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Demolition, p18

July 19, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago


5 years ago

Oof. Thats sad, but her line is amusing. I hope he doesn’t start ordering random junk to try and see her again, he would never do that…

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Who do you think he is, Scott Pilgrim?

5 years ago
Reply to  John

I think that’s actually what just happened.

5 years ago
Reply to  John

That’s how it started in the first place iirc

5 years ago

I see that Sea of Thieves is near BotW and Horizon Zero Dawn instead of in the F section as well.

I don't know how to register
I don't know how to register
5 years ago
Reply to  Taylor

I think that *IS* the F section. Those three games certainly belong in it.

(to clarify: yes, I am saying BOTW and HZD are failures. I hated both of those identical ubisoft clones with no fun content to do in their barren open worlds. and radio towers, screw radio towers. even robot radio towers that walk in a circle, those are still awful)

5 years ago

This is the most blatantly wrong thing I’ve read in several months. Congratulations.

5 years ago

HZD was freaking A MAZING, the hells is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Reply to  Taylor

Maybe that’s the A section. ‘A’ for Awesome.

5 years ago

Poor Days Gone 🙁

5 years ago
Reply to  Lauren

They are gone anyway – so why not there? :p

5 years ago
Reply to  Lauren

Yeah… I played the hell out of it. Decent length, decent gameplay… really really good acting… I consider it “Like Red Dead 2 if it were fun.” I mean, your character doesn’t constantly unequip weapons you NEED, and you don’t need pristine hides. It’s got some frustrating points, but… it’s like, a wee handful. Especially compared to the game actually handling a sequence break well. I did The Biggest Horde early, because I could… barely. Would have been SO much easier if I’d done it when I was supposed to, but still. No reward for doing it early, but when… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Lauren

Seriously. Days Gone was one of the most absorbing, well put together games I’ve played in years. I felt like I was living Deacon’s life and I wasn’t ready for it to end even after I got the Platinum. That said, after you do get all the trophies there isn’t much to do so I stopped before the game could turn sour in any way. It was the perfect experience and I’m actively salty that the game got kinda panned.

I don't know how to register
I don't know how to register
5 years ago

I 100% agree with Ethan’s shelving system.

5 years ago

Okay, I’m kind of amazed that she hasn’t changed her route so she wouldn’t run into Ethan just to avoid the pain and heartache. Then again, that may take time if it’s not an emergency and breaking up with your boyfriend, who is on your route, is not an emergency.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

They don’t get to decide on their route. It is extraordinarily planned out for them to even try to avoid left turns. There was a mythbusters on it once I’m sure is on youtube somewhere.

5 years ago

Isn’t the whole US road system made to avoid left turns in cities?
That’s what I’ve been thought tho.

5 years ago
Reply to  Bramble

A great many roads in the US are 30+ years old, and the “left turn” system was discovered relatively recently, so I doubt it.

Tom B
Tom B
5 years ago
Reply to  Bramble

Hmmm… the US highway planners seem to love highway exits from the left lane… argh. And they also love signs indicating a turn either right at or slightly after the exit ramp. And the decreasing apex off ramps with no visibility to see in advance that this would happen (from 70 mph to a tight apex that wouldn’t be squealing the van tires likely around 25 mph in a matter of seconds…).

There’s lots of things that make you go ‘hmmm’ about US road layouts.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom B

Personally, I’m far less concerned about US roads than I am about the people driving on them.

5 years ago

At least you didn’t say to “not take” left turns, because that shit is hilariously wrong and I shake my head or laugh whenever I see it. But yeah, no, drivers do not get to decide their own routes. At best, Emily might eventually get a chance to bid on an alternate route later down the line, IF she has sufficient seniority. Even then it’s not that great of an idea since she’d have to learn that entire new route from scratch, which gets much harder if the roads are all named instead of numbered, if the deliveries aren’t as… Read more »

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago
Reply to  Nyzer
5 years ago

I actually wondered the other day if she was going to get her route changed. Guess not.

5 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Might well be the case with the next package (assuming Ethan does Ethan things and orders stuff daily)

5 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Nope, that’s not so easy to accomplish, and it definitely can’t just be done whenever. She might be more likely to take a day off or jump to a part-time day if there’s a swing driver that can take over, but her main route is still going to be her main route until the annual (?) run bids come up.

5 years ago

….Maybe also have Lucas be the one to accept packages henceforth.

5 years ago

It’s starting to occur to me that Emily is an extraordinarily selfish person. What Ethan did, in the grand scheme of relationships, is not that bad. Certainly not Jerry Springer material, but she is acting like it was the worst possible thing ever, and despite him being honestly apologetic, she sees it as perfectly appropriate to crush him repeatedly.

I think it’s time to call the delivery store and ask for a different person to delivery the store’s packages since we can’t trust her with fragile things, and they still need merch.

Bernie Margolis
Bernie Margolis
5 years ago
Reply to  Ven

The thing is that she doesn’t know what he did. From her perspective, his refusal to give a credible explanation makes her imagine the worst possible thing ever. If he had really cared that much about her, he would have convinced her that he was telling the truth, but he came to the realization that the relationship wasn’t worth that much to him, after all. What good would her blind acceptance of his apology do either of them? She would always be suspicious, and he has no way to allay those suspicions without revealing the secret that he’s decided he… Read more »

5 years ago

He also has the worst super power to prove he has. It’s not immortality, its the ability to not stay dead. Showing her it’s real would be traumatizing and there’s no guarantee she would take it well… like at all.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Ven

If “in the grand scheme of relationships” you mean “what people have done to each other in a relationship,” sure, it’s not bad. I mean, nobody beat the other person; nobody murdered the other person’s grandma, and Ethan and Lucas’ apartment is still standing.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Completely agree; I was going for dry humor.

Tom B
Tom B
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Yeah, maybe not that exact phrase, but “Well, we’re done, but at least she didn’t kill herself” is something I’ve thought. :0(

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Join the discussion…Didn’t you have Lucas’s SO try to murder him some time ago?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

But the thing is that she didn’t know WHAT Ethan did. She has no proof of any wrong-doing. All she has is her worst imagination, which is running rampant at the moment, meaning that she’s not going to listen to anything that Ethan says, and isn’t likely to either. She even got the TRUTH, and because it didn’t fit what she had in mind, she refused to believe it. It might just be time to let this one go, request a different delivery person and let this hurt fade.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ven

Agreed, she should’ve at least given him the chance to explain himself. But it looks like she just needed an excuse valable enough to get rid of him as she immediately ran out of the door.

5 years ago
Reply to  Bramble

She did give him many chances, he kept lying. Until he finally told the truth, and she reasonably assumed he was still lying.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ven

I think it’s important to keep in mind that prior to their breakup Ethan himself went through a certain amount of questioning along the lines of “should I break up with Emily / is this relationship the right choice for me?” Prior strips have depicted Ethan giving Emily cues that he wasn’t entirely sure that he wanted to be in a relationship. Put that together with Emily’s past bad experiences with superheroes and her resulting negative viewpoint on them. Imagine how a person in position would feel if Ethan lied to her, then followed up with a truth that sounded… Read more »

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago
Reply to  Ven

I think it’s also a matter of apologizing vs. making right. Ethan may have apologized up and down, but from her perspective he hasn’t really made it right. He hasn’t shown any evidence of change. He’s still lying to her. It’s an actively ongoing situation and it means she can’t trust the credibility of anything he says. No, there’s an argument to be made that she picked the wrong hill to die on, but we don’t know how many hills she’s already been up and down with Ethan already, and without the knowledge we as the audiences have she really… Read more »

5 years ago

Forget her

5 years ago

Thanks for this, it’s like 100 degrees today but Emily just lowered the temperature in this room to a comfortable level with that sheer coldness

5 years ago

I keep seeing people saying she “crushed” him. How? She has to do her job, didn’t come here deliberately, and kept it quick and professional. Her interrupting him with the package, is to swiftly ensure he didn’t get the wrong idea. I feel like everyone is assuming Emily knows what “we” know, and that her actions are deliberately cruel. But she doesn’t. She only knows that this guy she took a chance on (after a previously bad relationship) has A. Kept seeming to be relationship sabotaging, and B. Lied to her, stupidly, and then (as far as she knows) TRIPLED… Read more »

5 years ago

… Why do I get the sinking feeling he is going to step in front of a bus while she is watching to prove he has super powers?

Jeffrey Harapat
Jeffrey Harapat
5 years ago
Reply to  Javada

You mean you didn’t assume that from the start? I certainly have been waiting for just such an occurrence. It would never cross his mind how terribly scarring seeing that would be and it would certainly prove to her the truth. I’ve been assuming a gun in the shop when she comes to deliver, or a roof jump, but a bus is a perfectly serviceable option.

5 years ago
Reply to  Javada

Y’know, that would have probably fixed a lot of things, but opened up a lot of problems too. I can see how it would go down.

Emily: You have super powers. Bullshit
Ethan: k, wait just a sec *opens window and leaps out*
*distant splat*
Ethan: believe me now?
Everyone: =.=

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago

There’s a joke in there somewhere about a crushed package, but the pieces just aren’t fitting together for me.

Tom B
Tom B
5 years ago

I thought Lucas’ quiet suggestion not to order anything fragile for a while suggest that he suspects (at least can’t rule out) the notion that a woman scorned can do some damage… maybe it was entirely tongue-in-cheek (it was obviously partly tongue-in-cheek, but it feels like there was more)… but he may have had some bad breakups himself.

I like how one line of dialogue can add an interesting facet of possibility for a character. I think Tim has really grown as a story-teller and a scripter of scenes. There’s a lot of depth in the work.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom B

They don’t call them “United Parcel Smashers” for no reason.

5 years ago

Dude, screw her. The hypocrite doesn’t want to communicate, that thing she claims was so damn important.

5 years ago

If the package ticks and you don’t remember ordering it…. well there are several options Ethan could consider

5 years ago

When would parcel not require signature on delivery in real life? Delivery service still needs the proof of delivery, no?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Yeah, and I asked when would that happen. Like, are there special conditions? You can have a personal contract? Because I know our(non-US) postal services will never give stuff larger than fat letter without signature.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ex-FedEx

Generally (at least in my experience) for personal packages you have to sign for a package if it contains alcohol or if a signature was requested by the sender. I have always had to sign for business deliveries.

5 years ago

My GF of 5+ years broke up with me and we worked in the same store, in fact she worked in the department right next to mine. Even with being in the electronic dept it was the hardest shit ever. I feel for the guy and I know how that can make you do some crazy things. Which probably isn’t good for the guy who can’t stay dead.