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Coverage, p7

September 29, 2021 by Tim

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John Swift
John Swift
3 years ago

Well that hurts. Hopefully this opens a new door for her, although not how she expected it atleast.

3 years ago

I know that Tim does story arcs way before he draws the comics. But i do sometimes wonder if we either are good at guessing or if he gets inspired by the comment section.

3 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

If I am not mistaken, the comics are first released on Patreon, and only later released for the general public, so unless Tim has the uncanny ability to read posts far in the future … I would assume the comments section is good at guessing.

Then again … there is such a thing as the “The infinite monkey theorem”.

Vicente Sampedro Burgos
Vicente Sampedro Burgos
3 years ago
Reply to  R77

Comics on Patreon are released hours or at most days before here, so that Tim owning a TARDIS has been confirmed

3 years ago
Reply to  R77

Its probably closer to “realistic probable outcomes, and that theres always some of the audience that can realistically predict the logical end of a chain of events given the perimeters of the scenario. Now, theoretically, there could be any number of outcomes, but realistically, only a handful will manifest themselves. Its stories that buck the audience’s ability to both predict the outcome, but also enjoy it, that are truly memorable.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

Set two dozen monkeys to point in random directions, and one of them is bound to point in the direction you’re planning on walking in.

My gut is that when he starts a larger story arc, he has the entire thing mostly outlined, written, and plotted out, and likely doesn’t veer course based on the comment section. Even the most original story in the world has a bunch of tropes it may be subject to within a particular genre, and knowing what the trope is can help anticipate the action.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

As terrible writing advice put it: “tropes are not good. Tropes are not bad. Tropes are just tropes.” The more media savvy you are, the more likely you are to pick up on a trope and use it to predict the story. But that’s not always a bad thing. Just because a story or character arc is predictable doesnt make it a bad story or character. What makes something good or bad is in the execution- take a stock pot “pocahontas” story but toss a ton of money and effort into the production of that movie and you get one… Read more »

3 years ago

Is always funny to see civilian arcs in super heroes world. For those reasons is also frequently liked histories about normal humans in universes like Warhammer or Star wars (even if they finally or already are gifted with some skill)

3 years ago

“And that’s when I killed him your honor”

3 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

“I killed the other guy later. He was a runner.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

-Do you feel any remorse for your actions?
-…Is that a trick question?

3 years ago

lmao, told you Jackson’s a cape

3 years ago

Not quite what I called on Monday, but I was in the ballpark. I had forgotten about all the top X clickbait columns, as the more recent trend seems to be “ridiculously long and over-convoluted thing you need to click through 30-70 pages to get to the actual thing mentioned in the headline, if you ever do.” Example: “You won’t believe what this waitress wrote on this married man’s bill!” and then it has to have a separate page of where everyone was born, what they ate, the chef’s astrological sign, the barometric pressure that day, etc., until on page… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

And all those pages just so it will load more ads so they can get a few more fractions of a penny or whatever the going rate is. I seriously wonder who is clicking through pages and pages of that garbage and will still notice a specific ad and decide to click on it.

3 years ago

I’d like to state that this is some unrealistic horseshit but then I calmly think about it and what kind of people are usually in control.
Like how an ‘investor’ played our company straight out of the hands of our boss and said “I’m the boss now” and after the investor stopped laughing he noticed he was standing in an empty office because we all walked out and then his freshly stolen company went bankrupt and yeah this is actually pretty realistic behavior of management.

3 years ago

“I wouldn’t worry about the office. It was already full of slime before I came in.”

James Rye
James Rye
3 years ago

Jackson already looks like a smug ass. And worst of all, he ain’t dripping in tentacle god juice. Poor Monroe.

3 years ago

Hm, it would actually be interesting how Lilah came of the roof of the building after it looked like the only way off was destroyed by the tentacle.
The building is quite high, but not high enough to jump onto another roof.

Or did Captain Prime help her down after she won the battle?

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
3 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

She could have been rescued by a different hero: the fire department or other city disaster response teams.

3 years ago

Well, everyone hates elder god goo…….

3 years ago

Jackson, Franklin, Monroe- just waiting for new characters Van Buren and Polk.

3 years ago

The sign on the wall in panels one and two looks like it reads, “Om Nom Nom” and I approve.

3 years ago

I’m gonna make the call right away and say that Jackson is Dr. Eldritch

3 years ago
Reply to  Captainchello

I thought Jackson was Captain Prime…

3 years ago
Reply to  Humsterr

Captain Prime is the woman on page 5. Jackson is the blonde guy at the desk

3 years ago

She’s looking a lot like Left 4 Dead’s Zoey after an encounter with a Boomer here!

3 years ago

Jackson is supe, and he is hiding it. My bet is on some kind of speedster. Also, he is an asshole. It is competitive advantage, but you can use your power differently, even if you are not a hero. Chief is also asshole. One of his reporter risked her life and could have died, and he is cracking bad jokes.

However, there is a distinct possibility Jackson is liar and writing generic pieces about awesomeness of cap Prime. And I would hate if he has some kind of media deal with her.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alpha-00

I was going to guess teleportation. I am curious if he has photos of the event as well or just wrote up the story.

3 years ago

5 Bucks on Jackson being Dr. Eldritch?

3 years ago
Reply to  DragonFlagship

5 bucks on Jackson grabbing his crotch and doing the moonwalk?

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
3 years ago
Reply to  DragonFlagship

It’s a thought although I don’t see this job paying enough for his machines.

3 years ago

I have no basis to conclude that Jackson is Dr. Eldritch, except he was the only other person we saw at the scene, but with no current information to disprove this fact I am going to declare it to be so.

3 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

Isn’t it weird how everyone’s saying that Jackson has super powers even though there’s absolutely no evidence to support that and the logical reasoning here is that Jackson is another reporter of the news network…

3 years ago

jackson is 100% a cape no doubt about it

3 years ago

I smell a Peter Parker sort of situation here….

3 years ago

Well, I mean, if she had an exit strategy she’d have been in time for nabbing the story. Just means she needs more experience, and training in rappelling.

3 years ago

Can she sell the story to another newspaper? Or some website?

3 years ago

Everyone commenting on how Jackson is either a cape or Dr. Eldritch and yet no one has commented on the possibility of him being the man in the chair for Cpt. Prime.

3 years ago

I haven’t read CAD in over a decade. I used to help moderate the forums back in like 2003. ? Gonna have to catch back up.