a lot more opportunity to pick up on his vocal habits. It seems unlikely that Zeke has any direct system to automatically detect lies (I can’t imagine the Master would install such a function on purpose). He just has sensors that can detect speech frequency, heart rate and all that, and he’s smart enough to analyze data to compare and recognize patterns from that. With the Master he’s had enough opportunity to listen to how he speaks normally and when lying… Read more »
2 years ago
Guys. Ethan is D-Pad right? I keep forgetting.
But I love how smoothly he makes a very Batman exit there.
You’re allowed to have an opinion but that “criticism” is wholly unnecessary and adds nothing to the conversation about this comic in particular. Even if this was the place for debating about which comic forms were better there’s absolutely nothing there, no thoughts besides “i don’t like this” It’s empty and pointless and not relevant to the comic at hand (which is what these “under the comic” comment sections are for) People are well within their rights to downvote it. There’s no great travesty here of silencing opinion or discussion. I wouldn’t even know how to have a productive discussion… Read more »
Nobody sucks for downvoting. A voting system isn’t being mean; it’s a way to give people an outlet for responding without being confrontational. and you *need* feedback. That’s what communication is.
It you don’t want feedback on your opinions, the typical way to do so is to keep the opinion to yourself.
a down vote is no different to posting a criticism, they both express negative opinion.
so you criticizing one, while defending the other is a touch hypocritical and simply comes down to your personal preference of how people should disagree.
This reminds me, I’ve got go go over to r/xkcd and comment about how the science-y strips are so boring and I wish he’d just do like stick figure romance poetry.
make sure to hop over to Dumbing of Age and complain about college age shenanigans, and ask when we’re getting back to the talking cars and alien invasions
Your least liked segment is one of my favorites — as well as most readers’, as I believe Tim held a vote years back for what readers wantes more of, and Analog & D-Pad absolutely crushed it if I recall.
Personally, I don’t much care for Console Wars or Players/The Campaign, but I don’t feel any need to point it out whenever they come up (I only mention this as an example, with no intent to disparage).
I’ve taken enough enjoyment out of your content that I’ve followed it closely for the last 18 or so years. If there’s a particular panel I don’t like…I’ve only wasted what, 30 seconds of my day?
I don’t understand why people come here to complain…just don’t read it then?
For the record, I enjoy all your stories. A&D, Starcaster (obviously, since you see me in patreon about it), Players, Campaign, even Console Wars which I’m admittedly not very knowledgeable about, owning only an XBOX 360 and a Switch and not keeping up with news ever.
But what I really REALLY miss? Chef Brian. I miss that dude so much.
Tim Tucker
2 years ago
So… based on the title for the arc, whose blood is going to be spilled?
English isn’t my first language, but isn’t “bad blood” used in disputes, when friendships get damaged or even destroyed like we have at the moment with Ethan, Lucas and Scott.
Oh sure, but at times there’s been a double hidden meaning that isn’t immediately apparent on the first page.
For example, the series “Mindstate” (January 2021) began with Ethan dressing as a mail carrier to get into the right mindstate (his words) but the sequence ends with Zeke accepting the Winter-een-mas crown and changing his eye color (and hence his own mindstate) from red to purple.
2 years ago
IS it just me, but morose Ethan is the most sensible and least prone to over excited… ethanantics?
Not to psychoanalyze, but that’s ADHD for ya. If he’s in a good mood, good place, and everything looks cool and interesting, he’ll jump from thing to thing without thinking through first or holding himself back. Everything gives dopamine; he’s chasing the biggest high. In a poor mood, he’ll hyperfocus on the one thing he *needs*, because literally nothing else will give it other than focusing on that one thing. Ethan’s not a dummy in CAD 2.0; he just doesn’t think through things at times, and his excitement tends to be his downfall. Which, honestly, is one of the reasons… Read more »
Or Scott. Which, depending on how badly damaged Zeke’s thinking processes still are, could force Ethan into having to choose between the life of one of his friends or the incredibly dangerous ‘puppy’ he seems heck bent on saving no matter what.
2 years ago
I’m presuming it’s been only a few days or a couple weeks since the incident. As such, Ethan is justifiably still in a bad place.
If it’s been a few months, then Lucas needs to start breaking out of his role in the story.
I’m leaning towards it being no more than a few days. It just feels like longer to us because of the gap.
2 years ago
I do appreciate that they’re both being sensible about their approach to each other right now. None of the contrived duo break up you’d see in so many other stories. They both want to come out of this as friends and neither is jumping directly to accusations and arguing.
Yay, story is back.
(Yes, I’m really enjoying this arc)
The real question is… what sandwich is Lucas having?
Guilt Sandwich, hopefully followed up with some Humble Pie for desert.
Which, of course, stands for Painful Bombing and Jeopardy.
Definitely a sh!t sandwich.
Definitely not a Jill sandwich.
Cannot believe no one’s said Idiot Sandwich yet.
Probably because it’s on a plate and not attached to a set of earbuds.
Must be a 4090 sandwich
I hope they they find Zeke and they’re still okay with Ethan.
At least Ethan can try to talk with Zeke. If the yellow eyes are a emotion of fear, Zeke was showing this emotion when he had seen Ethan in Deposited, p15 after breaking his neck.
I thought Scott unilaterally kept it active? Lucas was for it before he was against it, sure. But Scott lied to him.
I think you could argue that Scott shoulders a larger share of the blame, but “I only lied to you for a little while” doesn’t exactly mean Lucas is off the hook.
Then who was phone?
Hello Tim. I plan to voice some of your comics in the near future and ask your permission to do so.
I’ve started uploading my dramatic Starcaster readings to YouTube, if you wanna check them out. 😉
If you need any extra voices, or sound effects for Analog & D-Pad I’d be very happy to help out.
Thank you for the offer, but I plan to voice it in a language other than English, so we won’t be able to collaborate. but I wouldn’t mind the sound effects.What is the name of your channel?
I’m not sure the best way to reach him, but Patreon private message may be your best bet. I don’t think you have to pay in order to use it.
Thanks for the reminder.
I hope you have permission from Tim. *Especially* since that is behind the paywall unless you are reading directly from this website.
Not off the hook, but Lucas was lied to by Scott *almost* as much as Ethan. Lucas also really came around and felt bad about the original position, which means he made a mistake and attempted to correct it.
What always confused me is that if Zeke picked up on the Master lying, why didn’t he pick up on *Scott* lying? Scott’s the guy who outwitted the lying guy through tricks of his own.
What would Zeke have detected Scott lying about?
Scott claimed to disable the failsafe, but actually only transferred the permissions and set it up as a perimeter instead of a timer.
As George says, you probably need to have enough data to establish a baseline before you can detect any anomalies.
But even if we assumed Zeke could detect a lie in Scott’s voice… Scott never claimed to disable the failsafe in front of Zeke. Zeke was catatonic when he discussed it with Ethan, and once Zeke was conscious, it was Ethan that explained Scott had disabled it. Scott didn’t make that claim himself.
My personal (assumed) explanation for that is he spent a lot of time with the Master, and thus had a lot more opportunity to pick up on his vocal habits. It seems unlikely that Zeke has any direct system to automatically detect lies (I can’t imagine the Master would install such a function on purpose). He just has sensors that can detect speech frequency, heart rate and all that, and he’s smart enough to analyze data to compare and recognize patterns from that. With the Master he’s had enough opportunity to listen to how he speaks normally and when lying… Read more »
Guys. Ethan is D-Pad right? I keep forgetting.
But I love how smoothly he makes a very Batman exit there.
Ethan is Analog, Lucas is D-pad. You can remember by how Lucas can spawn D-Pad arrows as a weapon.… its been so long, you must be misremembering too.
OMG WE ARE BACK BABY!!! honestly, i was hoping this was gonna happen, but really wanted to see ethan and not so slimer solve murder mysteries.
And we a back to my least liked segment…. sigh. Hopefully this is a short arc like the last one.
No one’s forcing you to read this, bro.
You’re nuts. I’ve been sitting on pins and needles for this all summer.
@Critic, have an upvote. I disagree with you, but you’re allowed to dislike this. And people suck for downvoting
You’re allowed to have an opinion but that “criticism” is wholly unnecessary and adds nothing to the conversation about this comic in particular. Even if this was the place for debating about which comic forms were better there’s absolutely nothing there, no thoughts besides “i don’t like this” It’s empty and pointless and not relevant to the comic at hand (which is what these “under the comic” comment sections are for) People are well within their rights to downvote it. There’s no great travesty here of silencing opinion or discussion. I wouldn’t even know how to have a productive discussion… Read more »
Nobody sucks for downvoting. A voting system isn’t being mean; it’s a way to give people an outlet for responding without being confrontational. and you *need* feedback. That’s what communication is.
It you don’t want feedback on your opinions, the typical way to do so is to keep the opinion to yourself.
a down vote is no different to posting a criticism, they both express negative opinion.
so you criticizing one, while defending the other is a touch hypocritical and simply comes down to your personal preference of how people should disagree.
A down arrow is significantly less confrontational than exaggerated sighs and passive aggressive statements of what he’s going to do instead.
they do but it’s the internet hivemind
Downvoting is not mean. It just means, “I disagree with that opinion”. And yes, I disagree with that opinion 😉
Critic can have his opinion and that’s totally ok. I also got mine. And that’s why he’s allowed to post his, and I am allowed to downvote it.
It doesn’t devalue his stance. It just means, I have a different opinion.
This reminds me, I’ve got go go over to r/xkcd and comment about how the science-y strips are so boring and I wish he’d just do like stick figure romance poetry.
make sure to hop over to Dumbing of Age and complain about college age shenanigans, and ask when we’re getting back to the talking cars and alien invasions
Your least liked segment is one of my favorites — as well as most readers’, as I believe Tim held a vote years back for what readers wantes more of, and Analog & D-Pad absolutely crushed it if I recall.
Personally, I don’t much care for Console Wars or Players/The Campaign, but I don’t feel any need to point it out whenever they come up (I only mention this as an example, with no intent to disparage).
For the record, the only person on the planet that needs to enjoy every series I create is me.
The rest of you can partake a la carte.
I’ve taken enough enjoyment out of your content that I’ve followed it closely for the last 18 or so years. If there’s a particular panel I don’t like…I’ve only wasted what, 30 seconds of my day?
I don’t understand why people come here to complain…just don’t read it then?
For the record, I enjoy all your stories. A&D, Starcaster (obviously, since you see me in patreon about it), Players, Campaign, even Console Wars which I’m admittedly not very knowledgeable about, owning only an XBOX 360 and a Switch and not keeping up with news ever.
But what I really REALLY miss? Chef Brian. I miss that dude so much.
So… based on the title for the arc, whose blood is going to be spilled?
English isn’t my first language, but isn’t “bad blood” used in disputes, when friendships get damaged or even destroyed like we have at the moment with Ethan, Lucas and Scott.
Oh sure, but at times there’s been a double hidden meaning that isn’t immediately apparent on the first page.
For example, the series “Mindstate” (January 2021) began with Ethan dressing as a mail carrier to get into the right mindstate (his words) but the sequence ends with Zeke accepting the Winter-een-mas crown and changing his eye color (and hence his own mindstate) from red to purple.
IS it just me, but morose Ethan is the most sensible and least prone to over excited… ethanantics?
Not to psychoanalyze, but that’s ADHD for ya. If he’s in a good mood, good place, and everything looks cool and interesting, he’ll jump from thing to thing without thinking through first or holding himself back. Everything gives dopamine; he’s chasing the biggest high. In a poor mood, he’ll hyperfocus on the one thing he *needs*, because literally nothing else will give it other than focusing on that one thing. Ethan’s not a dummy in CAD 2.0; he just doesn’t think through things at times, and his excitement tends to be his downfall. Which, honestly, is one of the reasons… Read more »
I think the main bone of contention with Scott isn’t his skepticism or wariness. It’s his dishonesty and underhandedness in how he handled it.
I have ADHD, I can agree. There are other things that I’m pretty sure fit too besides what you mention, but if you want THAT list it might take a bit.
Just a guess, based on the title. I think Zeke is about to find Lucas.
Or Scott. Which, depending on how badly damaged Zeke’s thinking processes still are, could force Ethan into having to choose between the life of one of his friends or the incredibly dangerous ‘puppy’ he seems heck bent on saving no matter what.
I’m presuming it’s been only a few days or a couple weeks since the incident. As such, Ethan is justifiably still in a bad place.
If it’s been a few months, then Lucas needs to start breaking out of his role in the story.
I’m leaning towards it being no more than a few days. It just feels like longer to us because of the gap.
I do appreciate that they’re both being sensible about their approach to each other right now. None of the contrived duo break up you’d see in so many other stories. They both want to come out of this as friends and neither is jumping directly to accusations and arguing.
Hell, Ethan even manages to cut himself off when he started to lash out.