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Demolition, p12

July 1, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago

Waiting for him to panic and defenestrate himself, thereby revealing his powers. Hopefully no passerby at the time.

5 years ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

Oh, I just hope he reveals it in a way that isn’t traumatizing to her. Especially since it was for him. I mean, being unable to stay dead? It’s an interesting power, but remembering every single death…. and eventually WISHING you could die…. it can be maddening. Maybe he’s just unaware of how many extra lives he has…. I imagine the best way he can describe it at first is going ‘You know how in Mario games, you have extra lives and restart at checkpoints if you die? That’s my power. Extra lives. I respawn.”

5 years ago
Reply to  Snowman

I am Konami McCloud and I cannot die

5 years ago
Reply to  Snowman

He can stay dead – he just can´t be killed by normal means. Quite certain he would be able to stay dead if someone tried to knowing of his powers, also by old age.

5 years ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

upvoting only for the proper usage of the word “defenestrate”

5 years ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

Dawn? Is that you?

5 years ago

Well Ethan, you wouldn’t have been in this situation, if you have told her that you had a guys evening with Lucas. It wouldn’t have been less of a lie than what you told her.

5 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Ya I know this is Ethan and all but I feel he could have said something along those lines as a decent lie and just showed that she didnt fully believe him. They can still go pretty much any direction from there once another incident causes a problem, like him abandoning her somewhere to go do hero stuff. If they actually end this relationship here it will feel a bit lame but it isnt the first problem, as she mentioned. Curious where this will go and when we will next see Liliah, will she be present then aswell?

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Lame, maybe, but plenty of relationships end on WAY less.

5 years ago
Reply to  John

He could have, yes. But people don’t always make the best decisions, when they’re stressed. And this is _Ethan_.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

If this series has taught me anything is that Ethan is a very bad liar. He’s good at deflecting, but he’s worthless at misdirection. There’s no saving this. She’s already anti-hero and this would just seal the deal (we don’t know that she wouldn’t rat him and Lucas out). The other is to just let her go. She already has one foot out the door.

5 years ago
Reply to  Twilight Faze

I’ve personally wondered if she’ll turn villain over it, honestly.

5 years ago
Reply to  Skorpeyon

Unlikely. She dislikes heroes, but she dislikes them because of property damage and being needlessly excessive. Being a villain would result in additional property damage and devastation, which is the opposite of what she wants.

5 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Agreed for super villainy. Could see her going antagonist in a bid to rid the world of heroes, though. Either by depowering or making them outcasts and targets.

5 years ago

Game Over. Retry/Cancel?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

Ctrl+Alt+Del & Reboot

5 years ago

Dump him. lol

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

Just tell her and then either kill her to keep your secret or watch her become a super heroine because she thinks she needs to look out for Ethan. xD

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Given her feelings and anger, I think supervillain might be the more likely route…..kinda like Elektra to Daredevil

5 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Speaking of superheroes and villains, Ethan’s powers are essentially the same a Marvel’s Mr. Immortal. Google him!

5 years ago

hate to say it Ethan, but you just might have to pull a “Duncan MacLeod” and ghost yourself in front of her to get her to believe what you’re going to HAVE to tell her sooner or later, if you’re serious about her that is.

5 years ago
Reply to  RoWan

Being believed is definitely not the challenge.

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
5 years ago

I’m still waiting for him to say he’s been a mentor for a youth and drag the kid into it.

Hey, remember me? We hung out last night and played megaman.”

It wouldn’t solve the issue and be really easy to figure out when the kid shows up on the news/papers with the guys, but it wouldn’t be a complete lie…

5 years ago

I think the reason this is so difficult is we have gotten to know Emily a bit and she is a liked character. So this is really bad for both of them.
Well done.

5 years ago

harsh…. but fair…

5 years ago

Ethan is a bad liar, because he is really an honest and good person, I mean that’s why he became a hero in the first place, because he wants to do right. Lying to Emily is hard for him because being deceitful is not in his nature. As much as I love Emily and think she and Ethan are great together, she is NOT good for Analog, and I think that is the problem. Ethan isn’t just one person, he is also a superhero and Emily doesn’t want to be dating that but she is and doesn’t even know it.… Read more »

5 years ago

And all because Ethan didn’t wanna say he was just out with Lucas.This is how breakups and nemeses happen…

The Schaef
The Schaef
5 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Gotta clear that pathway for the relationship with Lilah 2.0…

5 years ago

Quick Ethan Alt-F4 yourself it’s the only way to be safe!

5 years ago

I know everyone ships Ethan/Emily but I think it’s time for Emily to end the relationship. She’s not happy with the lying, she’s not happy with his keeping secrets and sneaking around. Yes Ethan has a good reason not to tell her the truth but that doesn’t mean Emily has to stay in the relationship. We don’t know timelines, but I get the feeling they’ve been going out for awhile. If that’s true, Emily has every reason to expect Ethan to open up more, for there relationship to move into deeper territory. If Ethan doesn’t feel ready yet to trust… Read more »

Charles Gollmar
Charles Gollmar
5 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

Ethan wants the best of both worlds. He wants the girlfriend and the sexy times but doesn’t want to do any of the heavy lifting to maintain it. As you said, he has his own valid reasons not to tell her and that’s fine, but if that’s the kind of relationship he wants then Emily is clearly not the right girl and they need to move on for both their sakes.

5 years ago

Ethan is willing to do the heavy lifting, he just has trouble doing it. Some because of family things, mostly because of his…ahem…preexisting condition (being Ethan) but he does want to have a relationship and is willing to make sacrifices for it.

Charles Gollmar
Charles Gollmar
5 years ago
Reply to  Him.

So far the only sacrifice we’ve seen him make is consenting to playing JRPGs with her. While that’s probably a big concession for someone with Ethan’s “priorities”, that’s hardly noteworthy. I like Ethan, he’s like a golden retriever and that’s great, but that means he needs to find someone who wants a puppy rather than a companion and it’s starting to look like Emily isn’t that person.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

Relationships take more work than just bailing at the first real problem. Really the problem might be that they don’t have too much of a relationship yet. A few dates, and its still pretty easy to decide pull the plug, but that lets go of the possibility of more.

5 years ago

Yeah, relationships do take work, but this isn’t the first real problem between them. Plus both parties have to want it to work.

Emily has every right to bail if she’s tired of it. Ethan’s being completely unreasonable with his “I want to tell you, just not yet.” She’s caught him in a big lie, no matter how good the reason for the lie, it’s a breach of trust. But instead of doing the right thing, he’s demanding she trust him.

This would be the point where a real person would demand the truth or they walk away.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

Part of the problem though is that, without knowing, Emily has been pushing Ethan away too. Her anti-hero stance is probably making it hard for him to open up to her cause he already knows she won’t like what he has to say. That makes it really hard for Ethan to trust her. Which has led to the current situation. Odds are he would have let her in on the secret by now otherwise.

5 years ago

The relationship is on its last leg…..

Just Marty
Just Marty
5 years ago

I really want this to work, I like both of these characters, but I know all too well once you have that breach of trust it’s insanely hard to earn that back, and unless you’ve been with that person an incredibly long time, it’s sadly better to move on.

5 years ago

I’m waiting for “Maybe we should take a break.”

Frank Bromley
Frank Bromley
5 years ago

was never gonna work out anyway since shes Capeist

5 years ago

i vote for her getting angry enough to throw something, accidentally hit and thereby “kill” ethan, only for him to respawn and go into an infinite loop of ethanese trying to explain it away

5 years ago
Reply to  Tonkin

Emily getting violent seems unlikely. Maybe she goes to leave and he chases after her, and then he trips down the stairs and breaks his neck right in front of her.

Ben Willems
Ben Willems
5 years ago

I know it’s Ethan, and it’s for story purposes that it won’t happen yet.
But yeah, this is when you just reveal the truth

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben Willems

It’s not just his secret to tell, though. He’d also be outing his best buddy.

Although I doubt that that’s the obstacle here.

5 years ago

I’m pretty sure we all know they’re going to break up and he’s going to end up with the reporter chick. Interested to see what happens in the end for Emily though.

5 years ago

“Would it kill you to tell the truth?”
“Yes, actually, it literally would.”

5 years ago

One of those pay to win situations?