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Deposited, p18

March 30, 2022 by Tim

Just a gentle reminder, today is the last day to preorder the Console War posters.

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2 years ago

Also, was that a Short Circuit 2 reference?

Last edited 2 years ago by jack
2 years ago
Reply to  jack

Nr Johny 5!

2 years ago
Reply to  jack

-6? tf?

2 years ago
Reply to  jack

The average age of people who type “first”.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago
Reply to  jack

Nobody, and I mean nobody, likes a person that comments “First!”

william scott
william scott
2 years ago
Reply to  jack

you may be first but i have last care!

2 years ago

Awe, Ethan wants to make sure his friend has what he needs, even if he can’t see him face-to-face. It’s like Zeke has become a step-brother to him, to the point of activating Ethan’s maternal instincts to a degree.

2 years ago

I’m certain that this is Ethan leaving out something for Zeke, and NOT Ethan just barely missing Zeke’s memorial or anything.
It’s a handful of essential items for Zeke – video games (fittingly, XBOX titles), the spare head he made, a battery+coils in case he needs it, and an apology letter.
I’m guessing this is on top of the GameHaven building, Zeke returning to it specifically is the best guess.
Hopefully it’ll go well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Him.

I think you’re right, but I like the way the artist has left it open to either interpretation. In my writing class (ironically CAD has been used as an example on multiple occasions) we’ve discussed the importance of allowing the reader to draw their own conclusions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cragfast

Wait, what other conclusion could you draw other than Ethan left those items for Zeke? Like it seems super obvious to me like it’s not even meant to have multiple interpretations so I’m curious what else someone thinks it is.

2 years ago
Reply to  BioYuGi

I think he refers mostly to the fact that we don’t know how Zeke is doing. They were alive when they left, but this city (fotgot the name) is stablished as pretty darn dangerous, and the Master himself is an immediate threat. So while hoping they are fine, nobody knows whether or not Zeke would return there or find them.
Or even if it is Zeke who will find the instead of somebody else. Drama,You know?.

2 years ago
Reply to  BioYuGi

While a “care-package” conclusion is most likely, it is at least possible that this is more of a memorial… There are many cultures that to this day believe in leaving offerings for the dead at a grave, such as coinage to pay the being who takes your soul to the afterlife (Think Charon, or the entity that is death, etc) , mementos that you loved or were special to the connection between them and the decease as a way of showing that you cared and releasing you by leaving the bonded item, or things to take with you into the… Read more »

Shinji Schneider
Shinji Schneider
2 years ago
Reply to  Him.

The letter says “i’m sorry” so i agree with that asessment

2 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Top of GameHaven bulding might not be the best idea (since, as Eldest Gruff posted, Zeke will probably keep away from it because of Scott), but maybe one close to it?

Though I wonder how damaged Zeke’s internals are (CPU and RAM mostly, as they are kind of his brain) and if he can get that fixed on his own.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Him.

I’m hung up on the XBox titles. Having the large battery there is essentially “food” – offering Zeke what they need to survive. Its presence seemingly communicates, “You might not feel safe coming home, so this is here so you can take care of yourself.” But the XBox titles. They’re thematically fitting, but Zeke doesn’t have a means to play them – no console, no TV, no controllers. So I can’t figure out if that’s a gift with some strings attached to gently encourage them to come home, or more of a gift for a person moving out on their… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Like Zeke’s little switch buddy from earlier

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I interpret this as Ethan assuming that Zeke will try to solve his confusion, confirm data. Was it an accident etc. Also, Ethan just DIED right there with Zeke watching. Ethan is doing exactly what he should be. Trying to help his friend, and giving Zeke a reason to come home. The repair parts, the battery those are staples, the games.. those are to provide good memories, and a reason but not a requirement to come home. He didn’t set up a rooftop gaming nook, just the games. The good memories etc. May be enough to at least start the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I think the games are intended to remind, not to play.

21st Century Peon
21st Century Peon
2 years ago

I’m not crying, I’ve just got something in my eye and my other eye.

2 years ago

He’ll be back.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

I hope so, but its net is not sky high?

2 years ago

Ah there goes my heart breaking in two. I don’t know how Ethan will recover from this. 🙁

2 years ago

Which brings us back to the title of the series, nice.

I’ve enjoyed this story more than most, looking forward to the future evolution of this thread.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago

It’s silly, but… I scoured every panel, looking for some sort of hint of Zeke. Any sort of tiny clue, author’s nod, or easter egg that suggested anything. And realized later that I was doing basically what Ethan was doing. I like what Ethan is offering here. Food. Clothing. Some of their favorite things. And an apology. I doubt that Zeke would return directly to GameHaven; at least, not close to Scott’s bluetooth signal. And I doubt these things will last long, exposed to the elements. But… where else could he leave it, where there was a chance that Zeke… Read more »

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I mean, this is a superhero comic after all. I’m sure this will be resolved in a dramatic and climatic fashion, rather than quietly.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I really think this is the top of Gamehaven, first because of the details in the panels and second because of Ethan’s motivations. Panel 1 and 2, it is late night/early morning, almost all building lights are off, street lamps are casting light up from the street, stars are out. By panel 3, Ethan has returned to Gamehaven feeling a little disappointed, on the verge of giving up (note the plywood over the broken windows…). The sun is starting to rise against his back with a tall brick building off to his left. Panel 5, he leaves the peace offering… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Daren

Respectfully, I do NOT think the care package is on the top of GameHaven. First, we see Ethan swinging away in broad-stokes. I know he doesn’t live in GameHaven, but I believe he and Lucas live close-by to GameHaven. I believe Ethan is setting off on a long trip away from the deposit. Second, I think the location is part of the next story; Ethan has chosen a place of significance that itself conveys understanding and sympathy to Zeke. Every other item of the care package does convey sympathy too: a battery for “food”, a replacement for the damaged part… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Greg

Maybe! Thinking back to where Zeke encountered Ethan and Lucas for the first time, it was on a roof top with Lucas monitoring the city alone while Ethan was working things out for himself in Analog and D-pad #4 (June 2016) and #5 (December 2017). It was a brutal battle. Also makes for some nice parallelism with a character trying to find themself and ending up in that specific location. Yeah, I like this idea too.

But who knows, is Tim actually getting down to that level of detail or is this just another roof top?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Daren

That’s a stellar analysis, and after reading it I agree with you that this has to be the top of Gamehaven – it’s the only place that Ethan really knows Zeke would have any connection to, and it’s almost the same sunrise in the third and last panel. Not to mention, that the rooftop Ethan left this on is significantly lower than the ones surrounding it, which also makes sense for Gamehaven. I almost don’t want to say it, either to jinx it or cause Tim to suddenly veer left. But there’s a tiny, tiny part of me that’s holding… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Love it, but that would mean Tim doesn’t leave us with a serious cliffhanger!

2 years ago

The best villains are ones with backstories you can empathize with. This has all the makings of that.

omg omg
omg omg
2 years ago

I have my eyes in the wrong position because, at first, I thought the last panel indicated that Zeke disguised himself, leaving some his parts behind after changing them for other different parts. I only understood the real message when I saw the tiny letter that says “I’m sor”. Maybe it was because the letter is so tiny, it was hard to see for me.

2 years ago

I hope you’re happy, Scott. 🙁

2 years ago

And this is where the story will be rebooted.

We’ll be stuck with that infinite cliffhanger^^

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack0r
omg omg
omg omg
2 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Please, don’t give ideas to the author.

2 years ago

Right in the feels

2 years ago

I initially thought the last panel was Zeke. He dismantled himself, but before doing so wrote a letter to Ethan, effectively committing suicide, feeling like he really has no place in the world, kinda like how I feel a lot.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

I’m sorry to hear that. Remember – you can always reach out for help.

omg omg
omg omg
2 years ago
Reply to  John

I had suicide thoughts during years, and even today they pop up in my mind when things are bad. By first hand experience I will tell you the two things that actually work:

  1. Do not do it
  2. Ask for help (talk to a person you trust, call the help hotline in your country, see a doctor…)
2 years ago

This is gonna end the way the last timeline ended isn’t it?

2 years ago

I am not complaining, but more observing: I wonder if this is the longest streak of comics we’ve had without a punchline. The last punchline was Lucas’s joke about Scott wanting an autograph in page 5, which means there’s been 13 pages without a joke. There have been other story arcs where there were action scenes or the capture scenes that had panels without jokes, but I think there were still usually some wisecracks in there. Again, I’m not complaining because I know this was serious character and plot development, just making an observation. It also looks as if this… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Jesse
Aston Whiteman
Aston Whiteman
2 years ago

And that was the day that Ethan created the Singularity and thus doomed the human race leading to a necessary reboot of civilisation. Goodbye old characters and hello fresh perspectives!

2 years ago

how do i order the full series of the web comics??