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Infernal Demons, p6

June 9, 2023 by Tim

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Bett Me
Bett Me
1 year ago

I hope we get back to the robot storyline soon…
But nice to be reminded Lilah still exists.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bett Me

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1 year ago
Reply to  Bett Me

I wonder if these two lines might intertwine, eventually. ZK has understandable trust issues at the moment, so perhaps seeing Ethan being genuinely shaken by something he did in the past, further exploring the morality of things (despite all the heinous things the Troll has done before our heroes refuse to kill him) – all that might give the robot a push in the right direction.

1 year ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I honestly would not be surprised if, should the Zeke/Ethan bond be reforged, Zeke goes antihero on the Troll. The trolls brand of pure malice for its own sake is one of those situations where a variety of ethics systems result in, ah… culling.

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Atros

Zeke already has a low opinion of humans, the Troll would be truly beyond the pale.

Daniel Sørensen
Daniel Sørensen
1 year ago
Reply to  Bett Me

I don’t see the need to rush back to it, since it has a natural pause right now. It makes room for other lingering stories that has been sideline for Zekes story for the past few years. It will come back, but hopefully not in a while

1 year ago
Reply to  Bett Me

>But nice to be reminded Lilah still exists.
Not really, I have learned to tolerate the reboot but any mentionof Lilah slightly tears me up and I remember the great storylines and character development of the original cad… Really would wish he’d just replace her with another love interest this time around.

James Stakey
James Stakey
1 year ago
Reply to  JdW

While I see why you might think that, it’s not really the same story. The characters are loosely similar, sharing a lot of the same traits with their original version, but they are also different, and this will allow him to explore their relationship ina different way. Besides, he did try to put in a different love interest. Remember the delivery girl?

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Tim

They were great comics and I remember them fondly, but I never had the burning desire to see an arc progress there, like I do here.

Dom, The Pun-isher
Dom, The Pun-isher
1 year ago
Reply to  Tim

I loved-‘hated’ the ending found in a CAD 1.0 PDFs/Omnibus, but it was good ending, good closure.
Unless/until Disney buys it and does it’s thing. (breaks the continuity, retconning etc)

God, imagine if they merged Ethan McManus (the Han Solo esque comics you wrote long ago) or (god forbid) Starcaster Chronicles into their Marvel/Disneyverse.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tim

One thing I really liked about the old CAD was that the comics were largely independent. Sometimes there were 2 or 3 linked comics, but beyond that they were not part of a larger storyline. While the current story is more interesting, I just really hate cliffhangers and it seems that most of your story lines (also the starcaster stuff and the campaign) are only about cliffhangers these days… it just makes me sad 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  Tim

I love the first years too, but I get why you did the reboot. The old format was too resticting and you wanted to give them a more full life while working the old characters back in, and I do hope you’re working Lilah back into the cast like you did Zeke. She was the only one that could somewhat control the old Ethan’s wild ideas and actions. Discovering he is a super might make at least want to talk to him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tim

I just like both Ethans and storylines, for different reasons. The first one is “first love” (been here since nearly the beginning). This new one certainly presents a more realistic and relatable Ethan that you can do A LOT more depth and nuance with.

The first one was such a walking joke sometimes, you couldn’t get very serious without anyone wondering how he even survived to chronological adulthood. Even though the more serious storylines were fun, they were partly because you didn’t overdo those.

In any case, thanks for the many fond memories.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bett Me

I personally don’t miss Lilah; I find her boring. I suppose Tim intends to eventually make her a more integral part of the storyline, but I for one am happy that she hasn’t been around much for the approximate decade since CAD 2.0 began. Between the brotherly relationship between Ethan and Lucas as well as the well-done superhero dynamic between Ethan, Lucas, Scott, and Zeke, I feel that bringing Lilah more into the picture would be just shoehorning in an outdated love interest character from a previous series that wouldn’t really fit in this one. Though if it never goes… Read more »

1 year ago

I mean, he’s a troll. What other reason you’d expect him to have?

1 year ago

I made a joke a couple pages ago.
I really did not expect it to come true…

1 year ago

Does someone have a link to the “dropped off the building” comic? (Yes, I’m that lazy…)

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Drew
1 year ago

Calling her by full name for the first time can only mean The Troll is around to hear all of this too… hoo boy.

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Lumi

The troll would have known she was there and what her name was. She wrote a headline article for the local paper about his fall.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lumi

Yeah… a rescue is in the works, I’m sure of it now….

1 year ago

I would never wish death on the Troll, but I’m not sure I’d have stopped him from falling, either.

Sometimes society benefits when some people experience the consequences of their own decisions.

1 year ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

“I won’t kill you…but I don’t have to save you either” – Batman

1 year ago

Ethan is on the arrow again, while he was walking on the roof on the last comic. I wonder if that means he hopped on the arrow to go down and talk to one of the firefighters, and came back again…

1 year ago

Zeke will kill the bugger as a peace offering.
Lucas will kill the bugger for some peace and quiet.

1 year ago

trolls love to rewrite history

1 year ago

Lets look at this logically, this “troll” kidnapped 3 innocent people, rigged them with explosives, and tried to force our heroes to decide who dies… This might be trollish, but this is far beyond your typical troll behavure! He is SO sure that all heroes are villains underneath that he’s willing to kill to prove it. He’s not a troll, he’s an outright villain! So “dropping him” was well within any hero action. If it was the only way to save those he’s willing to kill, then yes, drop him, shoot him, crush him between two cars, what ever it… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Scarsdale