Think back to the “Summer of Love” in 2020, with the often used term back then ACAB: “All Cops Are Bxstxrds”. I do not personally believe that myself, but I need to understand the terms used contemporarily.
Bx. The real best sex-neutral prefix. I prefer “all cops are bad” as I am a bastard and don’t think single parentship or alternative families deserve that kind of shaming as being associated with policing.
I tend to self censor profanities (even potential ones), replacing certain letters with x, so pronounce it the way it should be pronounced if the actual letters were there.
My view has always been this: A policeman’s job is to enforce the laws as they are written, however just because something is a law does not make it good or moral. See: Jim Crow Laws, the Alcohol Prohibition that caused more crime than it ever stopped, and most anything passed recently involving trans rights. In the course of their duties, sooner or later, a cop will have to enforce a law like these. One that is meant to oppress rather than protect. At that point, the cop must decide: “Will I do this, or will I risk my badge… Read more »
From what I’ve understood at a distance, it’s also a question of seeing another cop be a bastard and having to choose between staying silent/implicitly supportive and speaking out/risking their badge.
Yeah, it’s this especially. I’m sure that there are plenty of cops that, if they could’ve existed in isolation, entirely on their own, would have been good people, even good cops. But the moment you group them up with other cops, it becomes problematic because one or more of those cops is basically certain to not be a good person, and to do something that should rightly demand that the ‘good’ cop do something about it. It might be anywhere from using a little excessive force and shoving someone roughly to the ground that didn’t need it, giving them a… Read more »
Don’t forget that when a good cop does intervene in some way, they will typically be punished for it (including being fired or worse). All Cops Are Bastards not because they all necessarily want to be, but because the system and culture ensure that they are. If they’re not, they stop being cops.
Yes, this is a general organizational problem, and it extends beyond cops. You can have “whistleblower protections,” but that still doesn’t stop them from being blacklisted, ostracized, and even flat-out murdered if someone doesn’t like them shining a light on fraud, corruption, etc.
It’s not morally “right” to look the other way, but there is probably some feeling of “Will it actually accomplish ANYTHING other than possibly ruining my own life?” in many circumstances. That’s a tough nut to crack.
even worst the good ones get set up by bad ones. happened to my uncle nearly 20-30 years back. he stopped a drug bust where corrupt cops where involved. they claimed was an undercover sting (was not and no proof of that claim existed) so to avoid taking the fall he quit the force and went to UK. his partner decided to fight it and ended up with a criminal charge where he was beaten in prison for being a cop. about a decade ago our police commissioner finally quit over corruption issues and its started to clean self up… Read more »
They don’t enforce. They write stuff up and get fines. They have no legal obligation to protect, nor serve, and can hide in a toilet while people are being actively stabbed by the person they were looking for. They exist for cleanup… sorta… paperwork.
It is true that sometimes there are bad laws on the books that police are required to enforce. But that isn’t the ONLY source of problems. There are cops that go rogue, have massive power trips, and do things like racial profiling. There are many examples on YouTube of cops going well beyond their role of enforcing the law.
I was just providing context to whom I was responding to. I do not agree with the statement in anyway. Same with any other group discriminatory thinking and stereotypes. Yes, I know they exist and I understand the basis of them, but I neither agree with them or think that way myself.
It is the 100th panel where people think it’s going too well. It can just as well be the call back and further wrap up of the last chapter. That one was all about the internal turmoil of Lucas coming to terms with Ben possibly knowing. Or before that coming to terms with trusting a new potential partner at all. My vote is that he’s no more than he seems. A cop that can complicate as well as ease some parts of their super hero stuff. He’s not Deathblood. He’s not secretly a super villain spawning eldritch abominations, an advanced… Read more »
At this point, I’m just sitting back and enjoying the wholesome ride. If we actually get the rug pulled out from under our feet at this point, I’ll actually be pretty disappointed, because seeing these two together just ribbing each other like so and navigating the weirdness of a cop-super relationship is nice.
Even right down to the trying to defend themselves. 😆 Quoting Lucas word for word just to mock him.
Blue Griffin
2 months ago
Have we met any officials that are super haters? I know these two aren’t kissing babies and cutting ribbons vs the more popular hero’s and aren’t like the Bloodbath? but besides when the troll had his spin doctor campaign, has there been any?
Ethan’s courier ex-girlfriend was not a fan. (I’m not sure what her name was, Emily?)
And Captain Prime is not a fan of unregistered supers, but so far all she did was being vocally critical about them, I think because she is strongly Lawful, and they are not illegal.
2 months ago
DAMN IT! Already back to d-pad and Analog again. WHY WHY WHY WHY! Its the worst part of this comic series. Give me the shorts, Give me Starcaster, give me console wars. ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE. What a terrible year for this website.
Are you new here? Ethan and Lucas are and always have been the main characters / central focus of Cad-Comics… everything else was fluff/filler that expanded into being full stories. The super hero time line arc is the new direction, but that still leaves them as the focus. I won’t go so far as to say your opinion is wrong, but you’re definitely in the minority and you’ve done a great job highlighting yourself as an ass…
L take, the D pad and analog comics are easily the best of CAD right now. Why are you even here if you don’t enjoy literally the primary story of this website.
agreed. its good to poke fun at the sheers MAGA level stupidity of ACAB
2 months ago
while i really hate the ACAB movement with a passion i love this throw back to show how human your chars all are. well done Tim.
2 months ago
My god, I love this man and I’m straight as an arrow, PUT A RING ON THAT LUCAS!
2 months ago
This man must now be protected at all costs. He is wonderful.
2 months ago
Yessssss ,3
Kevin Greenbaum
2 months ago
Honestly happy to see Lucas click with someone that’s cool with him having powers and not a psycho of some sort. I still remember his luck with people in C.A.D. 1.0
All Supers Are Bastards
Assigned Super At Birth
Think back to the “Summer of Love” in 2020, with the often used term back then ACAB: “All Cops Are Bxstxrds”. I do not personally believe that myself, but I need to understand the terms used contemporarily.
How do you pronounce “Bxstxrds”? It’s quite a tongue twister.
Very carefully. Don’t wanna sprain your tongue.
It’s the gender neutral form of ‘Bastards’.
Bx. The real best sex-neutral prefix. I prefer “all cops are bad” as I am a bastard and don’t think single parentship or alternative families deserve that kind of shaming as being associated with policing.
I just read it as the Fantastic 4 HQ, called the Baxter Building, and am reminded how I keep confusing it with Baxter Stockman from TMNT 2003.
I pronounce the “x” as “ix” – makes it easier.
I tend to self censor profanities (even potential ones), replacing certain letters with x, so pronounce it the way it should be pronounced if the actual letters were there.
My view has always been this: A policeman’s job is to enforce the laws as they are written, however just because something is a law does not make it good or moral. See: Jim Crow Laws, the Alcohol Prohibition that caused more crime than it ever stopped, and most anything passed recently involving trans rights. In the course of their duties, sooner or later, a cop will have to enforce a law like these. One that is meant to oppress rather than protect. At that point, the cop must decide: “Will I do this, or will I risk my badge… Read more »
From what I’ve understood at a distance, it’s also a question of seeing another cop be a bastard and having to choose between staying silent/implicitly supportive and speaking out/risking their badge.
Yeah, it’s this especially. I’m sure that there are plenty of cops that, if they could’ve existed in isolation, entirely on their own, would have been good people, even good cops. But the moment you group them up with other cops, it becomes problematic because one or more of those cops is basically certain to not be a good person, and to do something that should rightly demand that the ‘good’ cop do something about it. It might be anywhere from using a little excessive force and shoving someone roughly to the ground that didn’t need it, giving them a… Read more »
Thing is, bad cops are exactly why Internal Affairs exists.
“we have completed our internal review, no charges found in the 10 cops vs 1 unarmed guy beatdown”
Don’t forget that when a good cop does intervene in some way, they will typically be punished for it (including being fired or worse). All Cops Are Bastards not because they all necessarily want to be, but because the system and culture ensure that they are. If they’re not, they stop being cops.
Yes, this is a general organizational problem, and it extends beyond cops. You can have “whistleblower protections,” but that still doesn’t stop them from being blacklisted, ostracized, and even flat-out murdered if someone doesn’t like them shining a light on fraud, corruption, etc.
It’s not morally “right” to look the other way, but there is probably some feeling of “Will it actually accomplish ANYTHING other than possibly ruining my own life?” in many circumstances. That’s a tough nut to crack.
even worst the good ones get set up by bad ones. happened to my uncle nearly 20-30 years back. he stopped a drug bust where corrupt cops where involved. they claimed was an undercover sting (was not and no proof of that claim existed) so to avoid taking the fall he quit the force and went to UK. his partner decided to fight it and ended up with a criminal charge where he was beaten in prison for being a cop. about a decade ago our police commissioner finally quit over corruption issues and its started to clean self up… Read more »
They don’t enforce. They write stuff up and get fines. They have no legal obligation to protect, nor serve, and can hide in a toilet while people are being actively stabbed by the person they were looking for. They exist for cleanup… sorta… paperwork.
Yup, that was what came out of Warren v. District of Columbia (and several follow up cases).
[Not supporting it, just citing the case law.]
It is true that sometimes there are bad laws on the books that police are required to enforce. But that isn’t the ONLY source of problems. There are cops that go rogue, have massive power trips, and do things like racial profiling. There are many examples on YouTube of cops going well beyond their role of enforcing the law.
I was just providing context to whom I was responding to. I do not agree with the statement in anyway. Same with any other group discriminatory thinking and stereotypes. Yes, I know they exist and I understand the basis of them, but I neither agree with them or think that way myself.
If ACAB was a lie then cops would have a department to investigate other cops (also ZFTX it wasn’t just in 2020 ppl still say that)
Yes, I know and even before then, however 2020 was when that term came to prominence.
All Supers Are Bastards mentioned in the previous panel.
It’s a joke about the common saying “All Cops Are Bastards”, which is shortened to A.C.A.B.
Also I’m 95% sure Ben is using the exact words Lucas used when Ben being a cop came up as a potential issue.
a variation on “ACAB” (all cops are bastards)
Hmmm… things are going a bit too well lol 🤔
I appreciate a bit of wholesome these days, so it is going perfectly fine!
It is the 100th panel where people think it’s going too well. It can just as well be the call back and further wrap up of the last chapter. That one was all about the internal turmoil of Lucas coming to terms with Ben possibly knowing. Or before that coming to terms with trusting a new potential partner at all. My vote is that he’s no more than he seems. A cop that can complicate as well as ease some parts of their super hero stuff. He’s not Deathblood. He’s not secretly a super villain spawning eldritch abominations, an advanced… Read more »
At this point, I’m just sitting back and enjoying the wholesome ride. If we actually get the rug pulled out from under our feet at this point, I’ll actually be pretty disappointed, because seeing these two together just ribbing each other like so and navigating the weirdness of a cop-super relationship is nice.
I’d be sad if we got the major plot twist everyone’s anticipating after knowing this guy over the span of 10 months.
Won’t lie, I cracked up at the ACAB callback (downtime-p12 if anyone needs a refresher).
nice callback
Even right down to the trying to defend themselves. 😆 Quoting Lucas word for word just to mock him.
Have we met any officials that are super haters? I know these two aren’t kissing babies and cutting ribbons vs the more popular hero’s and aren’t like the Bloodbath? but besides when the troll had his spin doctor campaign, has there been any?
Ethan’s courier ex-girlfriend was not a fan. (I’m not sure what her name was, Emily?)
And Captain Prime is not a fan of unregistered supers, but so far all she did was being vocally critical about them, I think because she is strongly Lawful, and they are not illegal.
DAMN IT! Already back to d-pad and Analog again. WHY WHY WHY WHY! Its the worst part of this comic series. Give me the shorts, Give me Starcaster, give me console wars. ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE. What a terrible year for this website.
There’s usually a Starcaster chapter around this time of year. I bet we’ll see it within a month. I thought it was going to drop today.
I do miss Sillies, though.
Are you new here? Ethan and Lucas are and always have been the main characters / central focus of Cad-Comics… everything else was fluff/filler that expanded into being full stories. The super hero time line arc is the new direction, but that still leaves them as the focus. I won’t go so far as to say your opinion is wrong, but you’re definitely in the minority and you’ve done a great job highlighting yourself as an ass…
Hey, I usually skip Console Wars but I don’t feel the need to *rant* about it here.
I also recall the author telling someone to expect a lot of A&D this year around the end of 2023.
I do wish they were more action and long term plot focused, and that the story arcs were a bit tighter, but I’m still happy to see them.
Him. It was literally him I said that to.
ironically i prefer the hero arc more than starcaster. each their own i guess.
L take, the D pad and analog comics are easily the best of CAD right now. Why are you even here if you don’t enjoy literally the primary story of this website.
Ha! Love that Tim called out the ACAB crowd.
He didn’t. It was a callback to a previous comic where Lucas said this exact line but with ACAB. You just outed yourself as a bootlicker though
It’s a call back to this strip, which is pretty much word for word. I love it. 😅
agreed. its good to poke fun at the sheers MAGA level stupidity of ACAB
while i really hate the ACAB movement with a passion i love this throw back to show how human your chars all are. well done Tim.
My god, I love this man and I’m straight as an arrow, PUT A RING ON THAT LUCAS!
This man must now be protected at all costs. He is wonderful.
Yessssss ,3
Honestly happy to see Lucas click with someone that’s cool with him having powers and not a psycho of some sort. I still remember his luck with people in C.A.D. 1.0
Oh hell, he’s def not going to live much longer.