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Bad Blood, p5

October 5, 2022 by Tim

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1 year ago

Ethan is clearly not concerned about team murder, yet they’re just assuming he can be taken out back and shot. Like, he’s clearly either lying about the eye lasers, or whatever power he *does* have is useful in this situation.

1 year ago
Reply to  BaufenBeast

They seem to be an odd mix of intelligent and stupid.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zair

Ignoring how calm Ethan is…. Deciding it’s a good idea to split up and leave just one member alone with a supe with an unknown power…

Where’s the intelligent part?

1 year ago
Reply to  chargersfan

It’s where some people aren’t choosing to be the one being left with a supe with an unknown power

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Zair

I think neither; they’re just practical. They don’t recognize him as a super, so he’s likely either a minor power or an idiot in a cape with no powers whatsoever. If they hold him, his backup could get him, or he could contact someone else, or he’d have more opportunities to retaliate. Yeah, he doesn’t sound concerned about death, and sure, that’s concerning. But in this town? Chances are, that’s a bluff. And if it’s not… well, it’s not like calling that bluff puts them in a worse position than before. Either way, there’s a maybe-super with unknown abilities, so… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  BaufenBeast

You must be new. >_< I'll not spoil you then (though you could always just read back a ways)

1 year ago
Reply to  Logan

BaufenBeast is aware. He’s talking about the goons.

1 year ago
Reply to  Logan

That, or they’re just thinking from the perspective of the MC members – ie. that they should realise his power is likely relevant. (Or he’s suicidal?)

1 year ago

Albie is going to have a hell of night…

John Swift
John Swift
1 year ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Yep. I wonder if Zeke will be outside. He could just be planning to rob these guys. I dont see robotics parts or 3D printers in their warehouse tho so it would be a stretch.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Swift

My guess, spoiler, Zeke is the boss.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave

My guess is, actually… we won’t see Zeke for a little while.

I think it’s more likely that Ethan will get into more trouble than he realizes here, needs help, and either Scott, Lucas, or (more likely) both come to his aid.

Zeke needs time. The fellowship has been broken. We started with Ethan and Lucas; we’re going to end with Ethan and Lucas.

1 year ago

*insert Homelander laughing gif*

1 year ago

Someone’s about to go… K-KOOM!

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
1 year ago

How do they not know him as “the hero who threw The Troll off a building?” I mean, that still would mean they don’t know his power, but it’d at least mean he should be recognizable by now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Austin Mills

Maybe “hero throw a wannabe villain” od not their concern, sure they are more worried about the “hero hit the s€#t out of drug ganger” news and things like that.
In a supervillain world, be just a gang sometimes makes you going the radar of big supers.

Robert L.
Robert L.
1 year ago
Reply to  Austin Mills

There is enough superhero activity in this world that when an 80 foot Cthulhu starts ripping up downtown, people are worried about the effect on traffic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert
1 year ago
Reply to  Austin Mills

This is the same city that Captain Prime routinely has to save from Dr Eldritch’s tentacle bombs. It’s probably safe to say there’s plenty of superhero news to lose a few video game themed guys in the mix.

James Kite
James Kite
1 year ago

Just waiting for Albie to be an undercover cop or vigilante

1 year ago
Reply to  James Kite

Ooooooh. THAT would be a cool twist.

1 year ago

I hate to say that, but having laser eyes would do you no good, as long as you have a gun pointed at your back.

John Barnett
John Barnett
1 year ago
Reply to  ocramot

I mean up until this point he has had several chances to look at the guy before now. With laser eyes all it takes is a glance…

Robert L.
Robert L.
1 year ago
Reply to  John Barnett

Ethan still has the better power in this situation. Frankly he’s one of the most powerful superheroes we’ve seen, just not in the way that gets much press. If it wasn’t for the fact that we are in a world with thousands of parahumans, and if he wasn’t such a dufus, he’d be huge. Frankly its a good thing he didn’t go super-villian. Could you imagine the cult he could gather if he grew a goatee and wore a sack-cloth robe.

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  ocramot

“Hey! Can you take me to that mirror over there? So I can look at myself one last time?”

1 year ago
Reply to  The Legacy

I’ve never understood why laser eyes don’t just melt a glass mirror.

1 year ago

Just noticed the 1%-er patches on the vest, nice touch.

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  RickyBobby

Tim commented on someone’s reply about that on monday. It is! Apparently it’s a reference to biker gangs, was predates the usage by the general public in regard to its resistance against the richest.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Yep! We had a few Hell’s Angels near my hometown. Anyone with that little patch was firmly under the “do not piss off” category.

1 year ago

I hate to be that guy, so…

… I won’t.

1 year ago

it would be an interesting thing if his deaths released the energy of the mass of his parts as a kaboom every time he died and drained the energy needed from where he respawned. every death is a double catastrophe!

1 year ago
Reply to  Pulse

If I’ve done my math correctly, that would be roughly equivalent to a 1.5 *Gigaton* nuclear explosion. Or roughly 30 times the yield of the largest (man made) nuclear explosion ever. Every death would be a big enough explosion that he would almost certainly die after he respawned from his own explosion. He would be caught in an infinite nuclear fire, destroying the world many, many times over.

Fun fact I learned doing this: a pound of weight is roughly equal to a 10 megaton explosion.

1 year ago
Reply to  pgok

Yeah mass-energy conversion is crazy.

1 year ago

*cough cough* ahem, sorry.
Muahahahaha!!! Someone is in for a rude surprise and it’s not Ethan. So looking forward to Fridays comic.

1 year ago

I appreciate that the criminals clearly have their names displayed on their vests. It really makes identifying them to the police much easier.

1 year ago

I may be allergic to bullets, but they also have no permanent effect either…

1 year ago

Why is Deacon St. John being a bad guy? 🙁

1 year ago

I’m slightly worried based on the title of this arc that Ethan doesn’t realize he’s on his last life. Everything which has already taken a downward spiral takes even more of one because:
Ethan is permanently gone
Lucas and Scott think Zeke did it
Zeke thinks they’re responsible
On the other hand – I can’t see Tim perma-killing Ethan.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Billy

I don’t believe that would ever happen, from a narrative perspective. We’re taught, as an audience, that Ethan has unlimited lives. Everything points to that. To make him be on his “last” life, without warning, is a huge cheat to the reader. It not only ends all character development and growth abruptly, but it breaks the rules of the created universe. And it’s made worse by the fact that true death is permanent. There is no recourse, no way to bring him back, without breaking the rules of the universe a second time. Storytelling is a game of setups and… Read more »

Robert L.
Robert L.
1 year ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Agreed. I expect that if we ever do find out his lives are limited, its going be followed by finding out he can earn 1-up’s.

1 year ago
Reply to  Billy

Imo the only way that happens is if Tim wants to reboot the story; Ethan is a caricature of Tim so he’d sort of be permanently killing himself in a way. But in one of the very first issues of Analog and D-Pad, Ethan swings through a window and stabs himself in the neck and dies. When he respawns, he says something to the order of “Infinite Continues!” It’s been established thus far that he has infinite lives, so as Eldest Gruff said, the only way it gets to where he’s running out is if there’s a lot of foreshadowing… Read more »

1 year ago

I’m hearing the Benny Hill song in my head as he’s shot over and over.

1 year ago
Reply to  Drew

Yakkity Sacks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lrbearclaw

I am aware. Just know that, if people know it, they mainly know it for Benny Hill.

Last edited 1 year ago by Drew
1 year ago

This came out early. Go Tim!

1 year ago

The title is going to have a more gruesome meaning if Ethan regens inside Albie by accident and explodes him.

1 year ago

How many Ethan corpses are out there in the world at this point?

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarymother

I believe – I could be misremembering – the corpse despawns when he respawns.

1 year ago
Reply to  Billy

Yep, there was even an experiment on how long he needed to have “donated” blood stored before it was safe from respawn.

1 year ago

I’m not PISSED. But it does rise a tiny flag in my head, when they seem to go for the “latinos are criminals” stereotype (Santiago).

I can tell Tim is not an a-hole, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

Two bad white guys and one bad latino, CALL THE STEREOTYPE POLICE!

1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

He was probably just trying to be inclusive. It’s really the kind of thing you need to live through, to grasp. Are you latino? Because if you aren’t, you telling how a latino (me) should feel about how latinos are misrepresented often enough… Is pretty white privilege of you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

I’m sorry for your (presumably) terrible life experiences, but I do hope even you can realize how odd you’re looking right now. It’s just one panel, of a mostly irrelevant background character (who isn’t even in said panel), in a (part)-comedy webcomic, that just happens to be a criminal. Don’t you think you’re overreacting a little bit if you think that somehow equates to calling/considering all members of a certain race criminals? Especially considering the presence of every other character that somehow doesn’t get taken as a stereotype? I agree that racism is terrible, but please don’t fall into the… Read more »

1 year ago

The fact he’s so calm about being murdered really should be ringing warning bells for these idiots. Oh well.

1 year ago

I am loving this conversation.