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Demolition, p13

July 3, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago

Do you Play Fortnite


Just Marty
Just Marty
5 years ago
Reply to  Sian

In all fairness, it is something worth hiding.

D Harshman
D Harshman
5 years ago
Reply to  Just Marty

Given the nature of their relationship and Ethan’s neuroses, it’s a reasonable question

5 years ago
Reply to  Sian

That alone is worth breaking up over.
If she knew Ethan’s power, killing him a few times as well.

5 years ago

Oy! Why am I so emotionally invested on Ethan that I really really hope she’s not gonna rip him a new one after that reveal. T-T
But at least he’ll respawn if she kills him in rage….

5 years ago

YYYYYYEEEESSSSSS. This is exactly what I wanted. THANK YOU TIM

5 years ago
Reply to  MarthKoopa

You just posted the exact thoughts I had as I read this page. Word for word. The moment it became obvious this altercation would happen (with him claiming to be home), I was hoping the secret would come out rather than having a breakup over the lies and distrust. This is, by far, the more interesting and emotional outcome, and it also allows the potential that both parties will walk away in good standing with one another even if their romantic relationship ends. It’s VERY unlikely they will stay a couple permanently, given what we know from the original CAD’s… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Vandril

Personally, I welcome an Ethan relationship that isn’t with Lilah. Another Ethan in another universe had a relationship with that universe’s Lilah. That doesn’t mean that this universe’s Ethan and Lilah have to wind up together. Ethan x Lilah seems sort of like the easy way out, now. Maybe kinda boring, like “of course he winds up with her”. I feel like we know how that story goes. Counterpoint: Tim’s doing a good job of writing a new universe that doesn’t just repeat the details we know from the original CAD universe. There are new details, nuances, and changes that… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  MarthKoopa

It’s not over yet. She could choose to believe he’s lying to cover up something. He’d have to ghost himself to prove otherwise. Lucas could prove he has powers simply enough, but she’d still be taking Lucas’ word for it when he says Ethan does. And that route involves outing Lucas as well… something he may not be on board with.

5 years ago
Reply to  JadedDragoon

Yeah, but that’s okay. As long as we don’t get another character too chicken shit to tell the truth.

5 years ago

“prove it” 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  PseudoNhymm

*Hands her a gun*
“Shoot me.” o.0;

5 years ago
Reply to  wkz

*jumps out window*

5 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

You know, he doesn’t have to kill himself to prove it. Just show some of his gadgets or his costume and that’ll be enough. He can explain his power rather than go through killing himself after that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Austin

@Austin Ya, but do you really think he would do it that way? 😛

5 years ago
Reply to  Helldemon

That’s Ethan. Horray for breaking your girlfriend in more ways than one.

Fred S
Fred S
5 years ago
Reply to  Leo

If he really wanted to go dark, he could hang himself in front of her. Now THAT would make an impression.

5 years ago
Reply to  Austin

But I’m sure he’s seen Highlander so…

Garlyn Sav
Garlyn Sav
5 years ago
Reply to  PseudoNhymm

Or after all that she says, “you mean I’m finally in a relationship when I feel like I could just kill him I actually can and he will come back? Oh I am so in!”

Eric Ryan Blackburn
Eric Ryan Blackburn
5 years ago
Reply to  PseudoNhymm

I feel like there is 100% a fan made website of all super hero’s in the cities with pictures, accomplishments, powers, and power ranking. Pull up his page and BOOM.

5 years ago

The Fortnight joke is great but im surprised he actually said it.

Ben Willems
Ben Willems
5 years ago


5 years ago

Not gonna lie, the Fortnite joke literally made my morning. If I’d been drinking coffee at the time, I would have sprayed it for sure.

5 years ago
Reply to  geraintwd

Fortnite bad! XDDDD

5 years ago

The way she’s talking makes it almost sound like she ALREADY had a super hero boyfriend, perhaps he was a jerk and that also influenced her opinion of superheroes; though perhaps she would of mentioned such when the whole super hero thing came up originally for them. Or maybe if she had a previous boyfriend who was a super hero, maybe he was too cocky and got killed, and she didn’t want to talk about the dead maybe, though less likely. I wonder how he’ll show her he’s telling the truth, and I wonder if she’ll believe him until he… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Andminus

It is already established why she doesn’t like superheroes. I think it was her sister who became collateral damage.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andminus

Somebody said it once before but what if she is sister of the Troll character, that Ethan accidentally dropped?
Would be interesting twist but I hope it doesn’t go there.

5 years ago
Reply to  ThePuolimieli

That’s an interesting theory, but I don’t think it’s likely. The Troll was ready to blow up 3-4 civilians, not exactly a proud moment for the family I’m sure:

5 years ago
Reply to  DocRock

Good point but in the same way we could theorize that she has an dark side or that Troll was her ex boyfriend. Love towards any loved ones can be blind.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andminus

Wouldn’t have to be a superhero boyfriend, a former boyfriend(no powers) that cheated on her would also make, well anyone a little wary about their partner keeping big secrets from them.

As for her believing him I don’t think it would take much, like someone else said just showing off his costume/gear would probably be enough. Worse case he can show her but chances are she would much rather take him at his word than watch him kill himself.

Grammor Nazee
Grammor Nazee
5 years ago
Reply to  Andminus

Interresting point… but I stopped reading after you typed “would of” instead of “would have”. Now, given that this is a widely-read comic, one could assume that English may not be your native language (as it isn’t mine either). However, I opt to go with the fact that it’s just lazy grammar… something this dude can not abide. Oh no, indeed not. Therefor, any point you may have made – and a good point it may well have been – is moot, null and void and comoletely wasted on the individual that is myself. I hope you are proud of… Read more »

Grammor Nazee the Reïncarnated
Grammor Nazee the Reïncarnated
5 years ago
Reply to  Grammor Nazee

Comoletely… a spelling error… by ME?! Oh noes… *jumps of a higher building*

5 years ago

Well, this is what I was hoping for. Can’t wait to see the fallout from it.

chris feltner
chris feltner
5 years ago

Wheres your report a bad ad on mobile? Just got a popup one and it wanted me to let it send push notifications

5 years ago
Reply to  chris feltner
5 years ago

Hm. I don’t like ultimatums. I hope it was the right decision to confide in her.

D Harshman
D Harshman
5 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

Yeah…I was hoping he would just let her go, all the way up to the point I scrolled to the panel where he did confide in her. I know a lot of people wanted him to do so, but I really hoped he didn’t. (Admittedly, my hope would probably have made for a less dramatic/interesting plot…so, oh well.)

5 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

You can dislike ultimatums all you want, but they are an unavoidable part of any relationship. Even when the “or else” is left unstated… it’s still there. And frankly, part of building healthy relationships is setting boundaries… which are, in fact, ultimatums. Refusing to put someone in a position where they have to choose is a good way to get taken advantage of.

5 years ago
Reply to  JadedDragoon

Ethan already said he couldn’t tell her and was asking for trust, that was his answer. Ultimatums are selfish because they are about you and want you want from another. They are about forcing another person to bend through emotional manipulation. If she had said “I can’t be someone who isn’t completely honest with me, goodbye Ethan” and actually left, then the choice would have been his to change his own mind. There wouldn’t have been any manipulation in that. People use these tactics all the time to get other people to do what they want, there is nothing healthy… Read more »

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

Boha! That’s brave! Good job, Ethan! I am proud of you, boy! <3
Also that Fortnite joke, lol. XD

5 years ago

Taking all bets,
Does her dislike of superheroes win over and she walks out anyway.
Does she accuse him of lying to her and refuse to believe him.
Does she refuse to believe him but burst out laughing thinking it’s a joke and decide to wait awhile longer until he’s ready to tell her.
Will she reveal herself to be a super villain and attack
Or will they talk things out like two calm rational human beings

5 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

She probably attempts to out him to the media, but Lilah intercepts or becomes further involved as a result.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

@Tumbleweed that’s probably a pretty good guess, based on what we know of her.
In any case, I did not see this coming, Ethan telling anybody. I was sure it would be over long before this ever happened. Good job keeping us all guessing Tim!

5 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

They try to talk things out.

She says she worries he’ll get hurt, he explains how he can’t die.

That’s enough for awhile but ultimately it doesn’t work out because she’s morally opposed to superheros in the first place. They wind up splitting.

Fred S
Fred S
5 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

She doesn’t believe him and he needs to prove it, which he does in a dramatic fashion.

5 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

Pretty sure we can rule the last one out as that requires two rational people and Ethan hardly fits that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

I think she’ll refuse to believe him, and still try to leave, forcing Ethan to prove it. She’ll go into shock and want some time apart to sort it out.

5 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

My thought is she is very angry right now and with all the weird things Ethan generally says. It will sound like another lie to her. And she will lash out or leave crying. Till he actually proves it to her.

5 years ago

And so… we grow…

5 years ago

Can we have the next strip tomorrow please?

5 years ago



So now Ethan has all the relationship points. The ball is on her court now.

Charles Gollmar
Charles Gollmar
5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Seriously? Ethan has all the relationship points? She had to be ready to leave him before he was finally willing to tell her the truth. This is Ethan finally realizing what it takes to be part of a grown-up relationship.

David K.
David K.
5 years ago

He didn’t tell her what he was up to on one night. Not ideal, sure, but she’s also demanding a lot out of him here. He told her he’s not ready to talk about it yet, and to give him some trust, but she isn’t willing to give him any room at all? Frankly I think she’s the one in the wrong here by issuing such a strong ultimatum based on the one incident.

Skyler Wright
Skyler Wright
5 years ago
Reply to  David K.

But it’s not just one incident. He’s previously admitted to *looking* for a reason for them to break up.

5 years ago
Reply to  David K.

It’s not “not knowing what he was up to one night.” It’s knowing that he lied. Being lied to by someone important to you is a big deal. She made it clear that honesty was important. He made it clear that it was easier for him to lie than tell the truth. This relationship is not nearly old enough to withstand such a fundamental misalignment. It really, truly, doesn’t matter what the lie was hiding. Some people accept lies as a given. Some of us don’t.

David K.
David K.
5 years ago
Reply to  ErinElizabeth

Yes, technically he lied, once. That’s a reason to be upset, a reason to be more upset if it happens again. But honestly, no one is EVER 100% honest and for good reason. We all have secrets, some big, some small, some we shouldn’t keep, some we should. She gave him an ultimatum over ONE incident where he didn’t tell her the truth about where he was. He asked for a little leeway, she gave him none. IMO, that’s unreasonable on her part. He has been open with her about his feelings, he has made a genuine effort to participate… Read more »

5 years ago

Don’t forget, he’s not only telling her he is, he’s also telling her that Lucas is.

5 years ago
Reply to  Robert

@Robert not necessarily. Granted, it’s an easy tell if he doesn’t, but so far he’s only talking about himself, and I would think that on THIS topic at least Ethan is able to control what he says a little better than normal

5 years ago
Reply to  Brent

No, He has already told her Lucas is as of the last panel of this update. It’s gonna be a no brainer which super Ethan is… and that necessarily outs Lucas as well.

Unless she suddenly develops a mental disability before the next update.

5 years ago

Well, I knew he would say it, but I was kind of expecting her to be out the door while he says it to an empty room. This, though…..this has delightful possibilities, most of which have been covered in other comments. Assuming she believes him, I don’t think she’ll out him but I do think this might still be a linchpin ender on their relationship (she’s still against heroes and asks him to choose between her and heroing). We’ll see….

5 years ago

Oh snap

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago

And now hes outed Lucas too…

Joel Abramson
Joel Abramson
5 years ago

Love the art over the bed

5 years ago

Anyone else wondering what the pictures are above the bed? Motorbike and sidecar driving down an old road. Mountains in the background. From a famous movie perhaps?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

look like the original Indiana Jones posters

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

The one on the right looks like The Last Crusade?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

So the far right is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indy and Dad on the motorbike escaping the nazi castle. I am tempted to suggest the left hand one is from Raiders? Indy running towards the plane at the start? Which would make the middle (blocked) from Temple of Doom? Nice set anyway.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Really, these small details make the world

5 years ago

Ahhhhhhh, cliffhanger!!! Nooooooo! I wasn’t ready!!

5 years ago

Quite a relationship bombshell……….

5 years ago

I admit, I’m a little surprised he fessed up.

Robert Gerber
Robert Gerber
5 years ago
Reply to  Sigurther

I’m glad he did. It’s a choice that makes sense from most angles. The best objection to him telling her that I can think of is that he also risks outing Lucas by telling her.

5 years ago
Reply to  Robert Gerber

The best objection to telling her remains the exact reasons for having secret identities to begin with. There’s nothing stopping her from outing him in sheer pettiness. And please don’t say she’s not like that. Everyone is like that. They just don’t show it till they decide you have done something that justifies it.

5 years ago

Wondering if there’ll be a Rocketeer joke.
“The truth is, I’m Analog.”

5 years ago

Wow. Ethan 1.0: Wouldn’t tone down gaming to be with his non-gamer girlfriend Ethan 2.0: Confesses to being a superhero to his non-superhero-approving girlfriend Also can we appreciate what this says about how Ethan feels about his relationship with Emily? For a while I was feeling like Emily was just Ethan’s placeholder girl since he couldn’t approach Lilah in this version of the world, but this? This right here? This solidifies to me that Emily is more to him than that. That she’s someone he cares about and wants to be with and wants to both trust and to have… Read more »

5 years ago

Well now she knows. That means her time is numbered. Supervillain will kill her.

5 years ago
Reply to  MacIver

Tim is too aware of tropes to do this without subverting it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Diego

This time she will be the supervillain.

5 years ago

Plot twist…so is she. Remember back on the docks? A female hero or was it a villain? I can’t remember now. But it was a female. Or maybe that was the reporter chic from a few episodes back.

5 years ago

Some people talk bad about your art for repeating frames, but the last 2 ones were amazing. The tears that didn’t had time to dry out. Awesome work.

5 years ago

It’s possible they’ll still break up this way, but I don’t think she’d do anything vindictive about it. She might dislike superheroes enough not to date him, but she would understand why he hid that particular thing.

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago

Further proof that super powers are less important to a superhero career than a well-honed talent for lying and a multilayered plan for misdirection. Clearly Ethan possesses neither.

Piss Monster
Piss Monster
5 years ago

you should have made her find out by going into a psychotic rage and killing him, woulda been way funnier XD wubbalubbadabdab

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago

I’m hoping that Emily is as open-minded and intellectual enough to have a rational conversation. Maybe tough to believe at first, while supers are indeed common in this world, it still might sound like another lie. HOWEVER: I honestly hope that she would take a few minutes, let him show her his gadgets/cape etc, explain, and then make an informed judgement. Many people are capable of holding one believe (super’s are more trouble than they are worth, cause too much damage), but being swayed by learning from someone with an opposing viewpoint. I imagine Emily to be one of these… Read more »

5 years ago

the F**K are ya doin to me Tim? why am i so much more invested in Ethan and Emily than i ever was with Ethan and Lilah?

Daniel Nolan
Daniel Nolan
5 years ago

Better for her to find out this way than to be kidnapped by a super villain who learned Analog had a girlfriend.

5 years ago

No. Don’t do this. No no no no don’t do this. Please. Please don’t end it like this.

5 years ago

When they talked about heroes last time she said “I still think they’re dangerous especially the unlicensed ones” so I think this will end with Emily making Ethan get a hero license.

5 years ago

Yes, finally.

5 years ago

As much as I want to see him get together with Lilah, like in the original comic, I do want to see him stay with this girl. I also want to see Zeke return. I’m not sure if either of those things will happen.

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

For your first two points, I can’t say. But as for your third, seeing Zeke return, I think we can bank on it. Zeke was not defeated, has a piece of Ethan’s gear (possibly with blood on it), and has certainly not completed his mission. He is biding his time, developing a much more sinister plan to be 100% ready for A&D-Pad. He will be back.

5 years ago

As the first domino falls into place…

5 years ago

Beautiful scene.

5 years ago

Great payoff! I was hoping it would come down to something like this for Ethan, because even though he was obviously lying and pissing her off, it’s so easy to see that the truth is _terrifying_ for him to say because of what she said previously. So whatever happens next, I’m glad to see Ethan making this step.

5 years ago

Wow! All the emotional power of a wet turd dropping on the ground!

My man
My man
9 months ago

Now will you be a Gwan or will you be a Mary Jane. Before the 2000s.