Diablo 4 ruled last weekend, but I did carve out a little bit of time to try Exoprimal’s beta.
I won’t say it’s a perfect game, by any stretch; I had a lot of fun with it, but I have no doubt that the premise alone is doing a fair amount of the “enjoyment” heavy lifting. Something about blasting waves of velociraptors with various Anthem-style mech suits I can swap on the fly just… hits right where my inner eight-year-old needs it to.
Unfortunately the beta was pared down enough that it’s really hard to guess if the game has staying power. Lot of the customization was absent, as were alternate game modes, both of which would be 100% required for long term sustenance.
Still, it’s definitely on my radar in a big way now.
No… the resemblance is uncanny, but I’m pretty sure that’s just an average adult woman waiting in line.
Which means that I’m now suspicious that she’s Captain Prime’s alter ego.
Of course! It all makes sense now. The food guy is clearly some super villain concealing their identity. Note how Tim kept them cleverly hidden mostly off-panel, apart from the highly suspicious presumably gloved hands (to not leave fingerprints, obviously).And Captain Prime is here on a stake-out to catch them red- (well, blue-) handed. The next scene is going to be Captain Prime attacking Ethan and Lucas because the discreetly wrapped ‘food items’ are how the villain usually distributes their illicit goods through the city, and she assumes they are his pick-up. . Reflexively using their powers to defend themselves,… Read more »
Doesn’t it look like Lucas saw Zeke though? Like from the angle of our pov.
As long as there’s not pineapple in it…
(please feel free to assign to “pineapple” whatever meaning you want in this metaphor)
I think I’ll assign “pineapple” to your metaphor’s meaning.
‘Battlepass’ is probably a fitting pineapple replacement here..
mmmm pineapple on pizza…
Nice to see they are sort of back to normal now, having a conversation about gaming without any reference to Zeke or the breach of trust for now.
Speak for yourself. I’m dying to know how things come out with Zeke. This plot line and final resolution of Order of the stick are my two biggest webcomic plot lines right now.
Ok, yeah I definitely want tonsee that as well. But im also happy things between or heroes are no longer as awkward as they used to be, which also is a step forward for the same plotline
what is exoprimal? some sort of warframe with dinomechs, or MH with dinomechss?
Seems like a perfectly valid argument to me.
Makes sense really
did the last comic get removed? the one with the priesty guy? tried to bring it up to show a friend and cant find it.
Look in the archive. Hit the ‘Archive’ button at the top. Then, in the drop-down category list, Select ‘Ctrl Alt Del’
Ugh, my brain. In panel two I thought they were handing Lucas a baby
1) Both can be true, at least for another person, and
2) Really, weight for weight, the, presumably hot dogs or equivalent, they’re about to get are likely to do that before a pizza. :/ I mean, even, what, a century after the jungle, we STILL shouldn’t want to see the sausage making process, but there a number of pizza places I’ve been to that do show the pizza making proces.s, and it is good.