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May 28, 2021 by Tim

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Graeme Spence
Graeme Spence
3 years ago

First comment
Also funny cause I think this will prob happen.

3 years ago

I gave about 150$ to the project but already got my value in form of Documentation and stories in return. Fascinating project, clearly megalomaniac but still charming.

3 years ago
Reply to  Martin

I’d demand repayment of that $150 with interest when they eventually make a “The Inventor” Theranos-like movie painting Chris Roberts as some sort of “Misunderstood Auteur” instead of an incompetent bumblefuck who makes my procrastination look completely normal by comparison.

That might also be something to pass onto your grandchildren though ?

Remember kids, misspending $350 million dollars is only a crime if you aren’t the government or a CEO.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaitensatsuma
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Problem with Theranos was the entire project was nothing but fluff. The Edison (as well as its predecessors) never worked, and the technology behind them was a complete fabrication.

At least with Star Citizen, there is some substance. It may be a very long way from being a cohesive whole, but at least I’m able to enjoy playing the game as it stands now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

They actually changed their TOS when migrating accounts to essentially force backers to give up their right to a refund moving forward. Thankfully, I asked for mine well before that. I’ve seen reports after that fact of people getting AG’s involved to get refunds, though. It was originally billed as being similar to Freelancer, but as soon as the gameplay demos came out I realized it was nothing like it and made my refund request soon after that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Just the government. CEOs and execs do it constantly. There’s zero consequences for them losing millions through some shady means. Though I had to give someone a first and final because their till was short 5 bucks once. Funny how that works.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

the way they are doing it, really should be a crime, they realized they could rake in more from endless fundraising and “stretch goals” rather than the release of a complete game. it REALLY is almost identical to a ponzi scheme, except in this case, they rake in money from fluff, while promising the crunch to make it worthwhile is still in development… THEN, they sell additional fluff, and claim they are delaying the crunch of it being a workable game, with the justification that they need to now work in the newest fluff, they chose to offer. Rinse ,… Read more »

Casper Hansen
Casper Hansen
3 years ago

Saw the first panel and knew exactly how this joke was gonna go, but it was still very funny, and I immediately shared with those I know that have actually spent money on SC 😀

3 years ago
Reply to  Casper Hansen

I agree, the second and third panels add nothing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cragfast

Missed the point, have you.

3 years ago

Generation after generation…

3 years ago

No no no, you all have it wrong: it’s this super meta plan that by the time it comes out, we will actually be travelling to other planets, becoming actual Star Citizens. So one way or another, you get a realistic experience.

3 years ago

wait they’re actually still working on it? i thought it was already cleared it was just a scam at this point

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

Glad to hear you are updating yourself on the situation.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

It’s not a scam, you’ve been listening to the “haters” it seems.

It’s just stuck in development hell.
Chris Roberts strikes me as the kind of guy who is obsessively passionate about his projects. He won’t be satisfied before his game is perfect, which it will never be.
So his vision keeps expanding and expanding..
He’ll never be satisfied.

A scam is of ill-intent.
I don’t think Roberts has any ill-intentions, but he probably needs someone above him to put down deadlines, or he’ll never finish anything.

3 years ago
Reply to  Randalf

It’s been stuck in development hell for a decade now and they keep “Fundraising” by selling ships you’ll never be able to use in a full game, as well as selling I believe at one point “Virtual Land”. They’ve well exceeded the money they had raised and continue to raise and blow money with little to actually show for it. AND they keep trying to “Keep Up” with recent additions that other games like Elite: Dangerous make, as if they haven’t fallen so far behind on their game’s core development that it’s become a joke I have a Free ship… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaitensatsuma
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

They got the money they need a long time ago, to make the game what they said it would be. Granted, they needed a year or two to get all the teams and offices they needed nailed down. Development didn’t start properly back in 2012. Back then they just had a cinematic trailer, a handful of people and ideas. But it’s constantly being added to, new features, new ideas, new everything. They should have just made the game they said they would make, then they could expand upon it as they wanted after release. But I think this is because… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Randalf
Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Randalf

I think that, when some people hear “scam” they think, “these guys are just a bunch of pirates in India or somewhere, stealing money and cackling about it.” Everyone understands that this isn’t the case. Instead, the whole ‘scam’ thing is, they’re a company who made a promise ten years ago, and has spent these last ten years essentially proving that they aren’t capable of delivering on it. In any other situation, they’d run out of money and have to fold – but they came up with a way of monetizing their project, so they continue to make enough to… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Yeah, the scam is that instead of raising money to make a game and then making the game (or failing to make the game with the money raised) – they have continued raising money for a game that may never exist. Continuing to accept cash means they have LESS incentive to ever finish, as then they can’t really continue charging the outsized ripoff rates (hundred dollar skins!?) they’ve been able to get away with because it’s all prerelease donationy stuff.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

ya thats pretty much it. release what you have and raise money for the extra features later. the more and more you collect but dont deliver the more outsiders are going to think you arent spending that money on actually developing anything. if no man’s sky can bounce back from how it launched it shouldnt be that hard with the amount of cash they have milked for it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

100% this

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

scam /skam/ noun a dishonest scheme; a fraud. “an insurance scam” I’m just going by the textbook definition of scam here. You can choose to expand that definition if you want, there’s no grammar police out to get you for it, but it doesn’t fit the definition of the word. Unless they are actually just taking money with the intent of never finishing the game and taking people’s money for themselves. Then I will agree that it is a scam. A scam always has bad intent, you can’t scam someone and not even be aware of it after all. It’s… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Randalf
3 years ago
Reply to  Randalf

Saying something will be given, loudly, but at the end not giving it is in itself a scam. No money involved.

Just saying.

3 years ago
Reply to  wkz

If the intent is to never give it, then I would agree. A scam is an act where you’re taking money/valuables/assets from someone, where they think they will be get a return on their investment (with profits) at a later point in time or get something of equal or greater value in return, for example a house or a car, but your intent is to pocket the money and never do that. In a ponzi scheme for example, someone is walking away with the money. If the intent is to actually give what they are promising, but they don’t because… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Randalf
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Funny how Roberts has been reported living a much more lavish lifestyle than he ever could have afforded prior to the fundraising goals. He’s given himself massive raises and bonuses based on nothing but their suckering of marks with the fundraising alone, its like a ponzi scheme.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Elite: Dangerous just added first person planet exploration. Seems fun! Glad I got the lifetime pass when I could.

3 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

It seems like at this point your best bet of playing the game that Star Citizen has promised to be is to just buy Elite:Dangerous

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Odyssey (walking around update) went live with some pretty serious problems…

But they’re doing a pretty awesome job turning around and fixing those….

And… it went live. At all.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

THIS. exactly… ’nuff said.

3 years ago
Reply to  Randalf

it is ABSOLUTELY a scam, they could easily have released a core game that is playable, then released expansions or DLC with the additional content that they wanted to include. They were surprised by their massive crowdfunding success , and how easily they could sucker marks like you with vaporware, so now they are dragging out this perpetual process where people keep getting suckered in because they buy into what the creator’s claim the game will be. They are doing it this way because they likely know they will underdeliver on anything they actually release, and thus they would lose… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

It is a scam. There’s no game, just expensive ship DLC that’s supposed to go towards funding a game that is never coming out.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

one of the very few things I’m truly proud of myself for, is never sinking a dime into this project despite it being my absolute favorite genre , and who’s creator was responsible for games I absolutely loved, all the way back to the first wing commander on snes.

3 years ago

I cant help but feel we will all be living star citizen before we are playing it…

3 years ago

I love it, how I am being reminded of my pledge every now and then through funny memes.

3 years ago

Ah, Star Citizen. It’s an interesting one, because on the one hand there is -some- playable content so it’s hard to just declare it as vaporware right away, like Chronicles of Elyria for example. But then, on the other hand, there’s barely any playable content, so there’s an argument to be made that it’s absolutely vaporware and that small amount of gameplay that is available is absolutely all they have, now or ever.

3 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

I’m not sure how accurate it is, but I swear I read that back in late 2019/somewhere in 2020 they finally got a proper team together to really start work on it. I forget the details, but if it seriously is the case then it would explain a lot.

Yet Another David
Yet Another David
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

I think it was a bit earlier then that. The key turning point (in my opinion) was in 2015 when Chris brought his brother Erin on board – who brought his entire development team with him. For the first time, CIG had a functioning, cohesive team with experience developing projects. Picking up a major chunk of the Crytek staff was a mixed blessing – they got a lot of experts, but it was at the basically the same time as Erin came on board so there was nothing to integrate them into, yet. A couple years to digest those acquisitions… Read more »

3 years ago

15 years in game software, N-tier distributed business systems, and working at all levels in the development (testing, design, coding, team lead, network architect, etc) and for a variety of companies, I can say with some justification: Software that has no hard deadlines never gets done. That’s why over half of all software projects fail to be delivered in an acceptable form and a lot of others are not feature complete and on time. (Usually budget gets blown, but at good companies, all major features get done and delivered on some sort of a reasonable schedule. I worked on a… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

They’ll surely build a bit more, but by then some of the older stuff needs to be reworked due to old age and as such the amount of game finished will never really get beyond a certain point..
Definitely vaporware in my book..

3 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

Did they ever at least institute the PvP experience to mess around in, or is it still essentially just that garage to bump around in?

I’m not reinstalling to find out.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Yes, they have made some progress since the boring garage. You can actually fly your ships now (well some of them) and PvP in those ships. There is a PvP FPS mode as well like a not polished at all Call of Duty level.

Like some of the other comments, it is not nothing, but it is not a lot to show for almost 10 years of work.

Nico de Boer
Nico de Boer
3 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

The best way I have seen it described is as a tech demo you pay for.

owen springer
owen springer
3 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

I had a crack at the free-fly event and there was quite a lot of content! In the same region as Elite (I have to admit I don’t have Oddysey but have Horizon) just the systems underpinning the gameplay loops aren’t hanging together well. Doing a package-delivery mission was surprisingly satisfying: hiking from your ship to the delivery point, box in hand with your visor frosting over then cycling through the airlock to deliver it. Walking through some of the massive playable ships and trying to dock a fighter in one of their bays, damaging the loading ramp then everyone… Read more »

3 years ago

Wait so Star Citizen is the Duke Nukem Forever of the 21st Century? Or is it more like Battlecruiser 3000AD?

Big Johnny
Big Johnny
3 years ago
Reply to  Charles

It’s more like if half life 3 had a demo, but then they never bothered to do much after that.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Charles

It cannot be the Duke Nukem Forever of anything unless it actually comes out. Actually releasing is part of the Duke Nukem Forever story now.

3 years ago

Said like someone who has already forgotten Duke Nukem Forever and has just blocked Halflife 3 from their memory.

3 years ago

This is the game Dev that never endssssss…. Yes it goes on and on my friends. Roberts said that don’t worry someday it’ll be done, meanwhile you can pay for more ships and some land…

This is the game Dev that never endssssss….

The Legacy
The Legacy
3 years ago

As someone who went to Game Dev school and did professional game testing, I can understand what the developers are going through with Star Citizen, which is why I’ve been a lot more patient than most. I do see progress, even if it’s glacial. If you ever played the early Alpha, it is night and day compared to today.

The comic is still hilarious, though.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

They’ve raised over 350 million dollars and have delivered almost nothing still.

The second most expensive known game to develop was Red Dead Redemption 2 at 250 million, and that game had horse plops.

Perhaps more comparable is CyberPunk 2077 at $175 million, and that game is a constant WIP but, and this is the imporant bit, it exists

I understand but I do not condone

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Star Citizen is at least two different games though. There is the the space combat part and they’ve also decided to include an FPS. At planetary exploration and all the MP stuff tying everything together and you almost have a third game

3 years ago
Reply to  SBlack

They don’t “almost have” any games, let alone three…

3 years ago

What cretin thought it was a good idea to try and tackle such a game all at once instead of concentrating on a functional core experience and then building upon it? Oh wait, we know the answer to that. (My dude, it was a bad development approach before a century’s worth of feature creep…and you still dropped VR. MEDIOCRE!) Meanwhile, Frontier released an actual game nigh-on seven years ago, and have been adding more and more content ever since. Not to mention that Star Citizen is planning on a handful of diet star systems…not a 1:1 scale simulation of our… Read more »

3 years ago

This is what happens to any project when there’s nobody around willing to act like a responsible adult.

3 years ago

There’s a lot to criticize regarding how they’ve gone about the project, but just to answer those asking if there’s been any progress since 2015. At the moment there’s an entire, fleshed out solar system you can fly in with up to 50 people. 110 of 161 promised ships are flyable in that solar system. You can purchase a vast majority of those in the game with credits you raise. Many of those are solo ships, some are as big as corvettes or small frigates requiring up to 8 people to run at full capacity. There are non There’s mining(hand… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Caspien

Wow, an entire solar system! ?

How quaint. ?

3 years ago

Tim thinks he’ll become the burn-faced pirate from The Expanse.

3 years ago

On this note, How is the new Elite? Worth installing again/more to do than make money to upgrade a ship just to make more money?

3 years ago
Reply to  Doodm4n

Had some big bugs at launch, but they’re doing a good job addressing those quickly. It can be very frustrating until you get the hang of ground missions. Depending on the mission type – it’s sometimes trivially easy to get an entire planet’s worth of mercs gunning for you (which results in death, arrest, and a 5 minute shuttle ride back to where you parked)… but also fun. As long as you’re up for a little pain the first few combats – I’d recommend at least giving it a spin. FYI – key on those missions – don’t do anything… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Doodm4n

It’s been a rough release (When isn’t it?) but the new content is fun, and they’re hard at work fixing the broken stuff. Net positive in my book.

Sounds like maybe it’s not the game for you though. It’s a game for people who enjoy space; something to experience, not just something you do in order to fill bars and make numbers go up.

In a universe of unlimited choice, if you choose to grind, that’s on you. ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Bakamoichigei

Podcast mining ?

3 years ago

I have only ever regretted buying 2 games in my entire life.

Most – I’ve at least enjoyed enough to get my money’s worth (I’m willing to pay $15 for a 2-hour movie, so $60 for dozens, maybe hundreds of hours of gameplay is totally worth it). That’s my real metric.

Even Fallout 76 passed that metric. As subpar as it was, I enjoyed it for long enough that I didn’t regret it.

But Star Citizen? Nope. Big old bag of nope.

Ryan Mahood
Ryan Mahood
3 years ago

I recently ensured my account was still valid… it is… but it won’t run on linux yet, so I’ll just have to wait until 2030 when Microsoft Windows becomes a GUI on top of the Linux Kernal 😉

Henchman Twenty1
Henchman Twenty1
3 years ago

We’ll be more advanced in the real world whenever, if ever, they finish it. It’ll be an historical genre game like us playing Age of Sail today.

3 years ago

Right up until someone makes a parody of the game (because parodies get around most legal copyright issues), everythnig that it was Supposed to be, and releases the early access on Steam.

3 years ago

Well, I have my working copy of Star Citizen, it is called Elite Dangerous.

3 years ago

I hear Mountain Dew is going to give everyone a free 24 pack if they get out of beta before the end of the 25th century!

Last edited 3 years ago by Tolk
3 years ago

Funny enough my Dad passed away in 2017 and this thing happened sorta. I actually petitioned the company to have the game officially inherited to me. My mom had to send the company his death certificate but it’s his old account that is mine though. I hope to play it when it is fully released lol.

3 years ago

Don’t ya’ll have like… other games to play while its in development? You know, the same exact games that are based on the same features and systems built out year over year in the past decade with slight changes that don’t do anything in scale or scope other than they’re also built on the same systems used over the past 20 years which are built on games from 30 years ago? Like, I wanna point out that it takes them basically 10 years to come out with new engines and games all the time, its just hidden behind them constantly… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Lith

First, Cyberpunk’s extremely long development cycle basically meant that the leadership couldn’t figure out what they wanted the game to be for a very long time. Nobody plans to take eight years to build a game – the video game market changes and evolves way too quickly for that to happen. When Cyberpunk was announced, League of Legends hadn’t hit its peak yet and everybody was starting to fall off of the big AAA MMOG boom. Hearthstone didn’t exist. Fortnite didn’t exist. Players were all super excited to play COD: BLOPS 2. Having a dev cycle take longer than 4 years generally… Read more »

Del Cox
Del Cox
3 years ago

This put my fiancee in stitches. She tends to over-react to the funny, but admittedly–she just snorted–admittedly this has been a joke between us for awhile.

Outback Jon
Outback Jon
3 years ago

This gets me right in the feels. I supported a side-scroller called “Super Roman Conquest”, that despite being fully funded never materialized so much as a beta for most of the supporters. Last update was 2017, and the developers pretty much dropped off the face of the earth after that.

3 years ago

Just looking at the art in the last panel, I have a question. When drawign the three, were you going back and forth on who would be talking so you drew the lawyer and the hologram with open mouths so you wouldn’t have to touch it up again in the final decision?

3 years ago

Yeah, development seems to be taking forever. They spent the first five years or so just building their studios and creating the engine and tools. As someone who has been following their development from the beginning, I can say that development has accelerated greatly within the past few years. They’re spitting out ships that used to take them a year or more in just a few months.They’re adding new features every quarter and old ones are constantly improved. It’s been an exciting time recently. Star Citizen does have plenty of valid criticisms, but there is a glimmer of a light… Read more »

3 years ago

Yeah I kickstarted this following a link from this page I’m pretty sure lol. At this point I’m just considering the $60 a write off and I’ll periodically delete all the emails about start citizen alpha development.if it ever finishes, I’ll give it a go

he who rages
he who rages
3 years ago

This is what we call, scope-creep. An unfortunate reality to game dev, but I think what makes this unique is the fact the guy keeps expanding on his vision. Someone should reign him in and tell him to make a vision board, start focusing on key aspects and what can be released as a minimum, alpha test, push that out to the world as a beta and then continue with the grander scheme of things… I’ve been playing a game that has been in beta for almost 6 years now and it’s grown/changed a lot since the beginning…

will scott
will scott
3 years ago

i backed 3k into this for the rear admiral pack and some capital ships. hell my mates were in the aus FPS release on stage with Chris as cosplayers. now we look back and go why did we back this at all.

will scott
will scott
3 years ago

i just pray if ever released its better than the cluster that is ED and more akin to no mans sky with better shooting. so far no game has captured the whole do your own thing space sim i want and are all just space fighters. i want to be crew not a captain!