It’s a joke about a popular Meme where Bernie Sanders who refuses to accept big donations from Corporations asks the people for another dollar for his campaign.
hes a U.s.a politician, imo scummy always has his hand out for money dureing election years, and even when hes not running for election he has his hands reaching for our tax$ a notoriuous spender
by spending you mean wasteing then yes they dont need to fly everywhere for vacation on the taxpayers dime, raises all the time ect cetra throwing our money at people who dont want to work or shouldnt be here in the first place
Donors can only donate so much according to US law and Bernie is not a billionaire like Tom Steyer or Michael Bloomberg. There are Super Pacs they can donate to but Bernie Sanders tries not to rely on big donors so he could say he’s not beholden to them. I’m not a Bernie Sanders supporter but there is a reason he’s asking for money.
No, actually donors can spend all they want. That is pretty much what Citicens United is all about, Money = speech. Also corporations are people -> corporations can donate as if they where people. Also super pacs dont have to disclose who donated money to them. So basically you guys have a system, where unknown entities, be it corporations or billionaires, can buy influence enough to to swing votes in their favor. Been doing that for over a decade. Advertisements have proven to have made voters vote against their own interest over and over again. And bought pundits spew their… Read more »
In otherwords, it is aping a Bernie Sanders political advert in which he has asked for more political funding. Sanders wants to increase US taxes to fund a single payer healthcare system and his campaign is primarily funded by small donations, thus his fundraising rather than soliciting in private for one off large donations is instead focused around trying to convince a large number of people to give a small amount. Being with the fractured nature of US politics, depending on where you sit on the political spectrum he is either the Second Coming of Christ (or being that he… Read more »
There’s a 3rd option: He’s a lot better than the other guys.
I don’t see him as our savior or whatever drama the media keeps trying to put out. I just simply believe he’s qualified and I believe Trump isn’t. There’s no deeper thinking than that.
Considering the other candidates, being “Better than the rest” is not exactly setting a high bar. I can see him geting the nomination, enough democrats lean socalist to give him a chance. I dont see him winning the general however as I think independents will flee from the prospect of a socialist president and even a good chunk of the democrats may have second thoughts. Wont get many Rep defectors, they love trump to the tune of high 90’s approval in party.
That bothers me, too. All these other, vastly less-rich countries can “afford” it, so what gives? I think it has to do with the business end of research and development – the profit motive drives capitalism (news flash lol) which drives drug and medical companies to constantly push for new advantages in the field. Other countries rarely contribute to medical development (proportionally speaking). If we stopped developing, we could knock prices of medical services way way down, and make medical care socialized. BUT then… we stopped the development…
Large swathes of our government and operations are already socialized, y’know. Tends to work well in sections of the government concerning the direct public well-being. Our Fire services, police, many utilities, etc, are all socialized. Having profit-motivated medicine is a pretty obvious conundrum, though I don’t think Bernie’s proposition is the answer, its easy to see how socializing medicine has an appeal.
Leduk – Yes I know the difference between socialism and dem-soc. However the distinction is subtle and honestly irrelevant to most people that care enough to separate the two. They either strongly oppose or embrace both, not many in the middle that only like 1 and outright reject the other. The vast majority of voters are to low info to even care that a difference might exist. It wont matter though. Bernie has claimed to be full on socialist in the past. He has praised Castro, he praised Venezuela till that imploded. Several of his staffers have been caught making… Read more »
There’s not really a such thing as democratic socialism, Bernie honestly made it up. You can put any words together that doesn’t mean it’s that thing. Bernie isn’t even a socialist, he doesn’t believe that the government should own/control the means of production. The things that he praises are things the government should have a hand in. Healthcare and education. Shitty governments can have a few good things about them. Castro educated everyone. That’s a good thing. He also did so many shitty things that it taints the few good things he’s done. I mean I’m certain Hitler did something… Read more »
Also I wonder why news, at least CNN, haven’t mention about his “fellow Americans working at weapon factories and those rich people that i apprehended for trying to deny their income” and “bringing jobs by confirming an expensive jet fighter project that has been collecting dust and would make Pentagon Wars’ look sane by comparison”, and keep insisting that he isn’t part of Military Industrial Complex.
Seriously, I think the candidates are incompetent solely by not pointing on that sore point.
” the distinction is subtle and honestly irrelevant to most people that care enough to separate the two” are you even serious? I dont need that. I wont feed the troll.
Even though I lean more left than right, I can agree that Trump, stupid or not, is absolutely gifted when it comes to the “battle”. Smarter folks forget that the election includes everyone, meaning the hughe bell curve peak of very average folks who can be swayed by mediocre but sensational arguments. He and his help will pull up all that shit and drive it home until it breaks. I really don’t think Sanders can win against Trump. (Then again I’m not convinced any of the others can either. I think none of the Dems, including Sanders, have the grit… Read more »
I’m sick of hearing so many dissing so hard on socialism when no one, regardless of party, has any desire whatsoever to kill medicare, medicaid, and/or social security. Those are 100% socialist policies, but they are so popular that no one will touch them! If socialism is good enough for old people, why are we cutting the younger generation out of it? I don’t agree with 100% of what Bernie Sanders says, but at least he’s no hypocrite. Everyone in Congress is a socialist. Bernie’s just the only one who’s honest about it!
Assuming what you count as “independents”. Either former republicans and libertarians who are scare of Trump, Green Party member getting tired of Jill Stein’s bullshit, a reformer with one focus, a liberal who wanted to remain neutral or dislike party establishment, and an undecided person.
He’s not though. There are Democrats in the running better than him. Some worse, too. But most are better. Bernie being “better” than Trump only comes into play if he wins the nomination, but he really really shouldn’t.
That’s your opinion, and that’s cool too. If you think someone is qualified, you should vote for them. I just don’t believe the others are as qualified. I’m disappointed with Trump. So that just leaves Bernie for me. I’m not gonna play Vegas with politics by voting “the lesser of two evils”. That’s how Trump got into office to begin with and how Hillary was the frontrunner for 2016: “Well, I don’t like him/her, but I don’t want the other one to win, so…” Not once has that ever worked out. So instead, I just vote with who I think… Read more »
Hilary wasn’t the lesser of 2 evils because the democrat establishment stole the nomination from sanders by tipping the scales so Hillary would win. That alone ensures that she was going to lose. The last election should of been sanders and trump.
If they hadn’t done that I think Bernie would be in Office right now. I am not sure the DNC will make the same mistake this time around but the current primary system by the DNC is pretty fishy. I know they made some changes to the superdelegates but we will see what the convention looks like.
Meh, a trained monkey is better than Trump. I’m voting for whoever the Democratic candidate is. So far it looks like it’s going to be Bernie or Biden now if SC was anything to go by.
Not his fault the DNC has,or at least had, donor requirements.
Well, they had them until a multi billionaire dropped 400 million in attack ads and all of a sudden “What Donor Requirement? Oh that Donor Requirement? Pffft, sorry about that!”
400 million dollars to get beaten with a figurative rake on live TV by Elizabeth Warren. Money *well* spent.
Would you prefer he just get his campaign money from backroom deals or bribes or disgustingly enormous inheritances or (insert any other well-known scheme used by billionaires and other politicians to get filthy rich). I keep ending up defending Bernie even though I don’t like him much. His plans seem far fetched, unrealistic, short-sighted, and seem to fail to identify root causes of issues he tries to address. But if nothing else, I do feel that he is genuine. The only motherf*cker on the debate stage who can say he has been supporting all of these values since the goddamned… Read more »
Well, here is my analysis on Bernie Sanders. (Written by left leaning skeptic website) For one, I like his integrity and progressive views but I am frustrated with his stubbornness and unwilling to accept allies (sometimes vindictive) unless they are with him onboard, even against Warren and a little bit with Cortez (also lashing out at Planned Parenthood for endorsing Hilary Clinton). And for some reason, the “establishment” shaker seems to lack very few attacks by big media (except Fox, but the closest critique on “his side” being opinion articles and Rational Wiki who aren’t establishment types). And judging… Read more »
Your entire essay could be summed as gish-gallopping, because you’ve posted so much false information and omitted so many things that it takes disproportionate amounts of energy to debunk every single one of your WRONG points. *** “I am frustrated with his stubbornness and unwilling to accept allies (sometimes vindictive) unless they are with him onboard, even against Warren and a little bit with Cortez (also lashing out at Planned Parenthood for endorsing Hilary Clinton)” Warren is a backstabbing cunt who accused him of sexism apparently 4 years after the fact and then tanked in the fucking polls as the… Read more »
Okay, fair counterpoint there. Just that I wasn’t sure about claims posted on my comic site (scans daily, who is made up of European pro LGBT+ as well as Americans, but just a few like 2 or 3 with rest remaining neutral or “going to pick whoever won” even during 2016 Democratic Primary oddly enough, then again they were interested in comics and not that much into politics, let alone American, so I think I should have been cautious). I was trying to make it ambiguous and trying to give multiple interpretations….but I might have garbled it out of my… Read more »
Props, mate. I didn’t expect that my angry rant would encounter a reasonable reply. Cheers!
5 years ago
In a broader sense, retail as a profession is dying out. Everything can be bought online these days. Gamestop and similar retailers need to move with the times and make their eCommerce options more accessible and sexy. For a lot of these stores, their online shopping experience feels more like an afterthought.
As for the jobs themselves, I don’t have a fix-all solution for that. The best thing I can think of is to sidestep into other, similar areas of face to face service that aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
So true about online. We have the technology now that congress should require every online retailer to charge sales tax and send it off to correct county/state/city. Walmart, Best Buy, etc already do this because they have presence in most states and therefore it is required. This means it’s plausible. I’d hate having to pay the tax but it would help level the competition for physical locations including mom and pop shops.
Of course, selling games online _might_ work for them, but a probably significant portion of their business consists of buying used games from players and selling them again at a higher price.
At least I can’t see how that buying part should work online.
And that is exactly why I don’t buy used games from those clowns. I will deliberately by a new copy of the game to ensure the developer, you know, the ones who made the game, get some revenue from it, not get cut out by them reselling used games at almost new prices. I have to wonder how significantly that affects new game sales numbers. I seriously don’t understand their business model, how do they expect to get new games to sell when they do their best to make sure the game developers can’t survive and produce new content.
You obviously do not have any clue how sales tax works. Have you ever filled out a sales and use tax form? Do you have any idea how different each states reporting is………
I know exactly how it works. When I buy something on steam / amazon they take my Iowa taxes out. They send them to Iowa. Just like any other big company.
Do you know how many different tax laws and areas there are? I mean, there are 50 different states, 3242 different counties, and over 20,000 different cities in the USA. Each one has different sales tax rules and laws, what is and what isn’t taxed, at what percent, etc.
Big companies like to push for internet sales tax because they can afford to set up systems to track that all, which smaller mom-and-pop internet sites can’t.
All of which can be solved with a sales tax solution, if you are small enough not to need one you can do it in other ways, if you are big enough it is a small cost of standard business I have implemented dozens of them.
And when you buy something online and they DON’T take your taxes out, you’re supposed to report that on your Iowa tax returns so they can get their taxes then. That’s Use Tax. Clearly you don’t know how it works. The only way your state isn’t getting their cut of taxes for online sales is if you’re committing tax fraud.
Not that sales tax should exist anyway – we already have income tax. Get taxed when you make money, and get taxed again when you spend what’s left? That’s not how this should work. The government is screwing us.
Speaking as someone who has worked in ERP software with a heavy focus on point of sale for over a decade, I will say this – Sales tax in the US is hella complicated. Everything from the New York State Taxable Burrito vs Non-Taxable Taco to Washington’s geolocation based tax tables where two guys who live across a residential street from one another pay different sales tax rates. In Florida there’s a tax that’s only paid on the first $1500 of the invoice, but in Tennessee it’s on the first $1600 of each item. “Just charge sales tax everywhere” is… Read more »
Repeat after me, businesses DO NOT PAY TAXES. Sales taxes are even on your receipt. Other business taxes are built into the price of the merchandise or service. You think the president of a business or the stakeholders will take a hit because of taxes?! No, they’ll raise prices, lay people off, freeze wages and stop hiring long before they take a hit. This “stick it to em” attitude toward business taxes is getting old. No one seems to get that the fat cats won’t feel it. Any business that does feel them will likely be small businesses (mom and… Read more »
@Steeeve if Businesses did not pay the taxes, then why do they collect the sales tax money? The truth of the matter is that both the customer and the Business pay the tax. Businesses set the price of the item and then factor in the sales tax since they have to pay a portion of the sale of the item/service. Customers then pay for the item/service when they get it.
Buy online and have same day pickup at physical stores for free and guarantee (with ‘deilvery’ drivers moving inventory between stores) the items will be in stock locally with 30 minute pickup. And offer to door delivery for an additional fee. Some people will still walk in and buy some stuff many will pull up curb side and pick up.
Mr. Torgue
5 years ago
Haven’t heard of it, no, as Gamestop is already fully closing in my country. Now that I read up on it: that sounds like a brilliant idea! This is exactly what they need to do. A high-tier gaming hang-out, with quality games and “retro” (hate that word) stuff – also to sell! If they do this, set the prices of what they still do sell reasonably (instead of the upwards of 1000% increase over other stores) and keep it a nice place it will explode. Bring it, Gamestop, this is what we need.
It’s Bernie Sanders. Not sure if you’re in the states at all, but he’s running for president here, and there’s a meme rolling around online with the line from the comic panel here. He’s pretty liberal and whatnot, seems to be trying not to take any donations from lobbyists and billionares, yadda yadda.
Seriously. Politics has become a arm chair spectator sport. They don’t give a crap about the position, it’s just ad hominem attacks about how your a retard for supporting X or a fascist for supporting Y. It feels more like they’re trash talking the opposing football team than discussing the future of the country.
Thank you. 🙂 I try to be fairly impartial when imparting information. I support his policies, but I don’t worship the guy like some do. Politicians shouldn’t have fan clubs.
Just an addendum. He is pretty liberal.. For the United States. For the rest of first world nations, not so much.
His proposed tax brackets are on par with Reagan’s during his first six years and he has repeatedly voted for states rights. Hardly what the rest of the world would call “liberal”.
He’s also advocating for a form of universal healthcare on par with what is offered already in other nations, but is constantly coming under fire for it, with every made up or exaggerated horror story about healthcare gone wrong in such countries being held up as universally true.
the same principles as stores that sell warhammer/magic the gathering etc have, you can’t beat online prices so you have to offer something only a physical location can offer.
Warhammer Stores sell things at pretty fair prices compared to the games workshop site. I have never bought a single Warhammer set online, way more expensive than in the stores.
So, sort of like how Funcoland and other places were kind of like back in the day before Gamestop bought everyone else out?
5 years ago
I wander in to EB Games ( Australia’s version of) every now and then and look for the vanishing PC section before deciding nothing is that tempting, and IF there is, I can probably get it online for a discount if I practice a bit of patience.
EB is treading the same path, closing stores and losing money, but the hardware and extras they sell are consistently overpriced – if it wasn’t for console game demand i think it would have gone under already.
Brick and mortar is under threat everywhere, a sign of the times.
We have EB Games here in Canada too, I love taking my kids in there. It’s like going to a book store: curated content that you can browse and ask about. I find it a great way to find games and gear that we didn’t know we wanted. Having said that, I generally buy games on sale, which means a year or more after launch.
5 years ago
It feels pretty accurate that GameStop would be weeks late to use the meme
5 years ago
Man, I actually wanted a job there when I was in high school (this was back before 2006 mind you.) The idea of being paid to stand around talking games all day sounded fantastic. Knowing what I know now about Gamestop’s business practices and treatment of employees I’m rather glad that never happened, but every time I hear about Gamestop’s steady descent into nonexistance somewhere in the back of my mind I still remember being seventeen years old and going to pick out a new PS2 game when I got paid from my after school job or spending a gift… Read more »
aaron Smith
5 years ago
i wanted to share this on facebook but all it would share is an ancient Silly boo
Meh. Not a GameStop fan. The Bernie Sanders meme is also getting old.
Still voted for the guy though (yell at/chastise me all you want, if it makes you feel better/superior. Doesn’t change the fact I turned in my ballot with his name on it. Get over it.).
GameStop? Meh, they started strong but screwed up along the way and is doomed to go belly-up. I’m just wondering what video game chain is gonna relpace them (I still miss Funcoland).
An ableist is some who thinks that someone with a disability isn’t as good as an “able-bodied” person. Its not exactly a new term. Ducky is calling GYD out for being bigoted.
“What the heck is an ableist? Is there a room where they make up these terms?”
It’s called Twitter. I had to mute the words “ableist” and “ableism” on that site because stupid people use those words to describe literally anything, except of course for actual discrimination and/or hatred against those with disabilities.
Not much to blaim ya for. I swear the last election was more about who do you dislike less than the other guy instead of who do you like the best.
Do find the inversion rather funny though. Last time dems more or less corinated hillery from the start while the reps had a wild clowncar with trump running roughshod over the rest of the field leading to some wild debates. This time the dems said hold my beer when packing their clowncar and their debates are showing promise as a cure for insomnia.
I mean, why would I chastise you? I might be diametrically opposed, but your vote is your vote, and as long as you’re making your decision on your actual beliefs instead of a knee jerk reaction, I can respect that.
And yeah, I also miss Funcoland.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Damn Tim. You made me laugh hard.
5 years ago
I think Gamestop could have had a chance as a second GameXChange type of store if they hadn’t decided that destroying unsold stock was a *good idea*
gamergate mentality is still strong in some people commenting here
5 years ago
U.S. healthcare last Wednesday, Bernie Sanders today…Might as well put Trump in Monday’s comic, Tim!
The Schaef
5 years ago
Nice 🙂
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Earlier this week, my wife and I went to GameStop looking for Civilization VI for $15. While they were out, she did also pick up another deeply discounted game, and I grabbed a few shirts in their “buy two get one” deal, for roughly the same price as I’d spend elsewhere. I know in a lot of respects they’re a terrible company. On the other hand, growing up in the 90s means that game merch still feels magical to me, and going to a place where I can grab a Zelda T-shirt and a Snorlax pillow and a coffee press… Read more »
5 years ago
Tim you should’ve known the discussions that this was going to cause.
This guy like to poke the sleeping bear every now and again. I think he knew what to expect.
5 years ago
I’m going to miss my Gamestop ritual.
1: Enter gamestop
2: Browse games to discover games I’ve never heard of that look interesting
3: Make note of game titles to google later to check reviews.
4: Forget to google reviews, continue playing whatever game I’ve been playing for the last six months.
5 years ago
After receiving notice that my credit info MIGHT have been leaked, MONTHS after my bank caught someone in China using my credit card info (I think might have been one of the events that lead to the detection of the leak), So they took months to fess up to a security breach and then lied about how bad it was. Safe to say I haven’t shopped there since. <_< Good riddens to a company that treated PC gamers like a side note in their brick-n-morter stores.
5 years ago
I like shopping Gamestop for collectibles on clearance.
Love the comments here. I’m not a huge Bernie fan, prefer Warren. But between the two we could have a decent POTUS. He’s good in an argument – errr, debate so if he wins the nom the Presidental debates will at least be entertaining.
when I see some comments I’m… disapointed. “BEWARE socialism castro stalin urss”, or even worst “far right and far left are the same…
5 years ago
Honestly? I still go to EBgames (basically canada’s gamestop) because I like physical copies of games. Im a collector. cant collect digital games.
5 years ago
Man I get Gamestop had a really bad rep in the lower-48, but like they are super important up here in Alaska. Mom and pop game shops don’t really work up here because the shipping fees and Walmart’s game selection is miniscule up here. And like Amazon shipping fees are still a problem and digital isn’t feasible for most people up here as our internet sucks a lot. So what I am saying is; please support Gamestop so us here in the frozen north can still game. (I can’t even order a new PS4 controller or a wireless headset due… Read more »
5 years ago
I like the new concept store ideas from GameStop, actually. I have a GameStop that I always go to, and its always a blast when they convince corporate to let them use their demo units to host tournaments and stuff. I getting to play in an Injustice 2 tournament 2 hours before MK11 came out. They even sprung for pizza and everything, it was really cool.
5 years ago
If only they had acquired a different company that was wildly successful and killed it thinking that would help their main brand.
I don’t get it…
It’s a joke about a popular Meme where Bernie Sanders who refuses to accept big donations from Corporations asks the people for another dollar for his campaign.
Boom boom
OK Boomer. ?
Who? Wha..
hes a U.s.a politician, imo scummy always has his hand out for money dureing election years, and even when hes not running for election he has his hands reaching for our tax$ a notoriuous spender
Ah man if only he was given his money by hardworking lobying groups and companies who expect something in return….
And perish the thought of governments actually spending their tax revenue…..
by spending you mean wasteing then yes they dont need to fly everywhere for vacation on the taxpayers dime, raises all the time ect cetra throwing our money at people who dont want to work or shouldnt be here in the first place
Ah man if only he spent his own money instead of begging poor people for handouts
Ah man if only he wasn’t competing with people who have hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal from billionaire contributors.
Donors can only donate so much according to US law and Bernie is not a billionaire like Tom Steyer or Michael Bloomberg. There are Super Pacs they can donate to but Bernie Sanders tries not to rely on big donors so he could say he’s not beholden to them. I’m not a Bernie Sanders supporter but there is a reason he’s asking for money.
No, actually donors can spend all they want. That is pretty much what Citicens United is all about, Money = speech. Also corporations are people -> corporations can donate as if they where people. Also super pacs dont have to disclose who donated money to them. So basically you guys have a system, where unknown entities, be it corporations or billionaires, can buy influence enough to to swing votes in their favor. Been doing that for over a decade. Advertisements have proven to have made voters vote against their own interest over and over again. And bought pundits spew their… Read more »
His 5 million net worth is nothing at this scale. Nothing to do with any political sides, just the truth. 5 mil = 0 in the scale of this game.
In otherwords, it is aping a Bernie Sanders political advert in which he has asked for more political funding. Sanders wants to increase US taxes to fund a single payer healthcare system and his campaign is primarily funded by small donations, thus his fundraising rather than soliciting in private for one off large donations is instead focused around trying to convince a large number of people to give a small amount. Being with the fractured nature of US politics, depending on where you sit on the political spectrum he is either the Second Coming of Christ (or being that he… Read more »
There’s a 3rd option: He’s a lot better than the other guys.
I don’t see him as our savior or whatever drama the media keeps trying to put out. I just simply believe he’s qualified and I believe Trump isn’t. There’s no deeper thinking than that.
*US Election be like “Evil is evil lesser greater meddling it’s all the same…”
well sure far right and far left are the same uh
You’re right in that you’re not thinking very deeply about it.
Considering the other candidates, being “Better than the rest” is not exactly setting a high bar. I can see him geting the nomination, enough democrats lean socalist to give him a chance. I dont see him winning the general however as I think independents will flee from the prospect of a socialist president and even a good chunk of the democrats may have second thoughts. Wont get many Rep defectors, they love trump to the tune of high 90’s approval in party.
do you really know what socialism is? he’s more a soc-dem. He does not want to seize the mean of production, you know?
Hyphenate whatever discriptive word you want onto it, leduk. Socialism is STILL socialism!
OK Boomer
Universal Healthcare should be easily obtainable to the richest nation in recorded history.
That bothers me, too. All these other, vastly less-rich countries can “afford” it, so what gives? I think it has to do with the business end of research and development – the profit motive drives capitalism (news flash lol) which drives drug and medical companies to constantly push for new advantages in the field. Other countries rarely contribute to medical development (proportionally speaking). If we stopped developing, we could knock prices of medical services way way down, and make medical care socialized. BUT then… we stopped the development…
…. Luxembourg? It already has it.
Technically the Empire of Mali under Mansa Musa’s reign was the richest recorded nation in history…
Large swathes of our government and operations are already socialized, y’know. Tends to work well in sections of the government concerning the direct public well-being. Our Fire services, police, many utilities, etc, are all socialized. Having profit-motivated medicine is a pretty obvious conundrum, though I don’t think Bernie’s proposition is the answer, its easy to see how socializing medicine has an appeal.
Leduk – Yes I know the difference between socialism and dem-soc. However the distinction is subtle and honestly irrelevant to most people that care enough to separate the two. They either strongly oppose or embrace both, not many in the middle that only like 1 and outright reject the other. The vast majority of voters are to low info to even care that a difference might exist. It wont matter though. Bernie has claimed to be full on socialist in the past. He has praised Castro, he praised Venezuela till that imploded. Several of his staffers have been caught making… Read more »
There’s not really a such thing as democratic socialism, Bernie honestly made it up. You can put any words together that doesn’t mean it’s that thing. Bernie isn’t even a socialist, he doesn’t believe that the government should own/control the means of production. The things that he praises are things the government should have a hand in. Healthcare and education. Shitty governments can have a few good things about them. Castro educated everyone. That’s a good thing. He also did so many shitty things that it taints the few good things he’s done. I mean I’m certain Hitler did something… Read more »
Also I wonder why news, at least CNN, haven’t mention about his “fellow Americans working at weapon factories and those rich people that i apprehended for trying to deny their income” and “bringing jobs by confirming an expensive jet fighter project that has been collecting dust and would make Pentagon Wars’ look sane by comparison”, and keep insisting that he isn’t part of Military Industrial Complex.
Seriously, I think the candidates are incompetent solely by not pointing on that sore point.
” the distinction is subtle and honestly irrelevant to most people that care enough to separate the two” are you even serious? I dont need that. I wont feed the troll.
Even though I lean more left than right, I can agree that Trump, stupid or not, is absolutely gifted when it comes to the “battle”. Smarter folks forget that the election includes everyone, meaning the hughe bell curve peak of very average folks who can be swayed by mediocre but sensational arguments. He and his help will pull up all that shit and drive it home until it breaks. I really don’t think Sanders can win against Trump. (Then again I’m not convinced any of the others can either. I think none of the Dems, including Sanders, have the grit… Read more »
But he hates any business that actually makes a profit. All that profit needs to be taxed.
Maybe he should sell two of his three houses
His heart is in the right place, which is good, or the surgeons would have had trouble finding it after he had a heart attack.
I’m sick of hearing so many dissing so hard on socialism when no one, regardless of party, has any desire whatsoever to kill medicare, medicaid, and/or social security. Those are 100% socialist policies, but they are so popular that no one will touch them! If socialism is good enough for old people, why are we cutting the younger generation out of it? I don’t agree with 100% of what Bernie Sanders says, but at least he’s no hypocrite. Everyone in Congress is a socialist. Bernie’s just the only one who’s honest about it!
I mean….I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you this but this admin has picked away *heavily* at medicare and medicaid, and other social programs.
Well, what do you expect from a president beloved by 4chan and YouTubers too stuck in their ass over mocking PC culture.
medicare is paid fore so is ssi but its to late to ditch it now even though to many take advantage of it who dont really need it
Assuming what you count as “independents”. Either former republicans and libertarians who are scare of Trump, Green Party member getting tired of Jill Stein’s bullshit, a reformer with one focus, a liberal who wanted to remain neutral or dislike party establishment, and an undecided person.
Yeah the millionaire whose never had a job, and wants to turn America upside is “qualified”… right.
He’s not though. There are Democrats in the running better than him. Some worse, too. But most are better. Bernie being “better” than Trump only comes into play if he wins the nomination, but he really really shouldn’t.
That’s your opinion, and that’s cool too. If you think someone is qualified, you should vote for them. I just don’t believe the others are as qualified. I’m disappointed with Trump. So that just leaves Bernie for me. I’m not gonna play Vegas with politics by voting “the lesser of two evils”. That’s how Trump got into office to begin with and how Hillary was the frontrunner for 2016: “Well, I don’t like him/her, but I don’t want the other one to win, so…” Not once has that ever worked out. So instead, I just vote with who I think… Read more »
Hilary wasn’t the lesser of 2 evils because the democrat establishment stole the nomination from sanders by tipping the scales so Hillary would win. That alone ensures that she was going to lose. The last election should of been sanders and trump.
If they hadn’t done that I think Bernie would be in Office right now. I am not sure the DNC will make the same mistake this time around but the current primary system by the DNC is pretty fishy. I know they made some changes to the superdelegates but we will see what the convention looks like.
Meh, a trained monkey is better than Trump. I’m voting for whoever the Democratic candidate is. So far it looks like it’s going to be Bernie or Biden now if SC was anything to go by.
Not his fault the DNC has,or at least had, donor requirements.
Well, they had them until a multi billionaire dropped 400 million in attack ads and all of a sudden “What Donor Requirement? Oh that Donor Requirement? Pffft, sorry about that!”
400 million dollars to get beaten with a figurative rake on live TV by Elizabeth Warren. Money *well* spent.
To be honest, for most of us, that was worth it to see him used like a pinata on stage.
Would you prefer he just get his campaign money from backroom deals or bribes or disgustingly enormous inheritances or (insert any other well-known scheme used by billionaires and other politicians to get filthy rich). I keep ending up defending Bernie even though I don’t like him much. His plans seem far fetched, unrealistic, short-sighted, and seem to fail to identify root causes of issues he tries to address. But if nothing else, I do feel that he is genuine. The only motherf*cker on the debate stage who can say he has been supporting all of these values since the goddamned… Read more »
Well, here is my analysis on Bernie Sanders. (Written by left leaning skeptic website) For one, I like his integrity and progressive views but I am frustrated with his stubbornness and unwilling to accept allies (sometimes vindictive) unless they are with him onboard, even against Warren and a little bit with Cortez (also lashing out at Planned Parenthood for endorsing Hilary Clinton). And for some reason, the “establishment” shaker seems to lack very few attacks by big media (except Fox, but the closest critique on “his side” being opinion articles and Rational Wiki who aren’t establishment types). And judging… Read more »
Your entire essay could be summed as gish-gallopping, because you’ve posted so much false information and omitted so many things that it takes disproportionate amounts of energy to debunk every single one of your WRONG points. *** “I am frustrated with his stubbornness and unwilling to accept allies (sometimes vindictive) unless they are with him onboard, even against Warren and a little bit with Cortez (also lashing out at Planned Parenthood for endorsing Hilary Clinton)” Warren is a backstabbing cunt who accused him of sexism apparently 4 years after the fact and then tanked in the fucking polls as the… Read more »
Okay, fair counterpoint there. Just that I wasn’t sure about claims posted on my comic site (scans daily, who is made up of European pro LGBT+ as well as Americans, but just a few like 2 or 3 with rest remaining neutral or “going to pick whoever won” even during 2016 Democratic Primary oddly enough, then again they were interested in comics and not that much into politics, let alone American, so I think I should have been cautious). I was trying to make it ambiguous and trying to give multiple interpretations….but I might have garbled it out of my… Read more »
Props, mate. I didn’t expect that my angry rant would encounter a reasonable reply. Cheers!
In a broader sense, retail as a profession is dying out. Everything can be bought online these days. Gamestop and similar retailers need to move with the times and make their eCommerce options more accessible and sexy. For a lot of these stores, their online shopping experience feels more like an afterthought.
As for the jobs themselves, I don’t have a fix-all solution for that. The best thing I can think of is to sidestep into other, similar areas of face to face service that aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
So true about online. We have the technology now that congress should require every online retailer to charge sales tax and send it off to correct county/state/city. Walmart, Best Buy, etc already do this because they have presence in most states and therefore it is required. This means it’s plausible. I’d hate having to pay the tax but it would help level the competition for physical locations including mom and pop shops.
Of course, selling games online _might_ work for them, but a probably significant portion of their business consists of buying used games from players and selling them again at a higher price.
At least I can’t see how that buying part should work online.
And that is exactly why I don’t buy used games from those clowns. I will deliberately by a new copy of the game to ensure the developer, you know, the ones who made the game, get some revenue from it, not get cut out by them reselling used games at almost new prices. I have to wonder how significantly that affects new game sales numbers. I seriously don’t understand their business model, how do they expect to get new games to sell when they do their best to make sure the game developers can’t survive and produce new content.
You obviously do not have any clue how sales tax works. Have you ever filled out a sales and use tax form? Do you have any idea how different each states reporting is………
I know exactly how it works. When I buy something on steam / amazon they take my Iowa taxes out. They send them to Iowa. Just like any other big company.
Do you know how many different tax laws and areas there are? I mean, there are 50 different states, 3242 different counties, and over 20,000 different cities in the USA. Each one has different sales tax rules and laws, what is and what isn’t taxed, at what percent, etc.
Big companies like to push for internet sales tax because they can afford to set up systems to track that all, which smaller mom-and-pop internet sites can’t.
All of which can be solved with a sales tax solution, if you are small enough not to need one you can do it in other ways, if you are big enough it is a small cost of standard business I have implemented dozens of them.
And when you buy something online and they DON’T take your taxes out, you’re supposed to report that on your Iowa tax returns so they can get their taxes then. That’s Use Tax. Clearly you don’t know how it works. The only way your state isn’t getting their cut of taxes for online sales is if you’re committing tax fraud.
Not that sales tax should exist anyway – we already have income tax. Get taxed when you make money, and get taxed again when you spend what’s left? That’s not how this should work. The government is screwing us.
The taxes serve very different purposes and go to very different places.
Speaking as someone who has worked in ERP software with a heavy focus on point of sale for over a decade, I will say this – Sales tax in the US is hella complicated. Everything from the New York State Taxable Burrito vs Non-Taxable Taco to Washington’s geolocation based tax tables where two guys who live across a residential street from one another pay different sales tax rates. In Florida there’s a tax that’s only paid on the first $1500 of the invoice, but in Tennessee it’s on the first $1600 of each item. “Just charge sales tax everywhere” is… Read more »
Repeat after me, businesses DO NOT PAY TAXES. Sales taxes are even on your receipt. Other business taxes are built into the price of the merchandise or service. You think the president of a business or the stakeholders will take a hit because of taxes?! No, they’ll raise prices, lay people off, freeze wages and stop hiring long before they take a hit. This “stick it to em” attitude toward business taxes is getting old. No one seems to get that the fat cats won’t feel it. Any business that does feel them will likely be small businesses (mom and… Read more »
@Steeeve if Businesses did not pay the taxes, then why do they collect the sales tax money? The truth of the matter is that both the customer and the Business pay the tax. Businesses set the price of the item and then factor in the sales tax since they have to pay a portion of the sale of the item/service. Customers then pay for the item/service when they get it.
Buy online and have same day pickup at physical stores for free and guarantee (with ‘deilvery’ drivers moving inventory between stores) the items will be in stock locally with 30 minute pickup. And offer to door delivery for an additional fee. Some people will still walk in and buy some stuff many will pull up curb side and pick up.
Haven’t heard of it, no, as Gamestop is already fully closing in my country. Now that I read up on it: that sounds like a brilliant idea! This is exactly what they need to do. A high-tier gaming hang-out, with quality games and “retro” (hate that word) stuff – also to sell! If they do this, set the prices of what they still do sell reasonably (instead of the upwards of 1000% increase over other stores) and keep it a nice place it will explode. Bring it, Gamestop, this is what we need.
I’m sorry I have no idea who the dude in the last panel is supposed to be.
@Mr. Torgue – I want you to BLOW UP THE OCEAN!!!! EXPLOOOOOOOOOSIONS!!!!!!
It’s Bernie Sanders. Not sure if you’re in the states at all, but he’s running for president here, and there’s a meme rolling around online with the line from the comic panel here. He’s pretty liberal and whatnot, seems to be trying not to take any donations from lobbyists and billionares, yadda yadda.
I just want to acknowledge that you said that without making him out to be crazy OR messianic. We don’t get enough informativity like that.
Seriously. Politics has become a arm chair spectator sport. They don’t give a crap about the position, it’s just ad hominem attacks about how your a retard for supporting X or a fascist for supporting Y. It feels more like they’re trash talking the opposing football team than discussing the future of the country.
Thank you. 🙂 I try to be fairly impartial when imparting information. I support his policies, but I don’t worship the guy like some do. Politicians shouldn’t have fan clubs.
I agree with Me-Me. Your explanation was wonderfully explained. We need more rational people in the world like you.
Just an addendum. He is pretty liberal.. For the United States. For the rest of first world nations, not so much.
His proposed tax brackets are on par with Reagan’s during his first six years and he has repeatedly voted for states rights. Hardly what the rest of the world would call “liberal”.
He’s also advocating for a form of universal healthcare on par with what is offered already in other nations, but is constantly coming under fire for it, with every made up or exaggerated horror story about healthcare gone wrong in such countries being held up as universally true.
the same principles as stores that sell warhammer/magic the gathering etc have, you can’t beat online prices so you have to offer something only a physical location can offer.
Warhammer Stores sell things at pretty fair prices compared to the games workshop site. I have never bought a single Warhammer set online, way more expensive than in the stores.
to be fair games workshop have their own physical stores so maybe not the best example, definitely more the case for MTG
“A high-tier gaming hang-out…”
So, sort of like how Funcoland and other places were kind of like back in the day before Gamestop bought everyone else out?
I wander in to EB Games ( Australia’s version of) every now and then and look for the vanishing PC section before deciding nothing is that tempting, and IF there is, I can probably get it online for a discount if I practice a bit of patience.
EB is treading the same path, closing stores and losing money, but the hardware and extras they sell are consistently overpriced – if it wasn’t for console game demand i think it would have gone under already.
Brick and mortar is under threat everywhere, a sign of the times.
We have EB Games here in Canada too, I love taking my kids in there. It’s like going to a book store: curated content that you can browse and ask about. I find it a great way to find games and gear that we didn’t know we wanted. Having said that, I generally buy games on sale, which means a year or more after launch.
It feels pretty accurate that GameStop would be weeks late to use the meme
Man, I actually wanted a job there when I was in high school (this was back before 2006 mind you.) The idea of being paid to stand around talking games all day sounded fantastic. Knowing what I know now about Gamestop’s business practices and treatment of employees I’m rather glad that never happened, but every time I hear about Gamestop’s steady descent into nonexistance somewhere in the back of my mind I still remember being seventeen years old and going to pick out a new PS2 game when I got paid from my after school job or spending a gift… Read more »
i wanted to share this on facebook but all it would share is an ancient Silly boo
Try using the direct URL:
Meh. Not a GameStop fan. The Bernie Sanders meme is also getting old.
Still voted for the guy though (yell at/chastise me all you want, if it makes you feel better/superior. Doesn’t change the fact I turned in my ballot with his name on it. Get over it.).
GameStop? Meh, they started strong but screwed up along the way and is doomed to go belly-up. I’m just wondering what video game chain is gonna relpace them (I still miss Funcoland).
Considering how the votes went in the last strip’s comments on healthcare I think you’re safe from recrimination here
True, man, but you never know. With Bernie people either love him or hate and there is no in between.
I’m that in-between. I just think he’s the most qualified. Simple as that.
Nah. People should not admonish the mentally retarded.
Ah, so when someone uses an ableist slur, we shouldn’t call them out on it?
What the heck is an ableist? Is there a room where they make up these terms?
An ableist is some who thinks that someone with a disability isn’t as good as an “able-bodied” person. Its not exactly a new term. Ducky is calling GYD out for being bigoted.
“What the heck is an ableist? Is there a room where they make up these terms?”
It’s called Twitter. I had to mute the words “ableist” and “ableism” on that site because stupid people use those words to describe literally anything, except of course for actual discrimination and/or hatred against those with disabilities.
Not much to blaim ya for. I swear the last election was more about who do you dislike less than the other guy instead of who do you like the best.
Do find the inversion rather funny though. Last time dems more or less corinated hillery from the start while the reps had a wild clowncar with trump running roughshod over the rest of the field leading to some wild debates. This time the dems said hold my beer when packing their clowncar and their debates are showing promise as a cure for insomnia.
I mean, why would I chastise you? I might be diametrically opposed, but your vote is your vote, and as long as you’re making your decision on your actual beliefs instead of a knee jerk reaction, I can respect that.
And yeah, I also miss Funcoland.
Damn Tim. You made me laugh hard.
I think Gamestop could have had a chance as a second GameXChange type of store if they hadn’t decided that destroying unsold stock was a *good idea*
Imagine that! Hard to find games are worth more?!
IS that Bernie Sanders?
Clearly, it’s the reanimated corpse of C.S. Lewis
gamergate mentality is still strong in some people commenting here
U.S. healthcare last Wednesday, Bernie Sanders today…Might as well put Trump in Monday’s comic, Tim!
Nice 🙂
Earlier this week, my wife and I went to GameStop looking for Civilization VI for $15. While they were out, she did also pick up another deeply discounted game, and I grabbed a few shirts in their “buy two get one” deal, for roughly the same price as I’d spend elsewhere. I know in a lot of respects they’re a terrible company. On the other hand, growing up in the 90s means that game merch still feels magical to me, and going to a place where I can grab a Zelda T-shirt and a Snorlax pillow and a coffee press… Read more »
Tim you should’ve known the discussions that this was going to cause.
This guy like to poke the sleeping bear every now and again. I think he knew what to expect.
I’m going to miss my Gamestop ritual.
1: Enter gamestop
2: Browse games to discover games I’ve never heard of that look interesting
3: Make note of game titles to google later to check reviews.
4: Forget to google reviews, continue playing whatever game I’ve been playing for the last six months.
After receiving notice that my credit info MIGHT have been leaked, MONTHS after my bank caught someone in China using my credit card info (I think might have been one of the events that lead to the detection of the leak), So they took months to fess up to a security breach and then lied about how bad it was. Safe to say I haven’t shopped there since. <_< Good riddens to a company that treated PC gamers like a side note in their brick-n-morter stores.
I like shopping Gamestop for collectibles on clearance.
Is this as joke I’m too European to understand?
unless you’re stateside, yeah.
Love the comments here. I’m not a huge Bernie fan, prefer Warren. But between the two we could have a decent POTUS. He’s good in an argument – errr, debate so if he wins the nom the Presidental debates will at least be entertaining.
when I see some comments I’m… disapointed. “BEWARE socialism castro stalin urss”, or even worst “far right and far left are the same…
Honestly? I still go to EBgames (basically canada’s gamestop) because I like physical copies of games. Im a collector. cant collect digital games.
Man I get Gamestop had a really bad rep in the lower-48, but like they are super important up here in Alaska. Mom and pop game shops don’t really work up here because the shipping fees and Walmart’s game selection is miniscule up here. And like Amazon shipping fees are still a problem and digital isn’t feasible for most people up here as our internet sucks a lot. So what I am saying is; please support Gamestop so us here in the frozen north can still game. (I can’t even order a new PS4 controller or a wireless headset due… Read more »
I like the new concept store ideas from GameStop, actually. I have a GameStop that I always go to, and its always a blast when they convince corporate to let them use their demo units to host tournaments and stuff. I getting to play in an Injustice 2 tournament 2 hours before MK11 came out. They even sprung for pizza and everything, it was really cool.
If only they had acquired a different company that was wildly successful and killed it thinking that would help their main brand.
Oh wait….
and to think how the universe has turned ?