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Coverage, p1

September 15, 2021 by Tim

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3 years ago

Although not much is happening in it, I love that first panel! Very rarely do we get to see the reaction of regular people in a city accustomed to “super” battles!

3 years ago
Reply to  Scherge

When the traffic jam worried you more than the potential lost of your life

3 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Kinda realistic.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scherge

If this was real life, they’d all have their phones out.

3 years ago
Reply to  FITCamaro

No, if they see this every day, it would not be a phone worthy thing. It would be as mundane as traffic lights.

3 years ago
Reply to  Crisius

IDK, we still keep making stupid people famous the same way, so I guess filming super heroes fighting would still be a thing.

3 years ago

let me guess, Jackson is a cape and he isn’t picking up because he’s kinda busy at the moment?

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Wasn’t Captain Prime female? Well, I guess the boss is calling the reporter by her surname

3 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

CP isn’t the only hero in the world, is she?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

To her fanbase, she is.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

The chief did refer to Jackson as a “he” so *probably* unrelated but no sense making assumptions yet.

3 years ago

Oh! Damn! Is true…my mistake

3 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

He does say “Is he on the scene?” so we can indeed surmise that Jackson is male. Could be another cape, though.

3 years ago
Reply to  Billy

And now I see someone else mentioned that. So. I’m dumb.

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

No. There’s absolute no way that Captain Prime and Jackson is the same person. First of all, Jackson wears glasses! And second, he’s a wimp – sure, he’s a good reporter and do nice work, especially around Captain Prime, and sure, he’s always the first on the scene, but other than that…

Look, all I’m saying is, IF Jackson ever had a secret identity, he would at best be The Phaser – maybe even… what’s his face… Analouge? Anolog? That nerd hero. Someone unimportant at best.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Tokeeto

Not good-for-nothing Jackson. I keep yelling and banging my fist on the desk, and all he ever does is bring me photos of Arachna-Guy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

And that guy’s a menace!

3 years ago

Nice surprise. It’s always fun and a treat to see more Analog and D-Pad story arc.

3 years ago

woooot Lilah !

3 years ago

In your city the invasion of eldritch abominations are a defining moment.
For us?
Its Tuesday…

Bloody traffic….

Daniel Sørensen
Daniel Sørensen
3 years ago

Don’t know if this has been asked before, but since you make shorter stories to flesh out characters and such, will that remove the necessity of the actual volumes, or are they still going to pop in from now and then, when you see a spot in the schedule?
I guess they will still be a thing, and reserved for the bigger overarching stories

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

So, I guess it’s fair to say this is a short and not a full length comic?

Daniel Sørensen
Daniel Sørensen
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Okay. That was also my thought, but I had to be sure. I also think this approach is better, since as you stated, you can flesh out themes or characters more and experiment with story beats, without committing to a full issue.

3 years ago

He’s making a call instead of texting? Well, he is an old guy…

And I was wondering when Ms. Hostage Material was going to show up again.

Christopher Kinnee
Christopher Kinnee
3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

If you’re needing immediate feedback, it’s better to call. A text message could take a minute or days to get a response, depending on whether the person feels like looking at texts right now. A call indicates possible urgency.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

The only thing a call indicates is the scammers are trying to reach me about my car’s extended warranty again. If you want to make 100% sure you don’t get a response from me, just call. I will hang up without even looking at my phone’s screen because at this point I assume every call is another scammer, and if it was actually something important, they’ll leave a message and I’ll get back to them later. Professionally or personally, a text would be a far more reliable way to reach someone. Way less scam texts than calls, so people still… Read more »

3 years ago

I *have* to answer my phone because I’m looking for professional callbacks from people less enlightened/hip than you, but it is true that 90% of it is insultingly bad spam. Then 10% from older family members.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

Yeah, OK, but let’s assume for a second that he’s sane.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

So you won’t answer calls that are labeled “BOSS” on your work phone. Good for you !

Bernie Margolis
Bernie Margolis
3 years ago

I’m in the same boat with regard to not answering from unknown numbers, but I also have a list of contacts on my phone, and if they ever call, you can bet that I’m going to pick up. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think that a newspaper reporter is going to need to make themselves available via phone to their editor, especially during work hours. Back in the day, you’d have a phone at your desk. Now that everyone has a smart phone, there’s no reason for that. You’re going way too far out of your way to try… Read more »

3 years ago

As a software developer who doesn’t do anything like frontline support, I don’t even keep my phone on me, let alone bother checking to confirm a ring is spam.

But as a reporter expected to cover breaking news, my call-handling habits would be radically different.

Expecting my immediate real-time attention for anything that isn’t urgent is just rude. But then some things actually are urgent, and some professions are all about things that actually are urgent. That’s why the phone part of your phone still exists.

3 years ago

Might be a case where the guy has his hands full and can’t pick up, but with a text he can look at it when he gets a chance, and tell at a glance what it says.

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

As has been said, it isn’t just speed but also professionalism. If you are on the job, calling to get immediate answers will be more likely what is done. These are just buddies talking about the abominations messing with traffic. Also, way to minimize the female lead! (look out, your misogyny is showing)

3 years ago
Reply to  lilgrizz

I mean, to be fair to them, that *is* historically the role of the female love interest to a superhero.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darkening

Yeah, because of the patriarchy has made it out that that is the only role that women SHOULD have which is dumb.

3 years ago
Reply to  lilgrizz

Old assumptions die hard.

Bernie Margolis
Bernie Margolis
3 years ago
Reply to  Darkening

That was then, and this is now. A writer can be inspired by elements of old stories without having to incorporate all their bad aspects into their own. Stories are inherently reflections of the prevailing attitudes at the time they were created. Just because Tim is creating a superhero story doesn’t mean he has to conform to the formulas that worked in the 1950s. Honestly, this is why I hate the non-stop comic reboots and remakes. As more and more time passes, it’s harder and harder to remain true to the original character. Superman is a classic example of this.… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  lilgrizz

While I share the disgust of reducing Lilah to “Ms Hostage Material”, at this point in the story she’s nowhere close to being a lead character. She’s been a minor footnote in a few of the many, many arcs at best.

She will probably become a lead in the future, if Ethan’s little crush on her ever becomes something more (and it probably will). But right now? If not for this new page that features her, it would have been very easy to forget that she exists in this continuity.

3 years ago
Reply to  lilgrizz

Hey, I’m just predicting what any villain worth their salt would do, especially this “Master” guy since that kinda thing would be right down his alley. Not saying that he’ll be successful, but that he’ll try.

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

and you think that BECAUSE your misogyny is showing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I’m struggling to remember at what point has was she ever taken hostage? She’s shown up at plenty of other superhero events and nothing happened to her.

3 years ago

I guess this one finally puts the Lilah is Captain Prime theory to bed.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

I’m not personally a big fan of Dr. Eldritch, but my cruddy HMO doesn’t have any other quality providers in this area.

Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago

squeeeeee, new A&D!

3 years ago

Cool, be back in a month when I can the story in it’s entirety.

3 years ago

Another classic one-word title. A word with multiple meanings, and I’m positive more than one will apply.

3 years ago

Ah, tentacles… let the anime girls handle it.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Yay more Lilah! I’ve missed her!

3 years ago

Is no one else concerned that her boss is getting younger? Hair does not turn dark after grey, it starts dark amd goes grey. So why else would the ends of his beard be light and the newest be darkest?