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Infernal Demons, p1

May 29, 2023 by Tim

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1 year ago

So, his respawn gets rid of anything detrimental to his organism, including unhealthy cr@p he ate. Nice. Or maybe he just respawns to his last “100% healthy” state. Which might mean nothing potentially damaging can remain in him. And if that includes unhealthy food, it should include “natural toxins.” You know, the byproducts that stick in our organisms and cause issues, as our bodies are imperfect in how they clean themselves up. So, would even aging stick to his body? Will he ever suffer lasting sickness of any kind? We’ve discussed before, how his power works exactly. But I think… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Rolando
1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

I wonder if that also includes aging. Like even if survived to the age of 60 in a single life, moment he dies he blips back into existence as the Ethan we know today.

1 year ago
Reply to  Foxhood

Yeah, that’s what I was going for as well, among other things. Quite nice to have.

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

Until you realize his ultimate fate is horrible. Nobody wants to be truly immortal. Eventually you’re trapped in a cave, or buried in cement or what ever. Run it out long enough and youre just continuously respawning in the void left after the sun consumes the earth and all humans are dead.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric the White

I know the implications. I’ve read dozens of fictions on the matter. Mythological, artistic, etc. I still think it’d be nice. But I admit I cannot predict how I’d feel about it in a few hundred years. Let alone, 69 thousand years or so. Maddening levels of tedium is a very real possibility, even if I avoid remaining trapped in a fixed location (or floating in space) for a long time. Not to mention, my mind would cease to be human at some point. By definition, someone who doesn’t have to face death and has so much time to think… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Foxhood

Honestly, considering his powers, considering the regeneration bit… I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t age, and we just haven’t found out yet.

After all. Not all video game characters age. Especially not the ones who have a lives system. And if your power brings you back to peak health when you die… well, what is aging, but the body’s inability to make perfect copies of its cells? Does anyone literally think that Ethan’s body struggles with being able to make perfect copies of its cells when they die?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

I wonder if mental/brain health would be included into the package

1 year ago
Reply to  Maxwell

I think we can safely rule that one out.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scortch

I mean if it DID Ethan could probably evolve later in his superhero career. Gamer + Emo = EdgeLord Where killing yourself after they tell you in online gaming is actually the answer. But stupid jokes aside, he did said once he remembers all his deaths and such, so as much as his cardio, physical health (including physical trauma to brain) goes these do nothing. He probably would get dementia anyway. Also since that he probably has a flaw – electricity. Sure he can regain his health, but if his ability is to be “1UP” he can still be traumatized,… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

He did try to test it once by draining as much blood as possible without dying, and then waiting to recover that blood before dying again. The problem was that if he died before he fully recovered, then all of his blood would vanish with him. The goal was to sell blood plasma for money i think, but he didn’t want to risk his blood vanishing inside of whoever it was donated too. I’m not sure if the drained blood stuck around or not when he naturally recovered and then died again. So it might be that his power has… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  TamTroll

As I recall, the blood stuck around IF he recovered naturally. Which meant he had to spend a lot of time just lying around, which was contrary to his goal. (Of draining huge amounts of blood while also gaming/crime-fighting.)

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

On Webtoon there is a comic called Immortal Weakling that may remind you of Ethan a bit. His power is respawning just like Ethan, though his is probably a bit better than Ethans. Any injury he receives, he recovers from it via Respawn to his body moments before he was injured. The problem is that he cant work out because that involves tearing muscles and injuring the body. So he’s weak. He has a certain 5-10 minute window per day where his injuries can be sustained in order for him to work out and gain growth. Ethan isnt that hard… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

I wonder if he’s fresh again to play a few more days without slee.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

i mean its a quite handy superpower… u sick ? Kill yourself. You broke a leg ? Kill yourself. Got a Headache ? Kill yourself. Get hunted down by the mafia for depts ? Kill yourself in front of their eyes. Respawn as solution for everything!

Question is … is he actually immortal or is ‘age’ not a disease ? Does he even age ? If he does … this could be quite endlessly painful in the end.

1 year ago

That many apples would be like drinking a gallon of prune juice

1 year ago
Reply to  Xero

a warrior’s drink

1 year ago

Still, you have to admire that Ethan would be willing to pause leveling until the recovery.

Stepgamer Dad
Stepgamer Dad
1 year ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

Probably not willing, per se, but he’d do it for Lucas.

1 year ago

tbh I cant do that kind of gaming anymore. I think I’m too old and I dont feel like I would enjoy it. It will be as usual now, 2 to 3hours a day for the first 2 weeks, then back to casual gaming time.
Enjoy your game no matter how you play it anyway!

1 year ago

This does pose an interesting question, is Ethans respawning from a “checkpoint” or using unlimited lives? Is it based on health, and he always respawns at 100% for his age, or based on time/peaceful moment prior to death? Could be an interesting story finding out, such as Ethan getting injured, say a broken leg, but is prevented from dying for a few days, would the respawn fix the leg, which would lean more towards the unlimited lives side, or would he now have this bad checkpoint, so he would need to recovery manually, creating new checkpoints along the way until… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

It’s just as likely he has the 999 lives from the “up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, menu, start” hack from the Nintendo games. I agree he mostly likely has the RPG respawn from his last state. Not when he got the power in the first place.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

Yea, this overeating “abuse” of his power pushes the boundaries of the readers understanding of Ethan’s ability. Is Ethan’s plan here to eat 100 donuts then kill himself? Or would his ability reset morbid obesity? So if he respawns from a heart attack caused by the obesity, it would be at a heathy weight?

1 year ago

I was a “pro-gamer” before it was a thing, mostly as to promote the arcade more than anything. Winning meant a cheap plastic plaque and a small bag of tokens at best, and of course my name on the “Honor board” for a few weeks.With my age and arthritis I’m lucky to get past level 12 C.O.D. 2 zombies lol.

1 year ago

Will he respawn after he dies of old age?

1 year ago
Reply to  Phaet

What if he did, but he respawned to JUST before he died? So dying of old age would be just a endless 5 minute loop of agony?

Probably best not to ponder that.

1 year ago

I had to do a quick mental check to see if it was already June and I time traveled during the day. I understand the reasoning for the comic saying 4 hours, but it had me worried hahah

1 year ago

One of the few that can Safely eat at taco bell then.

1 year ago

Gonna be fun to see the chaos of the first thousand to reach 100 in hardcore.
Hopefully its not just them rushing the same act over and over like it was in D3, though.

1 year ago

i love the look he has that just screams he knows this is both how ethan shows he cares and its not even the most wtf thing hes done to do it.

1 year ago

Anyone have an idea when the last 3 Console Wars posters are going to be released? It’s been over a year since the middle three were released.

1 year ago

I – personally – wasn’t impressed by the D4 beta. Just felt like Blizzard looked at Path of Exile and said “Oh, we can do that! And actually be Diablo!” but didn’t realize that 1) The name “Diablo” isn’t everything. It’s like buying a Gucci bag because it’s Gucci, instead of the no-name bag that looks basically the same and does the job just as well. 2) PoE is free with cosmetic and QoL microtransactions (more bank space, for example). D4 is 90-130 bucks Canadian (I’m in Canada, the site insists on only showing CAD priced) with microtransactions of unknown… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Vedrit

listen, I really like poe, but it is ugly AF and I’m tired to do the same campaign again and again. At least in d3 you can skip it. It is nice to have a new hns to play, dont you think?

1 year ago

Didn’t Ethan say something about hating to respawn because of how painful it is? And that he’s terrified every time because he doesn’t fully understand his power and it might have limited respawns?

Is he growing more confident, or is he just THAT dedicated to Diablo? Or are little asides like this effectively non-canonical jokes?