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Demolition, p8

June 10, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago

*pausing sound*

5 years ago
Reply to  foducool

He has the same powers as TiVo!? *Keaunu Whoa intensifies*

Jakk Frost
Jakk Frost
5 years ago

So when he pauses something, does it also trigger an “immortal” flag on whatever was paused? I mean, it’s probably safe to assume the grappling hook can hold a lot of weight, but couldn’t Duke just cut it still, unless being paused makes it “immortal”?

5 years ago
Reply to  Jakk Frost

Pretty sure it turns it into an immovable object, so cutting it’s not in the cards. Hell, even if he could, the cut off pieces would still be immovable and in his way.

5 years ago
Reply to  darkening

He could however just sever the arm, then he’d be free to move again, unless Ethan throws another grapple line to his other arm and both legs for good measure.Join the discussion…

5 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

True, but note it’s the arm with the goods. Swapping the bag to the other arm will take precious time Duke doesn’t have and would likely get grappled some more, like you say. Alternatively, he could just get rid of the arm and try to escape, plans foiled.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jakk Frost

No need for an immortality flag. Damage and destruction themselves are features requiring special implementation/subsystems. If an object is paused, it will be skipped for all operations. In addition to movement/physics, that includes damage, deformation, event triggers, object splitting, etc. If you think about it, the “paused” object is the easy part. It’s everything around it (or the interactions between it and other objects) that will require special or more robust handling. That, and the special exception for “unpausing” the object. (The only way I see to make sense of these game-based powers is to interpret the real world as… Read more »

5 years ago

Alright, now break open that suit of his and yank him outta there!

5 years ago

So why wasn’t Ethan frozen?

5 years ago
Reply to  g00tch

I think it’s because Gameboy touched the controller and not Ethan’s arm. There’s no transitive property action, so whatever Gameboy directly touches is what gets frozen.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago
Reply to  g00tch

Same reason the Duke wasnt frozen.

5 years ago

Ok, that’s a good point. What are the limits of the power? It can only pause the whole object/living thing the boy touches? So he would have a hard time pausing machines made of lots of different parts, like the robot, right?

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
5 years ago
Reply to  Patty

Not really, since the grappling hook is also made of different parts. It also affected Ethan’s clothes along with him last time, judging by the aura. The thief’s bag, too. I think it works more along the lines of a conceptual level of what constitutes the thing that’s being touched, maybe?

Hisham M Al-Beik
Hisham M Al-Beik
5 years ago
Reply to  Rex Vivat

I agree, I did look back and take a look. That did result in a few considerations and questions. From the looks of it, the people that are paused, can’t move eyes, talk or do anything. So is it like a time capsule? Is Gameboy the only one capable of permanently stopping Ethan? All Ethan has to do is die to escape any confinement. But with Gameboy’s powers, seems like Ethan can’t die (puts to question that anabolic/metabolic state of living tissues..). Also the question arises whether the person is conscious during it or not. i mean we can infer… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Patty

I think his powers pause the entire machine. I think it’s because Gameboy’s powers are subconsciously controlled in such a way that he can only pause the things that are subconsciously think of as an entire thing or person. It’s a good thing he has this amount of subconscious control or else he would possibly pause the entire planet by accident.

5 years ago

Well now, this is interesting…..
The operator can still move, but the suit is paused…
Limit to Gameboy’s power?

5 years ago
Reply to  RoWan

As I see it, the operator is not paused, the arm isn’t either, but the wire entangled around the arm is.
It’s a gigantic shackle with a “Thou shalt not move” commandment applied to it. That arm isn’t going anywhere thanks to that.

5 years ago

Say Tim, I was wondering if you had any familiarity with the Japanese super hero show Kamen Rider? Particularly Ex-Aid, which is the one with the video game theme.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Effectively, it’s a Pwer Rangers spin-off, but he goes at it mostly solo. And, tends to have a motorcycle.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It’s a crazy but awesome franchise. Bring up Ex-Aid as a some of the powers and aesthetics remind me a fair bit of Analog and D-Pad.

Obi Wan
Obi Wan
5 years ago

Oh hey, I remember this from Worm, where Clockblocker has that arm attachment from Kid Win to trap people.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago
Reply to  Obi Wan

Tinkers are such a pain!

5 years ago
Reply to  Obi Wan

Was coming down to say, “oh neat, he pulled a Skitter!”

5 years ago
Reply to  Obi Wan

Yep. That was frankly one of the best moves that could be done with the power and its a wonder nobody had thought of it before then. he already pulled the freeze random objects into a barricade trick all the time. Why nobody thought to give him an Indiana jones whip that he could freeze when it wraped around a suitable target is beyond me.

ok whip would be bad idea with the jokes he would make about it but still the high tech tinker glove with deployable rope dispenser is logical.

Obi Wan
Obi Wan
5 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Pleasantly surprised to see more Worm readers. All hail Khepri!

5 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

It wouldn’t surprise me if Gameboy starts carrying around tools and things he can use to help use his Pause power on. I.E. it wouldn’t surprise me if he ends up using grappling hooks and other such things that he can pause that would prevent criminals from moving.

5 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Hell, if the kid got just a stack of paper he could climb any building. Just has to place in mid air pause it and make a staircase anywhere he wanted. or even wearing a cape himself, just pause it and boom instant barricade.

5 years ago
Reply to  Obi Wan

I was just about to ask if Tim had read Worm. Hey Tim, if you haven’t read Worm, please enjoy:

Obi Wan
Obi Wan
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It’s really good, it starts off with street level stuff and as it progresses, it gains a kind of a horror vibe which is really well done. It’s long as hell but really well worth the read.

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

This boy is smart! He should totally get some lassos himself or a gadget that lets him shots nets attached with a string to his gadget so he can touch it and capture villains. Such a useful ability!

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Well he did say this was an experiment, so maybe after this.

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago
Reply to  Kaelin

I bet we see some epilogue page after this chapter where Gameboy tells his (probably hot) mom his awesome power display using a rope to stop a 3 meter huge Power suit.^^

BBQ Ribs
BBQ Ribs
5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

plot twist: the mom is lilah

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

plot twist, ‘mom’ is the girlfriend… OR… reporter?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaelin

Nah, I doubt Lila would be Gameboy’s mom. She, Ethan, and Lucas are all too young to be his parents I think since they look to be in their twenties. Now I do think Lilah could be Gameboy’s aunt or an older cousin that visits him every now and then.

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago
Reply to  Kaelin

Also likely not girlfriend, because she reeeeeaaally doesn’t like supers. Whereas Gameboy’s mom is all for him doing community service, within a safe and reasonable limit.

5 years ago

Immovable object meet resistable force. Oops not equal. =^_^=
I can’t help laughing here.

5 years ago

Yep he is Clockblocker.

5 years ago
Reply to  Critic

Better. Clockblocker worked years before Skitter showed him tricks like this.

5 years ago
Reply to  nealithi

ya very few of the capes in worm could innovate to save their life. Their power does X and X is all they do with it even with obvious side applications.

5 years ago

I dunno about “unstoppable force”, but we certainly have an “immovable object” right here.

5 years ago
Reply to  Him.

So.. we’ll put up a wall. We’ll pause it. Then put Thor’s hammer on one side and Thor on the other. Will the hammer go through?

5 years ago
Reply to  djhash

Thor’s hammer is an unstoppable force? Tell that to Hella.

5 years ago

So, he has to deal with any momentum the object currently has, but after that it’s an immovable object (relative to Earth or any other giant gravity well, I’d imagine)

5 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

I can see a future costume for him having some shock absorbers or something to safely transfer the energy of that momentum somewhere else like the ground or something.

5 years ago

Aaaw, did they just get a sidekick?

5 years ago

Based on these rules, two thumbless gloves plus any kind of grippable objects and he can swing/climb anywhere he pleases.

5 years ago
Reply to  HonoredMule

Anyone that’s ever seen an immovable rod used in dnd knows just what fun you can have with that lol

5 years ago
5 years ago

Huh. I wonder what the higher end limit to Game Boy’s powers are? Like, could they plunk him down on an ELE sized meteor and have him pause it while they figure out a way to divert it? Or stop the earth’s spin and orbit around the sun? Geeze, what about when this kid becomes an omega level mutant, will be be able to stop things remotely just by thinking about it? Or stop individual parts of a person, like, just their heart? Scary array of possibilities there. Hope he doesn’t go evil! XD

5 years ago

What are the odds that Ethan tries to abuse Gameboy’s power by getting him to pause the doors to MegaGame?