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Early Bird

September 14, 2020 by Tim

I’m glad that this game of chicken that Sony and Microsoft seem to have been playing with each other over the price and preorder dates for these next gen consoles may finally be over now that Microsoft blinked.

There are some neat looking games coming to next-gen, but despite feeling like it’s part of my job to experience and potentially comment on them, I’m finding myself struggling to hold onto any hype over the launch of this next generation. All of the secrecy about when and if we can order these things isn’t helping in that regard.

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no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

It does annoy me though, that Microsoft announced pricing and release date, and Sony responded by announcing an announcement. Holy crap Sony, for once in your life can you stop being so arrogant and just tell people what they want to know?

I hope like hell that their prices and dates leak, just to spite them for announcing an announcement instead of announcing the prices and dates.

3 years ago

Problem is that Microsoft was forced to and didn’t even get the chance to do an announcement and even like they probably wanted to. Sony wants to hype up the PS5 more and try to put in as much information on why its better than the Xbox

3 years ago

Im fairly certain that Sony always planned to have this announcement at this time. The Xbox Series S got ‘leaked’ and so Xbox released all their information to try and jump in before Sony could. Let the Xbox news have the twitterverse for a week, then respond at their normally planned time. I don’t see it as arrogant – I think they’re just always going to stick to their plans, and that has always been their marketing strategy. People would also see them blurting out the information so shortly after Xbox as a ‘sign of weakness/rush job’ or whatever. The… Read more »

3 years ago

You know they have a event thing coming in 2 days right? Maybe wait half a damn second.

3 years ago

This made my head hurt.

3 years ago

I’m curious to see how a pre-preorder would manifest in a Console Wars, though 😀

3 years ago
Reply to  southpawfrenzy

The boxers have reinforcements coming, didnt command approve ours?
No they approved a committee to approve reinforcements.
Dammit, do we at least have the requisition forms for more ammo.
No, but we have requisition forms for more requisition forms.

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
3 years ago
Reply to  southpawfrenzy

I see it as a recruitment drive.

Unlocked Achievements of our Fathers
Unlocked Achievements of our Fathers
3 years ago
Reply to  southpawfrenzy

In the console wars, we might see some veterans doing a tour for war bonds, now tasked to sell pre-war bonds or some other crazy invention from the spin doctors

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  southpawfrenzy

I’m just interested to see how the Console Wars will evolve, or if Tim will choose to end the series. It began, after all, with this generation.

Cameron Nicholls
Cameron Nicholls
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

He may well do, as additionally (and this might sound controversial), that PCs have arguably won the console wars. For years they’ve had access to XBox exclusive games, and recently a whole host more have been added (read Halo), and Sony have also started releasing their big exclusive titles, albeit delayed a large amount, such as Horizon, Detroit, Death Stranding, and have stated outright that they are planning on releasing even more. People will always buy consoles, no doubt, but there’s becoming less and less to distinguish all of them, especially as you can get a moderately good gaming PC… Read more »

3 years ago

I hate to be “That Guy”, but PCs will NEVER “win the console war”. For one, THEY AREN’T CONSOLES. Two, they target a different market. The PC is a thing that sits on a desk and is used from a chair and is Sometimes hooked up to TVs by hardcore people who want a mega sized experience but is typically limited to the 15-30 inch screens used by the average PC user. Even PC gamers with larger budgets typically limit their screen area to the one or two monitors that can still fit on a desk and be used without… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

I know this’ll never be seen in the archives, but I’ll just throw my hat in anyways. First – a console war is never about “best”. It’s about market share, plain and simple. And for that, consoles and PC are just different markets. True, the venn diagram of customer pool does have a good deal of overlap, but ultimately they’re completely different platforms. Second. PC cannot truly compete in a console war, because we have no good way of measuring ‘win’ or ‘loss’. The winner of a console war isn’t determined by gross sales or profit, but by units. Essentially,… Read more »

3 years ago

We did in fact, take the 22nd off so we can camp out in front of our GameStop and get our preorder in. If Sony doesn’t get their acts together and let us Pre-order then well… I’mma be on 2 months FMLA end of Oct onward to end of year. Darn the timing of the console wars.

3 years ago

Pre-Preorder? Can you ad a dlc to it? And some third party add? EA would love that

3 years ago

The Early Bird gets a can of worms.

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
3 years ago

Is there even a real point to these next-gen consoles? You can build a more powerful PC for cheaper, thanks to avoiding highway robbery subscription fees like PS+ or Gold, and with Sony wanting to release their exclusives on PC now… just get a PC >_>

3 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

It’s the same advantage consoles have ALWAYS had over PC: you don’t HAVE to build a more powerful PC. It’s already built for you. Moreover, any game that works on one person’s console will work on EVERYONE’S console, without having to troll message boards to find specific hacks and patches that will allow graphics card X to work when the game was built for graphics card Y, or whatever other piece of hardware or software is not consistent across people’s builds. Not everyone is techy enough to build a PC to play their games on. Not everyone who IS techy… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Spanner

/me applauds

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
3 years ago
Reply to  Spanner

“Endlessly upgrading” your PC is the DUMBEST misconception about PC gaming that has EVER existed. You don’t have to be one of those people that buys a new CPU and GPU every generation that Intel/Nvidia/AMD releases. CPUs especially last an absurdly long time. You could buy an affordable mid-range CPU 1-2 years BEFORE a console launches and have it last LONGER than that console generation WHILE BEING MORE POWERFUL. You also don’t need to upgrade your GPU all that often, and you don’t need to buy the $1k+ enthusiast-tier GPUs Once you’ve invested in a gaming PC, the hardware costs… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

That’s correct ! I bought my current PC like 10 years ago. I just recently upgraded my video card (and some more RAM), and I don’t think I’ll need another update for the next 3 or 4 years.

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I can’t “ignore” valid considerations in my argument when you’re only just now giving them to me, unlike the other guy who simply wanted to attack PCs The main point I made in my original post is that console exclusivity may be a thing of the past this gen(as Xbox had already moved past that long ago). There was talk recently about Sony wanting to explore the PC platform more (HZD seemed to be a success) so one of the biggest considerations for getting a console may no longer hold true (hopefully) For local multiplayer, pretty much anything I can… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

As a PC user, I agree. I find there are a lot of games I want to play that are either never made available for PC or are only made available at least a year out from the console release. It’s also worth pointing out that a decent gaming PC is often more expensive than a console. You can reduce that cost if you build the PC yourself, but that means you’re also committing to the possibility of doing a tremendous amount of DIY home troubleshooting. There’s no subscription, but on the other hand, that subscription might actually be more… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I will second Tim’s points and add that another social element is being with family even if you are doing different things. PCs tend to be at a desk for most folks (part of that PC “battle station”). That may work well if your single, but is likely more difficult when you have a family as you don’t want (get) to squirrel yourself away in a separate room. For me, the Switch as a platform has allowed me to play more since my family can watch other things while I’m sitting on the couch in the same room. So like… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

Pre-preorders make me feel like it’s the PS2 all over again.

“We changed your launch day shipment from fifty units to ten units. Will that be a problem?”


“We changed your launch shipment from ten units to zero units. Will that be a problem?”

Now, wait just a…

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

“I am altering the arrangement…”

3 years ago

‘Get your PS6 pre order for 2026! SKip the hardware! Sony impants the system directly into your head to be played via VR*
*with sufficient blueface connectivity.

3 years ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

All I can think of is Futurama and the eyePhone.

3 years ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

Haven’t you seen the commercial, that’s not until PS9. I’m serious btw.

3 years ago

I am waiting for pre-orders to start. I am Team-Sony though.
I even thought about grabbing up 5 of them and selling 4 at a higher price to pay for mine. Also wondering about the pro version and upgrade options.

3 years ago
Reply to  Devil_Arcana

You are the worst.

3 years ago

The sad thing is, I suspect that this might actually end up being a thing one day.

3 years ago

What’s the difference between Lucas’ ‘sarcastic eyebrows’ and ‘bedroom eyebrows’?