My Companion mother makes 50 bucks an hour on the PC(Personal Computer). She has been out of w0rk for quite some time however last month her check was 11,500 bucks only w0rking on the PC(Personal Computer) for 9 hours per day.
For more detail visit this article..
Edits to comments do not seem to be put through the same filters as original comments. If you look, all of these spam comments are edited shortly after publication. As to why this hasn’t been fixed, or this botnet blocked, you’d have to ask the sysadmin.
I should have called it. Because this is the only thing that could possibly get through to scott. And it’s absolutely true. This is a betrayal that cannot be ignored.
Daniel Sørensen
2 years ago
The fact that we ended with a heartbreak and not a fight is excellent. Mostly because the angry fallout has been done to death, and is narratively boring. So nice to see you got that out of the way early in this story run, and went with the more interesting approach
I am honestly relieved it didn’t go in the direction I thought. Dunno if this is enough of a wake up call for Scott, but judging from his expression, even HIS smart ass didn’t consider it. They cried for each other when it started, they’ll cry for each other when this talk ends. They ARE family. Bonds like that are not easily broken. Bonds like THEIRS harder still…
2 years ago
From a Webcomic that is usually more light and funny, I really didn’t expect these panels, and I mean the last few, this whole conversation feels… believable. People could talk like this after these experiences.
This happened once before on CAD and people made fun of it – it became a freaking internet meme.
Tim at the time, like now, doesn’t shy away from real life, and at the time he said that what he experienced in life, or saw happening informed his comic.
CAD is both – a light hearted video game comic and a heavy social commentary, and I love it for it.
I assume you’re talking about the Loss comic, I’d defend the criticism somewhat. I think the main issue is that that version of CAD was 98% comedy and had an incredibly dark thing like that out of nowhere, it was such a tonal shift it was comical. Whereas modern CAD is clearly more serious from the start, it has comedy and hijinks but you know from very early on that it is a serious story overall, it’s much more consistent in tone.
What happened once before was “sometimes bad things happen in life and there’s nothing you can do about it”, relatively out of nowhere.
This exchange had a lot of build-up, and is a thoughtful exchange between the two characters, both with respectable points of view, about what they can do about it.
Don’t compare the two as equivalent.
It certainly happens, but it doesn’t always make for a good story. Take for example this story: “One day little Johnny was out in the rain and he got struck by lightning and died. The end.” This could certainly happen, in fact it probably has. No warning, just one moment he was fine and the next there was tragedy. As a story, though, there’s no point behind it. There’s no moral, no humor, nothing deep or thought provoking, it’s just “a bad thing happened”. Now, let’s add just a little bit to the story “Little Johnny stood outside in the… Read more »
He didn’t say equivalent, I think he means more in the sense that they’re both events that feel much, much more relatable and grounded in real-life hardships. The fact that this one has a build-up is normal since its a relationship event. The other one (I’m assuming we are talking about the miscarriage?), IS an unexpected life event and it makes sense that it came in with no build-up. As far as events that I am ok with happening in a fictional world with little-to-no buildup goes, that would be one. This arc however shows how Tim has evolved as… Read more »
Yeah, well thats how miscarriages work, and from what I remember Tim did that because his own partner miscarried in real life and it was helping him deal with the grief.
Speaking as someone who’s heard their mother describe how it felt to hold, in one hand, what could have been their brother or sister but was still too small to know what it may have been… yeah. Fuck anyone who gives Tim grief over writing “Loss.” Every time I see someone meme-ing that I want to find a way to punch someone through an ethernet cable. >:(
To clarify- this mirrored a situation I was in personally some years prior to starting my comic strip. The storyline was not so much to deal with any palpable grief so to speak, but it was a sort outlet for me to examine this thing that had happened in my life that I always felt I had been much too young to really process. I wouldn’t say it was “cathartic” or anything quite so grand as that, but it did let me reexplore some of those events/feelings, while also being able to imagine a scenario in which the outcome was… Read more »
2 years ago
“tichnicilli” you never were, even in law…
Dark jokes aside, I can understand Scott doubts to trust Ethan, as he has always showed some unmatured features, acting like a big kid even in the face of a threat or serious business…but Scott also knew Ethan in a very sad a serious moment (his sister murder) and very probably saw another face of him. But this is speculative…
The “I know what is better than you” is a very poor excuse if you really never talk about it with the others and make all the decisions for your own.
I think your point is interesting, because it’s a very common trope in media portraying children for a serious issue to arise and for adults to brush the children off making the problem way worse. Just because Ethan behaves in an immature way, be it occasionally or even predominantly, that doesn’t mean you should ignore him in the moments where he is behaving in a serious way. If anything you should respect even more that he takes the situation seriously enough to be setting aside his immaturity. It’s rare that the immature act maturely and serious out of immaturity. When… Read more »
Would you? Trust is not just handy in a super hero team, it’s a MUST! And Scott broke that with both of them because of fear and excuses.
John Swift
2 years ago
There we go. I wondered how they would manage to get to a point like this. Well played so far. They both have a reasonable base for their mentality here.
The next question is how are they going to calm Zeke down… Disabling them again isnt a perfect plan but is prob their only way to even have a chance at a conversation.
That would probably do more harm the good because that would probably re-engage their survival program that nearly killed them. I think Ethan is only one that can talk them down.
I think that is an entirely feasible way, but Tim sometime likes to find a surprise in his narrative. I was just thinking wouldn’t it be interesting if the heroes were planning for a very tough attempt to reach Zeke and win him back from the murder-bot mode… and Zeke instead says he’s been around in the world for a time, can experience things much faster than humans, has studied humans, and understand what Scott did even though it was unacceptable. And he simply says he cannot be Scott’s friend after he tried to kill them, and he can’t trust… Read more »
2 years ago
Ouch ! Right in the feels…
2 years ago
What if Scott, deep, deep inside, harbor a grudge againt ethan for his power of immortality, when he is confined in a wheelchair and his love is dead without respawning?
2 years ago
Am sorry, but this is a bullshit argument from Scott.
If someone kept a dangerous animal in a cage with an open door but put a collar on it so that it’d die if it walked out, that’s just an execution with extra steps.
This was never a safeguard, it was a fully intentional killing. Scott wanted Zeke dead. And it’s kinda bullshit that Ethan’s so easily buying into the argument that this was a safeguard of any kind.
Catch is, you can’t see if someone is truly changing by telling them “If you leave, you die.” They asked Zeke to remain behind closed doors as trust building. “Or else your head blows up” kind of ruins that. Scott expected Zeke to walk out the door on day one, and probably just assumed it was a ruse when he didn’t. He’s not right, but I don’t think Ethan or Lucas ever knew how close he was to suicide (they seemed to interrupt him when they got their powers). Aside: are there no longer “issues?” #6 was in 2020, and… Read more »
They asked Zeke to remain behind closed doors as trust building.
It’s not “trust building” if you never remove the bomb despite obvious progress being made. If you instead cut out more people you trust when they no longer agree with you. Devilboy is right, Scott intentionally killed Zeke. It was an execution.
And if Scott had not taken the step he did, and Zeke went out and killed someone (which we don’t know they wouldn’t for certain, given he has super complicated programming that could well have directives or exterior triggers Scott didn’t catch), then it would be on Scott’s conscience and he’d have allowed that to happen when he had the power to prevent it. Zeke may or may not have changed and may or may not have no more triggers to kill others, but they HAVE killed other humans and have not been held to account for their actions there.… Read more »
Regrets are part of life. Everything from stubbing your toe to an extreme like you’re suggesting is potential for guilt to weigh on someone’s conscience. That is no one’s responsibility but their own. It’s hard, and Scott may have reason for not wanting to risk those feelings, but that doesn’t give him the right to pre-judge and execute others. That’s what Deathblood is doing, executing people who have done wrong ‘in case’ they go on to hurt others. The gang that attacked Ethan were obviously not the only ones DB has taken out. Zeke attacked and even killed Ethan, just… Read more »
To be entirely fair, they asked him to not leave the building. Up until after his head exploded, he never disobeyed that request. He was just walking up to the main area of the store for some video game, iirc, and the trigger was set for that backrooms boundary. Imagine telling someone not to go past a certain point, but then punishing them for going past 50 feet before that point! And then have that punishment be head explosion! I’m with devilboy, if Scott wanted it to be a fair test of trust for Zeke, he would have put the… Read more »
That’s what I’ve been saying, He wasn’t “testing” Zeke, he was setting him up to die. And I’ve been saying that Scott didn’t trust both Ethan and Lucas much less his own eyes and ears. “Oh no! A thinking feeling machine!” I have to kill it!” was his only thought. Everything else was to not piss off Ethan and Lucas. Good job Scott, I hope you can live with your choices.
The comics used to have issues with numbers lile regular comics. There is an issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 – look at the titles in the archives. Most are around 24 pages, I think, much like a print comic.
Then there are the mini arcs of anything from 1 to 18ish pages. They have titles but they’re not “numbered” issues.
I enjoy this set of strips immensely, so it’s fine, but after 2.5 years I do wonder if numbered issues for it are a thing of the past. It’s a curiosity, not a complaint.
If your test only ever gives one answer it’s not a test. Scott did not allow for any scenario where Zeke is proven to be a real person (or at least not dangerous) and allowed to live.
If he wanted to keep everyone safe he could clearly have made it so that leaving the room disabled all motor functions again. Don’t have to tell Zeke, still tests for everything you want.
This is a problem of diplomatic negotiations. Zeke’s backroom was an independent country. Potentially hostile to the rest of the world. Ethan was an ambassador to the Zeke’s country. And Zeke themself could be considered at least a very capable spy/assassin/commandos crossing the border of the “human country” – so retaliation could be expected.
So the real issue here is that Ethan (being an ambassador) didn’t know that he doesn’t have the power to grant Zeke entry right to the “human country”. Which doesn’t sound right.
The biggest mistake was keeping the animal in a cage. That was actually Ethan’s call, that he made against the others. The right thing to do would have been to hand him over to the fitting authorities. If Ethan really considers Zeke a person, then it would be highly unethical for him to kidnap and illegally detain them without a trial. Just imagine they would have imprisoned the Troll in their store room. Every other problem (they don’t have a proper prison to stop Zeke, so they did the thing with the bomb, and Zeke didn’t know, so he inadvertently… Read more »
But we’ve all seen enough scifi to know that the authorities would just try and figure out how to weaponize Zeke for their own benefits. A little different from a normal human criminal.
And? Up to that point, the only thing Zeke has done was trying to murder them. All the humanizing stuff happened afterward. Should they also kidnap the troll, because he might otherwise have a bad time in prison? Also, how come you have such a deep distrust in a fictional government of which we know basically nothing? I’m European. I’d trust my government much more with the care of a sentient murderbot than I’d trust myself with one. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t keep one locked up in my basement without them being able to escape. Maybe unless I strap… Read more »
I’m European. I’d trust my government much more with the care of a sentient murderbot than I’d trust myself with one.
As an American, I most definitely would *not* trust my government with that same technology. It’s not a possibility that they’d abuse it. It’s simply a matter of when and against whom.
Yeah, its a lot different when you live in a country that frequently does unregulated medical experiments on its own population, to trust the government. Glad I’ve just got Incompetence rather than Malice.
Zeke knows their identities, and he’d have gladly thrown them under the bus in retaliation if they tried that. Plus there’s the question of how much they trust the government. At best they would be forced to register as heroes and at worst they would be turned into science experiments. Seriously, it’s the weapon X scenario all over again, but Ethan’s regeneration abilities exceed Wolverine in many cases.
Do you have any proof of how the government works in the comic? Unless the presence of supers changes nothing, it’s safe to assume it’s different than IRL. As for trusting European governments, look up the Irish Potato famine. Extra History is a good place to start. On example of a governmental choice was allowing exportation of food from Ireland while 1 million people died from starvation. The decisions made by that parliament had aftershocks that are still being felt over 150 years later.
We’re talking about a government too lazy to solve it’s own issues so it “permits” untrained vigilantes deal with the criminal element… So yeah it’s a no-brainer that they’d use a intelligent robot to solve it’s national and international problems. In masse`. Without any oversight or worry about what would happen if it figured out how to take over.
“But… But… the brain bombs? What happened? Who knew?!?”
If Scott truly just wanted Zeke dead, he could have detonated the failsafe initially and blamed it on the programmed defense mechanisms. It’s not like Lucas or Ethan would have doubted him.
He didn’t. While it’s true he wants Zeke destroyed, it’s out of fear, not maliciousness. It’s far more likely he wanted, subconsciously, to be proven wrong.
Scott lost hope, but he clearly wanted to find it again, and was just lost.
Ethan is trying not to assume the worst in Scott. You are likely right about Scott’s intentions, but between the two men here, only one of them is trying to do so. Scott only ever assumed Ethan would fail and Zeke would need to be taken down. He never even tried to give Ethan’s views a chance. I’m very glad Ethan has the empathy not to do the same.
Shy Hot Prince
2 years ago
Still not sure how the conversation ends as if Scott will have some more arguments or if he will find excuses. But it would be interesting as a follow-up arc if Scott “motivated by guild” would search for Zeke – as the tech guy, he should have the most realistic means – and approach him without informing the others. And in the talk, Scott would offer Zeke to do what he wants to do if he wishes to take revenge because he wants to show that he trusts Ethan. And then Zeke has to decide if he should take Scott’s… Read more »
So, out of guilt for doing things without informing others…Scott would do even more things without informing others? That seems somewhat contradictory.
I feel like people have done things this contradictory to try and fix their mistakes. You lied and that caused some nasty consequences? Maybe try more lies to fix it!
Does it? I mean if the relation to Zeke shall be fixed in the future someone has to take responsibility for what has happened or Zeke taking revenge and then sorting it out. If Ethan offers himself for revenge it would be pointless as he has not to fear consequences or at least less than others. So yea, if Scott decides to take responsibility for any reason it is only meaningful if the others can’t interfer. That’s why he would need to do this alone. And yea, the human psyche does work this way. Scott could reach a point where… Read more »
Keep in mind that he had told Lucas he would expand the area beyond the storage room and “hadn’t had time” yet. He was lying to both of them because of his fear of a new life form. It’s possible he would try to seek out Zeke to repair him or bring him back but with his fears I doubt he could do it unless the team was broke up and he was desperate to get it back. I don’t see it, he is so terrified of Zeke and what he might do that it would be like pulling out… Read more »
Zeke’s pronouns are they/them. But your imagining of a covert meetup is definitely interesting.
Pedro Silva
2 years ago
I’m in awe of the progress on this dialog…
What a fabulous piece of writing there Tim.
So close to what _actually_ happens in “real life”. The anguish, the sadness, the anger and finally, the heartbreak…
I’ve been thinking of joining the Patreon for quite some time, but I cannot postpone it anymore. You just deserve it
Pedro Silva
2 years ago
I’m in awe of the progress on this dialog…
What a fabulous piece of writing there Tim.
So close to what _actually_ happens in “real life”. The anguish, the sadness, the anger and finally, the heartbreak…
I’ve been thinking of joining the Patreon for quite some time, but I cannot postpone it anymore. You just deserve it
2 years ago
Gotta say Tim, I’ve read your comic pretty much since the beginning, and a lot of the time in the early days your characters were honestly very much just that, characters, forced to make funny situations. At this point however, and honestly for a long time now, your writing has been masterful. The situations, the emotions displayed and the dialogue feels REAL. Kudos to you.
Tim has really grown over the years in both his art style and his writing. Originally it felt odd to do the reboot, but now it makes a lot more sense. The restart gave him the chance to have a clean slate, to be able to explore these things that would have been otherwise awkward with the original timeline.
2 years ago
That’s such a bad take from Ethan. I guess “trust, but verify” was never uttered in this universe? Just because someone’s family doesn’t mean you implicitly trust their judgement in all things. Ethan’s argument is either blindingly stupid or deliberately malicious.
If Scott had really trusted Ethan he would have deactivated the bomb. Ethan and Lucas told Scott that Zeke deserved a chance, that they were changing, and Scott just didn’t believe them.
Ethan just said he was less upset about the bomb itself than he was about not knowing about it.
Had Scott trusted Ethan enough to tell him “hey, the bomb is still active, make sure Zeke stays in the closet for now. We’ll ‘verify’ that we can trust them to obey our request.” That would have been better than this lie by omission.
2 years ago
There’s nothing wrong with having a realist to check against the optimist (and voice versa), but you need to communicate. It would have been an uncomfortable conversation, for sure, and it might have led to Ethan making unilateral decisions instead, but at least Scott would be doing the right thing.
2 years ago
To be fair, he has shown a lack of sound judgment many times, so Scott has plenty of reason not to trust him.
The problem is that as soon as Lucas disagreed with him, he cut Lucas out as well. Which means that prior judgement didn’t mean anything to him. This one point was all it took for him to choose to go it alone.
2 years ago
Scott might already know where Zeke is, given his tech prowess and the fact that he has been connected to him multiple times before now.
I predict a Scott/Zeke scene coming soon.
2 years ago
Ah, at last Ethan’s final point is revealed. Plus Ethan using the well earned buildup to give give Scott one final reality check. Now will Scott cash that check, or rip it up?
And it’s a powerful one to boot. And one that honestly that’s been bugging me since this whole arc started.
Bugging me in a good way, because it was really compelling, but bugging me because I’ve been wanting to see this play out. ?
2 years ago
Dang but this is has been good writing. The art style feels like it’s evolving too
2 years ago
And that’s how you stab somebody in the heart with the same knife they used to stab you in the back.
2 years ago
Ethan really doesn’t want the answer, but it’s pretty straightforward: “Because you’re untrustworthy. You’re immature, and you don’t see situations rationally.”
They don’t know he has infinite lives, they are just assuming he does. He could have just 999 lives, a version of the “up up down down left right left right select start” from Contra, they won’t know unless he does run out!
2 years ago
well, to Ethan, has he actually ever proven to Scott to be trustable with his judgement
2 years ago
“You didn’t trust me”, says the man who literally drains his blood until he dies, just to buy some new hardware for gaming.
And then doesn’t even google before that stunt to figure out if a blood donation centre takes blood in non-sterile buckets stored in a fridge, next to food.
You can love someone and consider someone family, and still not trust them with everything.
Hell, I don’t ever tell my mother any secrets before they are public knowledge, because I know she’ll accidentally spill the secret. Doesn’t mean I respect her any less.
It’s a fair argument ,but It doesn’t apply, not entirely. Lucas has shown himself to be well grounded, and was on Scott’s side at the beginning about the safeguard. But when he saw the changes in Zeke, saw they were trying to change, he brought that argument to Scott as well, effectively backing up Ethan’s original perspective. And Scott saw that as a betrayal, or at least that Lucas had lost perspective on “the threat”, and effectively lied to him, saying he’d take care of it when Scott had no intention of ever removing the threat of the bomb in… Read more »
True, but the problem isn’t just that he didn’t trust Ethan’s opinion, but also that he didn’t even trust them enough to keep working with them. The bomb itself was bad enough, but the lying about it is arguably worse. Even putting his foot down and refusing to remove the bomb would’ve been better than secretly keeping it in like he did.
The secrecy is also what caused the accident, as Ethan wouldn’t even have taken Zeke out if he’d known the bomb was still there.
Yeah, and still, there are a lot of people I love, and that I trust with some things, but not with others, and certainly not with e.g. my life.
If Zeke knew about the bomb, it would have probably not been hard for them to disable it. So if Ethan accidentally revealed that information, a lot more than just Scotts life would be at stake.
So if he doesn’t trust in Ethan’s ability to keep a secret, it is imperative for him not to tell Ethan.
Doesn’t change the fact, that he considers Ethan to be his family.
It’s not even just that Scott didn’t trust Ethan, he didn’t trust Lucas as well when Lucas came to him about turning off the bomb. He decided to become a committee of one when he told Lucas that he’d “take care of it”. Ethan and Lucas trusted him, and they got burned.
It’d be pretty damned difficult to sell the idea that zeke didnt know about a device he has himself explained was used to ensure his compliance under the Master.
We’re not talking about family here, we’re talking about a super hero team. One that if the members don’t trust each other completely, could cause serious if not deadly results.
Oh wait… didn’t that just happen?
2 years ago
I just want to take this moment to thank Tim for telling such a compelling story.
I’ve been reading this comic for a long fricking time, and the growth in storytelling is beyond impressive.
So impressive in fact that I’m pretty sure it’s written by your wife, who is clearly your ghostwriter, your greatest secret that you intend to unveil at the moment of your retirement, complete with the most villainous of laughs and fedoras. A twist ending we never saw coming. No one but me. You fiend.
I’m guessing it’s because it kinda sounds like “this is too good, there’s no way you wrote this, you wouldn’t be good enough to write something like this.” I guess some people didn’t get the joke and thought it was genuine? Got a chuckle out of me, at least.
James Stakey
2 years ago
Oooh man that’s the exact rub here. They both had their reasons for their actions, and from each perspective, they did what was right, but Scott cut out his friends from the decision. He didn’t trust them, or their objectiveness on it because he was too hyper focused on his own read of the situation to give theirs any consideration other than “you don’t think it’s a threat anymore, therefore it falls to me”
2 years ago
My mind is totally picturing Zeke busting in (either now or some time in the future), strangling Scott, and as this happens Scott apologizes genuinely before dying, messing up both Zeke and Ethan.
2 years ago
“Ethan you thought that a 3D printer magically made things out of nothing.”
Lucas isn’t nearly that stupid, though, so try again.
Chris H
2 years ago
Cue *Emotional Damage*
2 years ago
Sucker punch!
2 years ago
It is a good trope. That moment when a vigilante willing to take things (too) far is confronted with the consequences of this pursuit in their life/relations. generally this is the point of no return. Either they go realize what they are doing and walk-back, or commit to the path they where going down on.
Del Cox
2 years ago
2 years ago
Scott’s “Checkmate” face is priceless.
2 years ago
@FITSniper I own a 3D printer and there is a “kid in a candy store” feel at first. ! bought in just a few months, 15 rolls. and they don’t cost as much as Tim says, Way less, unless you’re buying the fancy stuff, like carbon fiber infused nylon. Scott just told Ethan his decisions were based entirely out of his fear of not protecting someone like with what happened to his sister. That mindset alone is the reason he did what he did, logic had little to do with it. He was TOTALLY the wrong person to be in… Read more »
2 years ago
2 years ago
Now kiss and make up already! Or manhugs, or whatever you find appropriate.
2 years ago
Boom Headshot.
I have long maintained that, where Scott (at least on some level) knew that he was doing wrong was the strip where he lied to Lucas about disabling the bomb. This is where Scott has to come face-to-face with that.
Crystal Garcia
2 years ago
Haha absolutely the same here too
2 years ago
And there it is. The core of the betrayal.
2 years ago
Well, Tim depicted this situation in an suprisingly good way. Not “Scott is paranoid monster, who doesn’t care about sentient being, and Ethan is right all along”, but as something understandable enough even Ethan gets it. As of answer to Ethan’s question, I like image of understanding on Scott’s face. As he is adamant in his belief that he was doing necessary thing, he now understands that he screwed up elsewhere. However, he has one excuse. Prior to this very arc, Ethan wasn’t making an impression of person capable of deep thoughts or considering others thoughtfully. Hell, his first act… Read more »
I should point out my intention wasn’t to demonize Scott for his decisions but to point out he wasn’t mentally stable to make those decisions. Zeke triggered his PTSD badly and it effected his thinking to this degree. No one, including Scott, knew how badly he was terrified of Zeke until everything happened. That effected his thinking to an almost panicked knee-jerk reaction. A good example is a older, experienced cop instructs a fresh faced rookie to watch a hardened criminal while he calls in the collar, panicked he pulls his gun and points it at the guy, in a… Read more »
2 years ago
Yes Ethan you’re a goddamn moron. Nobody should trust you with anything.
2 years ago
And there it is, the COMEBACK.
For a few pages I thought Ethan dropped the ball and we were back to Square one but nope, with this Ethan just won the Argument and I also didn’t think about this, I mean we aren’t used to Ethan being this aware, bravo.
2 years ago
I have really been enjoying this back and forth. Really getting into both sides of an argument. They both have points.
2 years ago
Hey! Be fair! To be honest I wouldn’t trust Ethan with so much as a fork no matter how much his good intentions were or how much I loved him.
My Companion mother makes 50 bucks an hour on the PC(Personal Computer). She has been out of w0rk for quite some time however last month her check was 11,500 bucks only w0rking on the PC(Personal Computer) for 9 hours per day.
For more detail visit this article..
Why can’t these things be blocked? Honest question!
Edits to comments do not seem to be put through the same filters as original comments. If you look, all of these spam comments are edited shortly after publication. As to why this hasn’t been fixed, or this botnet blocked, you’d have to ask the sysadmin.
LITERALLY what i said out loud before loading the comments!
Haha absolutely the same here too
called it
I should have called it. Because this is the only thing that could possibly get through to scott. And it’s absolutely true. This is a betrayal that cannot be ignored.
The fact that we ended with a heartbreak and not a fight is excellent. Mostly because the angry fallout has been done to death, and is narratively boring. So nice to see you got that out of the way early in this story run, and went with the more interesting approach
Wait for it, it may not be over
Man, Ethan is just such a good character in this universe! I love his development.
He may be a goofball but he has epic levels of compassion.
Tbh I liked both Ethans.
I am honestly relieved it didn’t go in the direction I thought. Dunno if this is enough of a wake up call for Scott, but judging from his expression, even HIS smart ass didn’t consider it. They cried for each other when it started, they’ll cry for each other when this talk ends. They ARE family. Bonds like that are not easily broken. Bonds like THEIRS harder still…
From a Webcomic that is usually more light and funny, I really didn’t expect these panels, and I mean the last few, this whole conversation feels… believable. People could talk like this after these experiences.
I’m just going to say it.
This happened once before on CAD and people made fun of it – it became a freaking internet meme.
Tim at the time, like now, doesn’t shy away from real life, and at the time he said that what he experienced in life, or saw happening informed his comic.
CAD is both – a light hearted video game comic and a heavy social commentary, and I love it for it.
I assume you’re talking about the Loss comic, I’d defend the criticism somewhat. I think the main issue is that that version of CAD was 98% comedy and had an incredibly dark thing like that out of nowhere, it was such a tonal shift it was comical. Whereas modern CAD is clearly more serious from the start, it has comedy and hijinks but you know from very early on that it is a serious story overall, it’s much more consistent in tone.
What happened once before was “sometimes bad things happen in life and there’s nothing you can do about it”, relatively out of nowhere.
This exchange had a lot of build-up, and is a thoughtful exchange between the two characters, both with respectable points of view, about what they can do about it.
Don’t compare the two as equivalent.
Funnily enough, sometimes when bad things happen, there is in fact no buildup, no warning of any kind
It certainly happens, but it doesn’t always make for a good story. Take for example this story: “One day little Johnny was out in the rain and he got struck by lightning and died. The end.” This could certainly happen, in fact it probably has. No warning, just one moment he was fine and the next there was tragedy. As a story, though, there’s no point behind it. There’s no moral, no humor, nothing deep or thought provoking, it’s just “a bad thing happened”. Now, let’s add just a little bit to the story “Little Johnny stood outside in the… Read more »
He didn’t say equivalent, I think he means more in the sense that they’re both events that feel much, much more relatable and grounded in real-life hardships. The fact that this one has a build-up is normal since its a relationship event. The other one (I’m assuming we are talking about the miscarriage?), IS an unexpected life event and it makes sense that it came in with no build-up. As far as events that I am ok with happening in a fictional world with little-to-no buildup goes, that would be one. This arc however shows how Tim has evolved as… Read more »
Yeah, well thats how miscarriages work, and from what I remember Tim did that because his own partner miscarried in real life and it was helping him deal with the grief.
Speaking as someone who’s heard their mother describe how it felt to hold, in one hand, what could have been their brother or sister but was still too small to know what it may have been… yeah. Fuck anyone who gives Tim grief over writing “Loss.” Every time I see someone meme-ing that I want to find a way to punch someone through an ethernet cable. >:(
To clarify- this mirrored a situation I was in personally some years prior to starting my comic strip. The storyline was not so much to deal with any palpable grief so to speak, but it was a sort outlet for me to examine this thing that had happened in my life that I always felt I had been much too young to really process. I wouldn’t say it was “cathartic” or anything quite so grand as that, but it did let me reexplore some of those events/feelings, while also being able to imagine a scenario in which the outcome was… Read more »
“tichnicilli” you never were, even in law…
Dark jokes aside, I can understand Scott doubts to trust Ethan, as he has always showed some unmatured features, acting like a big kid even in the face of a threat or serious business…but Scott also knew Ethan in a very sad a serious moment (his sister murder) and very probably saw another face of him. But this is speculative…
The “I know what is better than you” is a very poor excuse if you really never talk about it with the others and make all the decisions for your own.
I think your point is interesting, because it’s a very common trope in media portraying children for a serious issue to arise and for adults to brush the children off making the problem way worse. Just because Ethan behaves in an immature way, be it occasionally or even predominantly, that doesn’t mean you should ignore him in the moments where he is behaving in a serious way. If anything you should respect even more that he takes the situation seriously enough to be setting aside his immaturity. It’s rare that the immature act maturely and serious out of immaturity. When… Read more »
Oof. Ethan is NOT pulling his punches
Would you? Trust is not just handy in a super hero team, it’s a MUST! And Scott broke that with both of them because of fear and excuses.
There we go. I wondered how they would manage to get to a point like this. Well played so far. They both have a reasonable base for their mentality here.
The next question is how are they going to calm Zeke down… Disabling them again isnt a perfect plan but is prob their only way to even have a chance at a conversation.
That would probably do more harm the good because that would probably re-engage their survival program that nearly killed them. I think Ethan is only one that can talk them down.
I agree anything that Scott or Lucas would do or say would only make the problem worse.
I think that is an entirely feasible way, but Tim sometime likes to find a surprise in his narrative. I was just thinking wouldn’t it be interesting if the heroes were planning for a very tough attempt to reach Zeke and win him back from the murder-bot mode… and Zeke instead says he’s been around in the world for a time, can experience things much faster than humans, has studied humans, and understand what Scott did even though it was unacceptable. And he simply says he cannot be Scott’s friend after he tried to kill them, and he can’t trust… Read more »
Ouch ! Right in the feels…
What if Scott, deep, deep inside, harbor a grudge againt ethan for his power of immortality, when he is confined in a wheelchair and his love is dead without respawning?
Am sorry, but this is a bullshit argument from Scott.
If someone kept a dangerous animal in a cage with an open door but put a collar on it so that it’d die if it walked out, that’s just an execution with extra steps.
This was never a safeguard, it was a fully intentional killing. Scott wanted Zeke dead. And it’s kinda bullshit that Ethan’s so easily buying into the argument that this was a safeguard of any kind.
Catch is, you can’t see if someone is truly changing by telling them “If you leave, you die.” They asked Zeke to remain behind closed doors as trust building. “Or else your head blows up” kind of ruins that. Scott expected Zeke to walk out the door on day one, and probably just assumed it was a ruse when he didn’t. He’s not right, but I don’t think Ethan or Lucas ever knew how close he was to suicide (they seemed to interrupt him when they got their powers). Aside: are there no longer “issues?” #6 was in 2020, and… Read more »
It’s not “trust building” if you never remove the bomb despite obvious progress being made. If you instead cut out more people you trust when they no longer agree with you. Devilboy is right, Scott intentionally killed Zeke. It was an execution.
And if Scott had not taken the step he did, and Zeke went out and killed someone (which we don’t know they wouldn’t for certain, given he has super complicated programming that could well have directives or exterior triggers Scott didn’t catch), then it would be on Scott’s conscience and he’d have allowed that to happen when he had the power to prevent it. Zeke may or may not have changed and may or may not have no more triggers to kill others, but they HAVE killed other humans and have not been held to account for their actions there.… Read more »
Regrets are part of life. Everything from stubbing your toe to an extreme like you’re suggesting is potential for guilt to weigh on someone’s conscience. That is no one’s responsibility but their own. It’s hard, and Scott may have reason for not wanting to risk those feelings, but that doesn’t give him the right to pre-judge and execute others. That’s what Deathblood is doing, executing people who have done wrong ‘in case’ they go on to hurt others. The gang that attacked Ethan were obviously not the only ones DB has taken out. Zeke attacked and even killed Ethan, just… Read more »
Congratulations, you agree with Steve. Reading the next sentence might have tipped you off.
To be entirely fair, they asked him to not leave the building. Up until after his head exploded, he never disobeyed that request. He was just walking up to the main area of the store for some video game, iirc, and the trigger was set for that backrooms boundary. Imagine telling someone not to go past a certain point, but then punishing them for going past 50 feet before that point! And then have that punishment be head explosion! I’m with devilboy, if Scott wanted it to be a fair test of trust for Zeke, he would have put the… Read more »
That’s what I’ve been saying, He wasn’t “testing” Zeke, he was setting him up to die. And I’ve been saying that Scott didn’t trust both Ethan and Lucas much less his own eyes and ears. “Oh no! A thinking feeling machine!” I have to kill it!” was his only thought. Everything else was to not piss off Ethan and Lucas. Good job Scott, I hope you can live with your choices.
I’m confused by this? Today’s comic is literally titled “Brannigan, p9”. They just no longer seem to have a cover page.
The comics used to have issues with numbers lile regular comics. There is an issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 – look at the titles in the archives. Most are around 24 pages, I think, much like a print comic.
Then there are the mini arcs of anything from 1 to 18ish pages. They have titles but they’re not “numbered” issues.
I enjoy this set of strips immensely, so it’s fine, but after 2.5 years I do wonder if numbered issues for it are a thing of the past. It’s a curiosity, not a complaint.
If your test only ever gives one answer it’s not a test. Scott did not allow for any scenario where Zeke is proven to be a real person (or at least not dangerous) and allowed to live.
If he wanted to keep everyone safe he could clearly have made it so that leaving the room disabled all motor functions again. Don’t have to tell Zeke, still tests for everything you want.
He chose to kill.
This is a problem of diplomatic negotiations. Zeke’s backroom was an independent country. Potentially hostile to the rest of the world. Ethan was an ambassador to the Zeke’s country. And Zeke themself could be considered at least a very capable spy/assassin/commandos crossing the border of the “human country” – so retaliation could be expected.
So the real issue here is that Ethan (being an ambassador) didn’t know that he doesn’t have the power to grant Zeke entry right to the “human country”. Which doesn’t sound right.
The biggest mistake was keeping the animal in a cage. That was actually Ethan’s call, that he made against the others. The right thing to do would have been to hand him over to the fitting authorities. If Ethan really considers Zeke a person, then it would be highly unethical for him to kidnap and illegally detain them without a trial. Just imagine they would have imprisoned the Troll in their store room. Every other problem (they don’t have a proper prison to stop Zeke, so they did the thing with the bomb, and Zeke didn’t know, so he inadvertently… Read more »
Hand “them” over to the authorities.
But we’ve all seen enough scifi to know that the authorities would just try and figure out how to weaponize Zeke for their own benefits. A little different from a normal human criminal.
And? Up to that point, the only thing Zeke has done was trying to murder them. All the humanizing stuff happened afterward. Should they also kidnap the troll, because he might otherwise have a bad time in prison? Also, how come you have such a deep distrust in a fictional government of which we know basically nothing? I’m European. I’d trust my government much more with the care of a sentient murderbot than I’d trust myself with one. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t keep one locked up in my basement without them being able to escape. Maybe unless I strap… Read more »
As an American, I most definitely would *not* trust my government with that same technology. It’s not a possibility that they’d abuse it. It’s simply a matter of when and against whom.
Yeah, its a lot different when you live in a country that frequently does unregulated medical experiments on its own population, to trust the government. Glad I’ve just got Incompetence rather than Malice.
Downvote for speaking truth, I see
Zeke knows their identities, and he’d have gladly thrown them under the bus in retaliation if they tried that. Plus there’s the question of how much they trust the government. At best they would be forced to register as heroes and at worst they would be turned into science experiments. Seriously, it’s the weapon X scenario all over again, but Ethan’s regeneration abilities exceed Wolverine in many cases.
That’s some heavy assumptions about the universe, none of which are based on what we actually see in the comics.
Do you have any proof of how the government works in the comic? Unless the presence of supers changes nothing, it’s safe to assume it’s different than IRL. As for trusting European governments, look up the Irish Potato famine. Extra History is a good place to start. On example of a governmental choice was allowing exportation of food from Ireland while 1 million people died from starvation. The decisions made by that parliament had aftershocks that are still being felt over 150 years later.
It’s a human government, that’s all that matters
We’re talking about a government too lazy to solve it’s own issues so it “permits” untrained vigilantes deal with the criminal element… So yeah it’s a no-brainer that they’d use a intelligent robot to solve it’s national and international problems. In masse`. Without any oversight or worry about what would happen if it figured out how to take over.
“But… But… the brain bombs? What happened? Who knew?!?”
If Scott truly just wanted Zeke dead, he could have detonated the failsafe initially and blamed it on the programmed defense mechanisms. It’s not like Lucas or Ethan would have doubted him.
He didn’t. While it’s true he wants Zeke destroyed, it’s out of fear, not maliciousness. It’s far more likely he wanted, subconsciously, to be proven wrong.
Scott lost hope, but he clearly wanted to find it again, and was just lost.
I like this take a lot.
What Scott wanted was Zeke dead in a way that proved him right to Lucas and Ethan.
He did not allow for any possible scenario where Zeke was proven safe and/or a person.
He set up a kill border, didn’t tell anyone else, and most importantly: Made ZERO effort to determine whether the bomb should be disabled/removed.
There was no step in his plan for Zeke being proven safe. Not one.
It was not a compromise and it’s bullshit that he’s being allowed to paint it as him being reasonable.
Ethan is trying not to assume the worst in Scott. You are likely right about Scott’s intentions, but between the two men here, only one of them is trying to do so. Scott only ever assumed Ethan would fail and Zeke would need to be taken down. He never even tried to give Ethan’s views a chance. I’m very glad Ethan has the empathy not to do the same.
Still not sure how the conversation ends as if Scott will have some more arguments or if he will find excuses. But it would be interesting as a follow-up arc if Scott “motivated by guild” would search for Zeke – as the tech guy, he should have the most realistic means – and approach him without informing the others. And in the talk, Scott would offer Zeke to do what he wants to do if he wishes to take revenge because he wants to show that he trusts Ethan. And then Zeke has to decide if he should take Scott’s… Read more »
So, out of guilt for doing things without informing others…Scott would do even more things without informing others? That seems somewhat contradictory.
I feel like people have done things this contradictory to try and fix their mistakes. You lied and that caused some nasty consequences? Maybe try more lies to fix it!
Does it? I mean if the relation to Zeke shall be fixed in the future someone has to take responsibility for what has happened or Zeke taking revenge and then sorting it out. If Ethan offers himself for revenge it would be pointless as he has not to fear consequences or at least less than others. So yea, if Scott decides to take responsibility for any reason it is only meaningful if the others can’t interfer. That’s why he would need to do this alone. And yea, the human psyche does work this way. Scott could reach a point where… Read more »
Keep in mind that he had told Lucas he would expand the area beyond the storage room and “hadn’t had time” yet. He was lying to both of them because of his fear of a new life form. It’s possible he would try to seek out Zeke to repair him or bring him back but with his fears I doubt he could do it unless the team was broke up and he was desperate to get it back. I don’t see it, he is so terrified of Zeke and what he might do that it would be like pulling out… Read more »
Zeke’s pronouns are they/them. But your imagining of a covert meetup is definitely interesting.
I’m in awe of the progress on this dialog…
What a fabulous piece of writing there Tim.
So close to what _actually_ happens in “real life”. The anguish, the sadness, the anger and finally, the heartbreak…
I’ve been thinking of joining the Patreon for quite some time, but I cannot postpone it anymore. You just deserve it
I’m in awe of the progress on this dialog…
What a fabulous piece of writing there Tim.
So close to what _actually_ happens in “real life”. The anguish, the sadness, the anger and finally, the heartbreak…
I’ve been thinking of joining the Patreon for quite some time, but I cannot postpone it anymore. You just deserve it
Gotta say Tim, I’ve read your comic pretty much since the beginning, and a lot of the time in the early days your characters were honestly very much just that, characters, forced to make funny situations. At this point however, and honestly for a long time now, your writing has been masterful. The situations, the emotions displayed and the dialogue feels REAL. Kudos to you.
Tim has really grown over the years in both his art style and his writing. Originally it felt odd to do the reboot, but now it makes a lot more sense. The restart gave him the chance to have a clean slate, to be able to explore these things that would have been otherwise awkward with the original timeline.
That’s such a bad take from Ethan. I guess “trust, but verify” was never uttered in this universe? Just because someone’s family doesn’t mean you implicitly trust their judgement in all things. Ethan’s argument is either blindingly stupid or deliberately malicious.
If Scott had really trusted Ethan he would have told him about the bomb.
If Scott had really trusted Ethan he would have deactivated the bomb. Ethan and Lucas told Scott that Zeke deserved a chance, that they were changing, and Scott just didn’t believe them.
Ethan just said he was less upset about the bomb itself than he was about not knowing about it.
Had Scott trusted Ethan enough to tell him “hey, the bomb is still active, make sure Zeke stays in the closet for now. We’ll ‘verify’ that we can trust them to obey our request.” That would have been better than this lie by omission.
There’s nothing wrong with having a realist to check against the optimist (and voice versa), but you need to communicate. It would have been an uncomfortable conversation, for sure, and it might have led to Ethan making unilateral decisions instead, but at least Scott would be doing the right thing.
To be fair, he has shown a lack of sound judgment many times, so Scott has plenty of reason not to trust him.
The problem is that as soon as Lucas disagreed with him, he cut Lucas out as well. Which means that prior judgement didn’t mean anything to him. This one point was all it took for him to choose to go it alone.
Scott might already know where Zeke is, given his tech prowess and the fact that he has been connected to him multiple times before now.
I predict a Scott/Zeke scene coming soon.
Ah, at last Ethan’s final point is revealed. Plus Ethan using the well earned buildup to give give Scott one final reality check. Now will Scott cash that check, or rip it up?
And it’s a powerful one to boot. And one that honestly that’s been bugging me since this whole arc started.
Bugging me in a good way, because it was really compelling, but bugging me because I’ve been wanting to see this play out. ?
Dang but this is has been good writing. The art style feels like it’s evolving too
And that’s how you stab somebody in the heart with the same knife they used to stab you in the back.
Ethan really doesn’t want the answer, but it’s pretty straightforward: “Because you’re untrustworthy. You’re immature, and you don’t see situations rationally.”
Which the next question would be. “Then why the he’ll are you here?”
Shhhiiiiiiieeeeeet, needs another bottle for this
It’s a good point, but i’d be back to mentioning that he has _infinite lives_ so his opinion on danger is a little warped.
They don’t know he has infinite lives, they are just assuming he does. He could have just 999 lives, a version of the “up up down down left right left right select start” from Contra, they won’t know unless he does run out!
well, to Ethan, has he actually ever proven to Scott to be trustable with his judgement
“You didn’t trust me”, says the man who literally drains his blood until he dies, just to buy some new hardware for gaming.
And then doesn’t even google before that stunt to figure out if a blood donation centre takes blood in non-sterile buckets stored in a fridge, next to food.
You can love someone and consider someone family, and still not trust them with everything.
Hell, I don’t ever tell my mother any secrets before they are public knowledge, because I know she’ll accidentally spill the secret. Doesn’t mean I respect her any less.
It’s a fair argument ,but It doesn’t apply, not entirely. Lucas has shown himself to be well grounded, and was on Scott’s side at the beginning about the safeguard. But when he saw the changes in Zeke, saw they were trying to change, he brought that argument to Scott as well, effectively backing up Ethan’s original perspective. And Scott saw that as a betrayal, or at least that Lucas had lost perspective on “the threat”, and effectively lied to him, saying he’d take care of it when Scott had no intention of ever removing the threat of the bomb in… Read more »
True, but the problem isn’t just that he didn’t trust Ethan’s opinion, but also that he didn’t even trust them enough to keep working with them. The bomb itself was bad enough, but the lying about it is arguably worse. Even putting his foot down and refusing to remove the bomb would’ve been better than secretly keeping it in like he did.
The secrecy is also what caused the accident, as Ethan wouldn’t even have taken Zeke out if he’d known the bomb was still there.
Yeah, and still, there are a lot of people I love, and that I trust with some things, but not with others, and certainly not with e.g. my life.
If Zeke knew about the bomb, it would have probably not been hard for them to disable it. So if Ethan accidentally revealed that information, a lot more than just Scotts life would be at stake.
So if he doesn’t trust in Ethan’s ability to keep a secret, it is imperative for him not to tell Ethan.
Doesn’t change the fact, that he considers Ethan to be his family.
It’s not even just that Scott didn’t trust Ethan, he didn’t trust Lucas as well when Lucas came to him about turning off the bomb. He decided to become a committee of one when he told Lucas that he’d “take care of it”. Ethan and Lucas trusted him, and they got burned.
It’d be pretty damned difficult to sell the idea that zeke didnt know about a device he has himself explained was used to ensure his compliance under the Master.
We’re not talking about family here, we’re talking about a super hero team. One that if the members don’t trust each other completely, could cause serious if not deadly results.
Oh wait… didn’t that just happen?
I just want to take this moment to thank Tim for telling such a compelling story.
I’ve been reading this comic for a long fricking time, and the growth in storytelling is beyond impressive.
So impressive in fact that I’m pretty sure it’s written by your wife, who is clearly your ghostwriter, your greatest secret that you intend to unveil at the moment of your retirement, complete with the most villainous of laughs and fedoras. A twist ending we never saw coming. No one but me. You fiend.
Well done, sir. Well done.
I am genuinely amused at the amount of downvoting due to a lighthearted teasing within a genuine compliment for Tim.
I’m guessing it’s because it kinda sounds like “this is too good, there’s no way you wrote this, you wouldn’t be good enough to write something like this.” I guess some people didn’t get the joke and thought it was genuine? Got a chuckle out of me, at least.
Oooh man that’s the exact rub here. They both had their reasons for their actions, and from each perspective, they did what was right, but Scott cut out his friends from the decision. He didn’t trust them, or their objectiveness on it because he was too hyper focused on his own read of the situation to give theirs any consideration other than “you don’t think it’s a threat anymore, therefore it falls to me”
My mind is totally picturing Zeke busting in (either now or some time in the future), strangling Scott, and as this happens Scott apologizes genuinely before dying, messing up both Zeke and Ethan.
“Ethan you thought that a 3D printer magically made things out of nothing.”
nuff said.
Lucas isn’t nearly that stupid, though, so try again.
Cue *Emotional Damage*
Sucker punch!
It is a good trope. That moment when a vigilante willing to take things (too) far is confronted with the consequences of this pursuit in their life/relations. generally this is the point of no return. Either they go realize what they are doing and walk-back, or commit to the path they where going down on.
Scott’s “Checkmate” face is priceless.
@FITSniper I own a 3D printer and there is a “kid in a candy store” feel at first. ! bought in just a few months, 15 rolls. and they don’t cost as much as Tim says, Way less, unless you’re buying the fancy stuff, like carbon fiber infused nylon. Scott just told Ethan his decisions were based entirely out of his fear of not protecting someone like with what happened to his sister. That mindset alone is the reason he did what he did, logic had little to do with it. He was TOTALLY the wrong person to be in… Read more »
Now kiss and make up already! Or manhugs, or whatever you find appropriate.
Boom Headshot.
I have long maintained that, where Scott (at least on some level) knew that he was doing wrong was the strip where he lied to Lucas about disabling the bomb. This is where Scott has to come face-to-face with that.
Haha absolutely the same here too
And there it is. The core of the betrayal.
Well, Tim depicted this situation in an suprisingly good way. Not “Scott is paranoid monster, who doesn’t care about sentient being, and Ethan is right all along”, but as something understandable enough even Ethan gets it. As of answer to Ethan’s question, I like image of understanding on Scott’s face. As he is adamant in his belief that he was doing necessary thing, he now understands that he screwed up elsewhere. However, he has one excuse. Prior to this very arc, Ethan wasn’t making an impression of person capable of deep thoughts or considering others thoughtfully. Hell, his first act… Read more »
I should point out my intention wasn’t to demonize Scott for his decisions but to point out he wasn’t mentally stable to make those decisions. Zeke triggered his PTSD badly and it effected his thinking to this degree. No one, including Scott, knew how badly he was terrified of Zeke until everything happened. That effected his thinking to an almost panicked knee-jerk reaction. A good example is a older, experienced cop instructs a fresh faced rookie to watch a hardened criminal while he calls in the collar, panicked he pulls his gun and points it at the guy, in a… Read more »
Yes Ethan you’re a goddamn moron. Nobody should trust you with anything.
And there it is, the COMEBACK.
For a few pages I thought Ethan dropped the ball and we were back to Square one but nope, with this Ethan just won the Argument and I also didn’t think about this, I mean we aren’t used to Ethan being this aware, bravo.
I have really been enjoying this back and forth. Really getting into both sides of an argument. They both have points.
Hey! Be fair! To be honest I wouldn’t trust Ethan with so much as a fork no matter how much his good intentions were or how much I loved him.