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The Turn Equation

September 20, 2017 by Tim

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6 years ago

Hi Tim, you have extremely rare skill of forcing me to google new titles. even if I don’t have a second spare to play (with small exception for XCOM2 when I put my family to beds)

6 years ago
Reply to  kane

Yip! Tim’s the reason I ended up googling and ultimately buying Pyre.

6 years ago
Reply to  opesinorbit

I was ploughing through Tim’s archives and ended up buying State of Decay (a game I didn’t know before) for my xbone some time last spring or early summer 🙂

Ti'zo is underated
Ti'zo is underated
6 years ago
Reply to  opesinorbit

He did a strip about pyre?
1. How did I miss that
2. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it’s one of my new favorite games

6 years ago

Tim! i think we need a tags here 🙂 now I want to check Pyte strip :/

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

damn… thank you. it was so… obvious that I am ashamed 😀

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

The great thing about this comic is that, as long as we’ve played any RPG, we can identify with it thanks to the first panel.

The second panel makes me want to look up Divinity, because the idea of spells having effects outside of Damage and Status intrigues me.

6 years ago
Reply to  GuThePenguin

Step away! Step back from the Abyss before it’s too late!

4 years ago
Reply to  GuThePenguin

The second panel sounds like ppl tryna kill bosses that were never meant to be killed the ‘Normal Way’ through dmg in KOL.

6 years ago

Sounds like some of the tabletop games I’ve run. I really should finish the first Original Sin.

Jan @PanopticVR
Jan @PanopticVR
6 years ago
Reply to  DannyboyO1

Larian has in fact really embraced the tabletop essence even more this time around:
they created a Game Master Mode, with one player actually taking the role of DM!

Check this article:

As they mention in the video in that article: you can actually use official D&D campaigns (Larian struck a deal with Wizards Of The Coast), and you can even created custom creatures (models and all), upload them to SteamWorkshop, and use them in your Game Master Mode campaigns. 😀

6 years ago

Why aren’t you casting Restoration on your low-health wizard instead!

But in all seriousness, isn’t it great you can’t just go “I’m going to cast a big, mean spell at you which takes no thought, intelligence or planning because combat isn’t supposed to require it!”

Though with D:OS 2 it’s more about removing their armor first before you use one of the ten thousand knockdowns you have!

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I had this exact problem as well. Undead wizard sounded like such a good idea but I would have been better off making him a rogue and just painting the town with poison.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Pfft, a dwarf mage. That’s just silly.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Well obviously! My PHB says that Dwarves can only play Clerics, Fighters or Thieves…

6 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Or Berserkers or Monks or Gladiator or Ninjas or Archers or Chemists…

6 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

My PHB says that Dwarf is a class, along with Elf, and you can’t have an Elf and a Dwarf in the same party!

6 years ago
Reply to  Goshii

You must be using 8-bit theater rules then.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Dwarves are the BEST mages.

Bit Yoko
Bit Yoko
6 years ago

HA! This make so much sense…im just glad you don’t have a game over when the main character dies during a fight-like I HAVE RESURRECTION SCROLLS LET ME RES (THEM) *game over*

6 years ago
Reply to  Bit Yoko

Can you still flee relatively easily?

I had a few times when I finished a fight in Original Sin and then apparently a patrol walked into me from behind.

Jan @PanopticVR
Jan @PanopticVR
6 years ago

As a fellow Belgian, I’m really proud of Larian. 😀
Divinity: Original Sin 2 has been top-seller on Steam for almost a week now, since launch day! And I hope that it will keep holding that position for a whole while longer. They / the game really deserve it! 🙂

6 years ago

Divinity is one of my favorite games. I would have finished it, if not for severe computer issues. It also showed me just how easy co-op rpg would be and made me wonder why it isn’t in every game. Seriously, if you and your significant other both enjoy story heavy rpgs go play Divinity. As far as I know, it’s the only story heavy game you can play co-op. Haven’t played the second one, but the first one holds up.

6 years ago

Rather accurate description, which is also why the game is awesome, while you can avoid the calculations at lower difficulty you do need to plan ahead, with calculations on abilities and the like, the calculation starts at character creation and how you are going to synergize the characters.

But thumbs up Tim, you made me grin!

6 years ago

Ah Divinity. Finding out a second one came out made me go back to playing the first one.

I remember being surprised by how off the beaten path the original Divine Divinity was: lifting and moving environmental objects? At enemies as well?? A puzzle involving something other than hitting switches or/things with my sword?

Which is odd, because my first foray into the series was a demo of Divinity II, a kind of interesting but also standard 3rd Person action RPG.

6 years ago

Is this a callback to the pre vats post vats fallout comic? Same format and punchline

6 years ago

Please Tim, steam clouds don’t obscure vision – only smoke does. Jump shot’ll work just fine 😛

6 years ago
Reply to  uggron

But the Steam is made out of MagiSteam ™ which causes Jump Shot to receive a -2 accuracy on top of the standard smoke penalty…

6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer


I was speaking in actual game terms, just FYI. Steam actually doesn’t obscure vision in DOS 2, unlike smoke

6 years ago

I played Divine Divinity back in 2002. Haven’t played a Divinity game since then.. not sure what it is like now

Cole Costie
Cole Costie
6 years ago
Reply to  Electric

Divine Divinity! See also:
Awesome Awesomeness,
Perfect Perfection,
& Redundant Redundancy!

6 years ago

steam arrows and electricity are one of may favorite combos from 1st game.

Liam Rogers
Liam Rogers
6 years ago

Hi Tim I’m a big fan of your work. I found it recently and I went to archives and scrolled all the way down to October 2002. I practically binge-read (that’s a word now) and then I started to see these things saying that I could get the box thingy with all of the work in the first decade. I saw earlier that there was a sale going for $80.00 I was wondering if there would be a sale at Christmas for around the same price. Thanks. (This is because my Christmas budget is at $80.00) P.S. how long is… Read more »

Liam Rogers
Liam Rogers
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Thank you so much for replying to me. I actully did not expect you to reply because all the big youtubers never do. (Most youtubers get more comments but you know.) Just wanna say thanks.

6 years ago

Which Divinity is this?

6 years ago
Reply to  Calum

If a Comic is about a game, it always says what game it is at the bottom-left of the comic page.

6 years ago

This game is awesome!! Heal-killed my teammates with Decay many times before I figured it out lol. 5/5

6 years ago

Long time reader, first time commenter, just wanted to post these ironic links:

Tim, you should totally sue that guy!

6 years ago

So, so true, Tim. It took me a long time to grasp that after I got out of the intro dungeon in the first game. After getting wrecked a few times after simply trying to leave town, I now think far more tactically, cuz resurrection spells are expensive and for some god forsaken reason you can’t permanently learn it.