Maybe this only happens to me, but the Dual Shock’s vibration combined with my wedding ring turns an otherwise benign “buzz” into cacophany of obnoxiousness. It’s normally an intermittent annoyance, but Avengers appears to feature copious amounts of rumble.

Gaming glove. Like a driving glove, but for gaming. Patent pending donotsteal.
Nintendo had a gaming Glove ones. “its so Bad”
Little did Lucas Barton know how accurate his assessment of the Nintendo Power Glove really was…
I use golf gloves during long play sessions.
Do you wear sunglasses as you slowly put them on? For maximum cheese factor?
Most people put them on slowly …. then wear them.
That can mean two things.
For my wife, it’s just the constant click-click-click of the controller that will drive her insane.
I’m not allowed to play Smash in bed anymore.
How unfortunate that you can’t smash in bed any longer.
Probably a subtle nuance of your grip. You just may want to remove the ring before you game if it’s that obnoxious = P
Ah, I see someone has not chosen wisely…
A fake tape ring, painted if necessary, will pass as long as she doesn’t peer too closely…
Nah, it’s a correct choice. One which also tests if his previous one was correct or not :P.
Soag, you sound like an old friend of mine from high school. Haven’t seen him in over a decade.
Not married, for some strange reason.
How surprised you would be ;).
And I’m not even wearing it right now, no drama whatsoever. How strange, huh?
Or maybe me and my wife just have a healthy relationship :).
Or get a silicone ring …
Ive had to unplug my windows xbox controller any time i touch a UE4 game, simply because they didn’t seem it prudent to allow people to toggle vibration off in most of them.
i remember hearing about a comic where hulk destroyed the world for his lost wife….i think the choice was made long ago
That would be Planet Hulk / Word War Hulk. He actually held a planet together, and later smashed his way through every single cape willing to get between him and the supers who sent him offworld to begin with, and it was all fueled by the unbridled rage of losing his wife.
He got very creative about clearing out the puny heroes. No killing, but very creatively destructive.
He’s not wearing headphones. I find it strange how game sounds are not a bigger distraction… And before you say ‘he could have muted the sounds’ let me just stop you right there before you even consider such blasphemy!
Depends on if you have a partner that is also a gamer or not. Tim’s wife enjoys a bit of gaming herself (She used to play World of Warcraft – I was in the same guild as Tim/Brittany), so it stands to reason she would tolerate game music/effects.
Silicone wedding ring (favored by people working near tools or machinery or electricity) such as at … no noise, no conductivity, if it gets snagged in a blade or belt (or emergency swelling) you lose a $20 ring and not a finger. My gold ring is safely stored in a drawer, and I wear the silicone one everywhere to display marital status.
Should get one of those rubber/silicon workout rings they sell at sporting goods stores. Then you can keep your rumble and marriage…win win
Silicone wedding band ftw
Easy solution. Get a silicone ring. They are safer than metal rings (ask Jimmy Fallon), no controller click, and you can always wear your “good” wedding ring when you want/need to be fancy.
Pro tip, put a Band-Aid on your controller where it is touching your wedding ring, the little pad will act as a buffer.
I picked that trick up from my father whose also a gamer ^^
I like this. Additionally, you can also get a silicone wedding band
Same thing happens to me. The controller actually has a small worn down patch where my ring is buzzing up on it all the time.
Get a silicone ring. Not only would it be silent, but you also reduce the chance of a degloving incident!
Protip: Do not image search degloving. Just be aware that it is exactly what it sounds like.
I use my ring from groovelife for work and when gaming. Its nice not risking a finger on the job, and it is far more comfortable gripping a controller with a ring with some flex.
Silicone wedding ring. Works wonders.
Seriously good idea. I have coworkers with them or tattooed rings since ring avulsions or loss of digit is a common injury.
These are some of my favorite comics and always have been. My wife and I have loved your work for years. For one of our first anniversary gifts I bought a print of Ethan and Lilah gaming in bed together (my wife loves it still). She has bought every one of your books for me including the digital version for our anniversary (as much for her as for me me). Seeing a slice of life like this, oddly we have two boys as well and the gaming force is strong with them as well, lets us know we aren’t alone… Read more »
This made me snort. Thank you.
Compromise: coil your ring/pinkie fingers so the tips of your fingers are what are bracing the left side of the controller. Probably not the most comfortable thing buuut you get to keep vibration on and not piss off the wife.
You could fix it with a piece of grip tape on the side of the controller where the ring contacts. Cheaper solution would be to just stack adhesive bandages on it and line up the little pads.
See, if you keep the wedding ring, you get to love your wife and ALSO smash…
Maybe try a Silicone ring for max comfort in the evening.
Why don’t you just take the ring off?
Athletic tape works wonders, amigo. Just wrap around the ring two or three layers and BAMMO! you’re good to go.Helps avoid weird vibration callus/blister dealies too.
Hulk better think with thinker not with dinker or Hulk be sad
Shameless CarbonFi(.com) plug. Because Solution! and they do custom wedding rings as well!
simple solution… hulk now single
Get one of those silicone rings. I prefer Qalo
I turned off the rumble real fast with Avengers. Most games I hardly notice, but they really over did it with that one.
It’s not normally an Argument level issue, but I HAVE been known to take my ring off when playing Overwatch… It can be immersion breaking during some cutscenes, too
Haha same here mate!
I keep a cup full of wedding rings near my front door and switch them out based on my mood. It’s like Iron Man suits for loving commitment.
It helps that a nice titanium or tungsten wedding band for men averages about $20.
In the scenario above, Tim should switch to a silicone ring which is the ring-finger equivalent to a gimp suit.
Until this comment section, I had never even considered having alternate or duplicate wedding rings. I have the ring my wife gave me, and as far as I’ve ever thought, that was it. It didn’t even occur to me that people have alternate or “every day” rings or anything of that sort.
Thanks for the information.
Silicone wedding bands. Get matching his/hers. Problem solved.