I write this as a massive fan of the MCU, and a (fluctuating) Star Wars fan, fully aware I am contributing to this future.
I see it… it concerns me… yet I’m not sure I’m willing to do what would be necessary to stop it.
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5 years ago
I dunno, of all the megacorps to take over the world, I think Disney might be the least worrisome, at least we’ll have a Disneyland Matrix to play around in
I mean, considering that Disney disbanded Disney Interactive Studios, that means that you’d live the rest of your days in a massive, fully-immersive virtual reality simulation created by EA.
I’m not sure there are words to describe the kind of hell that would be.
“Awe-inspiring” “An experience like you’ve never had before” “Definetely not requiring critics to be held at gunpoint to get positive reviews” “Enjoyable for the overly specific target audience”
Disney is a legal beast. There is an entire class of laws named after Disney (Mickey Mouse laws). They have actively pursued shutting down a day care because they had painted up some disney characters on their walls. I’m in the worried about Disney taking over camp :/
My vote would be for Tesla. It’d probably see us with a green environment, an active space-faring population, a permanent habitation on Mars, and lots of power solutions for the planet. Of course, they’d not want to be overseen by anyone (or any national government) so they aren’t exactly lily white… more like a light grey…
5 years ago
*Mom voice in last panel. Resistance is futile.
5 years ago
Once they give me my Moon Knight show I’ve been waiting forever for they can stick me in any pod and charge me whatever on wherever for more MCU goodness!
5 years ago
“Where your problems all are hidden / and unhappiness forbidden / you’ll find salvation for a modest fee.”
All God’s children shall be free in
Pirates of the Caribbean
When we reach that Magic Kingdom in the sky
David Gibson
5 years ago
It’s only really worrisome in the west. Disney *seems* big, but it really isn’t. It’s the 24th best performing company in the world and is well, well below Amazon, Alphabet/Google, and Apple.
And Alibaba, which is #7. Alibaba, of course, having its own film division (Alibaba Pictures) and much more in a position to take over the world with its monopoly in the east.
5 years ago
Companies getting too big has always been a concern. Disney already successfully lobbied trademark laws that prevent works from entering public domain. Mickey was about to hit that decades ago, and they stopped it cold. Some of the best works, including their own, existed in the public domain first. That actually includes Steamboat Willy.
And thus we see where money, political campaigns, donations, and corruption intersect.
5 years ago
> I see it… it concerns me… yet I’m not sure I’m willing to do what would be necessary to stop it.
Not willing to destroy capitalism.
Not willing to back regulators who can break up too big too fail companies.
Not willing to make Elizabeth Warren the next President of the USA.
No, I’m not willing to give any power to Lier-watha, No, i’m not willing to destroy the means of which people can become successful on their own.
5 years ago
Hmmm. Panel one: Okay go for it. Most companies I see buy a competitor to shut them down and make cheap dreck because they have no competition. Disney would at least still put the stories out.
Panel two: Why Chicago? Wouldn’t Detroit be cheaper?
Panel three: can the masks be used off Disney property?
Panel four: “I just wanted to thank you for keeping me from the EA pods. You work just as hard but for nothing there.”
For panel 2: Detroit would be cheaper to buy, but the soil isnt suitable to build their pandora park. They’re going to split Detroit between their robocop park, and their mad max park.
For panel 3: you can and cant. In theory you could use it off of Disney property, but you cant get off of Disney property.
In honor of sky scorching… “When the Disneybots first were created, they were monitors. Administrators of our dreams. The few of us who escaped realized that their power source was not filthy coal but the sun itself, their solar panels screeching towards 95% efficiency. We knew that without a power source, the Distatorship would struggle, shudder, and collapse. So we blotted out the sun, crippling their power cells. The sun fell on our land no more, and victory seemed in sight. We should have realized that the sun is needed for photosynthesis and a functioning biosphere and all that. And… Read more »
5 years ago
There is a reason monopolies are illegal…. whats been going on with both Google and Disney (by extension their properties) for the past 5 years is emblematic of why this is.The FTC needs to get off their butt and do some monopoly breaking.
It’s composition is such as to preclude effectiveness. And the fact 2 of 6 positions are sitting empty with no signs of anyone filling them should tell you what the administration of today thinks of any sort of regulation of business (we don’t need that, thanks…).
Watchdogs need to report to Congress as a whole and there ought to be a mandatory legal requirement to fill vacancies expediently and that ought to be done by an arms length panel of experts and who cannot be tied to big media (or other influence) nor can they receive kickbacks.
5 years ago
All hail the Disney Overlords
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Boy, that escalated quickly. And just think – that’s the happy little existence we have here in the States, as consumers of those products. Not to get too negative about it, but Disney’s one of the more egregious users of sweatshops and child labor to manufacture their clothing and toys, which are also some of their biggest moneymakers. It’s one of the many reasons why I don’t consume much Disney, not for me or our daughter, who is in Disney’s target demographic. Not THE reason, but a big one, personally. I’m sure a lot of little hands would be going… Read more »
Yeah, sure, stop buying their products. It’s because of you that soon those poor kids in third world countries are unemployed! Making Disney toys was their one source of income. Now they are all headed towards prostitution just to make a buck (or half a cent). Have a heart, keep buying Disney toys!
I’d rather choke to death on your pretentious grand-standing and have my Catholic extended family discover my porn collection than support sweatshops or child labor.
Grahm Clacker
5 years ago
The search results said this was a comic about video games…
The better closing panel was seeing the Matrix robot with a “WeSaySo INC” stencil on it. If you get that joke then you know some pop culture.
El Gordo
5 years ago
I’d watch it
5 years ago
The only thing not realistic about this, is that Disney would buy Detroit first, because it would be such a low ball purchase compared to NYC or Chicago. Who cares that it’s in the process of devolving into an urban wasteland, since they’re going to level it anyways.
That was also before the reboot.We’re into a whole new (and uncompatible) continuity now.
5 years ago
i laughed at this a bit harder than i should have.
5 years ago
“I activate my Ouija Board. A card so heinous, so sinister, it had to be censored twice. Now it just says ‘FINAL’
“What’d it say the first time?”
Tyler Provick
5 years ago
You are doing the only useful thing: Creating original content. Let Disney buy all the existing IP. As long as there is new IP being created there are new voices in the culture. This is what matters.
5 years ago
I’d prefer Disney to Fox. At least Disney doesn’t put out great shows, play the “what day of the week is it on” shell game and then cancel the show because of “low ratings”.
I mean, we’ve just got to accept the fact that Fox has to make room for terrific shows like Dark Angel, Titus, Undeclared, Action, That 80’s Show, Wonderfalls, Fastlane, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Skin, Girls Club, Cracking Up, The Pitts, Firefly, Get Real, FreakyLinks, Wanda at Large, Costello, The Lone Gunmen, A Minute With Stan Hooper, Normal, Ohio, Pasadena, Harsh Realm, Keen Eddie, The $treet, American Embassy, Cedric The Entertainer, The Tick, Luis, and Greg the Bunny.
At the very least, Fox did give us proper Deadpool. Now that it’s off to Disney and MCU’s turn to what Marvel comics are, I weep for the guy in red spandex… who has killed all of Marvel(twice, but who’s counting). Could we get that as a movie?
5 years ago
i am right there with you tim.
QP Quaddl
5 years ago
One way to do something is to keep yourself aware of the phenomenon. Alan Bryman has done a really great job in his book The Disneyization of Society looking at the various aspects and factors related to the rise of Disney. Check it out if you get a chance!
Been telling people for years, Love Disney.. But soon they are going to own you.
And Don’t get me started on what they are doing to the brains of our youth.
5 years ago
There is no spoon.
5 years ago
Murder the Rogue Servitors with fire
5 years ago
Meh, dont worry, disney will **** up at some point.
5 years ago
Don’t worry, Randall Munroe predicted this was coming for a while.
I think the Disney/Germany merger is next.
5 years ago
Disney has concentrated entirely in entertainment. Banging 2 rocks together brings humans entertainment.
When’s the last time you saw something in some way owned by Disney for entertainment?
When was the last time you chose banging two rocks together instead of a Disney product?
For most of us, the answer would be ‘recently’ and ‘never’.
5 years ago
Worked for a small Canadian software company that developed a 3D virtual environment themed as Hogwarts. Our sales guy showed it to JK Rowling and she loved it. Disney had supported us, sort of, in a glacial sort of way plus an introduction. However, the whole project (and thus the small startup I was working for) tanked. It tanked because the product lived a the confluence of movies, books, fan club, video games, website…. and each of those had been sold to a different stakeholder. The project stalled and our company died because the lawyers couldn’t figure out how to… Read more »
5 years ago
huh, you know razing Chicago to put in a theme park isnt that bad an idea. Think we can convince them to turn the rest of California into an expanded Disneyland while they are at it?
Jakk Frost
5 years ago
Puts me in mind of another movie title, which is actually the longest movie title in the English language.
‘Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Alien, Flesh Eating, Hellbound, Zombified Living Dead Part 2 – in Shocking 2-D’
Yes it’s an actual movie, though technically it’s just a hilarious re-dub of ‘Night of the Living Dead’
5 years ago
Chicago gets turned into a poisonous jungle with viscous wild beast, man-eating plants, and giant aliens that are hostile to humans. And it is still safer then it is today somehow.
To Zion with apathy
5 years ago
Disney Matrix will suck. We know this because they will create a beta, release, patch 12 times, then say it isn’t making enough money and pull the plug on us all. As evidence, I present Disney Infinity.
4 years ago
Sadly, this is more probable then not. and those willing to submit to this will have zero impact on reality on this planet. And sadly I’ll be with the group on the desert floor fighting and dying to free you ingrates.
I dunno, of all the megacorps to take over the world, I think Disney might be the least worrisome, at least we’ll have a Disneyland Matrix to play around in
I mean, considering that Disney disbanded Disney Interactive Studios, that means that you’d live the rest of your days in a massive, fully-immersive virtual reality simulation created by EA.
I’m not sure there are words to describe the kind of hell that would be.
“Awe-inspiring” “An experience like you’ve never had before” “Definetely not requiring critics to be held at gunpoint to get positive reviews” “Enjoyable for the overly specific target audience”
Oh, don’t you worry – EA will HAPPILY provide you with an opportunity to look for those missing words inside lootboxes
Disney is a legal beast. There is an entire class of laws named after Disney (Mickey Mouse laws). They have actively pursued shutting down a day care because they had painted up some disney characters on their walls. I’m in the worried about Disney taking over camp :/
My vote would be for Tesla. It’d probably see us with a green environment, an active space-faring population, a permanent habitation on Mars, and lots of power solutions for the planet. Of course, they’d not want to be overseen by anyone (or any national government) so they aren’t exactly lily white… more like a light grey…
*Mom voice in last panel. Resistance is futile.
Once they give me my Moon Knight show I’ve been waiting forever for they can stick me in any pod and charge me whatever on wherever for more MCU goodness!
“Where your problems all are hidden / and unhappiness forbidden / you’ll find salvation for a modest fee.”
All God’s children shall be free in
Pirates of the Caribbean
When we reach that Magic Kingdom in the sky
It’s only really worrisome in the west. Disney *seems* big, but it really isn’t. It’s the 24th best performing company in the world and is well, well below Amazon, Alphabet/Google, and Apple.
And Alibaba, which is #7. Alibaba, of course, having its own film division (Alibaba Pictures) and much more in a position to take over the world with its monopoly in the east.
Companies getting too big has always been a concern. Disney already successfully lobbied trademark laws that prevent works from entering public domain. Mickey was about to hit that decades ago, and they stopped it cold. Some of the best works, including their own, existed in the public domain first. That actually includes Steamboat Willy.
As I understand it, Disney was the primary force behind the push to endlessly extend copyright duration.
Indeed so.
And thus we see where money, political campaigns, donations, and corruption intersect.
> I see it… it concerns me… yet I’m not sure I’m willing to do what would be necessary to stop it.
Not willing to destroy capitalism.
Not willing to back regulators who can break up too big too fail companies.
Not willing to make Elizabeth Warren the next President of the USA.
don’t give the power: take it and split it. Anarchy is the key. Kropotkine is teh boss.
Disney even made a film about Warren – Pocahontas! 🙂
lol priceless haha
I’d prefer Goofy to Elizabeth Warren.
No, I’m not willing to give any power to Lier-watha, No, i’m not willing to destroy the means of which people can become successful on their own.
Hmmm. Panel one: Okay go for it. Most companies I see buy a competitor to shut them down and make cheap dreck because they have no competition. Disney would at least still put the stories out.
Panel two: Why Chicago? Wouldn’t Detroit be cheaper?
Panel three: can the masks be used off Disney property?
Panel four: “I just wanted to thank you for keeping me from the EA pods. You work just as hard but for nothing there.”
For panel 2: Detroit would be cheaper to buy, but the soil isnt suitable to build their pandora park. They’re going to split Detroit between their robocop park, and their mad max park.
For panel 3: you can and cant. In theory you could use it off of Disney property, but you cant get off of Disney property.
Reminds me of a line from a dystopian movie….
“All restaurants are Taco Bell.” (they won the restaurant wars)
I got that reference!
Or Pizza Hut, depending on which release you are watching….
That last one… makes me think of The Matrix… Is that how it all started?!
In honor of sky scorching… “When the Disneybots first were created, they were monitors. Administrators of our dreams. The few of us who escaped realized that their power source was not filthy coal but the sun itself, their solar panels screeching towards 95% efficiency. We knew that without a power source, the Distatorship would struggle, shudder, and collapse. So we blotted out the sun, crippling their power cells. The sun fell on our land no more, and victory seemed in sight. We should have realized that the sun is needed for photosynthesis and a functioning biosphere and all that. And… Read more »
There is a reason monopolies are illegal…. whats been going on with both Google and Disney (by extension their properties) for the past 5 years is emblematic of why this is.The FTC needs to get off their butt and do some monopoly breaking.
It’s composition is such as to preclude effectiveness. And the fact 2 of 6 positions are sitting empty with no signs of anyone filling them should tell you what the administration of today thinks of any sort of regulation of business (we don’t need that, thanks…).
Watchdogs need to report to Congress as a whole and there ought to be a mandatory legal requirement to fill vacancies expediently and that ought to be done by an arms length panel of experts and who cannot be tied to big media (or other influence) nor can they receive kickbacks.
All hail the Disney Overlords
Boy, that escalated quickly. And just think – that’s the happy little existence we have here in the States, as consumers of those products. Not to get too negative about it, but Disney’s one of the more egregious users of sweatshops and child labor to manufacture their clothing and toys, which are also some of their biggest moneymakers. It’s one of the many reasons why I don’t consume much Disney, not for me or our daughter, who is in Disney’s target demographic. Not THE reason, but a big one, personally. I’m sure a lot of little hands would be going… Read more »
Yeah, sure, stop buying their products. It’s because of you that soon those poor kids in third world countries are unemployed! Making Disney toys was their one source of income. Now they are all headed towards prostitution just to make a buck (or half a cent). Have a heart, keep buying Disney toys!
I’d rather choke to death on your pretentious grand-standing and have my Catholic extended family discover my porn collection than support sweatshops or child labor.
The search results said this was a comic about video games…
Video games AND GAMERS. I just checked Google.
I mean, if we’re all plugged into the Matrix by 2027, what else do you call us but gamers?
Are we still gamers if we are the game o.O
The better closing panel was seeing the Matrix robot with a “WeSaySo INC” stencil on it. If you get that joke then you know some pop culture.
I’d watch it
The only thing not realistic about this, is that Disney would buy Detroit first, because it would be such a low ball purchase compared to NYC or Chicago. Who cares that it’s in the process of devolving into an urban wasteland, since they’re going to level it anyways.
With the buying power to purchase NYC, what makes you think Disney hadn’t already bought Detriot and made a Robocop themepark from the ashes?
I thought it was Vampire Zombie Han Solo.
Vampire-Zombie Han Solo was Episode XVIII, catch up with the canon already.
That was also before the reboot.We’re into a whole new (and uncompatible) continuity now.
i laughed at this a bit harder than i should have.
“I activate my Ouija Board. A card so heinous, so sinister, it had to be censored twice. Now it just says ‘FINAL’
“What’d it say the first time?”
You are doing the only useful thing: Creating original content. Let Disney buy all the existing IP. As long as there is new IP being created there are new voices in the culture. This is what matters.
I’d prefer Disney to Fox. At least Disney doesn’t put out great shows, play the “what day of the week is it on” shell game and then cancel the show because of “low ratings”.
Not that I’m bitter or anything.
I mean, we’ve just got to accept the fact that Fox has to make room for terrific shows like Dark Angel, Titus, Undeclared, Action, That 80’s Show, Wonderfalls, Fastlane, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Skin, Girls Club, Cracking Up, The Pitts, Firefly, Get Real, FreakyLinks, Wanda at Large, Costello, The Lone Gunmen, A Minute With Stan Hooper, Normal, Ohio, Pasadena, Harsh Realm, Keen Eddie, The $treet, American Embassy, Cedric The Entertainer, The Tick, Luis, and Greg the Bunny.
Funny thing about that, the guy that cancelled Firefly is the one that took back Spider-man from the MCU. =D
Well at least Fox didn’t couldn’t take the sky from you… oh wait.
At the very least, Fox did give us proper Deadpool. Now that it’s off to Disney and MCU’s turn to what Marvel comics are, I weep for the guy in red spandex… who has killed all of Marvel(twice, but who’s counting). Could we get that as a movie?
i am right there with you tim.
One way to do something is to keep yourself aware of the phenomenon. Alan Bryman has done a really great job in his book The Disneyization of Society looking at the various aspects and factors related to the rise of Disney. Check it out if you get a chance!
Been telling people for years, Love Disney.. But soon they are going to own you.
And Don’t get me started on what they are doing to the brains of our youth.
There is no spoon.
Murder the Rogue Servitors with fire
Meh, dont worry, disney will **** up at some point.
Don’t worry, Randall Munroe predicted this was coming for a while.
I think the Disney/Germany merger is next.
Disney has concentrated entirely in entertainment. Banging 2 rocks together brings humans entertainment.
I don’t think it’s something to worry about.
When’s the last time you saw something in some way owned by Disney for entertainment?
When was the last time you chose banging two rocks together instead of a Disney product?
For most of us, the answer would be ‘recently’ and ‘never’.
Worked for a small Canadian software company that developed a 3D virtual environment themed as Hogwarts. Our sales guy showed it to JK Rowling and she loved it. Disney had supported us, sort of, in a glacial sort of way plus an introduction. However, the whole project (and thus the small startup I was working for) tanked. It tanked because the product lived a the confluence of movies, books, fan club, video games, website…. and each of those had been sold to a different stakeholder. The project stalled and our company died because the lawyers couldn’t figure out how to… Read more »
huh, you know razing Chicago to put in a theme park isnt that bad an idea. Think we can convince them to turn the rest of California into an expanded Disneyland while they are at it?
Puts me in mind of another movie title, which is actually the longest movie title in the English language.
‘Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Alien, Flesh Eating, Hellbound, Zombified Living Dead Part 2 – in Shocking 2-D’
Yes it’s an actual movie, though technically it’s just a hilarious re-dub of ‘Night of the Living Dead’
Chicago gets turned into a poisonous jungle with viscous wild beast, man-eating plants, and giant aliens that are hostile to humans. And it is still safer then it is today somehow.
Disney Matrix will suck. We know this because they will create a beta, release, patch 12 times, then say it isn’t making enough money and pull the plug on us all. As evidence, I present Disney Infinity.
Sadly, this is more probable then not. and those willing to submit to this will have zero impact on reality on this planet. And sadly I’ll be with the group on the desert floor fighting and dying to free you ingrates.
And then there’s Amazon…