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Ohoh Here She Comes

May 20, 2020 by Tim

I wouldn’t say Maneater is at the top of my most anticipated games list this summer (that honor currently belongs to Ghost of Tsushima), but damn if I’m not super intrigued to give it a try.

Maybe we just don’t get enough games where we can play as animals… maybe it brings up a twisted Ecco the Dolphin nostalgia for me. Either way, Meaneater looks silly as fuck, and I’m here for it.

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4 years ago

gotta say maneater looks like a bundle of fun that’ll last about 10H ^^

4 years ago

Yeah, like we definitely needed another medium that pictures sharks as killers, to drive them extinct even more quickly.

Johnny 5
Johnny 5
4 years ago
Reply to  Fela

You’re right, they need lasers.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
4 years ago
Reply to  Fela

The video seemed to have a pretty strong environmentalism message.The tag line was even “Eat the human’s, save the world”

4 years ago

Yup. It has as much environmental empathy as PETA. “Eff the people, the animals are what we should only be concerned with.”

The only saving grace of this message is that it is brought to you by a neon-white glowing shark who eats people as if we’re going out of style while hopping into the air like dolphins in order to barrel-roll bullets and bounce gas containers back onto iconic cinematic boats with its tail. Plus explosions.

It’s hardly serious in context, more of an excuse plot to eat more people than an actual environmental message…

4 years ago
Reply to  Fela

Alternatively, given that the shark is the protagonist in this game, it might make sharks more popular and encourage people to help preserve the species.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
4 years ago
Reply to  Fela

Oh hi there, Jack Thompson. Still promoting the ridiculous idea that video games cause violence, I see. You haven’t learned any new material after all these years?

4 years ago

Remember when he and Hillary Clinton got crushed under their Anti Gamer Billboard? XD

4 years ago
Reply to  Fela

Depicting sharks as being delicious is what’s driving their numbers down. Depicting them as killers does absolutely nothing to their population. Now start aiming your righteous anger towards a bowl of shark fin soup.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bram

actually depicting them as killers drives out the hillbillies who are hunting them for sport…

4 years ago
Reply to  Mael

The main reason behind the shark population decline is commercial fishing. Howeverz many countries use deterents that are often deadly to sharks and other marine animals to “protect” the beaches, exacerbing the problem. Also, since sharks are often seen as dangerous, they do not generate enough sympathies from the public to actually implement laws to protect them. It easy to get people behind protecting baby elephants, not so much with sharks.

Therefore, while Bram is right in his argument, the vilification of sharks by the media is also a problem.

4 years ago

When I saw that trailer some time ago I thought it might be fun.
But then I checked out the gameplay demo and it seems to be repetitive as fuck.
That’s why I’m not interested in it anymore. Always check a bit of gameplay, we know how it is with those trailers. Especially in case of ‘some particular’ companies.

Btw Tim, it was Ecco, not Echo ;).

4 years ago

Looks like fun, but probably not on my urgent list.
I’m still stuck dreaming in the nebulous “Coming Soon” cloud with Elder Scrolls 6, Baldurs Gate 3 and Fallout Miami. There isn’t much in the way of current information or a potential release date since the early hype, but I’m hoping that some developers/programmers are spending their lockdown time fine tuning so when whatever they are working on comes out, its not the disaster that Bethesda let loose with Fallout 76.

4 years ago

Makes me think of Depth. That was a pretty interesting shark game for a while. No idea if it is still going or not.

4 years ago

If this game doesn’t have a scenario where you get to play Bruce off of Martha’s Vineyard (Amity Island) and have to go up against Brody, Hooper, and Quint, I will be *very* disappointed.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
4 years ago
Reply to  OutbackJon

After which is the “Seaworld” scenario.

4 years ago

Reminds me of Jaws Unleashed on PS2.

Reiss Myskiw
Reiss Myskiw
4 years ago

Looks JUST like the old Jaws game for Xbox. Hope it has a campaign and isn’t like naughty bear just challenges for the player to do

4 years ago

looks intriguing indeed, albeit I’ll most likely hold at least reviews to come see if its worth pass or patient gamer it

Tim Tucker
Tim Tucker
4 years ago

I’m picking up a little bit of “Goat Simulator with Sharks” vibe

4 years ago

“Smile, you son of a bitch”

Lord Circe
Lord Circe
4 years ago

Huh. This brought to mind the old Odell Down Under game, where you could play a bunch of different sea creatures, constantly trying to eat one another or escape from bigger predators. I wouldn’t mind seeing an updated version of that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lord Circe

Thank you! I have been trying to remember the name of that game for years. I used to have it on an old mac and loved it when I was a kid.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lord Circe

I loved that game. I’d still play it if I could get my hands on a copy. ^_^
Wait… sweet I found a place with it. Classicreload ftw ^_^

4 years ago
Reply to  Lord Circe

Holy crap that’s a blast from the past. I used to play that game all the time on my third grade classroom’s computer. It was one of my first introductions to computer gaming.

4 years ago

Reminds me of Depth.

Deborah L. Davitt
Deborah L. Davitt
4 years ago

So, Hungry Shark Evolution for a non-phone platform?

4 years ago

I was going to say the same thing. Although i saw hungry shark on the xbox recently so we already have that game on a non-phone platform

4 years ago

It’s been done. There was a JAWS video game on the PS2 where you played as the shark.

4 years ago

Is that Dr. Spaceman doing the voiceover in the trailer?

Lance Zimmerman
Lance Zimmerman
4 years ago

That is hilarious.

4 years ago

So its Sharknado the game?… 😉

4 years ago

…somebody help me here, I need a gif of the NES Jaws game. *wasted waaaay too much of my childhood on that game lol*

4 years ago

So they remade the Jaws game for PS2?

Man of the West
Man of the West
4 years ago

This is why megagames always wins

4 years ago

What happened to all the Starcaster Chronicles slides?

4 years ago

I’m expecting 1 maybe 2 hours of fun out of thise game.

4 years ago

I found a cad easter egg and I am gonna take it with me to my grave

4 years ago

It’s nearly the end of June. hint hint hint.

4 years ago

This is a great game, and my favourite ever, from more than 7 years, try it, but PLEASE listen to me and add you new species of fish, add whales, add more stuff, at least one, PLEASE, also make the map bigger, please reply to my review. But other stuff, this is a great game, 100 percent better than