I dunno, maybe we shouldn’t bestow godly power on the small sentient creatures we’ve rudly enslaved to our every whim? Just a thought.
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5 years ago
we get to capture the actual GOD of the pokemon world and make him fight like the rest, making a weak lore-wise as a meowth or pikachu isn’t something they wouldn’t be able to handle
5 years ago
5 years ago
to be fair, they have godly powers BEFORE we gigantimax them, If they really did hate us as much as everyone stuck in real life seems to think, they could of dealt with us easily long ago; I feel like the pokemon world has generally nicer humans then ours.
Agreed. Either the capture/training mind controls them in which case there’s not much chance of rebellion or most of the little critters could do horrible things to the squishy human with or without a powerup if so inclined. Either way the powerup does not increase the threat scale to the trainer.
Yeah. Honestly, a metal dragon that can literally rip a hole in space and send you tumbling into the void, isn’t really much MORE a threat if he’s suddenly 20 feet tall.
I don’t think the battles with legendaries are so much them trying to either win or faint to prevent from joining you, but more a test of worthiness. If a trainer is truly worthy of wielding ultimate power, they ought to be able to catch it before it faints itself/manages to wipe the floor with the trainer’s party.
I think a regular size Snorlax could just as effectively sit on you and do terrible damage. The one from the original cartoon could easily have weighed like 3 tons. Given the larger cow varieties can weigh 1.5 tons, I’d say a Snorlax is easily twice (or more!) the size of a cow.
Well it is stated in the game on some npc dialogue that they dont REALLY grow in size. They never explain what exactly happens tho
The rAt
5 years ago
…And this is why Ash never kept Pikachu in a pokeball.
5 years ago
play monster hunter stories, is way better pokemon game than pokemon. Atleast as a single player adventure.
5 years ago
“The Pokeletariat will never truly be free until they own the gyms”
_”Karl Marxizard”
5 years ago
Considering a few of them have powers that if used to their fullest, could obliterate us and or all life on the planet.. i doubt that’d ever actually happen. (such as the one that sleeps for long periods as far away from humans as it can get because if its ever woken up grumpy, it’d cause tornado’s and tidal-waves across a wide area around it.)
Youngster Billy.
Is eight.
Wears shorts.
Thinks he’s a ninja.
Has a literal god in his party.
Took him to the groomer last Saturday.
5 years ago
Remember all the times Ash was roasted by Charmeleon/Charizard? Those flamethrowers aren’t easily forgotten
5 years ago
And this is why it only lasts 3 turns
5 years ago
Oh, I hate to be that guy, but um actually the dynamax phenomenon doesn’t change the size of the pokemon. Its just an illusion. Don’t know if I can post links here but you can google it. Game informer did a rapid fire interview about it.
3 years ago
They may be big, but they still listen to your every command. The poor fools…
we get to capture the actual GOD of the pokemon world and make him fight like the rest, making a weak lore-wise as a meowth or pikachu isn’t something they wouldn’t be able to handle
to be fair, they have godly powers BEFORE we gigantimax them, If they really did hate us as much as everyone stuck in real life seems to think, they could of dealt with us easily long ago; I feel like the pokemon world has generally nicer humans then ours.
Agreed. Either the capture/training mind controls them in which case there’s not much chance of rebellion or most of the little critters could do horrible things to the squishy human with or without a powerup if so inclined. Either way the powerup does not increase the threat scale to the trainer.
Yeah. Honestly, a metal dragon that can literally rip a hole in space and send you tumbling into the void, isn’t really much MORE a threat if he’s suddenly 20 feet tall.
Honestly I’d buy that.
Pokemon are like Harry Potter elves
Hardwired to serve. The disobedient ones have either horrible masters or are aberrants
Okay, I know they keep harping on the power of friendship so much it seems kinda rote, but that’s for the sake of differentiating Pokémon battles from actual dogfighting; it’s not a blood sport, and they’re not being enslaved. Most Pokémon WILLINGLY fight on their trainer’s behalf, provided the trainer is kind and capable enough.
While I do love the game series, it has been shown in the Anime that some of the Pokémon don’t like/want to fight. I remember Ash’s Totodile just wanting to dance, and Ash even traded one Pokémon with one of his traveling companions because the Pokémon they had didn’t want to compete in the types of challenges their trainers were focused on. Also, Master Ball forces the Pokémon to join without their choice. You also have Legendaries, who will Struggle faint themselves to prevent them from joining you (as well as other Pokémon *cough*FirstShinyIEncountered*cough*) seems to indicate that some of… Read more »
Agreed. I think that Ash’s actions in the series demonstrate how a decent Trainer would handle that issue – ensure that the Pokémon who doesn’t want to engage in those activities finds a newer and happier place with someone a bit more their speed. That could still work in a world where Pokémon were generally neutral or positive to the idea of bonding with a Trainer over time. But yes, the selfsame series shows a bunch of Pokémon who aren’t happy about or interested in the idea of being captured, and even more frequent Trainers who are abusive or hapless… Read more »
I don’t think the battles with legendaries are so much them trying to either win or faint to prevent from joining you, but more a test of worthiness. If a trainer is truly worthy of wielding ultimate power, they ought to be able to catch it before it faints itself/manages to wipe the floor with the trainer’s party.
A Gigantimax Snorlax would simply sit on you
I think a regular size Snorlax could just as effectively sit on you and do terrible damage. The one from the original cartoon could easily have weighed like 3 tons. Given the larger cow varieties can weigh 1.5 tons, I’d say a Snorlax is easily twice (or more!) the size of a cow.
Snorlax = 1014.1 lbs
Heh, there was actually a gigantimax snorlax recently announced :p apparently it is as big as a small mountain.
Of course. Im celebrating its arrival – 12/4
Well it is stated in the game on some npc dialogue that they dont REALLY grow in size. They never explain what exactly happens tho
…And this is why Ash never kept Pikachu in a pokeball.
play monster hunter stories, is way better pokemon game than pokemon. Atleast as a single player adventure.
“The Pokeletariat will never truly be free until they own the gyms”
_”Karl Marxizard”
Considering a few of them have powers that if used to their fullest, could obliterate us and or all life on the planet.. i doubt that’d ever actually happen. (such as the one that sleeps for long periods as far away from humans as it can get because if its ever woken up grumpy, it’d cause tornado’s and tidal-waves across a wide area around it.)
Buuuuuut…. Still hilarious 😀
Youngster Billy.
Is eight.
Wears shorts.
Thinks he’s a ninja.
Has a literal god in his party.
Took him to the groomer last Saturday.
Remember all the times Ash was roasted by Charmeleon/Charizard? Those flamethrowers aren’t easily forgotten
And this is why it only lasts 3 turns
Oh, I hate to be that guy, but um actually the dynamax phenomenon doesn’t change the size of the pokemon. Its just an illusion. Don’t know if I can post links here but you can google it. Game informer did a rapid fire interview about it.
They may be big, but they still listen to your every command. The poor fools…