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Down With The Paradigm

September 22, 2017 by Tim

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7 years ago

Hahaha so very true…I was surprised how many people actually did NOT start with the undead, is beyond my comprehension. I guess the unorthodox healing mechanics put some off as well…but how can you NOT want to make a hat out of someone’s skin?!

7 years ago
Reply to  bishamon

Frankly speaking, and this is based off of my experience with the first Original Sin (paycheck hasn’t come in yet)

Poison is much more plentiful and reliable a healing mechanic than actual healing things.

7 years ago
Reply to  bishamon

The reason i didnt make one, and another Twitch streamer had the same thought (though he did make one and tried to play as it), Is that aside from having the ability to heal via poison, and ripping off faces to make masks…. there’s really no perk for ‘being’ an undead, except for the ability to waltz threw Deadtcloud. There’s no real change in Dialog. NPC’s react to you the same exact way as they would if you were a human. Except if you ‘dont’ have a mask or hood on, then everyone attacks you on sight. Aside from healing… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Gwydion_Wolf

There are a lot of unique undead dialogue options. Don’t know how you missed them. They are just as prevalent as the other background tags. You basically get an extra story tag and that many additional dialogue and story options.

6 years ago
Reply to  Gwydion_Wolf

You also don’t need lockpicks; you just use your bony fingers. You also get the racial ability of the thing you’re a dead thing of. It’s strictly Better.

7 years ago

Wait wait wait, WHAT?!!?

7 years ago
Reply to  MacLeod


James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago

Undead Lizard does sound badass. Or at least badass enough to try it out at least once.

7 years ago

But how do you hide the tail with only a mask…?

Evil Ninja
Evil Ninja
7 years ago
Reply to  Freelance

Stuff the tail in your pants, like they do in cartoons and comics 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Freelance

It isn’t that the mask is that good. I mean, it’s skin stretched over a lizard skull. It’s that it’s so… awful, you can’t look away to see something as normal as a tail.

Also, pretending it’s a good disguise is a pretty good way to cut down on being the replacement disguise.

7 years ago

What is this game and how can I play? XD

7 years ago
Reply to  Skip

It says which game on the bottom border of the comic: Divinity: Original Sin 2, on Steam.

7 years ago
Reply to  BarGamer

Sadly, is not available for Mac, yes I now is overpriced and no good for gaming, but some people still need to use them to work.

7 years ago
Reply to  Vicente

I pitty any workplace that thinks macs are ok. I do IT support for a living and know that MAC were ok in 80’s but since adobe left them a windows laptop is a far superior work device.

7 years ago
Reply to  will

I work in Video, Adobe CC works way better on Mac, it’s actually a major pain getting a video capture card, Adobe and windows to all behave together, so many playback issues (as in audio stops playing through the correct sound device in Premiere Pro / Audition)

7 years ago
Reply to  Skip

oops Tim, you did it again!

7 years ago
Reply to  Skip

The game name is on the bottom left of the comic. By the way, elves in this game can eat the flesh of other beings to gain their memory.

A human
A human
7 years ago

But the lizard doesn’t have skin or hair.

7 years ago
Reply to  A human

Or a muscular, nervous, respiratory or excretory system, or pockets on it’s shorts, or anyway to reproduce. (Lich joke here) I never really understood how these things move around. I mean, a high tier undead normally has some level of musculature or has either a thaumaturgic mind or has energy being sent through the brain. A low level undead (a garden variety skeleton or zombie) is presumably either possessed or is powered by magic just enough to move. However, a whole fleet of these people who can do all sorts of things, including dopey idiots, and are all dead, doesn’t… Read more »

7 years ago

None of the races look good in Divinity, honestly. And undead are a pain in the dick to heal. I’m *REALLY REALLY REALLY* hoping that a modder improves the character creation or, at the very least, adds more hair and faces to the mix. By the way, male elf is literally the worst to make a character with, having only 3 hairstyles to choose from and no good looking face. Humans have a good 7 or 8 hairstyles, dwarves have 5 or 6 and even the female elf has 6 or 7. No idea about lizards, never even considered the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Ant

The Dwarves look good. Also how can you say the lizards dont look good? Not much to compare them to, Argonians?
It makes me smile that the male elf got shitted on, they’ve only been on the tallest of pillars for a couple decades now. Doesnt matter when you wear a helmet though. Wasnt always that way though, Dwarfs had awful beard selection and i grumbled at Larian daily for weeks until they added a couple decent beards.
Maybe if elf fans had an ounce of gumption they would of done the same

7 years ago

What, no mention of Elves eating people?

Skeleton bois
Skeleton bois
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

All elves can eat flesh in the game. Well i abuse the shapeshifter mask spesifically for that

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It’s every elf, and undead elves can do it too.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hobbess42

Because who cares? technically anyone can eat the body part, elves just get lore-fluffy dialogue out of it. Its no different than taking pet-pal or points in persuasion, it all adds up to dialogue options, lore, and quests.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dwarfurious

Some body parts give you bonus’, like new spells, stats, tags, etc.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaysburn

When you’re an elf eating them, that is. It’s not just fluff. Other races don’t get the bonus’.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaysburn

what bonus does an elf get when he eats a scrotum?

7 years ago
Reply to  Minru

Well, I believe you get the ultimate teabagging

7 years ago
Reply to  Dwarfurious

What Jaysburn said, and for Elves it is a default tag for them to be Corpse Eaters. No other race gets that, which implies it’s their “thing.” If we’re going to rightly get excited about the unusualness of playing an undead character who gets to rip faces off and pretend to be other races, we should still tip the hat to the fact that in a drastic change from fantasy norms, elvish culture in D:OS2 includes eating people.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hobbess42

Why? Its so randomly thrown in there as a lore gimmick it just comes off as contrarian. Aside that others have pointed out that cannibalistic elves has been done before because at this point they’ve been done in every imaginable way a dozen times. If only they really got into the implications of it to make it interesting but as it stands it seems like they had a grab bag of abilities and rolled dice to see who got what and wrote in excuses later. Its a bit like taking Orcs and deciding that these orcs speak latin and have… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Hobbess42

Well, if you have Orcs that are fancy and are the pinnacle of refined culture, that would be different from the standard.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hobbess42

Best of all you can be an undead elf and get both corpse eater and face ripping and then combine it all with necromancy for easier healing and life draining.

Eating body parts can also provide alternative quest solutions. Instead of interrogating people for information just kill them and eat their memories.

7 years ago

I wasn’t even looking at this game until now. Tim, you need to start getting commission checks or something.

Brent Dreher
Brent Dreher
7 years ago

Seriously, other than Mass Effect, does anyone ever choose to play as a human? Heck, take a step further, all the really cool squadmates in Mass Effect were the nonhumans

7 years ago
Reply to  Brent Dreher

Yes? Human is quite popular and for good reason. Personally i play human in sci-fi because DEATH TO XENO SCUM! Aliens are overrated, always with super tech and alien mind powers, fuck that, humans gonna win despite that. But in fantasy its always Dwarf for me.

7 years ago

This almost reminds me of the original WOW when it came out and the difference in good vs evil races.
Human – for some reason, can’t remember original – I think had to do with sprinting or something.
Gnome – escape any immobilization once every 30 secs or something
Night Elf – low level stealth as long as you don’t move
Dwarf – invulnerability, but can’t move

Undead – regeneration between combats
Tauran – Stomp that knocks opponents down
Orc – Blood Fury – increase attack damage for 2 minutes
Troll – Increased health regeneration

Which side would you take.

7 years ago
Reply to  slikmar

If I am correct sprint was for NE in ghost form. for humans they had a rep increase?

7 years ago
Reply to  kane

Humans got a rep increase AND the ability to break any control once every three mins or so (Every Man For Himself)

Troll also got a berserk which made their casters, esp. mages, tough

7 years ago

Wow, either there are a lot more ads on this page than there used to, or I had my adblock turned on and didn’t notice. I mean, not that I’m complaining, you (probably) need the money and none of them have autoplayed audio yet.

7 years ago
Reply to  CJB256

Yeah I noticed this too.
There needs to be a few more lines between “Join the conversation” and ads, because one day someone will accidentally misclick and be stuck with a virus (Not tim’s choice of course, but a wider distance would definitely reduce the odds of this.)

7 years ago
Reply to  CJB256

Yeah, I have Adblock turned off on this site to support Tim…. and to see the occasional babes in those beanbag chair banner ads.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Tim, a bigger problem than just more ads is the fact that they are almost interfering with the comments section. The “Join the conversation” is IMMEDIATELY above ads. As such there is a small but worrisome chance that someone could misclick and hit an ad. So if you could add a few lines of space beneath “Join the conversation”, that would mostly fix the problem.

7 years ago

Dwarf Undead best tho. But being undead is basically being all of the races anyways.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dwarfurious

What about an Undead Skeleton 🙂

7 years ago

I picked Human…… What I lack in cool racial abilities I more than make up for in false hopes and self delusionment. And I can be snarky with the best of them.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago

This is pretty much every tabletop RPG I’ve played in. Mostly normal people trying to roleplay, and then one min/maxing twink.

7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I haven’t the slightest as to what you mean 😉
All I have to do is create a series of minor flaws (like +200% damage taken from holy deities, or -1 to Fail), and then I can get boosts!

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
Reply to  RMagepedia

Won’t say that I haven’t done that myself in my younger days… Playing Mage: The Ascension with Phylactery, a Geas, short, allergic, outsider… usually with an inexperienced GM who doesn’t realize what he’s letting me get away with. Then again, that’s sort of inviting the GM’s attention and wrath.

I just took a look at Divinity Original Sin 2… just four races, and undead versions of each? You guys forgot the Khajiit, and orcs, and werewolves, man. And only one type of elf? Booo.

7 years ago

Elves are also pretty creepy aside from the corpse eating in D:OS2. They have longer torsos and necks, making them more predatory looking. They’re no longer the pretty ones, they’re more creepy to me than the lizards.

Go into the character creator and fiddle with the Classes for the male and female elves. Look at their abdomens as you do so. Soooooo creepy!

7 years ago
Reply to  BakaGrappler


7 years ago

Being human doesn’t give you any bonuses? So they didn’t implement the “extra feat on character creation” perk for being human? It’s the “Quick To Master” feat which all humans get on creation in some systems where humans are thought to be the most adaptable species.

7 years ago
Reply to  Melkior

+1 to Fail

7 years ago
Reply to  Melkior

Well, in this game the bonus for being human is that every species is racist towards each other and humans are the more populist species. So, being human, you’re going to be treated better and get away with more stuff than otherwise.

walle ras
walle ras
7 years ago

Hey Tim, there is an ad that covers the screen by Taboola. Could you please pass it on?

7 years ago

Is this the same setting as divinity: dragon commander?

7 years ago

Argh. You’re making me want to buy this and I haven’t finished the first game yet.

3 years ago

“I’m still the worst!” That’s right bud, might as well own it.

3 years ago

I would say the Elf can compete at least. The elves in Divinity can consume the flesh of the dead to gain their memories, opening up new dialog options and revealing secret places and loot.