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Late To The Party

October 23, 2017 by Tim

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7 years ago

Yeah, I wonder if delaying the PC release of Destiny 2 is going to hurt the amount of sales it’s going to get. I’m getting it for PC regardless (I don’t have any consoles) as is a few of my friends so we’ll be fine in that regard with people to play with but I do wonder if bungie shot themselves in the foot.

7 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

I guarantee it did by at least one player. I was originally significantly stoked for it, after the PC Beta, but I’m not even planning to purchase it now.

7 years ago

It will, but cold day in hell before I play a FPS on console again.

I purchased an XBOX (gen 1) just for Halo 1… That is it, never paid for another game. I loved the game but hated every min of the controls.

Never again.

7 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Also I got the game for “free” using WOW gold > blizzard balance… So I’m laughing even if I get it later.

7 years ago
Reply to  Adam

And how would you go about doing that? Sorry its been a couple years since ive played wow but ive got about 300k on my old main that i never spent and i could probably reactivate it for a month to get destiny for free

7 years ago
Reply to  Michael

You can buy WoW tokens ingame for gold and then use them for balance. Problem is that 300K is not even near enough for Destiny 2. 300K will give you just about 12.99 EUR on EU, or 15 USD on US, and not even a full token in other regions. Destiny 2 costs around 4X those prices. so you’re looking at about 1.2-1.5M gold to buy the game.

7 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Use to see how much each token costs in your region, then trade it for Blizzard Balance using the following:

North America: $15 USD or $17 AUD
Europe: €12.99 EUR or £9.99 GBP

when you have enough accumulated, buy Destiny 2 and pick Blizzard Balance(in EU you need like 1.1m gold or something like that)

7 years ago
Reply to  Michael

On the US servers, you would need about 650k gold (4 tokens) to buy the standard version of Destiny 2. 300k will come a little bit short of 2 tokens.

A brief glance at Tim's thought process
A brief glance at Tim's thought process
7 years ago

The many faces of Ethan:
1: The face of success
2. The face of boasting
3. The horribly disgruntled and disfigured face

7 years ago

To think that other video game companies (or at least their publishers) want to replicate this game and its success. No thank you. If you want to get inspiration from games, at least pick games that are good. When I hear that some companies are trying hard to make their games be like No Man’s Sky (that was the inspiration for Mass Effect Andromeda and look how well that went) or Destiny, I can’t even comprehend the thought processes involved in those decisions. Especially when it comes to games that are supposed to be heavy on narrative. Open-world games and… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  SWM

I think it’s unfortunate when any game dev tries to make a game like any other game ever-that’s why my gaming habits have been tilting towards indy developers for the originality. Not to say that I won’t sit down and enjoy a franchise every now and again, but I sure won’t buy it new. I tend to wait until the blockbuster games go on sale on steam or humble bundle. I can wait 6 months to get it 75% off or more!

7 years ago
Reply to  SWM

To be fair, Bioware really wasn’t putting in the resources and time necessary to finish Mass Effect Andromeda and released it early when they thought it would earn them a specific score on metacritic. The sad thing is that a lot of the bugs and crappy graphics in the game are gone now and it’s now in a decent state.

7 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

It’s not a “bad” game by itself. But as a successor to the Mass Effect legacy, it is SEVERELY lacking. Story is sub-par – it had potential but they dropped the ball Choice no longer matters 2 new alien races (besides the machines) and both races look like reskinned versions of eachother (for obvious reasons, but still) That giant world of tons of aliens from the previous games? Hardly any show up. If ME:A was the first game in a completely different IP and a new studio, then I’d say (after all of the bug fixes) it’s not bad for… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Mandoor

I was pissed when I found out that the quarians were more of an afterthought intended for DLC instead of represented as all the other races, even though like a third of the technology that took the Initiative to Andromeda (including the ship you fly around in) was made by or worked on heavily by quarians. Not to mention that it felt weird not having them around after they’d been in three games. Having loyalty missions in Andromeda made no sense either. In Mass Effect 2, it worked because you were going out on a suicide mission and needed everyone… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Urazz: that’s sadly become commonplace in the industry, especially on PC, though it occasionally spills over to console games as well. Look at the stress the PC version of Arkham Knight went through, even though it’s honestly my favorite Arkham game of all. Yet they released it with a lot of issues for a significant portion of their user base. I was one of the lucky ones who had no issues, and I also received it for free due to some graphics card promotion at the time so I was happy the full way through, but if I’d have had… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  SWM

*crashes through window* CAN I PLAY DEVIL’S ADVOCATE?
Seriously though, the No Man’s Sky being replicated is probably in reference to how big the universe is. Not how much story or quality or anything, just the quantity.
As for Destiny 2 being linked to it…they both have stuff on planets that are not Earth. Yeah.

7 years ago

Kinda curious, there have been a lot of Ethan and Lucas comics lately, are you gonna be continuing to show them in weekly strips, besides the Analog and Dpad comics? Or is this just temporary?

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I have to say, I definitively like that you brought them back and I’m definitely enjoying the new versions of these characters. Keep up the good work TIm.

D2 Lover
D2 Lover
7 years ago

I just hope everyone actually moves on instead of trying to ruin the game like they ruined D1. Leave the game. Leave forums.

7 years ago
Reply to  D2 Lover

Indeed, we could use some positivity.

7 years ago
Reply to  D2 Lover

There are no D2s; D3s and D6s to D10s and D20s those all exist…but never have I seen a D2. Oh wait, that’s a coin.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

DISCLAIMER: I am well aware as to what D2 refers to.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago

That’s gotta stink. Half the point of games like that is playing with your friends… though I guess that if Ethan chose the PC version, he already chose not to play with Lucas and Scott.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Why is the game cross-platform? I was under the impression that it wasn’t so that feeling shouldn’t be there so much since those still playing and are ahead won’t be even playing with those starting on PC.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That’s surprising, with a game that reviewed so well. I’ve been listening to some podcasts where they discuss Destiny 2; I hear that while there’s a ton of content in it, there’s not much to keep you in there after you’ve played through it all, and it gets a bit samey after a while.

7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

So, like any kind of MMORPG then? Except it looks like Destiny 2 doesn’t extend it by having RNG stats and thus cause us to grind for perfect stats on a weapon we want and that is something I feel I can live with.

Andrew Hendrix
Andrew Hendrix
7 years ago

I’m excited as ever. Like Ethan, my friends are playing on console, but my wife and I are playing on PC. I’ve carefully avoided most spoilers and waited patiently day after day. I know I won’t get to play with most of my console peasant friends, but I’ve been craving Destiny with PC controls since day 1 of the original Destiny. Its unique mix of FPS and RPG hits a sweet spot with me, even if the main story has been basically garbage. I don’t play Destiny for the story, I play it because it’s my perfect mix of genres.… Read more »

7 years ago

That is what happened to me with the first Destiny. Played, leveled, grinded, and quit. Just got bored of it all. Not going to bother with the second one…

7 years ago

I remember a similar situation back when Left 4 Dead first came out. I was the one who showed the previews to my three other friends, but at release time I didn’t have enough money. They did. They bought it, and played the bejeebus out of it. By the time I could afford it, they’d all gotten bored and moved on to something else.

Eric C.
Eric C.
7 years ago

I was in the same boat as Ethan. I was on the fence though about getting Destiny 2 at all (for PC). All my co-workers and friends that got it on console are already burnt out. Now I have no intention to get the game. Most have commented on how shallow the game really is and a few wished they saved their money for something else.