Much like the “Curiosity killed the cat” saying almost never being followed by the supposed “but satisfaction brought it back”, I believe “You don’t have to worry about me” is missing something afterwards, like “but you should definitely worry about I’ll be doing in your absence.”
*Pictures Ethan folding laundry and starting off a Rube Goldberg device because of a hot jeans button.
6 months ago
Ah. I know all too well the sort of combination of person and phrase which just sent Lucas’ brain on a whirlwind tour of The Multiverse of Possible Calamity. 😏
6 months ago
one little phrase links his mind to the multiverse of possible outcomes ethan had been dealing with until recently
6 months ago
my far left field guess, after hes home alone we see him gaming with zek online or something
Kevin Greenbaum
6 months ago
“Just remember, you can’t be mad at me if I start dating a reporter later” is a decent after thought.
ah yes, famous last words; “You don’t have to worry about me”
Could be worse. At least he didn’t say, “I’ll be right back.”
If he had said that we’d be finding out very soon whether his powers are there or not
Or “What’s the worst that could happen?”
Or “What could possibly go wrong?”
I miss Bubsy …
Worst what I’ve heard is “see you on the other side” minutes before a friend drove a scooter into a concrete pillar, killing him immediately.
Much like the “Curiosity killed the cat” saying almost never being followed by the supposed “but satisfaction brought it back”, I believe “You don’t have to worry about me” is missing something afterwards, like “but you should definitely worry about I’ll be doing in your absence.”
Customers are always right …. in matters of taste.
Feels like that Lucas is thinking about if someone abducted Ethan and replaced him with a clone that actually got reason or something …
My thoughts exactly. Who’s the skinwalker and what have they done to the actual Ethan?
Ethan’s “mortal” now. He has to slow down a bit, so it makes sense he would be more reasonable.
On the one hand, the house blows up.
On the other, hey at least Ethan might figure out he still has his powers…
Hello. The website layout is weird in Firefox. I tested it on Edge (Win10) on the same computer and it works correctly.
Lucas: “yes hi fire department? Yeah he said I didn’t have to worry about him. Yes, 2 engine companies stationed outside the house should be good…”
I can’t imagine the fire department gets a lot of reservations lol.
“Lucas I have good news and bad news. The bad news is, the house exploded. The good news is, Lazarus properties remain intact.”
I’m living for emotionally mature Ethan. Growth!
Regression is coming. Just wait for it
To be fair…. Lucas is right.
I mean, this is page 4 of a storyline. I’m guessing that it’s not going to just be six pages long and end with Ethan folding some laundry before bed.
Please. Ethan? Fold laundry?
That is for to laugh. ha ha ha!
*Pictures Ethan folding laundry and starting off a Rube Goldberg device because of a hot jeans button.
Ah. I know all too well the sort of combination of person and phrase which just sent Lucas’ brain on a whirlwind tour of The Multiverse of Possible Calamity. 😏
one little phrase links his mind to the multiverse of possible outcomes ethan had been dealing with until recently
my far left field guess, after hes home alone we see him gaming with zek online or something
“Just remember, you can’t be mad at me if I start dating a reporter later” is a decent after thought.