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Fish In The Sea, p18

April 18, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

Oh Ethan you lovely numbnut. I cant help to love him so much for the awkwardness.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Self-awareness, heart, and a little bit of humor. This is a sweet ending to the date.

Two observations:

– Emily’s last date was arrested for brawling, in the middle of the date? One more point for “bad previous relationship” hypothesis.

– She’s talking about future dates, Ethan. You didn’t screw it up.

As blasphemous as this might sound, I hope Ethan and Lilah don’t end up together. Tim’s been talking about reimagining all the characters, and if those two aren’t in a relationship, then they can grow in new and different ways.

Really enjoying this, Tim.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I’m predicting the typical love triangle, with the usual side of heartbreak. Ethan being better suited to Emily, but is actually in love with Lilah. This Lilah being more driven, career orientated and ambitious than previous iterations. She loves Ethan the superhero (or at least the idea of it) but is less tolerant of regular Ethan and what she perceives as his foolishness and stupidity.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

So Emily is MJ and Lilah is Black Cat?

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I agree. I am now hoping that the first page of this set was simply a nod to the old timeline and that Emily sticks around she is pretty cool

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I’m looking at this and thinking it through- Emily doesn’t seem like she would end up being Ethan’s partner. It seems far more like Emily will be a recurring character and probably a love interest for a while, but although I’d love to see her be a common part of the cast, she doesn’t quite seem like she would be a match for Ethan. I don’t know why, but it seems like they would get along better as friends than in a relationship. Also, I’d like to point out that Ethan probably would have floundered and this would have not… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

I think that it’s because he was so nervous, and because of the double-date scenario, that there was no chemistry until just now. I mean, it wasn’t a disaster. It accomplished what they needed it to – they had some time getting to know each other in a non-threatening way. But Ethan acted terrified through much of it. I think that it really comes down to the fact that it’s hard to feel attracted to someone who’s acting as if everything will blow up. Which is why this relaxed moment is so promising. Did you notice? Ethan screwed up at… Read more »

6 years ago

Giant pop up video ads? I’m disappointed.

6 years ago
Reply to  Gordon

Not here. You might wanna check your security…

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

The problem I seeing is (at least on mobile chrome) its covering half the screen, doesn’t go away, and clicking the x is the same as clicking on the ad. It’s preventing me from using the site properly

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Glad to see that you are on top of this.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’m on mobile (whatever Samsung uses, on some old galaxy s, or something) I don’t remember ever getting adds from here..

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

My only request is that you don’t allow the redirecting ads that can’t be escaped without clearing the browser and reloading the web page. They’re scam ads anyways. Nobody is giving away free prizes. I never understood why a website owner would tolerate those. I mean if people can’t even use the website why would they keep coming back or not just use a popup blocker. I’m looking at you LICD…

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

9:08ish eastern time on 4/18, KitKat video ad (I think, I was ignoring it and had headphones on the desk) played sound. Connecting from Maine.

Justin Wood (Callek)
Justin Wood (Callek)
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Lets just say that I recently installed an adblock software due to many sites doing obtrusive advertising. I’m as of now disabling it for cad due to this comment alone.

I’ll happily report problems to you though.

6 years ago

As am I. I can sympathize with the need for advertisement, and support sites that make advertisement unobtrusive. Such sites go on my whitelist.

6 years ago

I don’t disable my pop-up blocker for *any* reason. If a website flat out blocks pop-up blockers, I’ll find a different website instead. Too much malicious code in ads out there to disable that blocker.

That said, for websites that I frequent regularly, if they have a reasonable alternative support method, I’ll often engage with it. I’m on Tim’s Patreon for that reason (and because the subscriber comics are hilarious).

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It’s nowhere near as obtrusive as some ads I’ve encountered. Doesn’t hijack your screen, doesn’t cover the actual content (on desktop, at least). I’ve seen far worse, and you’re right, you need to support it somehow.

6 years ago

Emily should know by now….there are PLENTY more awkward situations to stumble into when dating this guy (and that’s not even taking into account the secret identity thing)

6 years ago

emily should have figured out awkard and ethan go together . for she and ethan will be stumbling into a lot more moments as long as they date

6 years ago

Infinite respawns AND infinite awkward points? Analog is OP, plz nerf.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ichiyama22

Well if Emily mains D. Va, then I think she will be filing plenty of nerf requests

6 years ago

Can I just say, as much as I adore these two as a couple and really appreciate the idea of them being together, I can’t help but get a Mary Jane Watson vibe from her to Lilah’s Gwen Stacey. (If you need this explaining, Gwen Stacey was originally intended to be Spiderman’s love interest and MJ was more of a running joke but she became so much more popular and interesting that she became the new love interest). What I mean by this is I get the feeling Emily may hedge out Lilah in this continuity. On another note, I… Read more »

6 years ago

These are all definitely words that humans would say, said no one ever

6 years ago

hmm, there is going to be real bad villain attack moment coming up soon or he is forced to reveal his superhero self soon (or more hilarious moment would be if xbot comes to door and welcomes his master home:D)

6 years ago

I hope this doesn’t become a “Women in Refrigerators” thing.

6 years ago

While I have a nagging feeling Emily won’t be Ethan’s true love, I gotta say she is a great character. Regardless of what her involvement in the end game is, I hope she stays a recurring character for a long time.

6 years ago

Oh Emily you poor thing you poor poor thing not too many awkward moments left

6 years ago

only me sees ZEKE with those green eyes? yeah i’m probably hallucinating 😀

6 years ago
Reply to  Guyver

oh i see them too… was thinking maybe her eyes changed during the date. like she went off to the bathroom and got replaced by a zeke bot. but they changed while her friend was there… who knows other then Tim!

6 years ago

Could anyone refresh my memory what happened between Ethan and Lilah? She just disappeared from comics sometime. I guess this is some alternate timeline, but still. I just watched the old CAD show so was just wondering and re-living the past.

6 years ago
Reply to  Finboi

Ethan died, via broken time machine. Memorial created, Lilah had his baby, end of comic.

Lilah in this one is a reporter, at the moment a minor character. Could change.

This timeline is Analog and D-Pad which if you search for, you can read it from the beginning including these new ones.

I personally really like this revamp of A & D, much kudos to Tim and crew.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kerran32

Thanks for recap. I have read this comic quite actively for a looong time and also all A & Ds. Just needed to refresh my memories

The Legacy
The Legacy
6 years ago

Man… I wish Emily was a real person, because I’d ask her out in a heartbeat. 😛 I’m extremely awkward, a lot like Ethan, actually. XD

6 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Yeah, somebody like her, with a little tabletop affection, would be just nice. But in many cases these girls are taken or a little young.