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May 3, 2023 by Tim

Update: Oh my god, it’s live.

Anxiety engaged.

I’m going to be launching the Kickstarter for our card game, Axe-A-Lot-L later this morning. I’d really appreciate it if you would follow/check it out/share where you can!

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1 year ago

I really don’t know how you could spoil a Zelda game…

1 year ago
Reply to  MarthKoopa

Awesome moments remain awesome even if we all know who the big bad guy is gonna be.

1 year ago
Reply to  Quibble

As if it won’t be Ganondorf in the end anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  kgy121

Ganondorf is literally in the trailer.

1 year ago
Reply to  MarthKoopa

This time, Zelda is a girl.

1 year ago
Reply to  Arcanum


1 year ago
Reply to  7eggert

ganon dies like a bitch at the end.

Spoony Bard
Spoony Bard
1 year ago
Reply to  MarthKoopa

Even if you know the destination, there’s plenty along the journey that can change.

Lt. Kettch
Lt. Kettch
1 year ago

– Get away, you carrier of spoilers!
– I also carry sandwiches.
– Aww!
– It’s a sandwich with spoilers.
– Goddamit!

1 year ago
Reply to  Lt. Kettch

Can I have a Jill sandwich instead?

1 year ago
Reply to  Lt. Kettch


1 year ago

Ah yes spoilers… I totally ruined Alitta: battle angel for myself with the help of YouTube clips… I do have a hard copy of it but well… by time it came out I had already seen the best scenes from the movie. While I won’t wear a box with a sign asking for sandwiches on my head, I will avoid “trailers” at all costs! Games on the other hand, I’ll watch game play just to save me the frustration of the noob bumbles.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

My wife and me only watch the first trailer, then we avoid the rest of second trailers, teasers, short films, etc…

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Oh wow.

You’re going to be in for a wild ride, if you don’t know anything past the first trailer.

I’m actually jealous. I’d never be able to have that level of self-control. If you know nothing about TOTK past the first teaser trailer… wow.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

I don’t really mind trailers, it’s the clips and action scenes that spoil a movie for me. Game trailers and “Lets plays” helps me decide if a game matches the trailers, I’d seen way so many that blew a lot of smoke and mirrors that wasn’t the actual game play. I hate dropping $60 for a dog of a game! I can’t wait when I can swing the Dead space remake. They fixed so many of the rough spots from the original game! Mostly the wonky camera but things like the fixing the debris cannons so it’s not so much… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

I saw a random out of context clip of an anime recently, and I thought that it looked kind of interesting so I looked into the comments just to see what show it was from, and literally they spoiled the entire show. It was like ‘oh too bad she died too’. Spoiling that both people in the clip died, when it was supposed to be a two separate, major twists. And it is such a short comment, you can’t avoid it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

gunnm ended in 1995… it’s not a spoil.

1 year ago

I actually love spoilers. Even before watching a movie or tv series I read plot recap on wikipedia. They do describe everything with good detail.
I could never understand why people hate them. It’s like they don’t want to know what they’re watching or playing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

That is an interesting take. Personally I only watch trailers for movies and games that I don’t particularly must watch/play. For the rest I want to be surprised, not knowing what to expect is something I get a thrill out. For games, I don’t mind searching for info later on, but the first impression I love to be fully submerged into whatever it is giving me. Spoilers take that feeling away, like for me, why would I watch or play something, if I already know how it’s gonna end. I mean most of the time you already know what is… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

I’m the same, typically I will wait for something to come out and read up on what happened to decide if I want to get it or not. People give me flack for ‘ruining the experience’ but when you suffer from chronic depression you tend to be a bit more careful with what you watch or play. I’ve had a few really bad spells that sent me to very dark places when I was young. Between the two, I’ll take ‘spoiling and ruining the surprises’ for myself over depression or feeling like I wasted my money. If I’m paying $70… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju


1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju

You can see if a game is a flop or not without spoiling it’s plot. There are plenty of reviewers and techniques you can use to get an idea of whether a game is good without giving away the story/plot. For that matter, you can ask others what they think. This may sound strange, but Discords are usually a good option. Most of the time, game-specific discord servers have a “general” or “spoiler-free” channel which carry strict anti-spoiler rules that users typically try to obey. With just a little luck you could learn everything you wanna know without blowing any… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  CTOWNS

I get what you mean, but at the same time the things that determine if I will enjoy something at all are spoiler in nature, such as character deaths. I deal with so much death in real life that it is a hard trigger for me, and it will result in me just dropping a game or series on the spot without looking back. Likewise when it comes to a long running series getting translated like anime I rather know what happens several seasons down the road to decide if I want to get into it or not as the… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju

Specifically knowing that a character dies and when they die means I can put off or avoid playing that part of a game if I am at a low point, since I do usually play games to help with stress issues or depression.

If you are already in a bad place, no point making it worse when you are seeking escape.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju

But even those sound like something you could usually seek answers for without spoiling it. You can ask “are there any deaths in this show? (and not who dies) “Does this show have a genre shift?” Yes/No, and not when it will swap and why. Obviously pointed questions like that would be useless for a youtube video search but an actual forum could be very efficient in that regard.
That said though, a lot of anime burns out if it runs too long, one way or another. Just Saiyan.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

Some people prefer the thrill of discovery. I hate fake spoilers, where they use cut material for movie trailers, so you spend the whole movie trying to figure out where it will fit in only to discover that awesome action sequence never made the final cut.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

What do you enjoy about reading the recap that you can’t understand people might prefer seeing the actual product for?

1 year ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

Ever seen those “what the hell did I just watch?!” comments? Why not be prepared in advance? Also if someone asks that, you have an answer ready because you know since you’ve read it earlier.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

Kind of ignoring my point. I can see how one might enjoy spoilers, you don’t need to explain that part to me. I don’t share it, but I can understand (some of) the sentiment. The part I don’t understand is how you’re apparently unable to even comprehend the possibility of not wanting spoilers, or how not knowing what’s about to happen could be nice as well. When you do read a spoiler/summary you like, why do you like doing that? I am now somewhat confused about what you actually enjoy about the things you read spoilers for. Your main arguments… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

Do you have memory of goldfish or something? I hate spoilers because they completely spoil any suspense-surprise moment, taking away the feel when turn you didnt fully expect comes around … or are you that used to 2-bit garbage plots modern hollywood productions have?

1 year ago
Reply to  raven0ak

Very very little in storytelling requires complete surprise. In fact, most suspense is not true suspense. Tension in storytelling doesn’t hinge on the fact of knowing or not knowing what will happen. In fact in most stories you accurately predict what will happen subconsciously. In history people would hear the same story countless times.

1 year ago
Reply to  raven0ak

and what if some ppl (myself included) dojnt give a fuck about suspense/surprise?

1 year ago
Reply to  raven0ak

For me the issue is I get too invested in the story and get extremely anxious, to the point where I dont want to participate in the experience anymore. I have found if I know the outcome I can enjoy the story.

That is my experience though, and I respect that other people feel differently and to that end I make every effort to avoid spoiling for other people, to the point that I will not find out how the plot of something goes until after release and my frienship circle has had time to consume the material spoiler free.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

Most people would prefer to be able to experience the ride for themselves. If you spoiled all the plot twists of a game, for example, most would find no purpose in playing the game. Most people want to play the game or watch the movie without it being rendered irrelevant before turning on the TV. Playing/watching something that’s already been spoiled is like a reading a book twice in the same week. Some would prefer this, most do not. Not meant to be sarcasm, just hoped to put some context into text for Phaet. No need for the downvotes, fellas,… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  CTOWNS

Meh. I often dont need spoilers to get bored playing a game. I have a s***load of unfinished games…

1 year ago
Reply to  leduk

Me, too, buddy 🙂 (Literally hundreds)
But if you were seriously thinking of playing a Final Fantasy game and someone breaks down the whole story for you before you get the chance, you might be tempted to not even load the game.

1 year ago
Reply to  leduk

well, on that unless its “game” (like barebones visual novel), not game then story could be thing …but for any game, gameplay loop is the main pull …it either keeps you entertained whole way, or becomes borefest before halfway. like for platformer /openworld big part is exploring and finding paths (especially ones dev didnt intend), for rpg character building and encounters (and seeing how your build fares), for stage finding secrets, blind spots, puzzle types for variety in puzzles and solving em ..and so forth while on borefest likes, platformer with simple jumps, empty open world not worth exploring, rpg… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by raven0ak
1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

People are unfairly downvoting you because you expressed a preference. That’s unkind. You would deserve downvotes if you expressed an interesting in spoiling things for others, but not for liking a different experience.

I only can give you a single upvote, but it’s yours.

Live your best life. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

looks like that’s an opinion you cant have when I see the downvotes. How dare you have your own tastes.
I also love spoilers sometimes, bc I often dont finish games/tv shows/movies but still want to know how it ends somehow.

1 year ago

This must be his third attempt. He forgot the air hose the first time and a sandwich hatch the second time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Drakin

Weren’t the first two prereboot though?

1 year ago
Reply to  Timothy

I meant in this current timeline. -_-;;

IE, he’s already died twice from his mistakes and been brought back by the super powers he has here.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Drakin

Unless one of Ethan’s powers is a prehensile tongue, I think there’s going to be a fourth box.

1 year ago

I don’t even click on anything Tears of the Kingdom. Never saw a trailer, only saw pics of Ganondorf, don’t know the new mechanics, don’t know how Link got his arm…nothing. And I’m keeping it that way for the next 9 days!

1 year ago
Reply to  ThatGuy

For me I checked some trailers that showcased new mechanics mostly to see what it actually is. and let me summarize in absolutely non spoilery way: there is armthing on link. ..dunno more of it gonna be interesting to find out more on it at 12th, I liked gliding on botw, I gonna like it on totk; abilities look to be fun to play with (or, one ability …havent checked more of em if there has been showcases), new mechanic looks amazing … even knowing what it is will not diminish for me playing with it.

1 year ago

I’ve been doing some last-minute “wrapping up” in Breath of the Wild before this comes out. The shrines, the Trial of the Sword, the Champion’s Ballad…

1 year ago

Admittedly not something directly related to the comic, but as we are on the topic of spoilers and this has bothered me recently: Something I hate is when the “previously on this show” section includes a seemingly random line from 5 episodes ago. Oh, you are reminding us of the one time the protagonist mentioned her brother who died in a car accident? I wonder who the mysterious masked guy showing up this episode might be then…

1 year ago

Put my pledge in! Looking forward to Axe-A-Lot-L. Always love adding to my massive game cabinet but I’ll probably actually play this one instead of looking at all the pieces and then stowing it away.

1 year ago

So I never understood why people freak out over “spoilers” like they do. Most plots can be predicted fairly early into a story if you have any degree of deductive reasoning. They have to be relatively simple for the mass audience to understand because you have people from varying age groups and backgrounds trying to understand the plot you laid out. I understand wanting the thrill of surprise or being caught off guard by a twist, however, most people take it too far. (For example, I had someone rip me a new arsehole because I made a passing comment to… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tim

The best spoiler was the introduction of 1984, talking about the last four words. I dreaded reading them and that was a big part of the experience of reading the book. Plusplusgood.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tim

well it is pretty easy to read the last pages of a book and to get what you wanted to tbh. I know a lot of ppl (including myself) doing that.
Also, it’s very easy not to watch streamers if that’s the kind of spoilers you’re afraid of?

1 year ago
Reply to  leduk

I didn’t read the last page but the introduction

1 year ago
Reply to  leduk

Well, on books …try reading Diskworld like that, Last page, or even last chapter generally is like cap on top of bottle not giving you even ounce of true taste within. But spoiling anything midjourney on ’em is huge diminishing thing

1 year ago
Reply to  Lrbearclaw

I can’t enjoy a story if I know where it’s heading. The discovery and the surprise are a critical part of the experience. Even if I use deductive reasoning to guess where the story is, there’s still a payoff (“Haha, I guess right! So predictable!”) via validation or being incorrect (“Oh totally didn’t see that coming! I thought it was going to be X!”)

The moment there’s certainty, my ability to enjoy it more is considerably diminished. I don’t rewatch movies, and I can only reread a book if I have totally forgotten it.

1 year ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

I cant enjoy a story if I dont know where it’s headed, the opposite. I’ve read some books 5 times… and I dont even know how many time I watched lotr.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lrbearclaw

especially about zedla. What can you spoil about a zelda game? that ganon is the vilain? And I totally did the same about last pages of a book. Still happens to me from time to time.

1 year ago

Spoilers are fine, it’s just when spoilers are just told without warning or consent. Most of something is best during first impressions. It’s fine if someone says “hey the story is a bit slow.” Or the like. But don’t go into detail please.

1 year ago

I am so looking forward to playing TOTK and Axe-A-Lot-L. ?

Last edited 1 year ago by Cakafete
1 year ago

I may or may not have spammed refresh on that Kickstarter so I could get in right away lol. Just an idea for higher goals – A mobile port possibly? I don’t know the work that goes into it, but it could be a fun way for people to connect that can’t sit across a table from people they enjoy playing games with.

1 year ago

I never cared about spoilers. All stories are pretty much the same. What matters to me is how well it is written.

1 year ago

ya ive been going total silence on anything zelda related. the box is abit much though

1 year ago

No worries, by design you Can take an AX to the axiety. And keep swinging until you cut through all of it.

1 year ago

You mentioned your god in the update: Who is your god? Such a strange expression.

We’re so excited about TotK!

9 months ago

Spoiler….it’s a crappy not-a-Zelda-like game with childishly stupid flaming penis robots and wanna-be-every-RPG-except Zelda, just like botw…because it’s basically a soulless expansion. Also they made Zelda into some mentally retarded fugly derp worm thing.