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Infernal Demons, p9

June 16, 2023 by Tim

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1 year ago

I know people can be stupid, but its so over the top it strains credulity. That anyone would believe that. Now if that guy shows up in a landfill with his neck snapped they might believe that Analog killed him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

I don’t know. We got people today actually arguing that the Eatth is flat. I don’t put anything out of range for someone to believe it anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

I mean, we have people that genuinely believe the earth is flat, aids doesn’t exist, vaccines hurt people, and that covid was a hoax. I don’t have faith in anybody’s ability to think rationally anymore.

Dom, The Pun-isher
Dom, The Pun-isher
1 year ago
Reply to  Rauri

I think the vaccine and covid hoax topics are very sensitive to talk about, but I understand some peoples genuine concerns. It is worrying, if nothing else.

Not That Brian
Not That Brian
1 year ago

The only “genuine concerns” were pushed by pundits with an agenda.

There is no concern about the vaccines that aren’t addressed by calmly reviewing the facts.

And sorry, Covid Hoax is only a sensitive topic to someone who bought into a certain false narrative. For the rest of us, it’s not a sensitive topic, it’s a depressing one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Not That Brian

I got pericarditis from the first dose of the Vaccine. My only concern about it is that they left it up to businesses (in my country) on whether they’d mandate it for their workforce. Because as a result, I had an 11 month battle with my employer (despite medical advice from multiple Doctors and specialists not to get a second dose of any Covid vaccine available in my country) to avoid being fired because I “wouldn’t comply with company policy to get fully vaccinated against Covid” despite having worked from home for 2 years at that point. I’m also almost… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Frizbee
1 year ago
Reply to  Frizbee

That’s not the fault or a problem of the vaccine, or at least not one that’s relevant in a pandemic at a population level.

You getting pericarditis was an unfortunate but *rare* side effect, and iirc pericarditis from contracting the virus itself without being vaccinated is thought to be more dangerous by the relevant experts. Everything after the occurrence of one probably-vaccine-related pericarditis case is your country’s medical system and employment conditions being messed up, not the direct fault of any specific vaccine.

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago

Dom here is an excellent example of what I think is going on. People love to say shocking, silly things in order to get attention on the internet. Lots of people will know that the “Analog” video is fake but will push the story anyway because they think its funny, etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

I don’t think the point is to actually make people believe it. The point is to get a reaction out of Analog. And I’m guessing it works.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

The Troll is literally just that. His goal isn’t really “convince people Analog has really done this” it’s to get a reaction out of Ethan.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

people are angry about fucking vaccines, you know? Stupidity has not limit.

1 year ago
Reply to  leduk

Some people should take a vaccine against f’ing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

Only 2 things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. I am not 100% sure on the first one.

John Swift
John Swift
1 year ago

What an ass. I hate the IRL people who view that kind of griefing or intentional damage as trolling. The troll isnt portrayed as somebody stable of course, i dont recall much about the prior meeting but I hope Zeke pays him a visit.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Swift

In the first meeting he tried to play up an “Analog and D-Pad are gay for each other” joke by renting out a billboard with a crude ohotoshop image of them. When they decided not to respond to it and deny him the attention (figuring that all he wanted was attention), he escalated by capturing a group of innocent people, strapping bombs to them, and challenging our heroes to pick *one* person to save. Unfortunately, unlike real internet trolls, ignoring The Troll is not an option as he will escalate things to criminal levels if he doesn’t get the attention… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Brian

Don’t forget, he didn’t just strap bombs to them, he accidently killed one. Troll had them labeled ‘Playstation-XBox-Nintendo’ and D-Pad asked about PC, whom Troll admitted died.

So he had already committed one murder by that point.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju

Thank you for these recaps. There’s been so much content that it gets difficult remembering previous characters from years past, and using the back arrow is only feasible if you have hours to read all of the strips one click at a time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju


Oh, and in the scene where he’s setting up the bombs he’s also talking about how this is all Analog and D-Pad’s faults for not rising to the bait with the billboard so now he “needs” to do the bomb plan.

1 year ago
Reply to  Brian

He will also escalate things to criminal levels if he DOES get the attention he wants. That’s the real scary thing about the troll- there is NO winning. Ethan can be a murderer, or he can let the Troll kill people, or he can arrest him and let him find ways to grief him from within the legal system. All options lead to Ethan’s misery.

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

Unless Ethan decides he doesn’t care and the Troll can live out his life in a 6×9 box. In our world once he was in custody there would be a no-contact order which the jail will enforce.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric the White

He escaped from the hospital which obviously has less security. If the troll had landed more softly and wasn’t in a coma he’d be in that box.

1 year ago

Rage grinding. Well, it’s a tactic I suppose!

1 year ago
Reply to  RblDiver

I’m mildly disappointed they haven’t out an actual skill in a game like Diablo called “Rage Grinding”
I think of a few ways to do that for a Barbarian as something that would make sense in universe.

1 year ago

Well, as long as he’s not that guy that got to level 100 and then perma-lost his character due to a server disconnect…

1 year ago
Reply to  Nono

I’m losing track of the people that got their runs ruined by out-of-nowhere server whoopsies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nono

is he playing hard-core? bc I dont remember that.

1 year ago

Not that trolls have consistent logic but if he’s called masturbation man then why is he jerking off other people?

1 year ago
Reply to  Taylor

Who said anything about other people? I imagined him just showing up, dropping his pants, and having a go until the villain gets creeped out and leaves.

Dom, The Pun-isher
Dom, The Pun-isher
1 year ago
Reply to  ThisIsNotDan

Oh God there must be so much recorded comedy sketches of this out there. XD

1 year ago
Reply to  ThisIsNotDan

I am curious if this meant to imply he’d fight crime by pleasuring himself (all over the criminals’ faces, hopefully blinding them?), or just by pleasuring the criminals themselves.

I feel like the second one is what it was because it is more active. They can just shoot an exhibitionist, but might have a harder time aiming if they’re being stimulated. And the recipients will be nice and sleepy for the authorities. Well, the dudes, anyway. ?‍♂️

Dom, The Pun-isher
Dom, The Pun-isher
1 year ago
Reply to  Taylor

It was me, Barry?

1 year ago

Ok I admit. That was unexpected.
Now I’m curious.

1 year ago

In all honesty. I think The Troll is one of the best superhero villians i’ve seen in a while.
By moving actual real-life trolling behaviour down to the letter, into a fictional superhero setting. You get something that is somehow even worse than the infamous madman characters we already know and poses a far greater struggle than them for the protagonist.

1 year ago
Reply to  Foxhood

My only critic on it, is how easily the troll got out. We know some comic book companies are stupidly unrealistic on that, with the “Joker escapes for the 22890280th time.” But I expect better from this.

Right now, it’s kinda acceptable because it’s just once. But I hope it doesn’t become a habit. I’m guessing not, since Tim has no reason to stretch his stuff forever for money like those companies do.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

Here’s the thing. The Troll did not ‘escape’. He was in a hospital bed and disappeared. From what I gather he was in no shape to get up and leave on his own power. So someone else got him out. Someone that has some backing because the bombs were still tidy and no one knew about the explosion removing PC from the mix. If I were to guess? Troll is a politician’s kid. Someone used to getting his way and one of his parents cleaning up the mess to protect their own reputation. So until the support group is dealt… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  nealithi

I need something clarified, before I can reply properly. Are there any actual details in the story, about how the troll got out?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

A comic or two ago someone posted the link. During an interview Lilah told Analog that Troll disappeared out of his hospital room.

Sorry I am terrible at finding and placing links.

But from that I got that this guy didn’t pull some super max escape. Someone got him out.

1 year ago
Reply to  nealithi

That’s certainly possible. But it’s also possible he simply woke up and got out. Security isn’t as strict around comatose patients as it’d be for fully active criminals. He wasn’t under constant surveillance, just a cop positioned outside his room. Given that Analog could sneak in and out without being noticed, the Troll could conceivably do the same if he had woken up.

It’s true that he was (seemingly) in no shape to escape, but he’d fallen into a truck of undefined chemicals, and in superhero universes that could do anything. Some kind of unexpected recovery is entirely possible.

Captain Chelo
Captain Chelo
1 year ago

I would say, this may lead the need to ask for help from the super heroes association. While the troll is still a small potatoe as is just a psycho with some garage tools level of resources, he’s indeed a crazy terrorist that harm inocent people for no gain The whole issue of him being a petty manchild demanding attention does make it hard to deal and there’s no tell for how far he may go. Even if let’s say he managed to make Analog and D-Pad either retire or die, what’s stopping him from picking a new target and… Read more »

1 year ago

I am so sad for Ethan.

1 year ago

Counter: Ethan actually go online himself and make a joke video. like ‘ Well I Was Analog so It’s really just switching ports and hey if that really Was an effective way to appreHand criminals there would be So Much ‘DNA evidence’ because unlike this little troll I Deliver. I hope they can get some help with that. Erectile dysfunction is terrible and really goes to your head.’

1 year ago

so masturbation man is taking the ‘ai kim jong un on youtube’ approach…

1 year ago

That’s thing about trolls, Lucas: They will go the distance to piss off someone for their own amusement. Because at the end of the day? As long as they get their joy, not only do they not care if the world burns, they will pour gasoline to the fire. That’s how selfish and ignorant such people are.

1 year ago

I would have figured the Troll as the deep fake type, not one to recruit people.

1 year ago

Probably would have been a more effective troll if the troll hadn’t put two prominent troll smiles in the background of his “public announcement.”

1 year ago

I fear it all leads to the Troll having the superpower of shapeshifting (fall into chemicals, been unidentifiable for a while, getting away without anyone notice and I do no believe that he’s recruiting). Hope I’m wrong- I don’t want Ethan’s nightmare to literally come true!