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June 21, 2017 by Tim

I’m pretty sure this is how this goes down.

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7 years ago

Is this awkward silence guy from YouTube? I can’t get excited for E3 unless they have some guys from YouTube doing the awkward silence!

El Guero Caliente
El Guero Caliente
3 years ago
Reply to  mjc

I’m glad you clarified “for E3”. This conversation would take a whole different turn otherwise….

7 years ago

Yeah that guy really choked, huh. He needed a proper script. You could tell the pressure of him blowing his one shot at widespread recognition was making it harder for him to not blow his one shot at widespread recognition. Like, you could observe it while it was happening, see his mind race. Fascinating, really. Poor guy.

7 years ago

Anyone has a link to this happening? I think I missed it…

7 years ago
Reply to  stromboul
7 years ago
Reply to  atmta

I have to kind of feel for the guy after that. For someone who is used to going off script to be in a formal “scripted” scenario, it’s kinda sucky to begin with, but then to have the script change on him at least twice, plus one time when the prompter was all wrong… but noone ever blames the producers, it’s always the guy who froze.

sir KitKat
sir KitKat
7 years ago
Reply to  stromboul

I have the same feeling, waiting for link

The Legacy
The Legacy
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

After watching your link, to me it seems less a reporter fail, and more an broadcaster fail. I see this thing on newscasts sometimes, and they forget to alert the reporter, a technical hickup occurs, or there is a time delay in the transmission. A great example is tge last clip in the video.

That said, I like this comic. 😛

7 years ago

Tim there’s something seriously wonky going on with this new website, I shouldn’t have to delete my cache every day to make the buttons not do crazy things. Love your comic and all that.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I use firefox, current version. When I hit the back button it goes to the previous comic, but then hitting either the forward or back buttons just refresh the page, essentially. I stay on the previous days comic. It’s not that big a deal to refresh my cache to get it to work but it’s odd.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Actually it might just be that I’m very slightly missing the back/forward button, and for some reason clicking outside your comic page refreshes the page. Is that opening the comments maybe? I dunno.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Just to add to this, what I’m finding is that when I got the page and click back, a “#” is added to the end of the url for some reason, which does not allow me to move forward or backward. When I delete that, it resumes normal functions.

7 years ago

I’m kinda hoping Tim understands that this isn’t the presenter’s fault, and it’s more the broadcast team.

I mean, hell, on you can see the guy JUST getting his cue that he’s live. They switched to the camera too soon.

Then again, I really wish they’d stop bringing Youtubers to this. It’s a bit too “Hey kids! We’re hip and trendy! Look at all these Youtubers presenting our conference that you may or may not heard of!” for my taste.