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It’s Rough Out There

February 4, 2019 by Tim

Every so often I get someone asking if they can buy a print of a certain comic they really enjoyed. It’s a thing we used to offer, but haven’t done so in a long time. But people still ask once in a while, so I thought I’d try and bring that back. So from this page you can order a signed and (if you want) personalized copy of your favorite Ctrl+Alt+Del strip, printed directly from my high-res files, to hang/frame/eat/whatever,

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6 years ago

dude, if people can play just cause’s jetpack dlc, they can learn to fly these bricks without trouble

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

“For a brick, he flew pretty good!”

6 years ago
Reply to  huh

my favorite halo 2 quote (that said I couldn’t beat the game, mouse controls were so freaking sucky for some reason, now that I’ve got a pad I should give it another go)

5 years ago
Reply to  huh

Learn to Fly 2 crowd, eh?
Haha I remember those days.

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Even with a controller that was infuriating

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

what are you talking about? flying was a breeze! It was the easiest thing to master in the whole game.

6 years ago

Awesome! Made my day. Thank you, Tim! :’D

6 years ago

100% Acciurate. I’ve spent more time hitting things when flying than shooting Scars!!!

6 years ago

“Pangk”?! Somebody please pronounce that for me? 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Thomas


6 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

its like the word “punk”, but with a higher pitch.

Just a random commenter
Just a random commenter
3 years ago
Reply to  ReffK

No-no, “pungk” is the past perfect tense of “pangk”. It goes pingk, pangk, pungk 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

Ya ever watch Iron Man 2? It’s the sound they make when they punch eachother in the helmeted head.

6 years ago

Had zero issues flying on the PS4 version. PC control updates inbound though.

I’m still passing on day 1 buying Anthem though.

6 years ago
Reply to  FITCamaro

Same. No real issues flying. But I just felt lost in the game. Like unsure.

It’s not a definite no at this point, but I will definitely be waiting for reviews.

6 years ago

I want to play Anthem. I want to own it, I want to immerse in it. But it is feeding the beast that is EA, this is like asking someone on a diet for obesity to walk through a room full of cake.

6 years ago

I was so hyped for this game… until I tried it. The whole city should be scrapped: it’s completely useless as a concept and should be there only for those who want to take a stroll, they tried to copy Destiny and The Division yet failed so miserably. Having to walk to the suit to start a mission instead of pressing select – start mission in inconceivable… The menus are a hot mess, and unbearably slow to navigate. Sorting out the inventory was one of the most frustrating experiences of the game (right after swimming in pitch black waters). The… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  des

“Having to walk to the suit to start a mission instead of pressing select – start mission in inconceivable…” It’s there to pad play time stats “The menus are a hot mess, and unbearably slow to navigate. Sorting out the inventory was one of the most frustrating experiences of the game (right after swimming in pitch black waters).” Again, there to pad play time stats. It seems like all these “games as a service” BS games are making terrible UI on purpose. “The lack of any ingame communication in a multiplayer game is also bonkers.” Again, this is done on… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  des

I hated how slow everything was in the city. I’m walking around first person with no option to sprint and a long way to go?

6 years ago
Reply to  GTP

They said they’ll add sprinting in town for release, but I dislike the whole town concept.

I want my options all at max 2 second walk distance from where I spawn, I don’t want to run through alleys to get to where I need to go for every different option.

6 years ago
Reply to  des

Ah, so you want another “just shoot stuff” game with Zero Immersion were you just click through text until you get to shoot stuff again. gotcha.

i mean, i am not an EA or Anthem fan either, but your reasoning seems Kind of ridiculous.

6 years ago
Reply to  Boulder

You think this is a story driven game? Are you serious?

This is a shooter, nothing more than a CoD or a Battlefield.

Destiny lets you start a mission from the menu, you don’t have to walk anywhere in particular, how bad is that?

6 years ago
Reply to  des

It sounds like you’ll be able to do everything you need to for missions from the social hub going forward. Maybe not for the campaign, but once you’ve finished it. I don’t mind the city idea. It just needs faster movement speed. The weird thing is that you’re moving forward and it sounds like you’re running, but you can look at your feet and see them, and you’re basically running in baby steps.

6 years ago
Reply to  FITCamaro

Hopefully you’re right, I’ll still hold from buying the game and see what the actual development brings forward.

5 years ago
Reply to  des

How about a 15-30 second max walk?
And then it gets a little faster by sprinting.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

“The city doesn’t do anything in the demo because it was a DEMO. During the closed alpha that’s where we talked to all of our faction people, shopped and got involved in quests.” Not my objection at all. I said all the points of interest in the city are too far apart and I can’t be asked to spend most of my time in game *walking* from a menu to the other. Sure I know they’ll add running, it does very little to alleviate the problem. Just to be clear, I have the same gripe with Destiny: there’s no reason… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  des

Saying that you hate how other people use the in game communication and so you refuse to use it is different than there being no in game communication.

6 years ago
Reply to  darkening

Yes, I was harsh, but if the communication method you choose is bad it’s equivalent to not having one.

The memes about 12-year olds screaming “I [made love to] your mom” are not exactly news 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  des

The city isn’t just an MMO time waster. It’s a classic part of Bioware immersion. This is absolutely a Bioware story driven game. They just hid most all of the story from you during the demo as they did not want to spoil it. Notice how you probably don’t know anything about the cataclysm, titans, shaper relics, the Dominion, etc. This isn’t Destiny. It’s more like Mass Effect with Coop and some extra stuff to do on the side/open world. The city changes as things occur, your choices have impacts, etc. It is supposed to be the primary way that… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Zemerick

“The city isn’t just an MMO time waster. It’s a classic part of Bioware immersion. This is absolutely a Bioware story driven game.” I’m ok for it to be there for the people who like following the story, there should be a way for those who don’t to quickly get done with it, though. “There are 2 settings to adjust for mouse smoothing and acceleration. I forget their exact name and which is which, but basically you want 1 at 0% and the other at 100%. This way it reacts exactly to your movements, 1 to 1.” Seriously? I read… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  des

If you play FF for the gameplay, don’t fuss if the cutscenes feel a bit long. Sometimes people like the same meat, but a different cut of it. You just have to eat through the parts you like, and ignore the ones you don’t.
…yes, I’m hungry.

6 years ago

Flying was horrible until I realized I didn’t have to hold W while flying. No explanation on how to do things. The designer of swimming needs to be strung up, however. 🙁

6 years ago

Their primary fault lies in their decision to use an *older* build than what will be released (only to then have to explain to complainers that it’s ‘older, and won’t be like the actual release”). That is a horrible choice to make for a DEMO (which, being an ‘earlier build’ was pretty much giving us a scrapped beta build). The objective is to give people a taste of what the game *will* be, not an example of a crappier build than the one you were satisfied with enough to release. If it didn’t fit *your* standards, then it’s likely not… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Logan

The separate demo build was definitely an odd choice. Another place it caused a lot of issues, is people expected there to be some serious improvement between the VIP and Open demos. However, with it being a special build that was thrown in the trash after just a few days…it’s amazing they bothered with any sort of patch at all. I imagine that had more to do with improving how the client interacts with the servers ( to better match how the live game will perform with its various improvements from about 2 months of work ), and probably adding… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Zemerick

May not have been marketed that way, but do you *seriously* think that there weren’t people who went out and pre-ordered *after* knowing about it? Yes. Those people paid for early access, not just the game. And yes, the VIP “demo” from near the end of Jan (the only VIP demo they had.. >_> ) And I have *no* subscriptions for either EA or Origins Access! I did not pre-orde . And recieved no invite codes. Only thing I pay for even remotely similar is XBox’s own Games Pass, which is a conpletely seperate thing ftom EA.. As said I… Read more »

6 years ago

Flying was messed up because they used some crappy analog stick emulation. If you flew using a controller it was fine. Then try flying with a mouse and it’s AIDS. It had nothing to do with “momentum” as so many white knights want to say.

6 years ago
Reply to  Torsoreaper

I didn’t have any issues flying after I turned down the sensitivity but the swimming controls were horrible though turning down the sensitivity for that did help as well. Flying like a pro does take some getting used to though. Big thing is to not hold down the W key as that’s essentially your afterburner button to fly forward faster. Slowing down does have it’s purposes as it does allow for tighter turns.

6 years ago

Flying is tricky, but have you tried the underwater section? It takes a bit to even find which way to go, and not smash into rocks, if not drown, on your way through.

6 years ago

Having issues trying to post from PC. Keep randomly getting the message “Your comment was not accepted, please check that everything is filled out completely”, even though everything *is* filled out completely and properly. Some days it does this, some days it doesn’t.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Happens to me every so often to. Not sure what causes it.

6 years ago

You made my day with this comic ! Your video games comics are always so accurate !
Cheers !

6 years ago

They even have an Amanda Holliday? Looks like Destiny 2 with extra steps.

6 years ago

all I want is a Warframe with more RPG
so I can wait until cyberpunk

3 years ago

“It certainly wasn’t a crappy jetpack slamming me into shit. How ridiculous would that be?…”