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Console War, p84

March 24, 2021 by Tim

Rest In Peace, “Xbox Live.”

Also, only one more week to pre-order Wave 1 of the Console War Generations poster series!

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4 years ago

Idk whats the point of killing a decade old branding name.

Paweł Zdanowski
Paweł Zdanowski
4 years ago
Reply to  Karrde

Someone scored a big-ass bonus there for their initiative 😉

4 years ago

Johnson your a genius! And our initiative and innovation brain storming meeting is over before lunch. Lets take the rest of the day off, coke and strippers are on me!

JD Logan
JD Logan
4 years ago
Reply to  HappyWyvern

Why did I read that in JK Simmons’ voice? You coulda just as easily ended it with “Cave Johnson. We’re done here.”

Frank Bromley
Frank Bromley
4 years ago
Reply to  JD Logan

I think we all did

4 years ago
Reply to  Karrde

Xbox association with platforms other than Xbox. Xbox Live has always been geared towards the console thing. With Microsoft wanting to get Xbox more into Windows, Nintendo Switch Online, and their own streaming console, the move honestly makes sense. Most people colloquially just call it “getting on Xbox” anyway.

Honestly among my group of friends, I haven’t heard the Live part referenced in years.

4 years ago
Reply to  Karrde

Live was a fancy way of saying “Online”. So Xbox Live is basically saying “Xbox Online” and used to refer to their online games and features. Except now everything is online, so it is obsolete. Network better describes it now, especially with windows being part of it. Still seems rather redundant to me. Everyone will still just call it Xbox.

Last edited 4 years ago by Steeeve
4 years ago
Reply to  Karrde

According to the article Tim posted, it’s to better distinguish the online service from the subscription, which is important when their other plan is to allow free to play games access to the online service without a subscription.

4 years ago

hmmm, and then we go over to the crossplatform games like rocket league and such?? Or are those just guns who act like fire and run away weapons?

4 years ago

yeah I’m sure changing the name of a service that’s been around for decades and that users are pretty well acquainted with won’t have any negative impact

smh microsoft you were doing so well this round…

4 years ago
Reply to  foducool

In terms of things they could change I imagine the name itself is one of the least important parts, particularly given how much of gaming is online focused. The idea that “Xbox Live” is a different facet of the Xbox experience is fairly outdated.

Punosaurus Dex
Punosaurus Dex
4 years ago

What do you mean, you need Intel?
You’ve got AMD!

Jeff CB Jones
Jeff CB Jones
4 years ago

Not sure if you’re aware (and not meant to be a criticism), but the new pop up ads are covering about 30% of the screen on pc on 110% magnification. Covers a significant portion of the comic.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I have the same problem on Chrome for Windows. The stuff to the right of the comic vanishes when you zoom in enough (depending on how wide your browser window is, but the pop-up video ad in the bottom-right sometimes grows with the zoom level. Screenshot

Jeff CB Jones
Jeff CB Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Yup, what Flipdaddy said, looks just like mine. I’m also on chrome. Zooming in makes each panel fill the screen so we can enjoy the comic better and see all the detail. But that new pop up zooms too, and at higher resolutions it dominates the page.

Jeff CB Jones
Jeff CB Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That would work. I’ll look forward to it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

The autoplay video ads are awful on mobile. They move but are annoying AND at the bottom of the page cover up the last comments.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

New phone, same service and brand as old (t mobile, on a samsung). Still no adds on *mine*!

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It doesn’t happen often for me, but I do sometimes see video ads on my phone.

OnePlus 7t
Android 10
Chrome 79

4 years ago

Remember when Ethan-Zero had leverage over Microsoft, and used it to get free XBox Live? Does this mean that Ethan-Zero hasn’t got it, any more, if it’s a different service?

4 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

Knowing Microsoft, Ethan-Zero will still be blessed with a lifetime subscription to a defunct non-functioning service FOR FREE! 😉

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
4 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

Ethan-Zero’s a bit too dead to find out, unfortunately.

4 years ago

Too soon, man

4 years ago

Actually this is a good thing making two services easier to distinguish. Xbox live vs Xbox live “gold” and requiring it to play free games online was always frustrating. Now they plan on allowing you to play free games on the Xbox network like fortnite. I’m not sure if Xbox live gold will be needed for other games but may just be part of the free games each month. They haven’t dropped the pay wall for free games yet but that is the plan. Fingers crossed.

Last edited 4 years ago by GarlynSav
Pedro Silva
Pedro Silva
4 years ago

Came here just to give kudos for the “PissFive” name calling.
It cracked me up a lot more than I would have thought 😀

Pedro Silva
Pedro Silva
4 years ago
Reply to  Pedro Silva

Not sure why the negative points… 🙁

4 years ago
Reply to  Pedro Silva

PissFive fanboys din’t like it!! xD

Pedro Silva
Pedro Silva
3 years ago
Reply to  Logan

Hahah, might be that…
Funny think is that I actually prefer Playstation to Xbox…

4 years ago

Thank you for the reminder on the art prints.

4 years ago

That second panel is a meme reference

4 years ago

I don’t see the point of changing the name. Okay, sure, they might be doing it because their focus has moved across to PC as well as console, but they ALREADY removed the travesty that was GFWL, so Xbox Live was good enough.

4 years ago

Is it sad that I knew what step two was before reading the last panel? Or just experience?

4 years ago

I don’t get why it can’t just be Xbox. To play xbox, you need an account right? That’s an Xbox account. Adding live/network just adds pointless fluff.

4 years ago
Reply to  Steeeve

You’ve never played campaign games, or other stuff that didn’t have (or require) network access? A few years ago, I played everything offline, but it was eventually Rocket League that got me online.

4 years ago

Playstation Network now called Playstation ALive for the exact same reason. (‘A’ to avoid copyright, promote VR, and for shots fired.)

4 years ago

I have to wonder if this whole Xbox Live to Network thing is a workaround to not have to support Xbox Live legally.

4 years ago

Microsoft, you have the most recognizable, reputable brand of online console service. And your plan is to change its name to something bland?

Pocket Astronomer
Pocket Astronomer
4 years ago

So what you’re saying is that Xbox Live is dead.