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Downtime, p5

February 5, 2024 by Tim

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8 months ago

First during this Downtime

8 months ago
Reply to  Smiffwilm

What’s the inside joke on why this comment is being downvoted so heavily?

8 months ago
Reply to  Groober

There’s no “inside joke,” people just hate “First” comments. With good reason, it’s obnoxious.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jaysburn

Quite so, it might as well be flagged as spam and hidden from everyone else. If you manage to actually make a comment that’s one thing, but when all the comment is “first” its just irritating.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jaysburn

TIL about first comments.

8 months ago

OMG squirt bottle is perfect.

8 months ago

Why do i see a flying vodka bottle calling for Ethan ? … Deja vu ?

8 months ago

You could ask those biker gangers…but Bloodbath had another idea…

Ok, ok, I’m leaving.

8 months ago

Good aim! Right on the thumb!

8 months ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

If it was sanitizer …

8 months ago

Ethan’s superpower really disconnects him from the rest of humanity the way he grossly abused it to basically reroll every time he hurt himself

Maybe it’s good for him to have some downtime living like a mortal. It could tie him back to some things he’s in serious danger of losing otherwise

8 months ago
Reply to  Stephen

Yeah, Ethan was really starting to abuse the whole respawn power if he was committing suicide to escape a tongue bite. Kinda like a souls player doing suicide runs to just grab an important item or skip a few tedious fights.

What if his powers always had a lives system, and he happened to just have a lot of lives cause it played on Mario rules – every 100 coins (or dollars) is one extra life.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
8 months ago
Reply to  Pajuka

Can’t totally say I blame him when he did it for the broken arm, he had a fix for something that would’ve taken a decent amount of time to heal. But yeah as much as it sucks biting your tongue the pain for that only lasts a couple minutes.

8 months ago

Well, until you bite the same spot. Again and again. For days.
But still… your point stands.

8 months ago
Reply to  Stephen

Considering that it’s against human nature to commit suicide as our minds are programmed to react to things to stay alive, I totally agree. It’s the reason we can’t drown ourselves just by holding our head underwater. We’ll always pull our head out.

Just thinking that Ethan is at peace with killing himself for such a minor thing is unsettling

Last edited 8 months ago by VibrantEvolution
8 months ago

Love that the sound effect for spritzing is “SPRITZ” – that’s some top-notch onomatopoeification right there.

8 months ago

you made me google onomatopoeification. Dinner will be late.

8 months ago


8 months ago

Morphine? Ibuprofen is a thing, too, Ethan. And more easily obtained, I presume. Although given all the superheroes and falling concrete and smashed glass it entails, it’s a little surprising this universe *isn’t* at least a bit looser with opiates than ours is. (My personal experience and opinion isn’t that they were given out much “too frequently” but the doses used were way too strong, and then the rubber band snapped the other way and now what they give for debilitating pain is basically useless… due to spinal degeneration, my last round of back pain for me took 1600+ mg… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Steve

I’m all too familiar with deep pain, broken back, dislocated hip, shoulder, and collar bone. Plus all the nerve damage you get with those types of injuries. I’m never below a 4 on the pain scale, and that’s a good day. The LAST thing you would want is any kind of regular opiate usage for any extended time period. I just was lucky with a high pain tolerance and I pay attention to the signals my body tells me. Ouch is a warning, not a curse. In ’04 I had both a stuck kidney stone AND kidney cancer in the… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

There’s a difference between “ouch” and “can’t walk or even stand up in the shower without pain suppressant.” I literally could only walk for a minute, maybe two, before the left leg pain was crippling. Basically sciatica because one of the nerves in my spine was being pinched. I can’t stand to use them for long anyway – who wants to be THAT constipated? – but they probably would have been less damaging than massive Ibuprofen doses. I have had opiates post surgery before (they don’t warn you about the stabby pain in your gut AFTER having kidney stones out)… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Steve

My wife’s misery is from the removal of a lipo-sarcoma the size of a softball in her left leg at the back. The docs thought it was a bursitis and when they did some him inspection, the sports med doc said “I don’t think this is a bursitis…” and it wasn’t. When they take out that much tissue, it fills in. BUT…. it fills in differently. That means that the nerve runs can be compressed by the growning tissue to the point to where you regularly have numbness, fire all around the leg, coldness when it is warm, hot when… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Steve

both are easily obtained, and free with a doctor note. But yeah, dont go into morphine it’s pretty bad…

8 months ago
Reply to  Steve

Ibuprofen is just generic Advil, but needs a prescription, as individual pills are usually on higher dosages than a single Advil. You can buy Advil off the shelf, and in various quantities and forms. Just need to take about 3 to make up one prescription dose.

8 months ago
Reply to  Steve

Kidney stones. Tramadol? Is that a placebo? Oxycondone? I don’t know how long I’d have to have taken it for to even notice. Ibuprofen? Fire! Insides of insides incinerating from the insides! Only thing that ever work was straight up fast morphine injected (which is what the ER folks figured out in 2 minutes once I spent 13 years in the waiting room until I had to advise the volunteer that I hadn’t been triaged yet but I could neither sit or stand and I’d be lying on the floor… It’s true enough that long time use, most drugs cease… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  TomB

Exactly. The “fentanyl crisis” is a direct result of the politicization of the “opiod crisis.” The latter was bad, but the reaction to it made things *worse*.

I got by and chiropractety has helped a good deal, but I spent months in agony wondering if relief would EVER come. Had it persisted, I am unsure how much longer I would have lasted before I did something stupid out of desperation.

8 months ago

the funny part is that he’s complaning about his pain with a crippled man.
I always wonder if deep, deep inside, Ted is envious of ehtan power of immortality/regeneration.

8 months ago
Reply to  Austindorf

You mean Scott, Ted is the penguin, at any rate there is another level to this as we saw in the flashback Scott knows a little something about painkillers and might be aware of how easy it is to abuse them.

8 months ago

This whole plot line has me wondering – just how long have they had their powers? It seems that Ethan has forgotten an awful lot rather quickly.

8 months ago
Reply to  DeGault

Ethan forgets a lot of things rather quickly…

8 months ago
Reply to  DeGault

Ethan is, well, Ethan. A guy like him, always getting hurt, being able to “reset” himself is like never having to fear death from an “oops,” would be the perfect gift. It’s just now he might be normal again, it totally freaks him out.

A different Tim
A different Tim
8 months ago
Reply to  DeGault

According to Issue #4 Page 3, a bit over a year (so, longer by now).

8 months ago

True, at the time The Troll was dropped off a roof it was a little over a year. Add in whatever amount of time the Troll was in a coma and any other adventures We can probably say two years..

8 months ago

That mindset seems familiar… is Ethan perhaps related to the Sacklers?

8 months ago

How did Ethan survive before his powers?

8 months ago

It must take a psychological toll to see one of your best friends brutally killing himself multiple times a day.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Or a secret bitterness.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
8 months ago

The amount of times that spray bottle would’ve needed to be refilled for Ethan 1.0 is scary to think about, as it is I’m surprised we haven’t seen it used more.

8 months ago

Probably was a pressure washer back then…

8 months ago

D’awwwhhh hes like a cat!