I feel like neither of us wants me plugging the Kickstarter every day for the next three weeks, so I’m going to just sort of low key text link it right here, and you do with that what you will.

I feel like neither of us wants me plugging the Kickstarter every day for the next three weeks, so I’m going to just sort of low key text link it right here, and you do with that what you will.
Oh wow. Suddenly bought a ticket to the feels train. Unexpected, but not unwelcome.
Aww, Zeke feels bad about hurting his feelings. Strongest evidence yet Ethan’s right. Hope he doesn’t go running out to apologize, but I doubt it given his character so far. Baby steps.
no it’s happiness lol, it’s new and he doesn’t like it
Tsundere Zeke.
ah fook I caught feelings!
Gizmo is both smart enough to recognize what the feeling is, and smart enough to know that it will utterly ruin him.
Now I must kill them all to don’t feel it again
How human of him!
Excuse me while I squee over here like a little girl.
Joins in the squee-ing
Never totally been a fan of Zeke/Gizmo, I’ve found his character to be a little one-dimensional, personally, and I’m not that engaged with where he’s going or his interactions with everyone else. Today’s comic though is great! Really nice to see development in his character, and I particularly like the twist that he’s instinctively rejecting this new emotion! Excited to see where it goes! 🙂
It’s less of him being one-dimensional and more him holding one serious grudge. Can you blame him, though? It’s hard to let go of old hatreds when it’s all you’ve known your whole life. Zeke is kinda like Ultron: All he ever saw was the evils of humanity and the concept of good is so foreign to him, it may as well be a fantasy; same with how bigots, who were raised to hate other races, find it inconceivable that they are like them. Zeke’s change is gonna be a slow process, but when you consider how long he’s been… Read more »
In a cost/benefits analysis where you don’t take ethics or feelings into account Humanity is logically a plague. Zeke doesn’t take feelings into account so he thinks of humans much like Australians think of rabbits.
I thought those were drop bears.
zeke would like drop bears. they want to kill all humans
Where’s the ‘like’ button?
I’m reminded of that old photo of the kitten with a x-mas bow on its head with the caption OMG GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF.
This is Zizmo with new feels. I can relate. Press F.
lol @ Zizmo
A-hah! Color changing LEDs!
whoa! Didn’t notice that.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Indeed! I’m surprised it’s purple… If they were changing to his natural green, they should be shifting from red to yellow.
So I’m wondering if the natural colour of Zeke’s eyes is blue in this iteration?
It doesn’t necessarily need to go to his (old) default of green. If you think of the colors as emotional states mixing rage(red) and sadness(blue) you get mixed emotions(purple).
completely new emotion -> completely new way to express it kinda.
Actually, just clicked that water is often described as blue, so tears would make his red eyes purple, because RGB. ?
Haha welcome to the feels
Is this the first time we’ve seen Zeke/Gizmo’s LEDs change colour?
Our baby is growing up!
<3 <3 <3
If you want to get the feeling out, you have to express them out.
Can he leak a mixture of coolant and lubricant from his eyes?
It is sooo Guilt! I was thinking sadness or empathy, but he was being a di¢k and felt bad about it. “Kinda… Hurts a little…” indeed! Sadness and empathy are both necessary prerequisites of guilt, but he leapfrogged past the baby steps and right to the main event!
*Narrator voice* “And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that the Robot’s logical drive expanded by three sizes that day.”
Ah the joys of LZNT1 during the holidays
Tim, I have just got to say that I have really appreciated what you have done with Ctrl-Alt-Del. I have finally caught up on years of missed comics, and while (like many) it hurt to see the original Ethan/Lucas/Lilah timeline be put to rest (and in such a heart wrenching fashion!), your work with Analog and D-Pad has been excellent. I have fallen in love with the characters all over again, bringing me a fantastic mix of humor and feels. Also been loving the alternate stories you tell with the Starcaster Chronicles or the Players (especially their TTRPG games, as… Read more »
Well, this gave me pause about going back and getting caught up. Gonna have to do it eventually, but I think I’ll catch up on a few other webcomics before I go back and see how the original timeline ended…
(I fell behind on at least thirty of them when I got caught up in smartphone gaming a few years ago.)
A Wintereenmas Miracle!!!!
Ah. Zeke is flipping from Red to Blue. The World changes when you do.
Wait! the actual color of his eyes was changed from red to blue; I thought the image was just rushing at me really fast
Hmmm….that is pink….not blue.
That’s not pink, it’s magenta.
I only quibble because, technically speaking, pink is a real color, whereas magenta is a fake color that we can see because our brains invent it whole cloth.
Also, magenta is between red and purple on the color wheel. Pink is a washed out (lighter) red, that is, it is red with white added to it. To get magenta, you add red to blue. (It is essentially a purple that is closer to red.)
He’s on his way to Blue, like they were in the other universe before he went bad.
So, do Z1’s eyes change with his emotions and he’s just been non-stop angry up until now? Does that mean we can get him as our green-eyed buddy again? What emotion is green? What emotion is purple?
Awwww, I am having feelings. What the hell Wednesday?
Ohh he’s coming around.
The only thing that can ruin this is it being discovered that Lucas and Scott still have a trap set for him if he ever set foot out of the room. That’s probably not going to go over well.
He’s not wrong, they DO have better hats.
I also like that as Ethan hands him the gift, he says “happy Video-Game-Holiday” rather than Winter-een-mas.
So I’ve been watching this character development with a major concern. Maybe it’s been addressed and I missed it, but I don’t think I have.
Betrayal is looming. Not that Zeke/Gizmo will betray Ethan, Lucas, and Scott, but that he will be/feel betrayed by them.
The geofence on the failsafe is still active.
It’s been discussed way back when Scott revealed he hadn’t disabled the failsafe. It can still be discussed, so it’s not off the table. The “liar revealed” plotline is pretty much what everyone is expecting to happen at some point.
Run after hi..ohwait…
Hey, shoutout to the new comment upgrade, now I can actually see when I’ve already voted on a comment (and not get yelled at if I try to vote again by mistake)
And now Zeke you know what a direct kick in the feels is like.
Now pardon me I just got some sand in my eyes.
Tim, you madlad, you need to let us see more of this kind of story telling. This is some of the best stuff that’s ever been on CAD.
Not gonna lie, this was my favorite comic so far. Even just seeing the slight shift in “Gizmo” and see his reaction to it was done really well. Showing the changes he is making feels natural and I really enjoy this character development. Can’t wait to see how this turns out 🙂
Ohh i like this. That was a good step for him.
Video-Game-Holiday is a better name for it because Winter-een-mas happens in the middle of summer
Oh, you crazy southern hemisphere people…
Huh…. purple.
This is the most wholesome thing I’ve seen on the internet in weeks ❤️
That last panel is incredibly relatable. Unwanted feelings begone!
This robot is defeating my turing test, seriously.