My Companion mother makes 48 bucks an hour on the PC(Personal PC). She has been out of w0rk for quite some time however last month her check was 10,200 bucks only w0rking on the PC(Personal PC) for 8 hours per day.
Visit this article for more details..
These scammer spam posts actually serve a good purpose: They act like one of those site visit counters of old. Everyone mashes the minus button, and now I know, there were 48 people who read this comic before me 😉
Or at least since that scammer posted their scam.
They really should put “First” in the beginning of their comment.
Yes, you’re right. They are no longer people. One random vigilante should be judge and jury and make people pay the ultimate price without a hearing in court.
Well, I mean, cops do kill armed criminals resisting arrest. They do have more responsibility, and are public servants, but if you have to storm a hideout of gun-toting gang, who have as much reservation from killing a person as taking a piss, a single-person SWAT team of DeathBlood GunMcEdge will do. If he only does these kinds of criminals, then its kind of ok. Depending on what legal status “heroes” have in Analogverse, of course. I mean – if they are legal, that means they must be regulated somehow.
I mean that is kinda the point, no? At least in THEORY cops should: -Have a public mandate and be subject to regulations and controls, which includes accountability if they fail to abide the regulations. -Undergo proper, regulated training. Not just regarding combat, use of firearms and safety protocols but also regarding de-escalation, psychology and so on…at least to a certain degree. And ofc regarding the law they are supposed to uphold. Regarding raids – ofc they will use deadly force there, but again I assume before they launch such an attack they will carefully evaluate the situation and consider… Read more »
There’s also (in the USA ar least) felony murder (someone dies as a result of a crime you commit or assist — example: being the getaway driver in a bank robbery where the teller is shot by someone else — even a guard or civilian do-gooder with lousy aim!), or murder as a result of ‘depraved indifference to human life.’ Neither involves premediated deliberate killing, although in the latter it could be argued you should have known better.
The crucial part of that sentence that you left off is where the problem lies. The issue isn’t with killing criminals in and of itself, it’s with how someone is deemed “criminal enough” to be killed over it.
who gets to decide a crime is heavy enough to deserve to be killed for, right there on the street.
A murderer, a rapist, then brutal robbers, then plain robbers and then the kid who janks the old ladies purse of her arm cuz he’s too frail and scared to steal anything else.
They are all criminals but shouldn’t be dealt with in the same manner and not by one person who has concluded that HE thinks you’re a bad person and therefore should be killed.
my position is this: if you, a criminal, are aware that there are one or more individuals like deathblood going around killing criminals, and you don’t immediately decide to lay low until he is caught or otherwise put out of commission, you are taking your life in your own hands
Civilized countries abolished death penalty long ago, and tips: criminal are people, and dont deserve to die. Also, death penalty never worked anywhere, look at the usa, death penalty exist and murder rate is 5times higher than in any western country.
While the US murder rate is higher than most of Europe, and admittedly too high, it is much lower than most of central and south America. Not a fan of the death penalty in general, but under some extreme circumstances I’m not against it.
well, iran, china and all other dictatorships welcome you in their murdering club, while 100% of western countries look at you disapointed. If you’d rather side with saudi and stuff rather than with europe and nz, you do you.
He changes his name every three months in an attempt to re-market himself. Bloodbath, Deathblood, Bloodrage, Deathkill, Murderblood, Bloodmurder, Bloodfury, Bloodblood…
There are more than one Batman/Punisher/Deadpool Crossover superheroThink about it, there’s so many ways to combine “Blood”, Bodies of Water, and Guns.
Your first question: Sorry that I didn’t list it. It’s implied in the “As I recall it.” I didn’t assure anyone that it was so. I literally explained that’s what I remember, and we all know my memory isn’t perfect. ‘Cos no one’s isn’t. Sorry that I didn’t make it as clear as I could have. Your second question: I didn’t remember where it’s mentioned. All I recalled on specifics, was that Ethan mentioned him to Lucas in passing and that it was a long while ago. And I knew looking it up online wouldn’t be fast, since this is… Read more »
I’m pretty convinced by now, that I wasn’t as observant as I usually am when I scrolled through the previous replies. But what you mentioned is certainly a possibility as well.
I’ve also confirmed the usual Internet pattern. Where you get way more attention when you make a mistake or say something wrong, than when you get things right.
But it’s not like anyone insulted me or got triggered or even close, so it’s alright.
2 years ago
I feel like ethan is about to die a few more times…
Yeah. It’s going to be a moral battle with Ethan wanting to stop them, but not kill them and Deathblood…. well you know. So now Ethan has to save them to arrest them. Luckily being a moral bullet sponge helps when you have extra lives.
2 years ago
That blood decoration is going to be a real pain to draw consistently.
The character may cover himself with red paint before going on a spree as kind of a ritual ? That way the decoration doesn’t have to be consistent every time ?!
He could just add a bit of Rorschach; Deathblood’s blood decoration flows and moves like real blood because of . . . reasons! Then, if Tim doesn’t want to, he canonically doesn’t even have to try to be consistent.
Last edited 2 years ago by Brian
2 years ago
Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object… this should be good!
There shouldn’t be any need for explaining. Unless Deathblood did absolutely zero reconnaissance or is stone deaf, the gunfire and commotion should have already tipped him off that someone was fighting someone else in the warehouse. Then he steps in and finds a cape and a bunch of known criminals – it’s fairly obvious what’s happening.
You’re assuming Deathblood will listen to reason. I think he’s in the shoot first and keep shooting the bad guys method of heroing. Ethan doesn’t want that though, he’s a knock them out and leave them tied up for the cops deal.
2 years ago
Should have said “… DYES tonight!”
Get it? Cuz somebody dropped a bucket of red paint on his head.
2 years ago
He can’t be based on just one character, right? I see Deadpool, Red Hood/Arkham Knight, the Punisher, Deathstroke.
Yeah he’s clearly several characters rolled into one. He looks like deadpool but is far to serious and preachy to be him. He’s like Red Hood spliced with Adam West style Batman dialog.
Punisher and Deathstroke is the obvious combination. Deadpool is already based on Deathstroke so adding that element is redundant, also from what we know of this guy so far he does not have Deadpool’s personality.
One can also see a bit of Batman in the outfit, especially the skull logo on the belt placement and the pattern on the chest.
Brian Jones
2 years ago
I bet you have just found a new popular item to sell in your store (shirts, prints, etc)
2 years ago
Peace was MIGHT have been an option.
But I guess not anymore.
2 years ago
He looks like a condom that had an encounter with “Aunt Flo”
No, your guess was wrong. If you read all of the previous comic’s comments, or even just searched them for “Deathblood” before stating they were all wrong, then you’d know Pyre guessed exactly this.
He also predicted that after Deathblood shows up, Ethan will fight him to try to protect the criminals.
YEAH! How dare you put me in a basket with people that are wrong!? There was only 11 other pages of comments you had to browse to know that someone else actually guessed right! So that makes you an illegal user of the term “literally” You should have said something like Almost, or loosely.
You could have read the only other reply to this comment, which pointed out the fact you can just search the previous comic’s comments for “Deathblood” to see that it’s there. No browsing required, and the “number of pages” doesn’t matter (it’s not paginated, if you didn’t notice).
If someone doesn’t want to bother doing a 5 second search in the previous comments, then they don’t need to waste 5 seconds typing up a baseless misinformed comment about what all the previous comments said. It was completely pointless and contributed nothing of value.
Yeah! of course, but this Bad Blood arc title has been going on for a month already. So, maybe everytime I check CADcomics, I read and scroll over all the comments, but this Pyro person always read and comment after me? If wasting 5 seconds for this so called “baseless and misinformed,” which I find a little harsh on a simple one liner reaction, contributed nothing of value, then it’s pretty ironic to waste 5 minutes to tell him wrong? And then comes us two, wasting even more time…. But, seriously, I’m kinda fooling around and trolling. I thought it… Read more »
Red King Rauri
2 years ago
Oh no! A 90s comic character!
I actually had to look it up to see if a 90s Image character was named Deathblood. Legit surprised there wasn’t.
The first stereotypical name that comes to mind for me is Bloodegde which a Blazblue character kinda had so I’m not sure if the whole this is copyrighted.
When I said the same thing in other comment, I said that it was only what I recalled. I forgot to do that in this one.
I didn’t try to verify it initially, because looking that up could take a long while. After people commenting, and the negative votes, I did try. Fortunately, re-reading old bits jogged my memory and I remembered Ethan mentioned him shortly after the Troll’s acid dive. So, I could confirm I was mistaken.
In any case, I’ve been posting my correction along with my other comments.
That was a legit question, btw. I sometimes use throwaway places/names that I have no intention of using again, so I wasn’t sure if at some point I’d mentioned a “Bloodbath” and didn’t remember.
Didn’t feel likely, since Deathblood has always been my idea for the city’s “Punisher” archetype, but you never know.
Yeah, I get it. I saw no second intentions in your question. I can tell you’re sensible enough to consider the possibility of being mistaken, as a rule. And I respect that. It’s one of the reasons I like to read your opinions as well sometimes, and not just the comics. Who knows, maybe a Bloodbath character shows up at some point in the future? xD Or maybe more Internet-themed characters, like the Troll? There could be a character that hacks and crashes systems, and leaves long-winded, self-righteous, holier-than-thou manifestos behind. Wait. That is me, except for the hacking and… Read more »
2 years ago
Aaahhhh, now the series name makes sense…
2 years ago
My wife is a HUGE Punisher fan, old school Punisher not the new garbage.
2 years ago
Calling it now.
Deathblood has a fixation on making sure people stay dead and Ethan is about to GREATLY offend that mentality.
2 years ago
whelp. shame. *whistles* you cant always get, what you want…
Richard Weatherfield
2 years ago
Holy Punisher, Batman! Now THAT is a payoff! Way to play the long game, Tim!
2 years ago
Oooooh I’m hoping for some discussion on the morality/ethics concerning Ethan’s vs Deathblood’s approach to crime fighting. Ethan has always seemed to have the ‘every life is precious’ belief while I’m guessing Deathblood will feel like his approach is merely delivering the consequences of the actions that the criminals take and likely also feels that by killing them he prevents the criminal from ever hurting anyone else.
Last edited 2 years ago by Mr_Meng
2 years ago
Ok. going pedantic on this, but holding an AK in one hand… presumably full auto, and judging by the design something based off the m249, also full auto.
He’d have to have supernatural strength to wield either of those at more then a 2 round burst and hope to hit anything. I’d love to see the reinforcement inside them so his grip doesn’t just shatter the handles.
Looking at the guy I think supernatural strength seems to be likely;)
2 years ago
More of a vigilante than a hero
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago
Don’t do it, Ethan. Do not make an enemy of the giant maniac in an attempt to save a bunch of criminals who burned through 5 of your lives. Just sneak away. You don’t need this enemy, and more importantly, Lucas doesn’t need this enemy.
(Ethan’s totally going to do it though, isn’t he…)
2 years ago
was reading old archives of the comics.. and ya know what? I miss the old ninja assassination attempts jokes
2 years ago
Just to point out, all those bad guys did attempt to murder him and without any real hesitation. So it is actually true that these are real serious bad guys who likely have murdered people in the past.
Del Cox
2 years ago
Well. That’s a name.
2 years ago
But is he wearing anything bulletproof? It looks more like he’s a ‘strafe the room’ sort instead of ever encountering people who fire back.
2 years ago
actually he looks more like he should be their leader than their doom
The Legacy
2 years ago
I can see the inspiration for Deathblood, but I have to assume that Marvel/DC also exists in this universe, so just out of curiosity, did he make a knockoff Deadpool because he wanted a semi-unique identity? Or because he feared the biggest super villain of all: corporate lawyers?
Austin Mills
2 years ago
Aren’t the Sun Devils also the guys from Starcaster?
Ides of Marchie
2 years ago
So I would give my left arm for some Deathblood merchandise, it’s so 90s grimdark I love it
2 years ago
Watch out everyone, the 90s Anti-Hero is here!
2 years ago
I bet this joke has been made already but Analog is probably the only hero who can wear a cape without it being a life threatening hazard.
Dang son, it’s about to go down
My Companion mother makes 48 bucks an hour on the PC(Personal PC). She has been out of w0rk for quite some time however last month her check was 10,200 bucks only w0rking on the PC(Personal PC) for 8 hours per day.
Visit this article for more details..
These scammer spam posts actually serve a good purpose: They act like one of those site visit counters of old. Everyone mashes the minus button, and now I know, there were 48 people who read this comic before me 😉
Or at least since that scammer posted their scam.
They really should put “First” in the beginning of their comment.
Dang she got demoted from a couple days ago. She was making 52 bucks an hour before. Times are tough.
Love how PC stands for (Personal PC) which presumably stands for (Personal (Personal PC) and on and on ad infinitum
He was mentioned before, as a superhero who kills bad guys (and i think its pretty clear who he is based on…).
I have to admit, I did not see that comming, even though in retrospect the name of this arc is a good fit 😀 Let’s see where this goes from here!
Found the comic he was mentioned in:
that reporter pisses me off a little.
“peoplle like deathblood, killing people”
no lady, killing criminals. reducing the recidivism rate amongst violent criminals, 1 asshole at a time
Yes, you’re right. They are no longer people. One random vigilante should be judge and jury and make people pay the ultimate price without a hearing in court.
They are people, even if you don’t like them.
Well, I mean, cops do kill armed criminals resisting arrest. They do have more responsibility, and are public servants, but if you have to storm a hideout of gun-toting gang, who have as much reservation from killing a person as taking a piss, a single-person SWAT team of DeathBlood GunMcEdge will do. If he only does these kinds of criminals, then its kind of ok. Depending on what legal status “heroes” have in Analogverse, of course. I mean – if they are legal, that means they must be regulated somehow.
I mean that is kinda the point, no? At least in THEORY cops should: -Have a public mandate and be subject to regulations and controls, which includes accountability if they fail to abide the regulations. -Undergo proper, regulated training. Not just regarding combat, use of firearms and safety protocols but also regarding de-escalation, psychology and so on…at least to a certain degree. And ofc regarding the law they are supposed to uphold. Regarding raids – ofc they will use deadly force there, but again I assume before they launch such an attack they will carefully evaluate the situation and consider… Read more »
Regulated murder is still murder. I mean…
Cops shouldnt murder people either, unless in self defense and NOTHING ELSE. Period.
The definition of murder is: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
Therefore, ANY lawful excuse makes it not murder. If it’s not premeditated, it’s not murder.
There’s also (in the USA ar least) felony murder (someone dies as a result of a crime you commit or assist — example: being the getaway driver in a bank robbery where the teller is shot by someone else — even a guard or civilian do-gooder with lousy aim!), or murder as a result of ‘depraved indifference to human life.’ Neither involves premediated deliberate killing, although in the latter it could be argued you should have known better.
The crucial part of that sentence that you left off is where the problem lies. The issue isn’t with killing criminals in and of itself, it’s with how someone is deemed “criminal enough” to be killed over it.
who gets to decide a crime is heavy enough to deserve to be killed for, right there on the street.
A murderer, a rapist, then brutal robbers, then plain robbers and then the kid who janks the old ladies purse of her arm cuz he’s too frail and scared to steal anything else.
They are all criminals but shouldn’t be dealt with in the same manner and not by one person who has concluded that HE thinks you’re a bad person and therefore should be killed.
my position is this: if you, a criminal, are aware that there are one or more individuals like deathblood going around killing criminals, and you don’t immediately decide to lay low until he is caught or otherwise put out of commission, you are taking your life in your own hands
Civilized countries abolished death penalty long ago, and tips: criminal are people, and dont deserve to die. Also, death penalty never worked anywhere, look at the usa, death penalty exist and murder rate is 5times higher than in any western country.
While the US murder rate is higher than most of Europe, and admittedly too high, it is much lower than most of central and south America. Not a fan of the death penalty in general, but under some extreme circumstances I’m not against it.
well, iran, china and all other dictatorships welcome you in their murdering club, while 100% of western countries look at you disapointed. If you’d rather side with saudi and stuff rather than with europe and nz, you do you.
Yeah…murdering criminals does nothing to reduce crime.
There was an even earlier mentioning, with the “train tracks” thing:
Good find!
When was he mentioned? I’ve read all of the comics since this series started and don’t remember him coming up in a conversation
As I recall it, the one you mention was called “Bloodbath.”
So, there’s a lot of possibilities:
He changes his name every three months in an attempt to re-market himself. Bloodbath, Deathblood, Bloodrage, Deathkill, Murderblood, Bloodmurder, Bloodfury, Bloodblood…
A brief stint as Boatmurdered…
Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.
There are more than one Batman/Punisher/Deadpool Crossover superheroThink about it, there’s so many ways to combine “Blood”, Bodies of Water, and Guns.
Shouldn’t there also be at least an option that you might be making a tiny, inconsequential mistake (mis)remembering the name?
Or at least give a vague direction where this previous mention should be, so people can check whether he actually was called ‘Bloodbath’ that time?
Your first question: Sorry that I didn’t list it. It’s implied in the “As I recall it.” I didn’t assure anyone that it was so. I literally explained that’s what I remember, and we all know my memory isn’t perfect. ‘Cos no one’s isn’t. Sorry that I didn’t make it as clear as I could have. Your second question: I didn’t remember where it’s mentioned. All I recalled on specifics, was that Ethan mentioned him to Lucas in passing and that it was a long while ago. And I knew looking it up online wouldn’t be fast, since this is… Read more »
To your defense, I think my comment was in moderation for some time, maybe because of the link.
Anyway, at least we now have collected two former mentions. Yay for team effort!
I’m pretty convinced by now, that I wasn’t as observant as I usually am when I scrolled through the previous replies. But what you mentioned is certainly a possibility as well.
I’ve also confirmed the usual Internet pattern. Where you get way more attention when you make a mistake or say something wrong, than when you get things right.
But it’s not like anyone insulted me or got triggered or even close, so it’s alright.
I feel like ethan is about to die a few more times…
Yeah. It’s going to be a moral battle with Ethan wanting to stop them, but not kill them and Deathblood…. well you know. So now Ethan has to save them to arrest them. Luckily being a moral bullet sponge helps when you have extra lives.
That blood decoration is going to be a real pain to draw consistently.
Na, sure is just printed
The character may cover himself with red paint before going on a spree as kind of a ritual ? That way the decoration doesn’t have to be consistent every time ?!
They meant for Tim to draw it consistently for this specific encounter
As will the variously-shaped shells on his bandoliers.
Just hastily-drawn minor details. This guy has major “drawn by Rob Liefeld” vibes. Absolute unit, oversize guns, ammo/pouches for days.
Okay but he has feet so it can’t be Liefeld
He could just add a bit of Rorschach; Deathblood’s blood decoration flows and moves like real blood because of . . . reasons! Then, if Tim doesn’t want to, he canonically doesn’t even have to try to be consistent.
Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object… this should be good!
Ethan is quite movable tho. :p
Unstoppable Force vs Constantly replaced object.
Ethan is Clippy!
He looks like the kind of guy who would ask me to be his meat bicycle. And I don’t think I’d have the heart to refuse…
Yeah, you don’t have a heart, he just ripped it out of you..
Well, Ethan is a cape and was fighting these guys. Maybe Deathblood kill him a few times, but sure he can explain himself.
Until ZK comes and kill Deathblood (my bet)
There shouldn’t be any need for explaining. Unless Deathblood did absolutely zero reconnaissance or is stone deaf, the gunfire and commotion should have already tipped him off that someone was fighting someone else in the warehouse. Then he steps in and finds a cape and a bunch of known criminals – it’s fairly obvious what’s happening.
You’re assuming Deathblood will listen to reason. I think he’s in the shoot first and keep shooting the bad guys method of heroing. Ethan doesn’t want that though, he’s a knock them out and leave them tied up for the cops deal.
Should have said “… DYES tonight!”
Get it? Cuz somebody dropped a bucket of red paint on his head.
He can’t be based on just one character, right? I see Deadpool, Red Hood/Arkham Knight, the Punisher, Deathstroke.
Yeah he’s clearly several characters rolled into one. He looks like deadpool but is far to serious and preachy to be him. He’s like Red Hood spliced with Adam West style Batman dialog.
Yeah, we at least have Punisher and Deadpool in the design, and the Blood/Paint on the chest losely lookes like a Bat symbol.
Are we sure this guy is a hero?
No, we are not.
Punisher and Deathstroke is the obvious combination. Deadpool is already based on Deathstroke so adding that element is redundant, also from what we know of this guy so far he does not have Deadpool’s personality.
One can also see a bit of Batman in the outfit, especially the skull logo on the belt placement and the pattern on the chest.
I bet you have just found a new popular item to sell in your store (shirts, prints, etc)
Peace was MIGHT have been an option.
But I guess not anymore.
He looks like a condom that had an encounter with “Aunt Flo”
Ah, so that’s where the title fits in.
Literally everyone’s guess was wrong.
No, your guess was wrong. If you read all of the previous comic’s comments, or even just searched them for “Deathblood” before stating they were all wrong, then you’d know Pyre guessed exactly this.
He also predicted that after Deathblood shows up, Ethan will fight him to try to protect the criminals.
Man, that would be an interesting fight.
YEAH! How dare you put me in a basket with people that are wrong!? There was only 11 other pages of comments you had to browse to know that someone else actually guessed right! So that makes you an illegal user of the term “literally” You should have said something like Almost, or loosely.
Now go and reflect on those dislike!
You could have read the only other reply to this comment, which pointed out the fact you can just search the previous comic’s comments for “Deathblood” to see that it’s there. No browsing required, and the “number of pages” doesn’t matter (it’s not paginated, if you didn’t notice).
If someone doesn’t want to bother doing a 5 second search in the previous comments, then they don’t need to waste 5 seconds typing up a baseless misinformed comment about what all the previous comments said. It was completely pointless and contributed nothing of value.
Yeah! of course, but this Bad Blood arc title has been going on for a month already. So, maybe everytime I check CADcomics, I read and scroll over all the comments, but this Pyro person always read and comment after me? If wasting 5 seconds for this so called “baseless and misinformed,” which I find a little harsh on a simple one liner reaction, contributed nothing of value, then it’s pretty ironic to waste 5 minutes to tell him wrong? And then comes us two, wasting even more time…. But, seriously, I’m kinda fooling around and trolling. I thought it… Read more »
Oh no! A 90s comic character!
I actually had to look it up to see if a 90s Image character was named Deathblood. Legit surprised there wasn’t.
I now have an image of Tim spending ages coming up with suitably edgy character names and constantly finding his picks have already been taken.
“Curse you LIEFELD!”
The first stereotypical name that comes to mind for me is Bloodegde which a Blazblue character kinda had so I’m not sure if the whole this is copyrighted.
Can’t copyright names.
However, important names get trademarked to protect them.
(Though IP law varies from country to country, so this may not be fully accurate)
I dunno, I think if he was truly 90s, his guns would have belts and pockets too. Plus, his biceps have room for an arm belt and pocket!
He even has the thigh pouches! All he’s missing is a pair of ginormous shoulderpads that miraculously don’t cut off his peripheral vision.
Dude came in like the evil Kool-Aid Man.
Ask the one being left behind about “evil”
Wow. I …..actually….called it.
Believe it or not, I’m actually surprised. Still, stopped clocks and all that.
Cool you got Rob Liefeld to design a character.
Deathblood: the embodiment of “overkill” in more ways than one!
And not a railroad track in sight!
(Wasn’t the first mention of Deathblood that he threw people on train tracks or am I misremembering that?)
I was seriously suspecting it’d be a “hero” of some sort. And a “take no prisoners” kind, given that he opens with an explosion.
It could’ve been a rival gang, but that would’ve been boring in the end.
It COULD be the one previously mentioned, several strips ago. But that one was called Bloodbath. So, here are the possibilities:
Did I mention a character called Bloodbath?
I recalled his name wrong, sorry.
When I said the same thing in other comment, I said that it was only what I recalled. I forgot to do that in this one.
I didn’t try to verify it initially, because looking that up could take a long while. After people commenting, and the negative votes, I did try. Fortunately, re-reading old bits jogged my memory and I remembered Ethan mentioned him shortly after the Troll’s acid dive. So, I could confirm I was mistaken.
In any case, I’ve been posting my correction along with my other comments.
That was a legit question, btw. I sometimes use throwaway places/names that I have no intention of using again, so I wasn’t sure if at some point I’d mentioned a “Bloodbath” and didn’t remember.
Didn’t feel likely, since Deathblood has always been my idea for the city’s “Punisher” archetype, but you never know.
At least you didn’t throw the bloodbaby away with the bloodbathwater :P.
Yeah, I get it. I saw no second intentions in your question. I can tell you’re sensible enough to consider the possibility of being mistaken, as a rule. And I respect that. It’s one of the reasons I like to read your opinions as well sometimes, and not just the comics. Who knows, maybe a Bloodbath character shows up at some point in the future? xD Or maybe more Internet-themed characters, like the Troll? There could be a character that hacks and crashes systems, and leaves long-winded, self-righteous, holier-than-thou manifestos behind. Wait. That is me, except for the hacking and… Read more »
Aaahhhh, now the series name makes sense…
My wife is a HUGE Punisher fan, old school Punisher not the new garbage.
Calling it now.
Deathblood has a fixation on making sure people stay dead and Ethan is about to GREATLY offend that mentality.
whelp. shame. *whistles* you cant always get, what you want…
Holy Punisher, Batman! Now THAT is a payoff! Way to play the long game, Tim!
Oooooh I’m hoping for some discussion on the morality/ethics concerning Ethan’s vs Deathblood’s approach to crime fighting. Ethan has always seemed to have the ‘every life is precious’ belief while I’m guessing Deathblood will feel like his approach is merely delivering the consequences of the actions that the criminals take and likely also feels that by killing them he prevents the criminal from ever hurting anyone else.
Ok. going pedantic on this, but holding an AK in one hand… presumably full auto, and judging by the design something based off the m249, also full auto.
He’d have to have supernatural strength to wield either of those at more then a 2 round burst and hope to hit anything. I’d love to see the reinforcement inside them so his grip doesn’t just shatter the handles.
Interesting character design.
Looking at the guy I think supernatural strength seems to be likely;)
More of a vigilante than a hero
Don’t do it, Ethan. Do not make an enemy of the giant maniac in an attempt to save a bunch of criminals who burned through 5 of your lives. Just sneak away. You don’t need this enemy, and more importantly, Lucas doesn’t need this enemy.
(Ethan’s totally going to do it though, isn’t he…)
was reading old archives of the comics.. and ya know what? I miss the old ninja assassination attempts jokes
Just to point out, all those bad guys did attempt to murder him and without any real hesitation. So it is actually true that these are real serious bad guys who likely have murdered people in the past.
Well. That’s a name.
But is he wearing anything bulletproof? It looks more like he’s a ‘strafe the room’ sort instead of ever encountering people who fire back.
actually he looks more like he should be their leader than their doom
I can see the inspiration for Deathblood, but I have to assume that Marvel/DC also exists in this universe, so just out of curiosity, did he make a knockoff Deadpool because he wanted a semi-unique identity? Or because he feared the biggest super villain of all: corporate lawyers?
Aren’t the Sun Devils also the guys from Starcaster?
So I would give my left arm for some Deathblood merchandise, it’s so 90s grimdark I love it
Watch out everyone, the 90s Anti-Hero is here!
I bet this joke has been made already but Analog is probably the only hero who can wear a cape without it being a life threatening hazard.