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Fish In The Sea, p4

March 9, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

Hm, so he switched the shirt with Scott, so he doesn’t look overdressed? And this way, we see the scars on Scotts chest. Are those the reason, why he is sitting in the wheelchair?

Why do I have the feeling that this practice attempts in the panel are way worse than when he tried to date Lilah in the first comic.

6 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Because back in the day with Lilah, he didn’t really practice, it was more like “try and error…a lot” on the living subject…if I remember right?

But you have to hand it to Lukas. He IS one hell of a buddy ^^

6 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

I hadn’t noticed the scars!

6 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

betting those wounds are from in this timeline where he fought and killed ted the penguin. the writer always hated that penguin net he got stabbed a few times.

6 years ago

his dating game is off the charts
(lost somewhere in the negative area)

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Maybe he should do one of the dating scenes in Undertale first for some practice.

6 years ago

Hey! Ethan stole my moves!

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

I think Lucas got the female mind set down to the T. XD
And dang, that’s quite some big scars Scott got there.

6 years ago

Yep… I was wondering about those scars too… Scott has a past (or a present) that we don’t know about?!

6 years ago
Reply to  Letodan

Well he ended up in that chair somehow. I’m not sure which would be more interesting, the scars directly relating to the chair or their being entirely unrelated.

6 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

Actually, 2.0 Scott doesn’t have any big scars. Small ones from the time he tried to cut a bagel on a train, yes. But those are like half the size of your pinkie’s fingernail. (Don’t ask about 1.0)
Scott just so happens to be the world record holder for “Largest Birthmark”. He has a single continuous birthmark that covers his entire body barring 3 small spots. The lighter area shown is the largest of the three spots.

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Or maybe from when Ethans sister died? They said that if a hero was there that night, it might not have happened. I am getting a vibe from all 3 that they are not quite bros but not quite just friends. Maybe Scott was dating the sister and then she died? (getting this from previous pannels)

6 years ago

So does Ethan have an ADHD diagnosis. Cause that sounds like how I flirt.

6 years ago

Why would Emily call him Evan? Did I miss some joke somewhere?

6 years ago
Reply to  Ashi

Go back two comics

6 years ago
Reply to  Ashi

You’ll have your answer if you go check two comics before that one.

6 years ago

You know, that last one might actually get him somewhere. A chance to catch a person off guard with an open question that acknowledges one’s own inability to truly experience the life of someone from the opposite gender. Combined with what I’m guessing is already common knowledge that Ethan ( I’m sorry, “Evan” ) is a little quirky the question might even come off as endearing.

6 years ago

I’ve come to a realization: This is probably a world where Jack Thompson was revealed to actually be an alien planning on ushering in the end times. Then some of the people who had been misled by him re-considered what was going on where video games were being somehow linked to gun violence, realized that the same argument could be said of violent TV and movies, then decided to stop freaking out about video games.

6 years ago

Just wanted to say thank you for not having him start the word “assault” after AR-15.

6 years ago
Reply to  RblDiver

I mean, even if AR *did* stand for “Assault Rifle,” it still wouldn’t be an AR-15 Assault Rifle because that’d be redundant.

6 years ago
Reply to  LeavesCat

Note on redundancy: ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine. It has machine in it so looking for “ATM Machines” is painfully redundant. One could argue that it should be AT because Automated suggests it is a machine. Same for calling them TMs, but then you will never find one if you look it up because of the Oak Clause.

6 years ago
Reply to  RblDiver

The AR-15 is an assault weapon, so if he had started the word assault it would have been correct.

Educate yourself:

6 years ago
Reply to  lolno

I am going to assume the educate yourself line was more of a “Here, this is what I got it from. You might want to read it to help clarify” and not a “Here, read this so I can be smug about semantics”

6 years ago
Reply to  Somewhere

(Regardless of what it is no offense is intended, I was trying to point out that your message can be easily misinterpreted, especially because it is about such a heated topic)

Walle Ras
Walle Ras
6 years ago
Reply to  lolno

What is an assault weapon, any weapon can be an assault weapon.

Also you used Wikipedia, you have no credibility

6 years ago
Reply to  Walle Ras

… Dude. The AR stands for fucking Assault Rifle. Make like Frozen and let it go.

Also, bashing wikipedia on the basis that it’s wikipedia? It’s an encyclopedia managed by humans and updated constantly. Errors get fixed faster than any other publication ever. Come on, man, up your game or zip your lip. You can do at least one of those and appear intelligent.

6 years ago
Reply to  DannyboyO1

Dannyboy01 actualy the AR does not stand for assault rifle. Its a short form for Armalite, the company that designed and manufactured the rifle. Prety much all the guns they designed are named AR-# and quite a few have nothing to do with the vaguely defined term “Assault Rifle”, The AR-17 is actualy a shotgun.

perhaps you should follow your own advice.

6 years ago
Reply to  merendel

People like to make assumptions. Like that one. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are dumb or don’t know what they are talking about, but it usually means that they are confident in connecting the dots.

6 years ago
Reply to  merendel

Sadly confidence and competence are separate things that do not always go together. there are 2 times when people have the highest confidence in their knowlage of a subject. They are most confident when they are a true expert and know almost everything there is to know about something and they are most confident when they know a little bit about something. Only in the former case are they actually correct in their confidence. When someone is spouting CNN talking points about guns (which are more cringe worthy in their inaccuracy than ethans dating knowledge) or praising wikipidia which can… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  lolno

I think you are all taking this comment a little too seriously and the first guy was only thankful for him not using assault because Ethan only got three letters into the word after AR-15

6 years ago

Scott looks so sad, like he’s thinking “That’s my favorite t-shirt and I know he’s going to get mustard stains on it somehow even though we don’t have any mustard in the store!” XD

6 years ago

Keep cool Ethan. And don’t think “Cock Donkey”

6 years ago
Reply to  Scorrch

I’d be upset that I got this reference if it wasn’t of one of the most beautiful parts of 1.0 (the wedding)

6 years ago

You know wouldnt it be ironic if this UPS girl turns out to be a psyco serial killer who’s MO is like a black widow, hooking up with men and then offing them. She hooks up with ethan and then things get weird when she tries to off him.

6 years ago
Reply to  merendel

No no, that was a Lucas plotline, remember?

6 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

But it would be funnier if she kills ethan and he just respawns. Hilarity ensues and then after a bit she’s just following him around occasionally stabling him as she plays with her new toy.

Sgt Lewis
Sgt Lewis
6 years ago

The bump stock is just proof people will find ways around laws. I have issues with people claiming an accessory with no moving parts is a machine gun. Most any kind of weapon needs someone to use it. By themselves they can do nothing. Don’t blame the tool, hold the individual using it accountable for his actions.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sgt Lewis

that and folks were bump firing weapons without bump stocks for a long time, the technique just requires more practice and only requires common items. I say less focus on laws/bans that predominantly effect folks that wont cause harm in the first place and more on fixing the root problem. Improved mental health system to give folks the help they need before they become a threat, get the feds to actualy do their job and pick up on the major red flags before the threat becomes a reality and ensure responsible citizens can end the threat quickly if the worst… Read more »