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Fish In The Sea, p8

March 19, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

Ethan’s casual face is just amazing.

6 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

“I’m totally not forcing this smile for at least 90 minutes. Yup. Toootally natural.”

6 years ago

ladies and gents, he’s learning

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Trial and error for the win…

6 years ago
Reply to  Cameron

so many errors…

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Not to mention that “trial” is synonymous with “flailing around wildly”

Not a bot
Not a bot
6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Our little Ethan just leveled up Flirting Skill.

Man of the West
Man of the West
6 years ago

Hopeless as Ethan is, at least he possesses some good wit with which to dial back from impending disaster.

Padraic O'Leary
Padraic O'Leary
6 years ago


6 years ago

All I ask is that Emily doesn’t get iceboxed. I feel like we’re in the beginning of a horror movie (or, well, superhero movie) where nothing has gone horribly wrong yet

6 years ago
Reply to  Brendan

His sister was killed. Scott has scars. I think that is the horribly wrong part. They will prob. have a flash back at some point showing the sister and that night it all went wrong.

6 years ago

Alright, so I’m not an expert at the dating game by any means (took me six months to ask out my eventual wife despite the obvious hints dropped) but Ethan needs to stop beating around the bush and just ask her out for drinks. At least get her phone number so he doesn’t max out his credit card just to talk to her for a couple minutes at a time.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

I’m surprised he hasn’t even offer to exchange bnet ids yet, a common video game is bound to be a great icebreaker.

6 years ago
Reply to  tiamatt

….er, okay

6 years ago

Are we really 8 pages into a storyline about the most retarded character looking for a date, with no end in sight? Gonna have her have a miscarriage too? You know, if you go that route it might be a good enough punch line to be worth it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Gargle

No, we are 8 pages into a great storyline having at least one comment of a person complaining about reading stuff (s)he doesn’t like but hasn’t to read in the first place.

Glad I could help clarify this 🙂

Steve Kipper
Steve Kipper
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

You tell ’em, fearless leader! I, for one, am tired of the mentality that if you piss and moan about something enough that people will just change their artistic direction. I blame EA in a lot of ways for bending to the will of the people and changing the ending of ME3. It kinda cemented this process in place. That would be like opera patrons complaining Wagner ended the Ring Cycle with the destruction of Valhalla and bitching until he made it a superduper happy ending. Have respect for the artist and his work or don’t consume the work. If… Read more »

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Mr. Buckley,
Your above response to Gargle (while admirably tactful), reminds me of something I read once:

“The customer is NOT always right. Most of the time, the customer is a clueless moron. If this sign upsets you, YOU are this moron.”

If only I could remember where I read that…

6 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

My good sir, I do believe it is “YOU are an idiot”, but I agree nonetheless.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I actually thought the initial point of your comic strip was to inform us the readers about new and upcoming gaming events with a punchline included which you do in most of your strips.

The additional story and well developed content is just a bonus that we very much appreciate and love.

On a side note if you have links for other comic strips that you would recommend that would be much appreciated

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I actually stopped coming here because I got tired of the soap opera. Not that it was objectively bad, I followed it almost from the beginning to…honestly I dont remember when, well over a year before it ended, I just became bored by it. So when I randomly checked in again and saw you’d gone in a new direction, I was intrigued. I like the players, as one offs but especially in The Campaign. Console Wars was great, and I REALLY, REALLY like Starcaster. When you brought E & L back as super heroes, I didn’t like it at first,… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Gargle

Please stop trolling. It’s kind of ridiculous.
I will note that it seemed like this set was supposed to end on p6 and then p7 was there as a “Tim just came up with a really funny joke that still fits” moment. This does seem a bit overextended, though I don’t agree with the rest of Gargle’s comment

6 years ago
Reply to  FedExcargo

Is that a pun about Escargot?

6 years ago
Reply to  Gargle

Why don’t you write your own webcomic the way you want like he does. Then see how it is. RESPECT others. Even if you don’t like their work, their is such things called Inside and Outside thoughts. That might be one of them.
(hint: it is)

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

This is good fun. Ethan is learning on his own. Amazing! Looks like he will survive round 2 as well and maybe even get some hits in. XD

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

“Get some hits in.” Are you suggesting he’s going to… tap that?

Sorry, I’ll leave now…

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Dryzun

Well, I meant it as like asking for her number or even for a date if he dares going for a knock-out. Will probably see the outcome in the next update for sure.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Actually this looks like it will make it to the end of the month

6 years ago

OMG! I pissed myself laughing. I love Ethan and his brain. The comics are so good. Love the reboot and while i miss the old story and style of characters, I am enjoying these new ones too. You are doing an amazing job my friend. I can’t wait to buy another page for you to sign and have it hung in my house.

6 years ago

I’m calling that Lilah is the roommate, I had suspicions before, but now my gut is telling me it is true. I really like Emily though.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  GreatNate

Or Emily turns out to be a heroine on her own.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

That would actually be interesting; instead of Emily being a short term pseudo-love interest for Ethan (assuming that Ethan ultimately ends up with Lilah), Emily would be a superhero in her own right and possibly be a third party member for the Analog and D-Pad aspect.
Actually, that would be *amazing*.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

Just imagine that her power is related to her current job. Like she can produce tape from her hands similar to how Spiderman produce Tape, but unlike Spidy her tape isn’t that strong to jump between buildings and it is difficult to handle to capture villains with it. Kinda like a sucky power similar to Ethan who can only keep killing himself so once the gig is up all his opponent needs to do is capture him and that’s it.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

I’d go with the “Emily makes random contraptions out of stuff that people order then decide they don’t want theory”, but if that were the case wouldn’t she main as a certain someone who isn’t D. Va?

Erik B
Erik B
6 years ago
Reply to  GreatNate

@ GreatNate: I don’t mean to be an ass, but you had suspicions that Emily was Lilah’s roommate over the last seven comics that first mentioned her, only three of which she appeared in? And only the last one that she mentioned that she even has a roommate cemented that idea?

I don’t think it is odd to guess at plot lines, but to see a brand new character mention that she has a roommate, it must be Lilah? What was your reasoning for suspicions previously? And why does this particular comic make you so sure?

6 years ago
Reply to  Erik B

There’s a good reason for Lilah to have been up late the night before; she could have been working on the report for the latest Analog and D-Pad event or a random Prime article. Still an odd guess, but it has a bit of backing. A smidge.

C Thompson
C Thompson
6 years ago

Hey Tim,
Your advertising firm is pushing fake antvirus and other scams. Any chance of getting them to start getting their clients before one of us readers gets scammed?

6 years ago

Ssssmooth :p

Xander Raidon
Xander Raidon
6 years ago
Reply to  Flintlocke

As smooth as bashing someone’s head with a rock against a wall.

6 years ago
Reply to  Xander Raidon

As smooth as a non-white hot spike through lead

6 years ago

Emily is adorable. I don’t know if Ethan and Emily will end up together, but if they don’t, and she at least be a recurring character?

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael

*can she…

6 years ago

And he saves!

6 years ago

Tim this is LOONG overdue given how long I’ve read your comics but I’m thrilled to see you still trucking along. I was sudden possessed by an odd desire to express by appreciation in a comment. I think your jokes are consistently funny and even since Analog and d+pad(Which I originally didnt like because I was stingy about the old story being universally better. I have since realized creative changes aren’t bad.) More relevant to this comic though, how IS Sea of Thieves? It seems to be like a good game that would get old fairly quick as it appears… Read more »

6 years ago

^~~~ This is was we proof read before hitting enter folks. x-x

6 years ago
Reply to  Shawn

why* 😉

6 years ago

-Black Mage Evilwizarddington

6 years ago
Reply to  RMagepedia

“….Of course you are. I’m…going in here now. Please don’t follow me.” – White Mage

6 years ago
Reply to  Ashi

-Fighter McWarrior

6 years ago
Reply to  Petaybee

“Save the world.

6 years ago
Reply to  Somewhere

“Mostly because I have FIENDS!

Just not with me.”

6 years ago

Emily’s face in the last two panels is that of someone who is doing a friend a favor. Like she might be interested in Ethan, but is constantly expecting that she is about to have misgivings. But, she still presses on and is still hoping for the best

6 years ago

Calling it now, Emily is the evil mastermind behind the Robot Ninja.

6 years ago
Reply to  MetalMagic

Someone mentioned above that Emily’s roommate could be Lilah. Something more plot-convenient would be that her roommate is the one who made Zeke (not necessarily an antagonist; her reason for making him could have just been “Hey [villain’s name here], you want to see if I can make a robot? Oh, just the shell and not the code? Cool, sounds like a fun project.” in other words, Zeke was made by someone unaware of how he was going to be used. Actually makes some sense that Zeke would have been made by someone unaware of the intentions of the requester… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Somewhere

*his/her, I’m referring to Emily’s roommate as the hypothetical robotcist

6 years ago

Hey Tim. I like these outbrakes from the “real” Analog and D+Pad series. It reminds me of the old series, where something similar would happen. Question though. You made a poll a while back, where you were asking how we would feel, if another person drew some of the comics. I can guess the result, but have you given this more thought since then? Personally, I would want you to draw Analog and D+Pad, since they are the OG characters, but Starcaster chronicles and the campaign could be drawn by someone else. I’m really curious if this is still an… Read more »

Erik B
Erik B
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Please never hire another artist to draw. Seriously. I like your artwork, it is why I have been reading your comic for 12 years. Another artist to colour your comics is one thing, and a great method for you to get your stories and artwork out to us when doing projects like starcaster, but I would hate to see someone else attempting to draw your characters. It just would not feel the same to me, even if it was your story, your dialogue, even your scene staging. I think any time another artist tried to do your work, it would… Read more »

6 years ago

well ladies and gentlemen I caught up with everyone else after about 2 months of reading (because I’m at work and I’m hiding) I’m glad to see that this new series, which I had to jump around to get caught up with by reading the d-pad and analog comics, is doing well and I look forward to the continuation of this comic with great anticipation. I also hope that the other projects that your working on Tim, such as the star caster chronicles continue soon as well. i do question what happened to the previous adventures in space with Ethan… Read more »

4 years ago

Honestly, I love the dialogue these few comics between Ethan and Emily.
Just how awkward it is without the context but at the same time makes total sense with the context applied…

2 years ago

As someone who frequently starts a sentence from the center of a thought, this was fairly relatable.