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Demolition, p10

June 14, 2019 by Tim

To be continued…!

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5 years ago

Should’ve gone with the truth. Not the whole truth, but the truth.
“Hanging out with Lucas.”

5 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Yeah, “hanging out with Lucas somewhere” would have been a better answer.
This will get him in trouble.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Yeah you gotta pre-plan your alibis. It’s perfectly reasonable for him to be hanging out with his best bud, even at odd hours. Plus, they *are* hanging out. Just not at either one’s place.

5 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

yeahhhh… “Out with Lucas” would’ve been much safer. Maybe even “Mentoring a kid with Lucas.” But this…. no.

5 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

Well, if we wanna get technical, only Ethan was “hanging out”. Lucas was just “flying out”.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

This is Ethan, if put on the spot he could mess up a PB&J.

Some guy
Some guy
5 years ago

I never realized Lucas was Jewish

5 years ago
Reply to  Some guy

Yeah, that’s been his last name since the very beginning, back in CAD 1.0.

Not that he ever showed the slightest cultural or religious aspects of the jews, but he wouldn’t be the first to just ignore those.

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

You don’t need to practice Judaism to be Jewish. Jewish can reflect someone who practices Judaism, or just someone who was born to a Jewish family, whether or not they follow the religion.

So Lucas may not be “ignoring cultural or religious aspects of the Jews”, but rather may just have Jewish background. Maybe his parents practice, maybe only his grandparents do/did. Lucas may just be non-religious, and can still be Jewish.

5 years ago

Oh-oh. This won’t be fun for anyone.

5 years ago
Reply to  mandoschMUh

It’ll be entertaining for me.

5 years ago

So Tim, is Demolition supposed to be about Demo Duke, or is it what’s about to happen to their relationship?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It works on so many levels!

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

She’s on him! oO
Also I only now realized how close D-Pad is to Dad, I would laugh so much if Sam ends up calling Lucas Dad at some point due tongue slip. Kinda like how sometimes you accidentally called your teacher mom. xD
But who knows, given he has only talked about his mom so far, maybe there is no dad? So it might happen as Ethan is more the cool Uncle type or better said cool Mentor type for Sam atm.

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

The only question is will she think Ethan is cheating on her or guess that Ethan is a superhero.

I mean Ethan did try the whole “supers arnt that bad” thing, and generally Ethan is as subtle as a nuclear explosion, so it’s not entirely impossible for her to guess that.

But on the other hand, her believing that Ethan is cheating on her seems easier to belive.

5 years ago
Reply to  Pajuka

Is that really easier to believe? I take him for the type that people are amazed if he has a single girlfriend let alone being able to get two.

I bet she already suspects or knows… I mean if you know someone, you can tell it’s them in a costume (especially them and a close friend in costume) and I doubt she hasn’t seen a picture of them in costume at some point. Not to mention, Ethan is dumb enough to do something like leave his costume laying around. 🙂

5 years ago

I WOULD ask why couldn’t he just say he was out with Lucas as that is a true and reasonable expectation but tbh I’m impressed he didn’t come up withsome balls to the wall insane excuse for not being where he says he is.

But I guess that’s the problem with living a double life, you don’t know when to stop keeping secrets and when it’s ok to tell the truth.

5 years ago
Reply to  RoL

You can only lie for so long before you get caught in your own web.

5 years ago

i know the story is now gonna have a cliche “are you cheating on me” section now, but your pretty good at having more unexpected twists (that actually make sense ehem GoT) so im excited to see how ethan actually handles this.

5 years ago

No good deed goes unpunished.

Jonathan Logsdon
Jonathan Logsdon
5 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

Rule 285 if I recall.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

Eh, not so sure about that. I mean he’s not getting punished for stopping Duke, he’s going to get punished for being a lousy liar, which isn’t exactly a good deed.

5 years ago

I’m gonna make a prediction, She is gonna call him out on his bluff, he is gonna attempt to lie further, she is gonna end up angry and suggest they breakup, and the only way to attempt to salvage the relationship will be to admit that he is a superhero (which either leads to her accepting it or breaking up anyway), That or this is the way to “Break them up” and push Ethan back towards Lilith.

5 years ago
Reply to  Khaisz

Lilah, but nice Freudian slip.

(God I wish I could use twitch emotes everywhere)

5 years ago

Question tim, can Gameboy pause the destruction of a building?

(Or in this case, a relationship)

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago
Reply to  Calibus

Seeing as the kid is a “hero intern” at best, I doubt his powers are that strong yet. (Plus, he doesn’t seem that dedicated to the idea. Meh….kids these days). He might be able to expand on his pause powers some more as the guys mentor him (unwillingly), so it’s more fun to see how that’d work. Like a frame-by-frame pause thing, for example.

5 years ago

The real question for me is why she’s so suspicious/insecure that she’s at his house and ringing the bell while on the phone already. The “I could swing by” is not what you say when you’re already there. So far, he’s actually put effort into the relationship, and hasn’t done anything (somewhat surprisingly) that should make anyone’s cheat-antennae tingle. So my bigger question here is, “What’s her motivation?”

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Ah, well. Without the first part shown, I wondered why she was here. I don’t do the “drop by unexpectedly” thing. I find it impolite–but then, I’m older. 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Deborah

Just how much so, exactly? In my experience, the “older gen” were exactly the ones to end up randomly dropping by (when in the area, usually), cause it was just easier… and we weren’t so damn suspicious of everybody else. Maybe the area grown up in has more to do with it than age. ?_?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

One way for Ethan to fix his lie is to tell her that the doorbell buzzer was broken and that he didn’t hear it when she confronts him about it. Then again, she may not confront him about it and spy/snoop on him first to see what is going on and I don’t blame her for that.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago

Only two ways this can end: 1) She eventually learns the truth and joins/is supportive of his crusade or 2) The end of an era. Whether it turns peaceful or bitter all depends.

Either way, get out your umbrellas because the shit is about to hit the fan…

5 years ago
Reply to  Twilight Faze

Or 3) We find out she’s got a son… Little guy named Sam…

5 years ago

While Ethan is totally wrong for lying to her, why is she ringing the bell as she calls him without leading the conversation with “I’m at your house, cause I wanted to surprise you. Too bad you’re out, but want to meet somewhere?” This type of shady behavior trying to catch someone in a lie seems wrong too.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Does Ethan live at a house or does he live at an apartment? That looks like the kind of buzzer you have at an apartment building and she’s looking up a bit so I figured it was that.

5 years ago

Dammit, Ethan! Never say you’re home when you’re not home! This is how mistresses — I mean, secret identities — I mean, birthday plans get discovered.


5 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Yep, the easy lie would’ve been to just say he was out with Lucas and leave it at that. It’s partly based on truth since he is out with Lucas but is fighting crime with him.

5 years ago

Nooooot suspicious at all. 🙂

5 years ago

Time for a Highlander-esque reveal of Ethan’s powers?

“I am Ethan McManus of the clan McManus….. And I cannot die” STAB

5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

That would be an EXCELLENT surprise character connection. Anybody have Christopher Lambert’s phone number?

5 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Or Adrian Paul.

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

No, he can’t STAY dead. this distinction was made only a couple comics ago.

5 years ago

You ****ed up

She probably had some idea though

5 years ago

Whenever you are out of your house, you are out of your house. Just because you can’t explain it doesn’t mean you can’t just say “I’m hanging out with [Sidekick] right now…where? Oh, haha, it’s a long story…”

5 years ago

I feel all the feels

5 years ago

wuhhh uhhh ohh…. busted!

5 years ago

Ok so obviously this could be a setup for the “Are you cheating on me?” schtick, BUT I want to guess three other conversations this might lead to instead. “Is the store doing that bad?” She assumes that his independent video game shop is not holding its own and thus he’s taken a second job which he’s embarrassed about, which would also explain why he is out at odd hours. This could lead to Ethan snapping back because of pride in his store. “Are you addicted to video games?” Having interacted with the JRPG crowd before she has probably encountered… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

“Store doing bad” is the one I’d prefer honestly, allows for meaningful growth (“aw, you care” moment) instead of being hypocritical or potentially breaking the dynamic.

5 years ago

Oh crap. Here it comes…hell hath no fury…that metal guy was nothing by comparison

5 years ago

Euuuugh! someone has a lot of explaining to do.

5 years ago

*Que Price Is Right ‘fail music’*

5 years ago

Don’t worry ethan, there is a good excuse “Okay we did something really stupid and I didn’t want you too worry… we heard there was a super fight going on at the bank so we went to see… I’m sorry I promise I won’t li—…” nope that won’t work at all.

Give us Lilah!

5 years ago

So to everyone who doesn’t understand the why, I’m thinking this: Ethan is NOT meant to be with anyone but Lilah. We all spent years with their love that literally spanned universes in the world that’s been made. This is simply another version of the multiverse and I think they’re still supposed to be together. Is she going to “guess” that he’s a super hero? No because he doesn’t fit the mold and that’s so far out there of a leap in logic. But she knows he lied to her and this is the beginning of the end of a… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Yeah, I think Lilah is end game partner for Ethan. Emily is there to show that he’s not that pathetic and has had relationships with other girls.

5 years ago

Umm… Busted? >.<

5 years ago

ooof. If you’ve got something you are trying to hide always stay as close to the truth as possible. Been out with Lucas would have been a perfectly acceptable excuse especially when she leads off with “Sounds like your out”. Its true if somewhat misleading. Strait up lieing is a rookie mistake. Not only is it easier to catch you in a lie by accident its nearly impossible to keep track of a web of lies long term.

5 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Exactly, if you are going to lie, then try to do it with some truth in it and omitting the important parts of it. Saying he was out with Lucas is not a lie. If she started asking specifics then you’ll be forced to actually lie and you can fill in the details then.

Just Marty
Just Marty
5 years ago

Grah! No! Why! Ugh!

I was honestly really happy for him, for once he was trying to be a damn adult, and yes, he made a mistake, and relationships shouldn’t end from one silly little thing but it’s a comic so we know how this will play out.

Can we just give him a win?

5 years ago

Press “x” to make your girlfriend suspicious!

5 years ago

Plot twist: GB is actually Lilah’s son…

Would explain the video game link and why she wanted to get on the superhero story early on. Just a thought!

5 years ago

Damn! I tried so hard to resist liking Emily and right when I really started to, this happens! DAAAAARN YOUUUU TIM!!