It’s a common spammer tactic. Make a proper comment, have it manually reviewed and approved, and then edit it to whatever you want to spam about. Any upvotes carried over from the old comment is of course a bonus.
7 months ago
Absolutely thought we were getting dead Ethan and instant respawn, kinda glad we didn’t lol.
Makes you wonder, what if Ethan loses a finger or thumb (through his usual carelessness), now before he’d just finish himself off and respawn back with a complete set of digits – but here, he wouldn’t dare, just have to live with it.
7 months ago
He’s back, ladies and germs!
7 months ago
Lucas is going to spend an age worrying about Ethan and later when he snaps over it we will learn that Ethan already died and respawned again like three days ago.
7 months ago
“Maybe think about it just a little” Just last night was watching the Firefly episode where Shepard gets shot. Doc was kidnapped, Zoe is trying to comfort Shepard with “We don’t make him hurry for the little stuff.” Shepard weakly replies “You could make him hurry a little!”
7 months ago
His superpower wasn’t deleted. Only Altered. Now, instead of undoing deaths, it *redirects* death events to other nearby players. Basically He swapped out infinite lives for infinite luck.
Then anyone who dies in his place returns as a vengeful ghost trying to kill him… effectively creating even more vengeful ghosts, whenever they are successful?
Man, would that be a Torment.
I have this vision in my mind about how the “Has Ethan lost his super powers?” story is going to resolve: Last page of an arc is Ethan kicking the metaphorical bucket, then a set of strips each from The Campaign, The Console Wars, Starcaster Chornicles, maybe some news comics or other oneshots sprinkled in between. Then, after several months, when the fanbase is pretty much foaming at the mouth for some new Analog and D-Pad content, we get a flashback filler arc, maybe of a time when Ethan’s sister was still alive. Once that’s done, the last panel page… Read more »
This is the new Ethan, Ethan 2.0, a danger for the rest of the world
So, Beta-Ethan. Narrowly undid a timeline where he ended humanity, at the cost of his own life.
Many Bethans died to bring us this information.
B-Ethans, indeed.
I know that’s what you meant, just spelling it out… 😛
Ethan 2.1
Literally mumbled “maybe thing about it just a little” out loud, word for word, as soon as I saw that knife go up.
For some reason, trying to edit my typo gets me temporarily banned by Wordfence. The heck is that about?
It’s a common spammer tactic. Make a proper comment, have it manually reviewed and approved, and then edit it to whatever you want to spam about. Any upvotes carried over from the old comment is of course a bonus.
Absolutely thought we were getting dead Ethan and instant respawn, kinda glad we didn’t lol.
At this rate it how long can it be until that happens?
Maybe his new superpower is that causality bends around him in such a way that he’ll never find out.
That’s called “plot armour”
Respawing without the whole “dying” thing
no, just all stat points went to Luck stat 😉
But how long until he gets Woozy Winked?
And it starts.
The name of this episode is starting to sound rather disturbing, what with KNIVES flying around…
Makes you wonder, what if Ethan loses a finger or thumb (through his usual carelessness), now before he’d just finish himself off and respawn back with a complete set of digits – but here, he wouldn’t dare, just have to live with it.
He’s back, ladies and germs!
Lucas is going to spend an age worrying about Ethan and later when he snaps over it we will learn that Ethan already died and respawned again like three days ago.
“Maybe think about it just a little” Just last night was watching the Firefly episode where Shepard gets shot. Doc was kidnapped, Zoe is trying to comfort Shepard with “We don’t make him hurry for the little stuff.” Shepard weakly replies “You could make him hurry a little!”
His superpower wasn’t deleted. Only Altered. Now, instead of undoing deaths, it *redirects* death events to other nearby players. Basically He swapped out infinite lives for infinite luck.
Then anyone who dies in his place returns as a vengeful ghost trying to kill him… effectively creating even more vengeful ghosts, whenever they are successful?
Man, would that be a Torment.
Or just one soul repeatedly respawning into the same period in time, e.g. just where Ethan’s grappling hook finds a pot of petunias.
Oh, no. Not again!
I have this vision in my mind about how the “Has Ethan lost his super powers?” story is going to resolve: Last page of an arc is Ethan kicking the metaphorical bucket, then a set of strips each from The Campaign, The Console Wars, Starcaster Chornicles, maybe some news comics or other oneshots sprinkled in between. Then, after several months, when the fanbase is pretty much foaming at the mouth for some new Analog and D-Pad content, we get a flashback filler arc, maybe of a time when Ethan’s sister was still alive. Once that’s done, the last panel page… Read more »
Please don’t give Tim interesting ideas 😀 (not that he has a shortage of his own 😀 )