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Call of Honor, p4

March 31, 2023 by Tim

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1 year ago

I’ve decided to get in shape. My muscles haven’t gotten the memo.

1 year ago
Reply to  RblDiver

I *am* in shape. Round is a shape. I actually have the body of a god: Buddha.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gnarph

Fun aside I only really learned recently, there are actually a *lot* of Buddhas. There are three primary ones, Happy Buddha (the one which I think you’re referring to, the fat one), Lucky Buddha, and Lady Buddha (I think there are actually multiple female ones, but they tend to be merged into the one is my understanding).

1 year ago

Nice to see them painting models again (don’t sure if one of the new Primaris Marines, so let’s only say model).
Seems like the miniatures are back to shows (like South park)

1 year ago

He should hand it over with the most obvious sinister tone possible with a ‘Suspiciously Specific Denial’

1 year ago

As someone already predicted on the first page, I guess the punchline is going to be that Megagame has more than one package of that game and did not even notice one missing yet.

“What, your tiny store only has ONE shipment? Oh well, actually im surprised you even sell that much bwahahaha”

Last edited 1 year ago by Jere
1 year ago

Call them and have them collect it themselves. They can collect it in time with their priorities. You do not have to go over there and spend more time than you need.

1 year ago

Gasoline is still an option, Ethan…..

1 year ago

Fine, he can return it. But first, are there any supers with magnetism powers in the area? ??

(Why he can’t just return to sender or call them, who knows, plot reasons I guess ?‍♂️)

1 year ago

Why not just call them to pick up their stuff themselves? Or rather call the delivery company, it’s their screw up, they should come get it off of them. Although, the delivery company will probably say “you already signed the delivery papers, so…”

1 year ago
Reply to  ears

Having been on receiving for a smallish store, getting another business’s package mixed with yours is something the delivery company is responsible for. You sign the papers for only your 5 packages, not any 5 packages the driver gives you. It happens often enough, usually with the driver showing up hours later when they realize they are short a package and have one of yours still lying around (it’s usually a case of grabbed-the-wrong-box)

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Sotnax

Working for a manufacturing company who ships a lot of product out to many different distributors, what you say amazes me. From my perspective, only hearing about the problems that aren’t immediately sorted out, it sounds 100% like “Yeah, we lost that package, we don’t know what happened, we’re not going to look for it or compensate you for more than a tiny fraction of what it’s worth, so stop wasting my time.”

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago

Then he gets there and finds out this is just one box missing out of 40 and they wouldn’t even have missed it.

Jay Kay
Jay Kay
1 year ago

I was a fan of the original run of CAD as a kid and fell off pretty hard, admittedly looking back on it less-than-favorably as an adult, so I never really gave the Analog and D-Pad reboot a second thought. But holy shit, I just caught up with the entire archive in a day, and… I’m floored. This is excellent stuff. This new Ethan in particular is so refreshing; he’s still goofy in a way that feels familiar from my childhood, but he’s also thoughtful and grounded and unequivocally good, and doesn’t leave me constantly questioning how he functions or… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Jay Kay

If you haven’t gotten around to it yet, may I recommend reading the archives of the Starcaster Chronicles? The storytelling there is on par with the storytelling of Analog and D-Pad.

Jay Kay
Jay Kay
1 year ago
Reply to  Giraldi

I skimmed it a bit; looks cool but not really my thing. I like Speck, though!

1 year ago

I need to find some time to paint this weekend. Thanks for reminding me.

Del Cox
Del Cox
1 year ago

They’re probably just going to claim Ethan stole it and his conscience or cowardice got the better of him, and turn it into a whole thing.