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Console War, p96

July 26, 2023 by Tim

I mean, if this deal goes through, there’s no way Microsoft doesn’t try to find a way to screw Sony, right?


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1 year ago

Phil Spencer: I promise I won’t pull CoD from PS.

Me: Why do I hear an asterisk?

1 year ago
Reply to  M37h3w3

And thus was born the most powerful superhero ever seen: Contextron!
Their sole power being that they can perfectly surmise the EXACT context and intent behind every form of communication they see or hear.

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  Hyshi

Is Contextron’s alter ego a lawyer?

1 year ago

Well, Sony’s been screwing people out of exclusive content for years already. So….
Sure, eye for a eye is wrong, but somehow I wouldn’t be mad about it…

1 year ago
Reply to  Noname0001

Have they though? I now there’s occasionally exclusive content for PS3 versions of games (Spider-Man in Avengers comes to mind) but holding entire studios that hold some of the biggest shares in the gaming market. Plus isn’t Microsoft the ones that usually pay for timed exclusivity? Legit correct me if I’m wrong I’m not trying to phrase that as a ‘gotcha’.

Lis Yann
Lis Yann
1 year ago
Reply to  Rauri

This is legit true. MS has done this several times and it always with games that was multi-platform.

Noname0001 is wrong, tbh. At least, with Sony, these timed exclusive were worthy of their exclusive.

God of War PS2 – PS3 – PS4
Horizon: Forbidden West
The Last of Us Part 1/2

These to name a few, and thanks to Sony, it kept single player campaign alive. But let be honest here…Microsoft had a chance to join that partnership during Xbox-360 vs PS3, and when MS lost the Xbox1 vs PS4, then they started crying and forced cross-playform.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lis Yann

It has literally been revealed they have clauses in their contracts thaty say the game can never be ported to Microsoft’s consoles.

Square’s games come to mind. And they did it before with SEGA. I don’t care about either MS or Sony, but Sony is known to fight dirty… so from my perspective?

Let them fight!

(I’ll enjoy my Switch and my PC) .

1 year ago
Reply to  Rauri

Why the downvotes? It’s a legitimate question. You downvoters are a bunch of trolls.

1 year ago

I’d care about Sony’s complaints more if they weren’t busy arranging exclusivity deals for games like FF7R.

Thomas D
Thomas D
1 year ago

Of course they will, it’s called business. Sony would have done the exact same thing, only worse, if the roles had been reversed.

1 year ago

Across the room ‘I heard that.’
More surprised that Microsoft Wants to be associated with blizzjizz and acti-short-sighted-vision all things considered…

1 year ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

ooooh, company puns, i want in on it!
Electronicly Awful
Squared Unics
TakeTurns Interactive

Am i cool yet?

1 year ago
Reply to  evilleet

“Saga” is a bit underwhelming tbh

1 year ago
Reply to  Vladimir

Especially when Sega (as in the actual company name) is an Italian slang meaning “handjob” or “jerking off”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Pajuka

thank you pajuka. now whenever i hear the old sega theme of them singing the word sega, im gonna remember what you said and its going to be like them singing “hand job” instead of “sega”

1 year ago
Reply to  anonymouse

One full minute of ‘Handjob’

1 year ago
Reply to  anonymouse

That’s why in Italy we pronounce it “Seega” like see. 😀

Still we all think about it anyway.


1 year ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

After they take over Bobby and his crew will be out on the street (a gold paved street, but still…) so MS can actually start turning it into a gaming business again instead of the micro-transaction circle jerk it’s become.

1 year ago

Fortunately I couldn’t be PAID to care about some military FPS that glorifies war and is more concerned with how well it can render every bit of blood splater over telling anything actually creative or stimulating.

The day some military shooter is genuinely universally loved is the same day I believe the underworld will crack open the surface of the earth and every mortal being will be dragged down into an eternity of suffering.

I mean suffering more horrible than actually playing these sorts of games of course.

1 year ago
Reply to  Drakin

Okay, I’ll bite. What type of game is for you?

I’ll admit I’m not a FPS guy, but there’s no need to yuck someone else’s yum.

1 year ago
Reply to  chargersfan

First of all, love that turn of phrase. But if we can’t yuck someone else’s yum then… what would video game fans even talk about?

1 year ago

Sony was dangling games exclusive to PlayStation for decades over gamers, and they are crying cause the balance of that power is shifting, they can’t stand the taste of what they’ve been doing themselves.

And now, in their short-sightedness, they shafted themselves.

The deal for non-exclusives includes ONLY CoD, in their short sightedness Sony has, on paper, given Microsoft the go ahead to make every other game exclusive to Xbox.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fernlicker

Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, X-Box, they have all had their console exclusive games. Or console + windows exclusive.
wikipedia + Single-platform video games, has links to exclusives, for consoles.For the xbox games, it does not count the games that are only for the x-box console and computers.

i dont know
i dont know
1 year ago
Reply to  Shiva

Sony was specifically going out of their way to pay third parties to keep their games off Xbox, either forever or for a long period of time, or to at least deny content to other platforms so that only PlayStation had the complete version of the game. Microsoft has responded by outright buying game publishers so that Sony can’t do this anymore. Sony can’t pay Bethesda to keep Starfield off Xbox when Microsoft owns Bethesda and Starfield. Sony can’t pay Activision to get CoD DLC on PlayStation first while gamers on PC and Xbox wait several months longer when Microsoft… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  i dont know

Bingo! give this player a cookie

1 year ago
Reply to  i dont know

Username does not check out. ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Shiva

General difference is that Nintendos exclusive is inhouse only, Microsoft does bit same and (partially) exclusives only 1st party; where as sega and sony exclusived 3rd party

1 year ago

I’m sure there will be mods and 3rd party controllers out asap for all systems, so no one is going to have a clear advantage… Yeah, right…

Dom, The Pun-isher
Dom, The Pun-isher
1 year ago

I don’t get what’s happening. What’s changing?

1 year ago

Microsoft bought Activision and Sony is now worried that Call of Duty will become an Xbox exclusive. Sony is worried about this because they consider Call of Duty a big enough franchise that it will cause people to buy an Xbox over a Playstation. As such, to ensure the acquisition will go through, Microsoft signed a contract that means Call of Duty will be ported to the Playstation for the next ten years, but everyone thinks that Microsoft will intentionally make it inferior to the Xbox version. Those are the facts. I’ll spare you the opinions and let you look… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  DanVzare

Excellent summary, thank you!

1 year ago
Reply to  DanVzare

It’s no different than when the Final Fantasy franchise started as a Nintendo game, switched to Playstation for a while and so on. Hell, I started playing back in the 70s on pinball, switched to coin-op, didn’t own a console until ’79! After that it was Atari, then Nintendo, Playstation, and then X-box just to keep up until I got too slow for FPS/action games… Getting old is gettin’ ole…

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

Final Fantasy 7 went to Sony because the game was too big to be practical on the Nintendo 64. (I think it was 2 discs on Sony, but it would have been 7 cartridges on Nintendo.) When they put FF7 on Playstation, Sony locked them into a contract for years and refused to let them put games on any other console. As soon as the contract was up, Final Fantasy games released on all consoles again. Sony has been using that tactic for decades to try and monopolize the market, even with their hardware, so I can’t say I have… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  DanVzare

Funny thing is that Microsoft has repeatedly said they aren’t making CoD Xbox exclusive because it would cause them to lose more money potentially than it would help them get more customers buying Xbox consoles. It’s like when Microsoft got Minecraft. It’s such a big game that you lose out on more money than what you would gain making the game console exclusive.

1 year ago

Is that a Steam Deck sitting with Sony?

1 year ago
Reply to  Beefstah

the PSP and Vita are crying now

1 year ago
Reply to  Pulse

The Vita and PSP look entirely different from that one, though. I got several of both (and no Steam Deck, but looking online for images says its definitely a Steam Deck and not a PSP or Vita).

James Not-A-Zombie Jameson
James Not-A-Zombie Jameson
1 year ago
Reply to  Beefstah

I believe that is, in fact, a Steam Deck. The square touch pads are very distinctive. However, they aren’t sitting with Sony. There’s another placard in front of them, and note that they have a brown tie, when all the sony reps have a blue tie, xbox has green ties, pc has cyan ties, and nintendo has white ties.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Blackthorne

you see that guy across the street, minding his business and drinking a coffee…him and only him

1 year ago
Reply to  Blackthorne

MMO TROLLS! LOL Hell, when you find out tell me!

1 year ago

So when will Console Wars become an actual game?
Hell, I’ll even buy the animated series.

1 year ago
Reply to  vernes

that would be a weird but kinda interesting game. soldiers defined by the capabilities of the console, equipment by the games, with a bit of infrastructure by the ways the companies work. keep it updated every quarter or semi-annually to keep up with changes.

1 year ago
Reply to  vernes

There’s actually an entire game franchise called Hyperdimension Neptunia about the console wars. It’s definitely not Buckley’s console war, but it is a video game around the console wars.

1 year ago

Is this the first time we’ve seen PCs in the Console Wars?

1 year ago
Reply to  Gibley

no actually. pc made its first appearance here: Console War, p64 – Ctrl+Alt+Del Comic Ctrl+Alt+Del (

1 year ago

so what, sony complaining about “exclusives” is so hypocritical it makes me want to scream. i wish microsoft would give them a taste of their own medicine

1 year ago

Who’s willing to bet that this will result in the death of CoD as a successful franchise? In a few years time, Call of Duty will probably be lumped in with Medal of Honor and Brothers in Arms, as an FPS that came and went. It was once popular but now no one has ever heard of it. They probably set the contract for ten years, because that’s how long it’ll take before something comes up that’ll replace it. Now I just know someone is going to say that I’m being a negative Nancy or whatever. But dude, just look… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  DanVzare

1) that can apply to ANY game
2) please explain how microsoft buying activision and still publishing the game on all platforms will result in the death of CoD

1 year ago

I think that it’s interesting that Nintendo is getting all Activision/blizzard titles for 10 years and PS is only getting C.O.D.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dicehiggins

Because they didnt make a fuss and their systems really dont compete against the big 2

1 year ago

I think something missing from this comic would be showing how much larger PlayStation is than Xbox. Like yeah, Microsoft is bigger than Sony, but PlayStation has like three times the global market share of what Xbox has. The acquisition goes through, that’s not gonna change any time soon. Maybe Xbox get’s more market share over the next few years but Sony is pretty handily entrenched in most of the world. CoD is not a monopoly, no matter how you slice it. It’s not a BR monopoly, it’s not a shooter monopoly, it’s not a modern war game monopoly, it’s… Read more »

1 year ago

Does this mean the last set of Console Wars posters will be released soon? It’s been over a year since the second set was out.

1 year ago

I can get why this would bother some people, but at the same time I just can’t see this really working all too well for Microsoft, at least not to the degree they are hoping. With their massive push to pure digital only to save money they don’t seem to grasp just how few console players in the USA have internet good enough to make it work. Especially with the vast majority of console players using wifi, to say nothing of how many are pirating their neighbors/McDonald’s wifi to download and play. At the same time, secondhand/used games are a… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju

Doubt they give a crap about the second hand market. In fact they are probably extremely happy that their digital only games cant be resold. For a gaming company if you buy a game second hand you might as well pirated it, they dont see a cent from that. Sure it can be argued the guy that sold the used game can use the money to buy another but its still a net loss of profit. Is this anti consumer? Sure it is but lets not forget companies are not our friends. The only ones they owe loyalty are their… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Gerry

And yet back in 2013 they utterly destroyed Microsoft in under 2 minutes, scrapping their original planned presentation to simply say the PS4 would not place any restrictions on purchased games nor would they do anything to devalue purchased games.

When your competition is able to win an entire console generation simply by saying ‘We let you buy used games’ it says one side is aware of the value of the second hand market while your side doesn’t understand their target customer base.

some guy
some guy
1 year ago

Sony whining about exclusivity wall is the most hypocritical thing in this whole debate.

1 year ago

It’s actually kind of funny seeing the Xboxes act big in this comic seeing as how part of Microsoft defending this deal involved them admitting they’ve lost the console wars.

1 year ago

From a personal standpoint, I couldn’t care less about exclusivity and look at it as, you assholed let EA buy up and wreck every game studio, but this is where the line is drawn? Yes I know why they are, but I’ve been way more upset about the first one than the second.

1 year ago

Kinda weird the PC delegation is so small, but these are Console Wars, after all.

They’re probably here only as observers, to eat popcorn and watch the shitfest unfold.

David Gibson
David Gibson
1 year ago

Realistically, the software makes more money than the hardware. They want to sell the hardware so they can sell you the software. They have to know that they’ll make more money from selling their software on a rival console than the rival will make from sales of hardware.
While I’m sure Sony gets a cut of every PS game sold, Microsoft will get more.

1 year ago

It’s called a console war, not a console treaty.

1 year ago

the funny thing is i know its been done the other way around with sony having an exclusive better version of something in the past and they will bring it up when it happens.

1 year ago

Microsoft has been pretty non-evil the last few years in my opinion. They’re at least lots better than the “do no evil” company for some unknown reason

1 year ago

Careful, your fanboy is showing

1 year ago

Sony are massive hypocrites. Paying off Squeenix for years of exclusivity on major titles like Final Fantasy but they’ll cry when someone else might have exclusives

Aj Jones
Aj Jones
1 year ago

The congregation of Xbox humbly requests Spiderman. O_O

1 year ago

Corporations have a fiduciary obligation to their shareholders to maximize profits. The moment that exclusivity becomes likely to accomplish that outcome after factoring potential losses from licensing fees and presumed backlash, they’ll use it.

Corporations are incapable of honor.

1 year ago

Friendly reminder that the PC port of Bloodborne hasn’t been announced yet.

Lis Yann
Lis Yann
1 year ago

This is probably nothing new, but you KNOW even MS can’t stop the cheaters that was rampage on PC and it not hard to cheat even on console, especially the lag switch and what not.

Heck, I’m surprised a lot of you guys still hanging on to that when BF was excellent, but now, it moot.

1 year ago

Some balls on Sony complaining about console exclusivity.

1 year ago

On one, hand I am concerned about Microsoft collecting more and more studios. It reminds me of how EA started swallowing one studio after another.

On the other hand, I cannot share the smallest tear for Sony. Not after I had to borrow a PS4 because Bloodborne is still exclusive. And not after having to play a used copy of DeS on my geriatric PS3, since the remake was an exclusive as well

1 year ago

and here I am with my pc eating pop corn

1 year ago

Can’t wait to see the starfield weapons dropped in

10 months ago

“We’re even going to sell C.O.D.s to the little Tendies!”

Meanwhile, Switch sales numbers run circles around both Playstation and Xbox.